Microsoft word - sclero_instructions.doc



Do not take Aspirin or other blood thinning drugs (e.g., Vitamin E, Gingko
Biloba), ibuprofen, or other nonsteroidal inflammatory drugs (e.g., arthritis
medicine) for 2 days before and 2 days after your treatment because these
medications can increase bruising.

If you take birth control pills or estrogen, inform the sclerotherapist about it.
We recommend not to drink alcoholic beverages and not to smoke for 2 days
before and 2 days after your treatment because drinking alcohol and
smoking may impair healing.

Do not apply any cream, lotion, oil, or self-tanners to your legs the night
before or the day of your treatment.
Eat a light meal or snack 1½ hours before your appointment.
Bring loose fitting shorts or a leotard to wear during the treatment and long
skirt or long loose fitting slacks to wear after treatment.
It is advised when having treatment of Reticular Veins to postpone flying for
48 hours.
If you develop fever or other illness before appointment you must reschedule.


Immediately after the procedure, you may be required to put on support hose and walk for
10-30 minutes. Be sure to have loose-fitting slacks/skirt and comfortable walking shoes with

Taped compression pads/cotton balls are gently removed twenty-four to forty eight hours
after sclerotherapy procedure (your sclerotherapist will discuss the exact time with you). *If
you notice a developing tape allergy (redness or rash) remove tape and put on support

If you remove the tape prior to twenty-four hours, try and wear support hose (you may cut
feet out if sclerotherapy was not performed at ankles).
Maintain normal activities. You are encouraged to walk as much as possible and avoid
standing in a single position for prolonged periods of time.
Avoid strenuous physical activities such as high-impact aerobics, running, weight lifting, for
the first 48-72 hours following your treatment.
Avoid hot baths for 2 weeks. Cool your legs with cold water after each shower.
Avoid Sunbathing and Ultraviolet Exposure for at least 1 week.
Avoid swimming in chlorinated pools for 48 hours following your treatment.
Avoid blood-thinning medications, such as Aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs, (e.g., Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil Anaprox, Vioxx, etc. for 24-48 hours
following your treatment.

It is advised to avoid flying for 48 hours after the treatment of ReticularVeins.
Should you experience any redness or a small lump use warm compresses several times a
day. If you experience any open areas (s) you may use Polysporin Ointment (NOT
Neosporin) to the affected area along with the



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