Microsoft word - 230712-generic sub antiepileptic drugs.doc
Detail-Document #230712 −This Detail-Document accompanies the related article published in− PHARMACIST’S LETTER / PRESCRIBER’S LETTER Generic Substitution of Antiepileptic Drugs —For a chart of state substitution laws and a list of which epilepsy drugs are therapeutically equivalent, please see Detail-Document #220901— Background
specific criteria are met, such as having the same
Most health plans encourage the use of cheaper
active ingredient, dosage form, dose, and route of
generic medications by either requiring the
patients to pay more for the brand-name product
The potential savings from the use of generics
or requiring the prescriber to seek prior
is estimated to be in excess of $20 billion a year.3
authorization approval. Most state Boards of
As a result, most health plans mandate the use of
Pharmacy allow substitution as long as the generic
generics when available and require prior
product is considered therapeutically equivalent
authorization when the brand-name product is
(A- or AB-rated) to its brand counterpart
according to the Orange Book, even if it is a
mandate of generic antiepileptic drug (AED) use
narrow therapeutic index drug. However, the
and believes that prescribers should have
American Academy of Neurology (AAN) opposes
autonomy in prescribing AEDs and patients
generic substitution of antiepileptic drugs for the
should have access to the full range of AEDs for
treatment of epilepsy without prescriber approval
and patient consent.1 The AAN cites that even
minor differences in the composition of generic
AED Substitution Controversy
and brand-name antiepileptic drugs can cause
toxic effects and/or seizures when taken by
majority of the state generic substitution laws,
patients with epilepsy.1 This document reviews
opponents of generic substitution for AEDs
the controversy over generic substitution of
believe substituting generic AEDs can potentially
increase healthcare costs and lead to adverse
psychosocial consequences in patients with
Therapeutic Equivalents
considered pharmaceutical equivalents if they
bioavailability between generic and brand
contain the same active ingredient(s), are of the
products have been raised. According to the
same dosage form and route of administration,
FDA, drugs are considered bioequivalent if the
and are identical in strength or concentration.2
90% confidence interval of the mean area under
Bioequivalent products are products with the time absorption curve (AUC) of the test comparable bioavailability (rate and extent of
product is within 80% to 125% of the reference
absorption) when studied under similar product and the relative mean measure maximum experimental conditions.2 Drug products must
concentration (Cmax) of the test to reference
demonstrate pharmaceutical equivalence and
product is between 80% and 125%.1 Furthermore,
bioequivalence to be considered therapeutic
bioavailability studies are carried out in healthy
Substitution laws are regulated by state Boards
medications, using single doses of the drug. This
of Pharmacy. In most states, pharmacists cannot
is different from the clinical situation where the
substitute nontherapeutic equivalent products
aim is to achieve steady-state conditions for the
without prescriber approval. Some states allow
patient.4,6 Some argue that the variability in
substitution between products as long as state-
bioavailability between generic and brand AEDs,
Copyright 2007 by Therapeutic Research Center
Pharmacist’s Letter / Prescriber’s Letter ~ P.O. Box 8190, Stockton, CA 95208 ~ Phone: 209-472-2240 ~ Fax: 209-472-2249 ~
(Detail-Document #230712: Page 2 of 4)
especially those with narrow therapeutic index
Note that the generic phenytoin used in this study
(e.g., phenytoin, carbamazepine, and valproate), is
was recalled in December 1987 after “some
enough to potentially cause toxicity or loss of
batches failed dissolution specification.”4
Numerous other studies have shown significant
In addition, generic AEDs usually contain
differences in serum concentrations of phenytoin
different colorants and excipients. The AAN
between generic and brand products and among
believes that even minor differences in the
different generic products.4 Some of these studies
composition of generic and brand-name AEDs can
In a 1992 (n=12) single-blind crossover study,
There is also concern that patients may not get
consisting of seven 4-week treatment periods,
the same generic product in month-to-month
patients were treated with Epanutin capsules,
refills, which can potentially increase the risk of
Epanutin Infatabs, and three other generic
phenytoin tablets. Serial blood samples were
Bioavailability is particularly an issue if a drug
taken over a 12-hour period. The difference in
has low water solubility (phenytoin, bioavailabiliy compared to Epanutin capsules carbamazepine), a narrow therapeutic range
ranged from 76% to 121%. Less bioavailable
(phenytoin, carbamazepine, and valproate), and/or
generic phenytoin preparations were subsequently
nonlinear pharmacokinetics (phenytoin and withdrawn from the market. There was no valproate).4-7 Some experts suggest that generic
difference in seizure control or adverse events
substitutions of newer AEDs such as topiramate,
among the different phenytoin formulations.
lamotrigine, etc. are less likely to pose problems.
However, the authors concluded that substitution
There are case reports of loss of seizure control
of one generic phenytoin formulation for another
or toxicity resulting from changing between brand
could potentially cause problems with seizure
and generic products or between one generic
product and another.4-9 Several reports of
breakthrough seizures or increased seizure phenytoin extended-release capsules by Mylan as frequency following generic substitution with
an equivalent to Dilantin Kapseals. Patients on
phenytoin, carbamazepine, valproic acid, and
Minnesota health plans were switched to generics
primidone have been published, but it is unclear
without physician notification. Shortly after,
whether the increased incidence of seizure is due
some of these patients began to have increased
to generic substitution of AEDs or other factors.5
seizures. Over a five month period, eleven
Opponents argue that although generic AEDs
patients were identified as having increased
are lower in price, the potential for increased side
seizures requiring hospitalization, emergency
effects and morbidity and the need for closer
room visits, or urgent care clinic visits. Chart
monitoring could offset the cost savings.4-7
reviews showed that ten of these patients were
switched to the generic phenytoin formulation.
Case Reports and Studies
One patient had been on the generic formulation
Case reports of phenytoin toxicity or for three weeks, which was enough to reach
breakthrough seizures with generic substitution of
steady-state and another patient had other
phenytoin were first noted in the 1960s. Most of
antiepileptic drug dosage changes. Eight patients
these case reports were from Australia and were
had one or more phenytoin concentrations
caused by a change in excipient.6,7 Since then,
measured at steady-state prior to the switch to the
there has been ongoing discussion about generic phenytoin, while being treated with the differences in bioavailability of generic generic, and after the switch back to brand formulations compared to brand formulations. A
Dilantin. The substitution of brand for generic or
retrospective chart review study conducted by the
vice versa was associated with about 30%
VA (n=10) showed that patients who received
decrease in both total and free phenytoin
generic phenytoin had a 22% to 31% lower serum
concentrations. All eight patients had decreased
concentration than when the patients were
unbound phenytoin serum concentrations with the
receiving brand name Dilantin. These patients
generic and returned to similar levels when
were switched to generic phenytoin in August
switched back to Dilantin. Seven patients had
1987 as mandated by the VA drug formulary.
decreased total phenytoin serum concentrations
Copyright 2007 by Therapeutic Research Center
Pharmacist’s Letter / Prescriber’s Letter ~ P.O. Box 8190, Stockton, CA 95208 ~ Phone: 209-472-2240 ~ Fax: 209-472-2249 ~
(Detail-Document #230712: Page 3 of 4)
with the generic and returned to similar levels
concentration fell by around 10 mmol/L when the
patient was switched to a generic formulation
There are reports of recurring seizures after
(Karbamazepin-DAK). The patient experienced
switching from brand to generic loss of seizure control. The patient developed carbamazepine.4,7,8,10 However the differences
diplopia initially after he was switched back to
between generic and brand carbamazepine are less
Tegretol. The author pointed out that the particle
extensively studied. In a crossover study of ten
size in the Karbamazepin-DAK was smaller than
patients with epilepsy, the mean steady-state
Tegretol and suggested that this resulted in both
serum concentrations of Tegretol and generic
an earlier peak concentration and greater
carbamazepine were found to have no fluctuations in carbamazepine concentrations.4 differences.4
There is an anecdotal report of breakthrough
seizures after switching from Depakene to generic
experienced loss of seizure control three days
valproic acid.7 However, in an open, randomized
after he was switched to generic carbamazepine
8-week substitution study (n=64), there was no
from Tegretol. For five months, beginning in
statistically significant differences between
May 1988, the boy was treated with Tegretol
seizure occurrences or serum concentrations
600 mg twice daily and divalproex sodium
250 mg two tablets three times daily. During this
It is important to note that none of these case
period, he experienced two seizures and showed
no signs of any adverse drug reactions. On June
suggesting that switching from brand Lamictal to
12.4 mcg/mL and his valproic acid concentration
generic lamotrigine could result in loss of seizure
was 56.2 mcg/mL, drawn about two hours after
dose administration. All AED doses remained
stable and serum concentrations of both drugs had
been within a 20% range, consistent with good
AEDs are generally used to treat a potentially
compliance. On November 16, three days after he
serious condition. Unexpected breakthrough
was switched to generic carbamazepine, the
seizure in a controlled patient could lead to
patient experienced nine seizures within a 30-
adverse psychosocial consequence such as loss of
minute period. A subsequent carbamazepine
job or driver’s license, physical injury, or rarely,
concentration was 6.7 mcg/mL and his valproic
acid concentration was 56.5 mcg/mL. The time
potentially be held legally liable for serious
the blood sample was drawn relative to his last
consequences arising from either a loss of seizure
control or increased side effects attributable to
switched back to brand Tegretol. On December 2,
generic substitution in which the patient was not
his carbamazepine concentration was 9.7 mcg/mL
Because the consistency of antiepileptic
46.1 mcg/mL. Seizure control was improved.
treatment is so important, it seems reasonable to
Two months later, the frequency of the patient’s
seizures increased despite stable carbamazaepine
[Evidence level C; consensus].1 Decisions about
switching AEDs depend on multiple clinical
In another 1990 case report, a 21-year-old
factors including cost. Prescribers should be
pregnant woman lost seizure control when she
aware of the associated costs and take that into
was switched from Tegretol to generic consideration when prescribing AEDs. Consider carbamazepine. The loss of seizure control was
starting a patient on a generic AED initially and
associated with decreased carbamazepine avoid frequent changes between generic products concentration, though the case was complicated
by other drug changes (e.g., phenobarbital
Some states prohibit substitution of AEDs
and/or narrow therapeutic index drugs. Others
In another case, a 16-year-old Danish boy was
require pharmacists to get consent from both the
treated with Tegretol and reached stable prescriber and the patient or patient guardian concentrations of 34 to 42 mmol/L. The
before making the switch. Pharmacists are
Copyright 2007 by Therapeutic Research Center
Pharmacist’s Letter / Prescriber’s Letter ~ P.O. Box 8190, Stockton, CA 95208 ~ Phone: 209-472-2240 ~ Fax: 209-472-2249 ~
(Detail-Document #230712: Page 4 of 4)
advised to check their state generic substitution
laws before making a substitution and avoid
1. American Academy of Neurology. Position
substituting products that are not therapeutic
statement on the coverage of anticonvulsant drugs
equivalents. Unless already required to do so,
for the treatment of epilepsy. November 2006.
consider informing the patient and prescriber
ANPositionStatement.pdf. (Accessed June 9,
when switching to a different product, especially
when substituting narrow therapeutic index AEDs
2. Electronic Orange Book. Approved products with
(e.g., phenytoin, carbamazepine, valproic acid).
therapeutic equivalence evaluation. current through May 2007.
Users of this document are cautioned to use their own
3. Anticipated availability of first-time generics.
Pharmacist’s Letter/Prescriber’s Letterprofessional judgment and consult any other necessary or appropriate sources prior to making clinical
4. Besag, FMC. Is generic prescribing acceptable in
judgments based on the content of this document. Our
epilepsy? Drug Saf 2000;23:173-82.
editors have researched the information with input
5. Guberman A, Corman C. Generic substitution for
from experts, government agencies, and national
brand name antiepileptic drugs: a survey. Can J organizations. Information and Internet links in this article were current as of the date of publication.
6. Crawford P, Feely M, Guberman A, Kramer G. Are
there potential problems with generic substitution of antiepileptic drugs? A review of issues. SeizureLevels of Evidence
In accordance with the trend towards Evidence-Based
7. Jobst BC, Holmes GL. Prescribing antiepileptic
Medicine, we are citing the LEVEL OF EVIDENCE
drugs. Should patients be switched on the basis of
Level Definition
Carbamazepine toxicity resulting from generic
High-quality randomized controlled trial (RCT)
substitution. Neurology 1993;43:2696-97.
High-quality meta-analysis (quantitative
9. Burkhardt RT, Leppik IE, Blesi K, et al. Lower
phenytoin serum levels in persons switched from
brand to generic phenytoin. Neurology
10. Welty, TE, Pickering PR, Hale BC, Arazi R. Loss
of seizure control associated with generic
substitution of carbamazepine. Ann Pharmacother
11. Makus KG, McCormick J. Identification of adverse
reactions that can occur on substitution of generic
or branded lamotrigine in patients with epilepsy.
Adapted from Siwek J, et al. How to write an evidence-based clinical review article. Am Fam Physician 2002;65:251-8.
Project Leader in preparation of this Detail- Document: Wan-Chih Tom, Pharm.D.
Cite this Detail-Document as follows: Generic substitution of antiepileptic drugs. Pharmacist’s Letter/Prescriber’s Letter 2007;23(7):230712.
Evidence and Advice You Can Trust…
3120 West March Lane, P.O. Box 8190, Stockton, CA 95208 ~ TEL (209) 472-2240 ~ FAX (209) 472-2249
Copyright 2007 by Therapeutic Research Center
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