Tr a d i t i o n a l C h i n e s e m e d i c i n e s
sexual wellness which ranges from erectile dysfunction (impotence), to
Chinese Herbs for Sexual Wellness YounGain™, You Gui Pian (YanVive Plus™), and YanVive™. YounGain™
t o s t i m u l a t e a n e re c t i o n , TC M ’s H o w d o e s t r a d i t i o n a l C h i n e s e combines multiple sexual wellness-approach is to build up the body’s medicine aid sexual wellness?
p r o m o t i n g h e r b s , a n d h a s t h e
ove r a l l h e a l t h s o t h a t a n a c t i ve
Sex is an interplay of multiple factors: YanVive™ are well-known ancient
physiological, psychological, social, formulas that have a more mild
TCM’s approach may take weeks and and anatomical. For example, erectile action. They are all recommended for even months to take effect. People dysfunction can be caused by the impotency associated with soreness have their general health improved mechanical aspect of the erection of loins, cold limbs, weakness, and along the way with their sexual process, disease, depression, or side loose stool. As we discussed above, wellness, whereas Viagra ignores e f f e c t s f r o m p r e s c r i p t i o n d r u g s . t h e y d o n o t wo r k i n s t a n t l y l i k e the underlying cause of impotence, Treating impotency in these cases Viagra. and its extensive use may ultimately needs to address not the symptom drain the sexual energy.
In most cases, Kidney deficiency does not result in impotence. However,
You may have seen advertisements From a TCM perspective, most erectile
for Chinese herbal remedies that dysfunctions are a result of Kidney r e s p e c t t o t h e f r e q u e n c y a n d promise to work like Viagra. The deficienc y. This is consistent with duration of sexual encounters. In t r u t h i s, n o s u b s t a n c e s d e r i ve d the TCM theor y that the Kidney is addition to the sore waist, the signs from herbs, whether Chinese or fundamental to all organs and is of Kidney deficiency may fall into o t h e r w i s e , h a v e b e e n f o u n d t o the source of sexual vitality. Kidney two patterns: Yin or Yang deficiency. work as well as Viagra. If any sexual functions decline with age, and signs T h e Ya n g d e f i c i e n c y p a t t e r n enhancement pill ever works as well of Kidney deficiency generally start includes cold limbs, weakness, and/as Viagra, it is almost certain that to occur in a man’s for ties, if not or pale complexion. On the other the active ingredient in Viagra has earlier. One of the most common hand, the Yin deficienc y pattern been secretly added to the pill.
symptoms of Kidney deficienc y is involves sweatiness, hay fever,
Tel: 858.457.4372 and 510.487.5326 ActiveHerb Technology, Inc.
you may only experience symptoms after sex, when you’re overworked,
Chinese Herbs for Sexual Wellness
Several Chinese herbal medicines are well respected for nourishing Yi n Vi ve ™ a n d t h e o t h e r C h i n e s e Kidney Yin and Yang. These include herbal medicines mentioned here are YanVive™ for replenishing Kidney not just for men, it can also be used Yang, YinVive™ and Zuo Gui Pian to foster sexual wellness in women. ( YinVive Plus™) for replenishing K i d n e y Y i n . T h e y a r e w i d e l y A l l C h i n e s e H e r b s w e c a r r y a r e prescribed in China for signs of 100% natural herbal remedies. They K i d n e y Y i n o r Ya n g d e f i c i e n c y. are time -tested and safe, with no M i l l i o n s o f p e o p l e t a k e o n e o f pharmaceuticals, no preservatives, these Kidney tonics regularly for no artifical colors. general Kidney maintenance, or to help the body recover from semen The content is protected by copyright. l o s s, wo r k- re l a t e d s t re s s, a n d a Any reproduction without explicit demanding schedule. acknowledgement to ActiveHerb is prohibited.
Don’t wait until signs of K idney deficiency appear before you take action! If you’re over 40, stressed or overworked, sexually active, and stay up late frequently, keep an eye out for these early symptoms. If you feel too tired for sex, or experience reduced firmness or duration of erections, with a sore back the day after sex, taking YinVive™ is highly recommended.
Tel: 858.457.4372 and 510.487.5326 ActiveHerb Technology, Inc.
Akut- und Langzeittherapie: was können Phytopharmaka bei den Indikationen Depression, Stress und Angst leisten? Prof. Dr.h.c.mult. Siegfried Kasper Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie Medizinische Universität Wien (MUW) [email protected] Hypericum perforatum Spezielle quantifizierte Johanniskrautextrakte sind durch die europäische Gesundh
VALVEKENS'S PROTOCOL: A GUIDE TO HIGH EFFICIENCY (Department of Molecular Genetics, The Cambridge Laboratory, The John Innes Centre for Plant Science Research, Colney Lane, Norwich * The protocol described here is mainly intended as a guide for newcomers, but I hope that people with expertise in transformation will also benefit. I have tried to stress details, tips, and any pieces of informa