
Health Observations Before and
(18x), allergies (13x), vision disturbances (13x), back pain (12x), mental disorder (12x), joint pain After Amalgam Removal *
(10x) and shoulder/arm pain (10x). After removing the amalgam, 68% of the patients believed their health had become "much better", Dr.med.dent. Paul Engel
12% "better", 9% "somewhat better", 7% had Lyss-Strasse 24, 2560 Nidau
experienced "no improvement" whatsoever, and Switzerland
unbelievable result. Had the patients or had the dentist embellished the results? I do not believe From 1972-1993 (5 years internship and 16 years of my own practice) amalgam was by far the most prevalent dental filling material used by me (in the side tooth area). Different reasons led me particularly "amalgam-sensitive" group? On the to abandon use of this material in the spring of following graph, based on the " Kieler Amalgam- 1994. An amalgam-critical work which had Gutachten 1997 ", the distribution of the appeared in the FASEB journal in 1989 (Hahn et differently sensitive groups of a population is al.) was certainly an important reason for my decision. Moreover, some of my own earlier observations (e.g. with Pat. No. 2 and Pat. No. G e n e r a l p o p u l a t i o n d i v i d e d i n t o g r o u p s
o f d i f f e r e n t s e n s i t i v i t i e s

73) and the fact that alternatives to amalgam were widely available, were equally important special dose (e.g. gram/kg,
gram of a substance X per kg
reasons for me to discontinue using amalgam, a body weight)
material I had considered highly reliable before. From the 1800 patients whom I had treated in the chronic

last four years, roughly 90 wished to have their partially intact amalgam fillings - often done by me - replaced by another material (mostly detoxication-
or elimination-

composites and compomere). Predominantly, reaction of
the body

these were patients with certain health problems, who had been influenced by an acquaintance or via different media and had learned of the (no observed
effect level)

possible toxic effect of mercury from amalgam. On the one hand, I wanted to find out which 1 2 7 16 24 24 16 7 2 1 %
symptoms existed before amalgam removal had taken place. On the other hand, I wanted to Whereas a large majority of the population feel record health modifications which patients had little or no disease characteristics during a certain toxic agent impact, those 10% at the lefthand side of the graph already display acute-toxic In the table 1, symptoms indicated by the patients I do not know whether the large part of the 75 were listed. Qualitative health improvements patients described can belong only to such a were described in each case with the terms particularly mercury-sensitive group. Connected "much better", "better", "somewhat better", "no with this is also the question of the importance of improvement", "worsening". In the diagram the estimated number of unknown cases. For wider below, gender and age distribution of example, Patient No. 41 had been treated by me for many years without ever once mentioning that he had constantly suffered from severe Discussion
migraine. How many undiscovered patients with similar health problems as described above could 52 women and 23 men (i.e. approx. 4% of the patients treated by me in the last 4 years), mostly over 30 years old, complained of chronic On the following diagram, the age specification symptoms such as migraine (36x), headache is related to the year 1997. No conclusions can be (32x), gastro-intestinal disturbances (27x), neck made concerning the actual beginning of the tension (25x), paraesthesia (19x), dizziness symptoms. Why did more than twice as many Health Observations Before and After Amalgam Removal women than men have their amalgam fillings me only after many recalls. And also the removed? Are they more sensitive at a certain improvement of symptoms such as "mental age than men to amalgam questions or are they problems", "fatigue", "concentration difficulties", and "memory problems" were often only mentioned explicitly afterwards by patients. N u m b e r o f p a t i e n t s p e r a g e g r o u p
It was remarkable how often symptoms such as "headache" and (above all) "migraine" had substantially improved or even completely disappeared even before all the amalgam fillings Number of patients
15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-3 9 4 0 -44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 Even the complete disappearance of a very strong neurodermatitis (Pat. No. 63), i.e. a symptom which nobody else had ever mentioned, Conclusion
Certainly it will be necessary to pursue further Just as amazing was the disappearance of shoulder / arm pain (e.g. Pat. No. 20, 69, 67, 50, modifications with the patients who have already 27) persisting for many years, which had been examined. Will their health continue to completely disappeared. Something similar can improve? Henceforth, in any case, I will pay be reported also with the " allergies " (e.g. Pat. modifications after amalgam removal than before. Patients would have to be asked more Whereas the symptoms of "migraine", systematically about the time frame of the origin "dizziness", "neck tension", "sight impairment" of their disease and its development as well as and "paraesthesia" improved seemingly fast or the point in time when amalgam removal was even totally disappeared after amalgam removal, undertaken. Above all, however - and that is this did not seem to be the case with patients probably the main purpose of this work - I would suffering from "stomach / intestine" disorder like to know whether other colleagues have made Finally, a significant improvement could be General methodical observations
observed in one case (Pat. No. 17) with "MS" In order to protect the patient - and the dentist - from mercury vapor, the " Clean Up" suction system (Scania Dental AB Sweden) was used. Literature
This allows mercury vapor in a patient's mouth to be reduced by a factor 100. The rubber dam was L.J. Hahn, R. Kloiber, M.J. Vimy, Y. Takahashi, sealed with " Oraseal " (Ultradent Products). As and F.L. Lorscheider: “Dental "silver" tooth filling material, composites (direct fillings and fillings: A source of mercury exposure revealed inlays) and also compomere were applied. In by whole body image scan and tissue analysis”. general, two fillings per session were replaced. Despite preventive measures, some particularly sensitive patients reacted strongly to the Kieler Amalgam-Gutachten 1997, available from amalgam removal (e.g. Pat. No. 30, 29,72) with a GZM, Seckenheimerstr.111, 68239 Mannheim. temporary aggravation of their symptoms. In such cases, a longer break of about a month between the individual sessions had to be * English translation of “Beobachtungen über Empirical data of 75 patients
Amalgamentfernung", Schweiz. Monatsschr. Usually the patients appeared after one year for "recall". Their state of health was always inquired about. The last statements were attached to the table. It was interesting that sometimes together with other positive feedback, disappearing symptoms were referred which had not ever been mentioned before. This concerned above all "neck tension", which was noticeable to Health Observations Before and After Amalgam Removal Table 1 left side (to study print this page and the next and connect them) Health Observations Before and After Amalgam Removal and 23 male patients complained of the following symptoms Their health assessment after
amalgam removal
Table 1 right side (to study print this page and the precedent and connect them) Health Observations Before and After Amalgam Removal Empirical data of 75 patients
Patient No. 1 R.M., male 1954
symptoms: dizziness, low blood pressure, joint pains
13 amalgams, 1st filling removed 5.93, last 5.94
11.96: practically no dizziness left, stable blood pressure
2.98: all mentioned symptoms in order
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 2 S.M., male 1955
symptoms: headaches, neck pains, balance impaired, night blindness,
double vision (sometimes sees “double” road dividing lines), peripheral vision flickering
12 amalgams, 1st filling removed 12.92, last 9.93
6.96: no more dizziness, occasional headaches, no double vision,
neck pains 70% better
11.97: continuing health improvement
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 3 H.H., male 1951
symptoms: acute joint pain, “tennis elbow” related pain, forced to abandon
career as a carpenter
13 amalgams, 1st filling removed 9.85, last 4.86
6.97: health improved with less pain
own health assessment: better
Patient No. 4 N.U., female 1963
symptoms: constant sickness, dizziness, hearing problems, sudden weight loss
and gain, frequent nasal and sinus infections, gynecological problems, hair loss, joint pain,
exhaustion, allergies, paraesthesia
14 amalgams, 1st filling removed 6.95, last 5.96
5.96: considerable health improvement
7.97: health still improved, no hair loss, no joint pain, work reassumed
4.98: health improvement, psychic stability, decrease in shyness, tinnitus better, hearing better, no
more joint or neck pain, no more exhaustion symptoms, 70% work capacity (previously near complete
work incapacity), continued gastro-intestinal disturbances and low blood pressure
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 5 B.R., female 1964
symptoms: MS, numbness in lower body, difficulties with equilibrium
12 amalgams, 1st filling removed 6.95, last 8.95
5.96: no improvement
5.97: no improvement
9.97: deterioration of symptoms
own health assessment: worsening
Patient No. 6 W.H., female 1951
symptoms: neck tension, sudden severe headaches from the neck to the head, head pains like
“lightning flashes”, migraines, repeated feeling of sickness, extreme nausea, back pains, difficulties
with equilibrium, day and night eye pain , ice-cold hands and feet, weakness and stiffness in knees
and legs, tingling in extremities, taste of metal, gastro-intestinal disturbances, sensitive to weather
changes, rheumatismal pains, feeling down mentally, feelings of despair (no organic causes found
medically, therefore assigned as “psychosomatic” although the patient feels this is not the case), can
no longer think properly, skull seems to “explode”, almost fully work impaired
15 amalgams, 1st filling removed 10.94, last 10.95
10.95: walks better, less weakness in legs
Health Observations Before and After Amalgam Removal 8.96: equilibrium much better, headaches improved, psychically much more motivated,
occasional tingling in hands, no more stomach sourness, no more nausea
10.97: janitorial work resumed, back pain improved, no more uneasiness, has not been feeling better
in years, steady health improvement
7.98: further corporal and psychic improvement, less depressive than before, “has a new life”
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 7 R.H., female 1952
symptoms: numerous headaches and migraine, sinus infections
15 amalgams, 1st filling removed 2.93, last 6.94
5.95: headaches much better
11.96: headaches with nausea connected to pylorus problems
2.98: in July 1997 hospitalized due to severe colon infection, continuing
gastro-intestinal disturbances, compared to before far fewer headaches (last 5 weeks)
own health assessment: better
Patient No. 8 K.M., female 1946
Symptoms: often strong headaches, neck problems
14 amalgams, 1st filling removed 6.91, last 11.95
severe headaches after each amalgam removal
1.96: still numerous headaches
3.97: same
3.98: headaches somewhat better, but neck problems still remain
own health assessment: somewhat better
Patient No. 9 S.F., female 1957
symptoms: migraine
12 amalgams, 1st filling removed 1.92, last 7.96
10.96: practically no more migraine
7.97: same
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 11 K.G., male 1934
symptoms: severe, recurrent migraine
11 amalgams, 1st filling removed 12.94, last 10.96
already after removal of half the fillings far fewer migraines
6.97: no more migraine
4.98: no more migraine for two years
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 12 R.K., male 1943
symptoms: frequent headaches, gastro-intestinal disturbances
13 amalgams, 1st filling removed 12.93, last 11.96
12.93: piece of amalgam removed from former alveole
due to fewer headaches, patient wishes to have all fillings removed
11.96: headaches continue, but less severe and often
digestion problems continue, but no more acid stomach
2.98: feels much better, no more headaches
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 13 V.L., female 1937
symptoms: migraine
9 amalgams, 1st filling removed 6.95, last 10.95
7.96: migraine less often and less severe
11.97: migraine almost gone
Health Observations Before and After Amalgam Removal own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 14 M.J., female 1963
symptoms: stomach / intestinal problems
16 amalgams, 1st filling removed 6.95, last 11.96
11.97: intestines much better, stomach still bad
own health assessment: somewhat better
Patient No. 15 F.M., female 1949
symptoms: strong pains in arm, can hardly move it, not even shake hands, diagnosis unclear (doctor
believes possibly neuritis or rheumatic arthritis), can hardly go upright anymore, overall painfull
tensions in back and neck.
10 amalgams, 1st filling removed 1.95, last 11.95
12.96: fewer and arm pains
5.97: fewer pains, use of hands returns
1.98: all pain fully gone, plays the piano again
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 16 M.M., female 1963
symptoms: migraine and headaches before menstruation, dizziness, gastro-intestinal disturbances
6 amalgams, 1st filling removed 12.94, last 1.97
9.95: migraine, headache and dizziness gone
10.97: same
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 17 P.T., female 1948
symptoms: MS, 7 years before neuritis on optical nerve (first colors perceived wrong then in
periphery opaque spots, improved after 5 months of cortisone treatment, MS diagnosis made by
lumbar puncture, different sensitivity to heat in hands, feelings of having a “spiderweb” in her head,
physical effort accompanied by an “electric shock” from head to toes (“coup de l’ermite”), headaches,
10 amalgams, fillings removed from 1995-6
1.98: paraesthesia completely disappeared, current neurologist doubts previous MS diagnosis, fewer
headaches and migraine
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 19 S.D., female 1941
symptoms: headaches, migraine, allergies
12 amalgams, 1st filling removed 3.91, last 3.92
9.92: patient feels much better healthwise
7.95: Mamma Ca operation with radiation
1.97: practically no more headaches, no more migraine
1.98: since 12-97 headaches a bit more often, possibly caused by
heavy medication, allergies better
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 20 Z.E., male 1929
symptoms: hip and hernia pain, unaccountable shoulder / arm pains (muscle inflammation),
cannot lift arm, no strength in arm, stomach problems
12 amalgams, 1st filling removed 7.95, last 2.96
12.95: fewer pains, cortisone discontinued
7.96: no more shoulder problems
10.97: same, full strength regained in shoulder
own health assessment: much better
Health Observations Before and After Amalgam Removal Patient No. 21 S.M., female 1950
symptoms: neck tension, arthritis in fingers, paraesthesia
16 amalgams, 1st filling removed 5.95, last 12.95
12.95: no more arthritis in fingers, slight neck tension
7.96: no more arthritis, paraesthesia
7.97: steady improvement
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 23 R.G., female 1949
symptoms: exhaustion, eye problems (double vision at cinema, flickering), stomach / intestinal
problems, migraine, neck tension, depression
11 amalgams, 1st filling removed 6.93, last 8.97
8.97: continued gastro-intestinal disturbances, health considerably better, no more neck tension,
considerably less headaches, no more eye problems, mental stability
4.98: stomach / intestinal problems better, exhaustion disappeared, mental impr ovement
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 24 D.D., female 1934
symptoms: migraine originating in the neck, rheumatism, insomnia, depression,
stomach / intestinal problems
13 amalgams, 1st filling removed 9.95, last 5.96
5.96: fewer headaches and migraine, less depression
11.96: headaches much better, less tired, insomnia improved, depression much better
6.97: health much better except for gastro-intestinal disturbances
4.98: further health improvement, less tired, better sleep, no more stomach burning, mentally more
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 25 T.G., female 1950
symptoms: migraine, speech impaired, partial paralysis
19 amalgams, 1st filling removed 9.95, last 5.96
1.97: far fewer migraines
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 26 R.U., female 1950
symptoms: dizziness, headaches, migraine, heart trouble (arrhythmia), paraesthesia in arms,
stomach /intestinal problems, “inner nervousness”, penicillin allergy
9 amalgams, 1st filling removed 9.95, last 10.96
9.96: fewer headaches, less paraesthesia, less dizziness
11.96: gastro-intestinal disturbances, less nervous
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 27 T.M., female 1957
symptoms: neck tension, pain when lifting arm, hair combing impossible, back pain,
neurological eye problems (ground or floor appear closer than in reality), dizziness, hand trembling,
paraesthesia in hands, flatulence
10 amalgams, 1st filling removed 9.95, last 5.97
11.95: Healthwise better, ability to move arm, dizziness gone
3.96: dizziness gone, paraesthesia disappeared, no more pain, less stomach problems
1.98: practically all health-related problems gone
6.98: no more back problems, can go camping with children
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 28 B.C., female 1948
symptoms: paraesthesia mostly in hands, frequently severe sore throat, tiredness, joint pain,
Health Observations Before and After Amalgam Removal digestion disorder
16 amalgams, 1st filling removed 10.95, last 3.96 (titanium implant 47 removed)
11.96: continued throat pains, fewer joint aches, continued digestion problems (diarrhea, gas)
continued paraesthesia in hands as well as feet
4.98: continued joint pain, hardly better than a year before
own health assessment: somewhat better
Patient No. 29 Z.K., female 1957
symptoms: stomach / intestinal problems, joint complications (rheumatc inflammation in iliosacral
region), numerous sore throats, weight gain, very large lymph nodes, frequent earaches, multiple
allergies, severe back problems for 6 years, previously very fit, very low blood pressure, psychic
problems, continuous feeling of sickness
13 amalgams, 1st filling removed 2.96, still 4 fillings undone
3.96: health deterioration after amalgam removal
11.96 and 1.97: repeated serious reaction to amalgam removal, wishes to wait for the removal of the
last 4 amalgams, fear of recurring reaction
4.98: decision to have the four remaining fillings removed
own health assessment: no assessment
Patient No. 30 G.R., male 1962
symptoms: headaches, back pains
11 amalgams, 1st filling removed 11.95, still 5 fillings undone
12.95: severe headache reaction to the removal of 3 fillings
8.97: far fewer headaches
9.97: repeated severe reaction to the removal of another filling, decides to wait in fear of a
renewed reaction to an amalgam removal
Patient No. 31 N.P., male 1960
symptoms: sight impairment, larynx pains, skin rash, acute diarrhea, insomnia, neck tension,
migraine, paraesthesia, memory disorder
9 amalgams, 1st filling removed 11.95, last 3.96
10.96: no more depression after 2-3 months of single treatment, after filling removal no more
headaches, larynx pains gone, skin rash gone, vision disturbances still equally strong, insomnia
improvement, continued migraine but less frequent, paraesthesia gone, memory still irregular
own health assessment: somewhat better
Patient No. 33 K.P., female 1932
symptoms: gastro-intestinal disturbances (colon) . stomach to back pains leading to leg pain, joint
problems in fingers, nausea in the morning, paraesthesia in legs and head, nightly shooting pains in
head, ocular problems, joint problems, continuous uneasiness
8 amalgams, 1st filling removed 11.95, last 6.96
6.96: no more head throbs or uneasiness
11.96: much less paraesthesia, fewer gastro-intestinal disturbances
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 34 E.G., male 1974
symptoms: allergies, severe headaches, migraine with signs of paralysis (cannot walk, speak or hear),
dizziness, ocular and ear trouble, uses solvents (formaldehyde) at work
3 amalgams, 1st filling removed 2.96, last 2.96
2.96: less frequent migraine, continuously severe headaches
9.96: less dizziness, less severe migraine without any signs of paralysis
4.97: more frequent headaches and increased dizziness, but health improved overall
own health assessment: better
Patient No. 35 B.S., male 1957
Health Observations Before and After Amalgam Removal symptoms: headaches, nose always stuffy (liquid secretions), sleep interruptions, bad concentration,
memory loss
10 amalgams, 1st filling removed 1.96, last 4.96
1.96: severe shoulder /neck pain after first amalgam is removed
2.96: same
4.96: far better health, no headaches, more energy, even less shoulder pain, no more stuffed-up nose,
better concentration
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 36 G.K., male 1951
symptoms: migraine, strong headaches, unaccountable losses of consciousness since 1990 (resulting
from whiplash injury after a head-on collision)
9 amalgams, 1st filling removed 3.96, last 8.96
8.96: significantly fewer headaches
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 37 H.H., male 1944
symptoms: severe allergy in arms, legs and throat with danger of suffocation (always carries cortisone
spray) several times a year, shoulder pain when carrying postal parcels (doctor thinks it is “wear and
12 amalgams, 1st filling removed 1.94, last 12.95
1.97: allergies disappear
4.98: no more shoulder pains whatsoever
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 41 M.W., male 1940
symptoms: severe and long-lasting migraine, dizziness, paraesthesia mainly in arms, extreme
vomiting spasms, back pains, neck tensio n
7 amalgams, 1st filling removed 6.96, last 3.97
12.97: no migraine, paraesthesia or dizziness whatsoever, feels “reborn”
6.98: no more migraine whatsoever, feels much more stable mentally, says that neck tension and back
pain have disappeared, feels “like 20" again
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 42 H.M., female 1962
symptoms: many migraines and dizzy spells
10 amalgams, 1st filling removed 4.96, last 1.98
1.98: less migraine, dizziness gone
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 43 R.C., female 1964
symptoms: pharyngitis, laryngitis, frequent angina, tension headaches
3 amalgams, 1st filling removed 8.96, last 10.96
1.97: less frequent but still severe headaches, pharyngitis and laryngitis improved
own health assessment: somewhat better
Patient No. 44 G.H., male 1960
symptoms: MS
10 amalgams, 1st filling removed 9.96, last 1.97
1.97: no improvement
own health assessment: worsening
Patient No. 45 C.R., male 1942
symptoms: gastro-intestinal disturbances, migraine
18 amalgams - some under crowns -, 1st filling removed 8.96, last 1.97
Health Observations Before and After Amalgam Removal 1.97: no improvement
own health assessment: worsening
Patient No. 46 S.W., male 1924
symptoms: inexplicable fatigue, diabetes
10 amalgams, 1st filling removed 6.96, last 1.97
1.97: patient feels better and has more energy
3.98: patient feels more tired
own health assessment: worsening
Patient No. 48 S.J., male 1948
symptoms: very frequent head pains, stomach trouble (acidity), skin problems, paraesthesia
15 amalgams, 1st filling removed 3.93, last 2.97
9.97: no more head pains or stomach problems
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 49 H.R., female 1946
symptoms: headaches, migraine, dizziness, eye trouble, hand paraesthesia, neck tension, feels uneasy
12 amalgams, 1st filling removed 12.93, last 2.97
4.97: health greatly improved, hardly any migraine
8.98: migraine practically gone, health improvement “like day and night”
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 50 S.E., female 1953
symptoms: migraine, dizziness, tensions, unaccountable strong pain in shoulder area, tennis ball-size
lump (“no doctor can tell me what it is”)
13 amalgams, 1st filling removed 9.96, last 6.97
11.96: stomach / intestine much better, hardly any migraine
11.97: chest pains completely gone
7.98: further health recovery
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 51 M.S., female 1943
symptoms: chronic colds, allergies, asthma, headaches, migraine, fatigue
3 amalgams, 1st filling removed 5.96, last 7.96
12.96: fewer colds, less asthma but continued headaches and migraine
2.97: same
own health assessment: somewhat better
Patient No. 52 S.E., female 1941
symptoms: polyarthritis, migraine (from lower rear skull and temples to behind the eyes)
5 amalgams, 1st filling removed 3.96, last 7.96
7.97: a bit less migraine, monthly instead of weekly before
1.98: same
own health assessment: somewhat better
Patient No. 53 W.L., female 1936
symptoms: headaches, allergies, sinusitis
10 amalgams, 1st filling removed 5.96, last 9.96
9.96: fewer headaches, sinusitis inflammation, but still has allergies
own health assessment: better
Patient No. 54 T.K., female 1947
symptoms: dizziness (medically diagnosed as Meniere disease), double vision, migraine,
tooth 27 removed in 11.92, less dizziness since then
Health Observations Before and After Amalgam Removal 9 amalgams, , 1st filling removed 11.92, last 10.96
7.96: less dizziness
11.97: continued recovery, practically no more dizziness
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 55 S.H., female 1963
symptoms: migraine, sensitive to light, pressure behind eyes, nausea, gastro-intestinal disturbances,
14 amalgams, 1st filling removed 2.96, last 11.96
1.97: much less often migraine, it is more like a headache,. gastro-intestinal: can once again tolerate
certain food which was previously unbearable
own health assessment: much better

Patient No. 57
M.S., female 1931
symptoms: stuffy nose, allergies, inexplicable fatigue, swollen lymph glands from behind the head to
throat, stomach ache, takes cortisone, eczema on hands and feet
12 amalgams, 1st filling removed 5.96, last 6.97
6.97: minimal health improvement
3.98: eczema disappeared, continued stuffy nose, continued asthma, much less tired, mentally far
better off
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 58 S.H., male 1937
symptoms: migraine, tingling in legs, tinnitus for 18 years
15 amalgams, 1st filling removed 5.95, last 10.96
1.96: migraine and paraesthesia considerably better, continued tinnitus
1.98: same
own health assessment: better

Patient No. 59
V.J., male 1944
symptoms: asthma, backache, neck tension, migraine, metal taste
5 amalgams, 1st filling removed 6.96, last 12.96
4.97: less migraine, asthma still not good
9.97: not more migraine, asthma still not good
1.98: recurrence of backache, migraine and asthma
own health assessment: somewhat better
Patient No. 60 H.S., female 1943
symptoms: MS
6 amalgams, 1st filling removed 7.94, last 6.96
3.97: no improvement
own health assessment: worsening
Patient No. 61 D.C., female 1979
symptoms: has had strong migraine with nausea for 1-2 years, 4 occlusal fillings by us 8 years before
4 amalgams, 1st filling removed 5.96, last 7.96
7.96: migraine weaker but still some dizziness
5.97: migraine and neck tension disappeared
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 63 J.F., female 1956
symptoms: neurodermatitis (severe and painful itch on face, throat, chest and underarms (somewhat
alleviated by cortisone cream)
11 amalgams, 1st filling removed 12.95, last 3.96
3.96: no more neurodermatitis
Health Observations Before and After Amalgam Removal 11.96: no more allergies
2.98: no more neurodermatitis whatsoever (cortisone discontinued over a year before)
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 64 E.C. female 1946
symptoms: low blood pressure, headaches, frequent vocal chord troubles
8 amalgams, 1st filling removed 10.96, last 3.97
7.97: fewer headaches, continued vocal chord trouble
own health assessment: better
Patient No. 65 W.R., male 1943
symptoms: after whiplash injury concentration, memory and hearing problems, sensitive to
electromagnetic fields, forced to reduce to part-time work, tinnitus, headaches, joint trouble
9 amalgams, 1st filling removed 1.97, last 4.97
4.97: generally feels better
own health assessment: much better

Patient No. 67
M.H., female 1940
symptoms: joint pains, neck tension, shoulder /arm pains
6 amalgams, 1st filling removed 7.87, last 7.87
3.97: overall health improvement
3.98: joint pains and neck tension disappeared, no more shoulder /arm pains
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 68 H.M., male 1960
symptoms: headaches, migraine, gastro-intestinal disturbances (Crohn related?)
6 amalgams, 1st filling removed 6.96, last 1.97
2.97: no more migraine, far fewer headaches
2.98: previous migraine in 12.97 (frequent then , no more now), continued gastro-intestinal
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 69 K.E., female 1954
symptoms: hair loss, left shoulder pain radiating to the front of the arm and chest, psychic difficulties
(fear), stomach burns
15 amalgams, 1st filling removed 6.96, last 11.96
11.96: no more shoulder pain
2.97: much less hair loss
9.97: no more stomach burns, no hair loss, psychically better
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 71 K.J., female 1935
symptoms: cardiac dysrhythmia, paraesthesia in arms and legs, dizziness, headaches
4 amalgams, 1st filling removed 4.96, last 4.96
2.97: headaches done, noticeable “hole in the head” feeling gone, paraesthesia done
3.98: continued improvement
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 72 J.N., female 1970
symptoms: light sensitivity, ocular problems (cannot tolerate sunlight), back pains, onset of paralysis
(numbness, radiating to elbows, then to shoulders, and finally knees), speech impairment severe
memory loss (total loss after two minutes in remembering what she had eaten, what train she was on
and in what direction)
15 amalgams, 1st filling removed 9.95, last 5.96
3.96: less dizziness, no more speech impairment, less paralysis
Health Observations Before and After Amalgam Removal 4.96: severe reaction after amalgam removal (trouble moving arm)
5.96: repeated severe reaction after amalgam removal
7.96: no more paralysis in arms, short-term memory better, when tired still problems finding words,
continued severe back pains, much less sensitive to light, fewer ocular troubles, less hay fever
3.97: overall health much better
3.98: continued health improvement (“lives again”)
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 73 V.A., female 1943
symptoms: “buzzing” in whole body, slight trembling whole body, dizziness, back tension,
migraine, heart murmurs
9 amalgams, 1st filling removed 5.89, last 4.95
9.91: less dizziness and fewer heart murmurs, shorter migraine, “buzzing” in body completely
1.98: all symptoms practically gone, no more heart murmurs
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 74 K.H., female 1930
symptoms: dizziness (medical diagnosis: Meniere disease), muscle pain, migraine, nausea
13 amalgams, 1st filling removed 11.95, last 6.96
4.96: far less dizziness and nausea
4.97: steady health improvement
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 75 J.K., male 1937
symptoms: headaches (this his doctor believes comes from his neck vertebra), sensitivity to changes
in weather
7 amalgams, 1st filling removed 7.95, last 6.97
5.97: no more sensitivity to changes in weather, no more headaches, no more dizziness
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 76 K.B., female 1960
symptoms: allergies, fatigue, stomach /intestinal problems, sight impairment
7 amalgams, 1st filling removed 8.95, last 6.97
6.97: skin less dry, much less tired, less sight impairment, fewer gastro-intestinal disturbances,
general feeling of well-being
8.98: no more sight impairment, skin and stomach much better
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 77 F.A., female 1957
symptoms: neck tension, frequent migraine, stomach problems, hair loss, sinusitis
18 amalgams, 1st filling removed 6.95, last 8.97
8.97: much less migraine, general feeling of well-being
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 78 F.M., female 1955
symptoms: neck tension, back pain, migraine, headaches, gastro-intestinal disturbances, mental
10 amalgams, 1st filling removed 3.97, last 10.97, possibly another amalgam under the 4 crowns
10.97: overall health improvement
1.98: continued migraine and neck tension, stomach /intestines better, depression gone, general
feeling of well-being, less “fogginess” in the head, strong taste for life like before
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 79 I.C., female 1958
Health Observations Before and After Amalgam Removal symptoms: hayfever, neck tension, migraine
6 amalgams, 1st filling removed 12.95, last 6.96
11.96: continued severe migraine believed to be closely connected with smoking
8.97: somewhat fewer migraines, far fewer allergies, no more hay fever, neck improved
own health assessment: better
Patient No. 80 M.A., female 1938
symptoms: neck tension, migraine, headaches
13 amalgams, 1st filling removed 3.95, last 6.96
9.97: migraine disappeared, much less neck tension, only occasional headaches
7.98: further health improvement, no more neck problems (can back up while driving again),
very occasional headaches, no more lower back pain at all
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 81 H.M., female 1949
symptoms: chronic headaches, frequent numbness in right hand
15 amalgams, 1st filling removed 2.96, last 10.96
10.96: less paraesthesia in hand, far fewer headaches
1.98: headaches during menstruation, less numbness in hand, feels much better than ever before
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 82 G.E., male 1925
symptoms: arthritis in fingers, paraesthesia
17 amalgams, 1st filling removed 3.96, last 1.98
1.98: much less arthritis in fingers, fingers much less swollen and deformed
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 85 M.C., female 1958
symptoms: exhaustion, digestive trouble, neck tension
17 amalgams, 1st filling removed 2.96, last 7.97
5.97: strong reaction to amalgam removal (exhaustion symptoms)
7.97: same
1.98: much less neck tension, digestion improved, less exhausted, less “fogginess” in head
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 86 M.M., female 1938
symptoms: back pains, shoulder problems (periarthritis), neck tension
13 amalgams, 1st filling removed 8.92, last 1.93
3.97: claims to feel better and to be less mentally distressed
1.98: continued back and shoulder problems, less neck tension
own health assessment: much better
Patient No. 87 S.A., female 1967
symptoms: migraine
4 amalgams, 1st filling removed 7.97, last 9.97
1.98: believes migraine to be milder and only when menstruating
own health assessment: better
Patient No. 88 R.S., female 1963
symptoms: very strong hay fever, burning sore throats, severe neck pain, shoulder pains (unable to
carry handbag on shoulder), migraine
7 amalgams, 1st filling removed 1.95, last 7.96
7.96: no more migraine, less neck tension 4.98: no neck tension whatsoever, no more migraine, no more hay fever for two years, no more sore throats, no more shoulder problems own health assessment: much better

Source: http://www.amalgam-info.ch/beobac-e.pdf


Step Therapy Criteria Step 1- PATIENT NEEDS TO HAVE A DOCUMENTED TRIAL OF ANY TWO OF THE FOLLOWING Benicar, Benicar HCT, DRUGS, 1 DRUG FROM EACH CLASS, IN THE PREVIOUS 120 DAYS BEFORE MOVING TO STEP 2: Diovan, Diovan HCT ACE-Inhibitor (including combinations with HCTZ) Benazepril Hcl, Benazepril Hcl/Hydrochlorothiazide, Captopril, Captopril /Hydrochlorothiazide, Enalapril Maleate,


BI-POLAR DISORDER Bipolar disorder (previously known as Manic-Depressive Disorder) is being diagnosed at an increasing rate in children and teenagers. Some experts estimate that an additional one million children in the USA may suffer from the early stages of Bipolar Disorder. It is unclear whether there is a real increase in the disorder, or doctors are just getting better at diagnosing the

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