COMPLAINT HANDLING PROCEDURE RELATING TO DISTRIBUTION AND RETAIL SUPPLY 1. Pursuant to clause 21.2 of the Distribution and Retail Supply Licence, the HVPNL
(herein after referred to as Licensee) hereby lays down the following Complaint Handling Procedure relating to Distribution and Retail Supply. In general, consumers have a right to expect from the licensee certain minimum level of service as indicated here in after.
2. Nature of complaints
The consumer Complaints are categorized under the following eight broad heads:
3.Procedure for Lodging of complaints:
a) Complaints can be lodged in writing or on telephone with the complaint center or
concerned SDO and should have the essential information as per Annexure-I.
b) In the event of non-response or inadequate response by the Complaint Center or
the SDO within the time period prescribed for various types of complaints under para - 4 below, the consumer may lodge complaint against the non-redressal of the grievance with the XEN of the area who shall respond within 7 days.
Where to lodge:
The names of the staff and their contact address/number(s) where consumers can lodge their complaints as also the name and contact address/telephone number of concerned XEN who should be approached in case of delay in the redressal of complaint would be notified as under:
• By display/dissemination of the above information on the back of bills and/or
separate handouts attached to the bills from time to time.
• By display of the above information on notice boards outside the offices of all
4. Time limits for redressal of complaints/resumption of service: A) Interruption / failure of power supply
1. In the case of normal fuse-off calls requiring replacement of HT/LT fuses
at the distribution transformer or fuses at the consumer premises or for any service faults the power supply shall be restored within 4 hours of receiving the complaint in towns/and cities and within 8 hours in rural areas.
2. In the case of line breakdowns the supply shall be restored within 8 hours of
receiving the complaint in towns/cities and within 16 hours of receiving the complaint in rural areas. In either case, within two hours of receiving the complaint, the complainant shall be informed of the likely time by which the power supply may be restored.
3. In the case of failure of distribution transformer, the supply shall be
restored within 24 hours of receiving the complaint in towns/cities and within 48 hours of receiving the complaint in rural areas.
4. In case of major failure involving Power transformer, the normal supply shall
be restored within 7 days. However, in such cases alternate arrangements to supply power to the affected areas would be made within 24 hours.
B) Voltage variation
1. In case the cause of problem is local, warranting no upgradation of the
system, the complaint would be redressed within 4 hours of lodging in towns/cities and within 8 hours in rural areas.
2. If the complaint regarding low voltages warrants upgradation of distribution
lines, transformers or installation of capacitors, it would be rectified within 60 days.
3. If redressal of the complaint warrants upgradation of the High Tension
(“HT”) distribution system it would be rectified within 180 days.
In case it is not possible to rectify the problem within the period prescribed above, the S.D.O. will communicate in writing within 15 days of lodging the complaint to the complainant the reasons for delay and the likely time period within which the problem would be rectified.
C) Scheduled Outages / Load shedding
Scheduled outage shall be specified through notice publicised within the affected area(s) and shall normally not exceed 8 hours on any day. The power supply shall normally be restored by 6.00 p.m.
In case of recurring load shedding exceeding 4 hours in a day over a consecutive period of 4 days, complaint may be lodged as per procedure laid down in para-3 above. Steps shall be taken to redress the grievance within 72 hours. In case the redressal is likely to take more than 72 hours, the complainant should be informed of the likely time by which the normal supply could be restored.
D) Metering
1 As per Section 26 of the Indian Electricity Act 1910, the responsibility of
installing a standard meter and its maintenance is that of the licensee and hence, the Licensee is required to check the meter for proper functioning at regular intervals. However, if a consumer has reasons to believe that the meter is not functioning properly, he may file application for the testing of his meter together with meter testing fee as applicable with the S.D.O. of his area.
2 Within 7 days of filing the application together with the testing fee, a
tested check meter would be installed in series with the existing meter. If after a reasonable period of time which would not be less than 7 days, the existing meter is found to be slow or fast beyond the permissible limits, then the same would be removed leaving the check meter in its place for future metering. The account of the consumer would be adjusted suitably as per provisions of the Agreement/Act and the testing fee deposited by the consumer would be refunded. However, if the existing meter is found to be correct, the same would be left in place and the testing fee would be forfeited.
3 In case it is established that the defect in the meter was on account of
tampering or deliberate act attributable to the consumer, then apart from the recoveries/penalty leviable under the rules, the cost of the meter would also be recovered from the consumer.
4 If the Licensee has reasons to believe that the meter at a consumer's
premises is not functioning properly, he may at any time after giving due notice to the consumer install a check meter in series with the existing meter. If after a reasonable period of time which would not be less than 7 days, the existing meter is found to be slow or fast beyond the permissible limits, then the same would be removed leaving the check meter in its place for future metering. The account of the consumer would be adjusted suitably as per provisions of the Agreement/Act.
5 If the meter is the property of the consumer and its testing with the above
procedure indicates the need for its replacement, then the Licensee shall leave the test meter at the premises of the consumer. If the consumer wishes to put his meter again he shall inform the licensee for installation.
For the period the licensee's meter remains at the consumer's premises, he would pay the usual charges as applicable.
E) Billing
Complaint in respect of non-receipt of energy bills/receipt of erroneous bills shall be lodged with SDO in writing, as per procedure laid down in para-3 above.
The dispute shall be resolved within a period of 2 months as per code of practice for payment of bills & procedure for disconnection.
F) Disconnection / Reconnection
Where a wrongful disconnection has taken place the supply should be restored within 6 hours of lodging the complaint, Similarly, Complaints in respect of delay in reconnection of power supply shall also be resolved within 6 hours of lodging, if the complainant has submitted the proof of removal of cause, which led to disconnection of power supply. The disconnection shall be done within 6 hours of receiving such request in writing from the consumer, failing which the complaint shall be lodged with the SDO as per the procedure laid down in para-3 above.
G) New connection/ Extension / Reduction of load:
When an applicant is not satisfied with the response regarding release of his new connection /extension of load within the time limit as stipulated in Table below, he may lodge a complaint in writing with the SDO of the area as per para - 3 above.
connections/extension/reduction Issue of Demand Release of
• 1 Subject to the technical & economic feasibilityH) Miscellaneous
All complaints concerning power supply/ service other than those mentioned in para A to H above will also be lodged with the SDO of the area in writing who would respond within 10 working days.
5.Filing complaints with Bijli Adalat
If the consumer seeking redressal of his grievances is not satisfied with the response of officer(s) subordinate to the Superintending Engineer of the area, then he can file a petition with the Bijli Adalat in the Office of the concerned Superintending Engineer. The Proforma for filing petition with Bijli Adalat is given in Annexure- II. The petition should be filed in duplicate and at least 15 days before the date of the Bijli Adalat together with a self addressed envelope with necessary postage for issue of notice to him Under Certificate of Posting, for appearance before the Adalat. (Advance notice regarding holding Bijli Adalat on a fixed date, including the scope of the Adalat shall be given by the Superintending of Engineer through local news papers/beating of the drums, for information of general public).
6. Periodic Inspection by next higher authority
A database comprising of the complaints lodged by various categories of consumers, type of complaint, period of redressal etc shall be maintained by the Licensee. The complaint register maintained at the complaint centre/office will be inspected by the next supervisory authorities every month who will record his views regarding the adequacy of the measures taken and the response time.
7.Complaint before HERC
It is the obligation of the Licensee to respond to a consumer's complaint in a timely and effective manner. However, if the consumer is not satisfied with the action taken by the Licensee (up to the XEN level), he may make a complaint to the Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the Commission.
1. Name, address and telephone No., if any of the complainant.
Date : (Signature of Applicant) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tear at this line - - - - - - - - - - - - - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE HANDED OVER TO THE CONSUMER _________________ (Signature ) Annexure-II PROFORMA FOR COMPLAINTS TO THE BIJLI ADALAT
Complaint Ref. No_______________________ (To be given by Licensee)
1. Name, address and telephone no if any of the complainant.
3. Copies of the previous complaints filed with SDO/XEN etc. with copies of the reply
4. Date since which the complaint is pending
5. Brief description of the present complaint to the Bijli Adalat
(Signature of Applicant) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tear at this line - - - - - - - - - - - - - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE HANDED OVER TO THE CONSUMER _________________ (Signature )
16 novembre 2013 Il Resto del Carlino Onco-ematologia, tavola rotonda ricordando Sara Cavalari L’ASSOCIAZIONE Stella Danzante, nata da un gruppo di amici di Sara Cavallari, scomparsa prematuramente per una malattia rara, dà appuntamento oggi alle 17 a Palazzo Bellini per la tavola rotonda sui temi della solidarietà, conoscenza e condivisione di un percorso comune. Inter
I S P NATION – Victoria University of Wellington, New ZealandJEAN PAUL DEWEERDT – Free University, Belgium ABSTRACT This paper argues that simplified or graded readers are an essential part of alanguage learning program if learners of all proficiency levels are to have theopportunity to do incidental language learning through reading, and to developfluency in reading. Unsimplified texts do