Personal care products that contain estrogens orxenoestrogens may increase breast cancer risk
Maryann Donovan a, Chandra M. Tiwary a, Deborah Axelrod c,Annie J. Sasco b, Lovell Jones d, Richard Hajek d, Erin Sauber a,Jean Kuo a, Devra L. Davis a,*
a Center for Environmental Oncology, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, University of Pittsburgh,Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology, UPMC Cancer Pavilion, Fourth Floor,5150 Centre Avenue, Suite 432 Pittsburgh, PA 15232, USAb University Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2, INSERM U 593, Team of Epidemiology for Cancer Prevention,146 rue Leo Saignat, 33076 Bordeaux cedex, Francec Community Cancer Education and Outreach, New York University Clinical Cancer Center, New York,New York, USAd M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Center for Research on Minority Health, University of Texas, USA
Received 15 September 2006; accepted 20 September 2006
Established models of breast cancer risk, such as the Gail model, do not account for patterns of the disease
in women under the age of 35, especially in African Americans. With the possible exceptions of ionizing radiation orinheriting a known genetic mutation, most of the known risk factors for breast cancer are related to cumulativelifetime exposure to estrogens. Increased risk of breast cancer has been associated with earlier onset of menses orlater age at menopause, nulliparity or late first parity, use of hormonal contraceptives or hormone replacementtherapy, shorter lactation history, exposure to light at night, obesity, and regular ingestion of alcohol, all of whichincrease circulating levels of unbound estradiol. Among African Americans at all ages, use of hormone-containingpersonal care products (PCPs) is more common than among whites, as is premature appearance of secondary sexualcharacteristics among infants and toddlers. We hypothesize that the use of estrogen and other hormone-containingPCPs in young African American women accounts, in part, for their increased risk of breast cancer prior to menopause,by subjecting breast buds to elevated estrogen exposure during critical windows of vulnerability in utero and in earlylife. These early life and continuing exposures to estrogenic and xenoestrogenic agents may also contribute to theincreased lethality of breast cancer in young women in general and in African American women of all ages. Publicdisclosure by manufacturers of proprietary hormonally active ingredients is required for this research to move forward.
c 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 412 623 3375; fax: +1 412 623 3201.
c 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Personal care products that contain estrogens or xenoestrogens may increase breast cancer risk
older women , or at the least the relativeimportance of the risk factors may differ according
Patterns of breast cancer are enigmatic. Most cases
to age. Whether or not there are underlying avoid-
occur in women with few established risk factors
able risk factors that may account for differences
The Gail model was developed from a nested
in morbidity and mortality for breast cancer among
case–control study conducted on a cohort of white
different ages of ethnic and racial groups is a mat-
women who were receiving regular screening mam-
ter that merits serious examination.
mograms in order to calculate multivariate relative
Accepted risk factors for breast cancer include:
risks of breast cancer based on age at menarche,
age at menarche, age at menopause, age at first
age at first live birth, number of first-degree rela-
live birth, number of first-degree relatives with
tives (mother and sisters) with breast cancer, num-
breast cancer, benign breast disease, breast biopsy
ber of breast biopsies, and whether or not atypical
outcomes, hormone replacement therapy, specific
hyperplasia was present on any biopsy specimen.
gene mutations, survival of childhood cancers trea-
This model was not intended to predict risk in wo-
ted with radiation (particularly thyroid cancers and
men under age 40, nor in African American women
Hodgkin’s disease), adult weight gain, lack of exer-
cise, obesity, radiation exposure, and excess alco-
Breast cancer incidence, morbidity and mortal-
ity vary across age, ethnic, geographic and racial
however, cannot explain variations in breast can-
groups, suggesting that there are different underly-
cer incidence and mortality among different ethnic
ing risks and susceptibilities. For all age groups
groups. African American women under the age of
combined, African American women are less likely
35 differ from white women in terms of breast can-
to develop breast cancer than white women, but at
cer risk factors that suggest they should have lower
any age, they are more likely to die from it. In con-
rates of the disease Thus, although African
trast, African American women under age 40 have a
American women tend to have more children ear-
higher incidence of breast cancer than do whites
lier in life, and this is protective against breast can-
(15.5 new cases per 100,000 woman-years versus
cer in white women, earlier parity may not afford
13.0 per 100,000, respectively). Incidence for Afri-
this same protection for African Americans.
can American women ages 20–29 years is nearly
Several reports have documented the more fre-
50% higher than for white women of the same age
quent and longer term use of PCPs containing hor-
(6.5 per 100,000 versus 4.4 per 100,000) . For
mones or placenta by African Americans compared
all ages combined, African American women also
with white women. For treatment of hair and skin,
suffer a higher breast cancer mortality rate com-
African American females may begin using PCPs that
pared to white women at 34.7 deaths per 100,000
contain hormones as infants and toddlers, and they
woman-years versus 30.7 per 100,000, respectively
also may be exposed in utero when their mothers
Simply stated, compared with white women,
use these products during pregnancy. These xeno-
African American women have a higher incidence
hormone-containing products are often used with
of breast cancer at younger ages and greater mor-
heat, which can enhance penetration and absorp-
tion. If estrogens have been used as growth promot-
In younger women, breast cancer is more aggres-
ers in animal production, then exposure to estrogen
sive, more deadly, and often less responsive to
may also occur through dietary exposure by eating
hormone-enhanced animal protein (beef, chicken).
breast cancer mortality rates among African Amer-
Compared with other ethnic groups, most of the evi-
ican women as a group can only partially be as-
dence suggests that the use of hormone-containing
PCPs by African Americans of all ages is more preva-
percentage of localized disease, larger and possibly
lent. Characterization of the amount and type of
more aggressive tumors, and estrogen receptor
products currently used by African Americans and
negative tumors . In fact, African American wo-
the biological consequences of exposure to hor-
men appear to be more often diagnosed with a ba-
mones contained in these PCPs may lead to the iden-
sal subtype of breast cancer that are more
tification of agents that contribute to African
aggressive. Despite advances in screening and
treatment for post-menopausal breast cancer, pro-
Several reports have established that estrogen-
gress against the disease in younger women has not
containing or placenta-containing PCPs resulted in
followed suit. Among other considerations, this
indicates that cancer in younger women may be
or toddlers. In one case report, the use of ointment
caused by different factors compared to cancer in
containing estrogens on the diaper area caused
early sexual development in an 8.5-month-old child
. Recent reports indicate that the premature
sexual development in children may result fromthe use not only of estrogen-containing PCPs, but
Placenta shampoo (contains placental extract)Queen Helene Placenta cream hair conditioner
nous hormones, including contraceptives and hor-
Placenta revitalizing shampoo (contains placental
mone replacement therapy, are also relevant to
breast cancer risk. These risk factors, however,
cannot explain variations in breast cancer inci-
dence and mortality among different ethnic groups
Hask Placenta no rinse instant hair repair treatment
Several case studies have established that chil-
dren who show early sexual development following
Nu skin body smoother (human placental extract)
exposure to estrogen from products applied to the
Nu skin NaPCA moisturizer (human placental extract)
skin or ingested through foods have variable serum
Nu skin pH balance (human placental extract)Nu skin enhancer (human placental extract)
hormone values. For instance, although some chil-
dren with premature thelarche show high basal val-
Triple action Super Grow (contains hormones)
ues of sex hormones at the time of diagnosis, the
Supreme Vita-Gro (contains estrogen and allantoin)
majority of children have basal values within a nor-
Luster’s Sur Glo hormone (contains hormone
mones with premature sexual development may
B&B super Gro (contains estrogenic hormone
be due to: the variable half-life of hormones in
the blood, discontinuing the use of the hormone-
Lekair natural Super Glo (contains hormones)
containing PCPs prior to obtaining a blood speci-
Lekair hormone hair treatment with vitamin E
men, irregular use of the PCP, or the use of the
Isoplus hormone hair treatment with Quinine
PCP in quantities that would produce biological ef-
Fermodyl with Placenta hair conditioner, no rinse
fects but not cause changes in blood hormone lev-
Supreme VITA-GRO with allantoin and estrogen plus
hormones. In addition, constant exposure to low
levels of exogenous hormones may produce biolog-
b The presence or absence of a hormone was noted from
ical effects. Occasional peak exposures that are
the list of ingredients written on the label of the product.
not detectible months after they occur may also
Quantitative analysis was performed only on some of the
produce effects. It is clear that the biological con-
above products (marked with a ‘‘b’’). The hormone analysis
sequences of estrogen exposure may persist long
was done by Leberco Testing/Inc., Roselle Park, NJ applying
after the serum estrogen levels return to normal
HPLC for estradiol and estrone and UV spectroscopy forestriol measurement using standard FDA approved methods.
. Furthermore, as infants or toddlers, African
Reference: USP XXII, The United States Pharmacopeia, 22nd
American girls may begin using hair products con-
Revision. United States Pharmacopeia Convention Inc., 1990:
taining hormonal substances and they also can be
p. 530 (estrone and estradiol), p. 534 (estriol).
exposed in utero when their mothers use theseproducts during pregnancy. While dietary expo-sures to hormone or hormone-mimicking com-
pattern are unclear but cannot solely be attributed
pounds in animal proteins may also be relevant,
the variability in exposure to hormones in food
It is significant to note that the American Acad-
eaten by African Americans compared with whites
emy of Pediatrics lists 16 priority environmental
requires further study. The use of estrogen-
hazards that should be reduced or controlled to
containing PCPs by African Americans, however,
protect children . Although associated with
may constitute a more specific preventable etio-
early sexual development, PCPs are not on the
logical risk factor for breast cancer.
Children, in particular African American girls,
and its health consequences requires further
are experiencing declining age of onset of second-
ary sexual characteristics and earlier onset of pub-erty compared with their white counterparts. The proportion of girls who experience
early sexual maturation is nearly four times greaterat age 8 for African American than for whites (48.3%
It is well established that a woman’s lifetime risk of
and 14.7%, respectively) The reasons for this
breast cancer increases with greater duration and
Personal care products that contain estrogens or xenoestrogens may increase breast cancer risk
whether endogenous or exogenous. Estradiol andsynthetic estrogens are established carcinogens
A literature review identified 10 reports describing
cases of premature sexual development in children
mercially available PCPs (). We hypothesize
exposed to hormone containing products ).
that in utero and early life exposures to exogenous
The development of premature sexual characteris-
estrogens, including those added to PCPs and those
tics in four African American girls aged 14 months
derived from the widespread estrogenic environ-
to almost 8 years is one example that shows the
mental contaminant bisphenol A (BPA) that
variation in age at which premature sexual devel-
can be found in foods, make an overlooked and
opment was observed following topical application
underestimated contribution both to premature
of PCPs containing hormones for as little as 2
sexual development and to breast cancer risk.
months after the use of a hair product containing
Agents that stimulate breast bud development in
placenta or 6 months after the use of a hair product
early life may prime estrogen receptors in breast
containing estrogens. Serum hormone levels were
cells to undergo altered proliferative responses
during young adulthood. These in utero, early life
Most hair care products contain petrolatum, lan-
and ongoing lifetime exposures to estrogens and
olin, vegetable, mineral or animal oils Some of
xenoestrogens and xenohormones could account
these compounds may cause acne or papular erup-
in part for the higher incidence of breast cancer
tions on the temple or forehead but are not
in young African American women. Continued
reported to cause premature development of
exposure to xenohormones in PCPs throughout life
breasts and/or pubic hair. Hormone and/or pla-
may also contribute to the increased lethality of
centa are ingredients in certain hair products that
breast cancer in both younger and older African
have been associated with premature sexual devel-
opment. Hormone analysis of several of these hair
For premenopausal breast cancer, the earlier
care products identified estrogens and measured
routine ovulation is established the greater the
estriol concentrations between 16 and 20 mg/g
lifetime risk of breast cancer. In general, for each
and concentrations of estradiol at 0.04 mg/g
year that menarche is delayed, breast cancer risk
Studies do not exist to specify the minimum
declines between 10% and 20% . Younger age
amount of estrogen that will result in early sexual
at menarche translates into earlier estrogen expo-
development. Direct comparison of estrogen con-
sure, which may partly explain why African Ameri-
centration in the published studies cannot be made
can women develop breast cancer at younger ages
because of the differences in the type, potency,
than white women. Case-control studies have con-
absorption characteristics and duration of action
firmed that serum estrogen levels are higher in
of the estrogens contained in these PCPs. For exam-
breast cancer cases when compared to controls
ple, the amount of estrogen absorbed from a hair
care product depends on multiple variables such
This hypothesis provides one explanation for
as: the temperature of application; the quantity of
the higher rates in young African Americans of
the product applied; the place and area of applica-
premature appearance of secondary sexual char-
tion; the duration and frequency of application; var-
acteristics and pre-menopausal breast cancer:
iation in estrogenic potency and the concentration
Xenoestrogenic environmental factors, including
of the particular estrogen in the hair product; the
those contained in PCPs such as cosmetics, sham-
age and health of the child; the presence of any dis-
poos, and styling aids, that appear to be more
ease of the hair or skin; and individual variations in
commonly used by the African American popula-
estrogen metabolism. The concentration of a hor-
tion, as well as dietary factors that can include
mone in a PCP that was considered safe in 1962
, was shown to cause health effects in 1985
may account in part for these patterns. This
. Thus, the use of PCPs containing even very
hypothesis provides one explanation for the higher
low amounts of estrogen during critical windows of
rates of premature appearance of secondary sex-
development during childhood is problematic.
ual characteristics in young African American girls
and the excess incidence of premenopausal breast
hypothesis is the fact that the effects of prenatal
cancer in young African American women. Persist-
or early-life estrogen exposure may be delayed
ing exposures to xenohormones in PCPs throughout
and subsequently appear many years after the
life may also account for the increased lethality of
estrogen exposure has been eliminated. Prenatal
breast cancer for post-menopausal African Ameri-
use of the synthetic hormone, diethylstilbestrol
Published studies of hormone-containing products and sexual development in children and adults
consistent with (endo)exogenous androgen exposure
HCHPs on their childrenoccasionally but 33% of
only one showed significant levelsof di-isooctyl phthalate
have been classified as endocrinedisruptors
(from a restricted sample) wentto a barber therefore exposureis unknown
be considered in thedifferential diagnosisof early sexualdevelopment inchildren
testosterone and gonadotropinswere depressed
HCHP = hormone containing hair-care products.
Personal care products that contain estrogens or xenoestrogens may increase breast cancer risk
Basal and LHRH-stimulated serum hormonal values among four african american girls with premature
+Serum estradiol (pmol/L) after LHRH injection was 23.13 pmol/L. The value is in the range found in pubertal children. LH = luteinizing hormone; FSH = follicle stimulating hormone; LHRH = luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone; ND = not done.
a Taken from Ref. b Normal basal serum estradiol value in pre-pubertal children is at or below the lower limit of the sensitivity of the assay. c Range of the peak serum LH/FSH ratio in children with precocious puberty. d Range of the peak serum LH/FSH ratio in children with premature adrenarche.
(DES) produced a range of reproductive abnormali-
have been associated with premature sexual devel-
ties in children that were not evident until early
opment in African American girls. The reasons for
adolescence. Female children were at risk of devel-
this phenomenon are unknown. Body Mass Index
oping vaginal adenomatosis during adolescence or
(BMI) appears to make a less significant contribu-
early adulthood and were at increased risk for
tion to early pubertal development in African
developing a rare adenocarcinoma of the vagina.
American girls compared with whites . Genetic
As a result, DES has been the first recognized trans-
and/or environmental factors specific to the
placental carcinogen in humans ; males ex-
African American population might be important
posed prenatally to DES were at risk of impaired
contributors to the early onset of puberty
fertility Follow up of adolescent girls treated
Studies in Ghana, South Africa and Nigeria report
with DES and/or ethinyl estradiol,has shown re-
that on average, girls reach menarche at between
duced fertility in later life . Their mothers have
a moderate increase in breast cancer risk from the
Therefore, genetic factors are unlikely to be solely
use of DES during pregnancy; a risk that their
responsible because, as mentioned above, African
blacks do not share the characteristic of prematuresexual maturation with African Americans.
Studies do not exist to specify the minimum
amount of estrogens that will result in early sexualdevelopment. Doses of the estrogens that were in-
The Gail Model and variations of it are commonly
volved in the published case studies of premature
used to assess an individual woman’s risk of devel-
sexual development cannot be determined because
of the differences in the type, potency, absorption
served characteristics of women with breast
characteristics and duration of action of the estro-
cancer in a population that consisted chiefly of
Some studies have found that African American
widely used model does not predict breast cancer
adults and children use PCP-containing hormones
risk in young women generally and should not be
about 6–10 times more frequently than do whites
mates genetically inherited breast cancer because
timate the frequency of use of the hormone or pla-
it does not take into account paternal history.
centa containing hair products for a number of
Other limitations of the Gail model are that it ne-
reasons that include: (1) the surveys used to cap-
glects family history information in second-degree
ture product use did not include all the hair prod-
relatives, it treats pre- and postmenopausal breast
ucts that contain hormone or placenta; (2) some
cancer as if they are the same disease, and it
hair products may contain hormones but not list
ignores personal histories of lobular neoplasia .
it as an ingredient preventing the user from being
Early sexual maturation and/or pubic hair is
made aware of their exposure to the hormone or
more common among African American females
placenta containing hair product; or (3) hair prod-
than white females . Hormones and/or pla-
ucts intended to be used by professionals (barbers
centa are ingredients in certain hair products that
and hair dressers) may not list the ingredients at
all, therefore, a person visiting a barber will not
research on this topic. In the Cosmetic Handbook
know if he/she is exposed to a hormone or placenta
published in 1992 the FDA describes proposed legis-
lation to regulate estrogen concentration in over-
use of PCPs from a young age combined with earlier
the-counter products both as a drug and through
estrogen exposure as a result of early age at men-
misbranding. Estrogen concentration would be lim-
arche may increase cumulative estrogen exposure
ited to less than 10,000 IU per ounce and total
and thereby stimulate the development of breast
exposure for an individual is limited to 20,000 IU
per month with no detail regarding size, age or
The National Institutes of Environmental Health
sex of consumers who might be exposed . In
Sciences (NIEHS) Center grants on breast cancer
1992 the ‘‘panel’s recommendation [had] not yet
and the environment are being used by researchers
been accepted by the FDA as a basis for regulatory
at several institutions to support epidemiologic
decisions.’’ In 1994, the FDA began to officially reg-
studies to evaluate the role of early estrogen expo-
ulate products listing hormones as ingredients un-
sure from a variety of sources including PCPs, in
der their authority to regulate new drugs. ‘‘Any
African American and white women. Other work
‘over-the-counter’ drug or a product that is la-
being conducted as part of the Sister Study intra-
beled, represented, or promoted as a topically ap-
murally at NIEHS will evaluate the use of PCPs in
plied hormone-containing product . . . is regarded
50,000 women. It will also examine the racial dis-
as a new drug . . . for which an approved application
tribution of breast cancer patients who use such
. . . is required for marketing.’’ Since 1994 any PCP
products, and will include specific questions on
labeled to indicate that it is a ‘‘hormone cream’’
the use of hair products containing hormone or pla-
or that it ‘‘contains hormones’’ is considered a
centa, duration of use, estrogen content in the
drug by the FDA and falls under their regulatory
products and type of estrogen (estrone, estradiol,
and estriol). In the case of placenta-containing
It is important to note, however, that the biolog-
products, where possible, this work will provide
ical activity of estrogen varies depending on the
additional analysis for human chorionic gonadotro-
type of estrogen used as an ingredient. Of the nat-
pin, luteinizing hormone, and follicle stimulating
urally occurring estrogens, estradiol is most active,
estrone has one-tenth the biological activity of
To test this hypothesis it will be important for
estradiol, and estriol has the lowest potency .
researchers to ascertain past use and exposure to
The synthetic estrogen, DES, is more active than
these products in women being studied. As men-
all three natural estrogens. Most manufacturers
tioned previously, definite regression or non-pro-
do not list either the amount or the concentration
gression of premature sexual characteristics has
of estrogen on their product labels .
been reported in several children after the use of
In addition, manufacturers are not currently re-
hair product containing hormone or placenta has
quired to disclose ingredients that they consider
been discontinued. The resolution of the breast
trade secrets nor are they required to report on
may take months or years, however, in some cases
past formulations of their products. It is a matter
of considerable importance for public health to
reason for the non-resolution is uncertain, but
determining whether or not such estrogenic expo-
may be related to onset of early puberty or activa-
sures play a role in the unexplained patterns of
tion of the hypothalamic pituitary system after
breast cancer in young African American women,
prolonged exposure to the estrogens . If it is
or contribute to the poorer prognosis for African
determined that exposure to estrogenic com-
American women at all ages. Consistent with
pounds contained in PCPs is a risk factor that af-
established theories of breast cancer etiology,
fects morbidity, mortality or initiation of breast
early-life exposure to estrogenic agents is ex-
cancer, it may be possible to modify the natural
pected to increase lifetime risk of the disease, as
history of breast cancer in exposed population by
is continued exposures to hormonally active com-
eliminating estrogenic ingredients from PCPs.
People have a right to know whether products
they use on themselves or their children containcompounds that may increase their risk of disease,
including cancer. Under current policy in manycountries that right is denied. As a matter of public
The absence of public information on past expo-
health policy, manufacturers should be required to
sures to hormones and hormone-mimicking com-
provide information on current and past inclusion
pounds in PCPs hampers the ability to conduct
of hormones in their PCPs. In the meantime, par-
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MEMORANDUM Texas Department of Human Services * Long Term Care/Policy Marc Gold Section Manager Long Term Care-Policy State Office MC: W-519 SUBJECT : Regional Survey & Certification Letter #00-17 DATE: The attached RS&C Letter is being provided to you for information purposes and should be shared with all professional staff. • RS&C Letter No. 00-17 --The Use of Ha
Stand 10.11.09 Veröffentlicht Soziale Psychiatrie 1/10 Asmus Finzen Neuroleptika für Kinder? Ein Lehrstück Vorbemerkung Im Memorandum der Deutschen Gesel schaft für Psychiatrie zur Anwendung von Antipsychotika vom September 2009 heißt es im Abschnitt »Psychopharmaka bei »Die Verordnung von Antipsychotika bei Kindern und Jugendlichen steigt in Deutschland und in anderen we