Chronic illness self-management: locating the ‘self’
Tina Koch PhD RNDirector and Professor of Nursing, RDNS, Research Unit, Glenside; and School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of South
Australia, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Peter Jenkin MPHC BN RNResearch Assistant, RDNS, Research Unit, Glenside, South Australia, Australia
Debbie Kralik PhD RNSenior Research Fellow, RDNS, Research Unit, Glenside; and School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of South Australia,
Submitted for publication 6 August 2003Accepted for publication 1 March 2004
K O C H T . , J E N K I N P . & K R A L I K D . ( 2 0 0 4 )
Chronic illness self-management: locating the ‘self’
Aim. In this paper, we present the findings of a recent research project in which we
explored self- management with older people who were diagnosed with asthma.
Background. Asthma self-management literature has focused on the need for the
patient to ‘adhere’ to prescribed therapies, in particular the taking of medications,monitoring of respiratory function or recognizing and avoiding triggers. Method. Data were generated during a period of 9 months from three sources;in-depth interviews with 24 older participants, an open-ended questionnaire andtwo mixed-gender participatory action research groups. Findings. Based on current literature, our previous research findings which have‘unpacked’ what is ‘self’-management, and data generated in this project, we pro-pose that three asthma management models are in operation: Medical Model ofSelf-management, Collaborative Model of Self-management and Self-Agency Modelof Self-management. Locating the ‘self’ in self-management means acknowledgingthat many people living with a chronic condition are already self-determining andtheir expertise should be acknowledged as such. Conclusion. Health care professionals can best facilitate people toward self-agencyby embracing new understandings of self-management in long-term illness. Thisprocess is enhanced when the expertise a person brings to the management of theircondition is given the respect it deserves. There needs to be a focus on providingpeople with the means to grow and learn in a participative relationship that cannotbe fully realized with ‘off the shelf’ self-management solutions.
Keywords: chronic illness, self-management, asthma, older people, community,nursing
living with chronic or long-term illness. Previous research
has revealed that common assumptions about the meaning of
The purpose of this paper is to explicate our emerging
self-management for people who have chronic illness require
understandings about self-management when people are
re-evaluation (Kralik et al. 2004). In this paper, we present
Issues and innovations in nursing practice
the findings of a research project in which we explored
taking medications, monitoring respiratory function or
self-management with older people who were diagnosed with
recognizing and avoiding triggers (Bender et al. 1997, Osman
asthma. Although this study gained external research funding
1997, Conway 1998, McGann 1999, Trueman 2000, Fish &
from a disease-specific funding body (Asthma Innovative
Lung 2001, Milgrom et al. 2002, Wraight et al. 2002). Other
Management: AIM), we suggest that the findings may be
terms, such as compliance (Cochrane 1996, Watts et al.
applicable across chronic conditions.
1997, Leyshon 1999, Spector 2000, Lindberg et al. 2001) andconcordance (Riekert et al. 2003), have been used withsimilar intent.
A focus in the asthma self-management literature has been
There is evidence that self-management programmes have been
the use (and non-use) of an asthma self-management plan
embraced by health policymakers as one way to decrease
(Ruffin et al. 1999). This self-management plan has been
health costs by having empowered and healthier ‘patients’
considered central to the guidelines provided in the Australian
accessing health services with less frequency (Department of
Asthma Management Handbook (National Asthma Council
Health 2003). A literature search strategy in Medline and
2002). While some evidence has been cited that asthma
CINAHL using the terms ‘self-management, chronic illness’
management plans produce effective clinical outcomes (Gib-
was used to support our current chronic illness research
son et al. 2003), a recent Cochrane Review stated that there
programme and to inform the study reported here. We sought
was no consistent evidence that written plans produced better
papers about the condition of ‘asthma’ and ‘asthma manage-
outcomes (Toelle & Ram 2001). Either way, it appears that the
ment’ and we also used Internet-based resources.
reality of everyday asthma care differs from what guided self-
The rise of the self-management movement is noted in the
management plans prescribe, with a less than expected uptake
literature (Lindgren 1996, Clark & Nothwehr 1997, Bailey
(Thoonen & Van Weel 2000). Beilby et al. (1997) demonstra-
et al. 1999, Barner et al. 1999, Lahdensuo 1999, Costello 2000,
ted non-use of plans in a South Australian context and less than
Adams et al. 2001, Lorig 2001, Barlow et al. 2002, Kolbe
half (43%) of adults surveyed who had asthma actually had an
2002), and a national conference has been sponsored by the
asthma management plan. Adults most likely to have such a
Australian Government (Australian Government National
plan were those living with severe asthma and visiting the same
Chronic Condition Self-management Conference 2003). How-
doctor on a regular basis. Detailed written plans were not
ever, close analysis of the literature revealed that a medical
deemed necessary for people with mild asthma symptoms
prescriptive approach to self-management is widespread,
emphasizing adherence to directions given by health care
Little research has been reported on the way in which older
professionals. The ‘self’ in self-management has been ignored,
people ‘self’ manage asthma, outside the narrow terrain of
and the person has been objectified as the ‘patient’.
medical management, compliance and generic education.
Asthma self-management literature is no exception, citing
Education ‘of’ people with asthma has been reported as an
recommendations of ways to encourage patients to adhere to
intervention to ensure compliance (Bone 1996, Brown 2001).
an authoritarian and prescriptive approach. Patients are
Education has been advocated as being important in ensuring
expected to be compliant to medical management instructions.
‘compliance’ with self-management, and has most often been
Compliance has been defined as adherence by the patient to
described in terms of delivering a prescribed package of
directions given by the prescribing physician, and good
information either to groups or individually (Wilson 1997).
compliance has been considered as 80% adherence or greater
Increasingly it has been acknowledged that targeting individ-
(Wilkinson et al. 2003). Fishwick et al. (1997) provided three
ual needs may result in positive outcomes, rather than relying
basic principles for asthma self-management: objective self-
solely on generic education (Ward & Reynolds 2000).
assessment of asthma severity with educated interpretation of
Despite a continued emphasis on medical management and
symptoms and peak flow readings; use and monitoring of
insistence on using the term ‘patient’, there has been an effort
inhaled and oral medications for long-term prevention and
to move away from the authoritarian model toward a
treatment of exacerbations; and integration of these self-
collaborative model of self-management. The Australian
assessment and management issues into written guidelines for
Asthma Management Handbook (National Asthma Council
patients to follow. These are clearly medical management
2002) outlined a six-point asthma management plan which
criteria and have little relevance to the contextual experience of
included development of an action plan as one key step.
living with asthma on a daily basis.
There is a distinction between an ‘action plan’ which is
Asthma self-management literature has focused on the need
intended reactively to guide-specific interventions (e.g. if peak
for patients to ‘adhere’ to prescribed therapies, in particular
expiratory flow measurements or symptom are X then
Ó 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 48(5), 484–492
increase Y medication), and a ‘management plan’, which is a
proactive attempt to provide education, support, clinical care
and monitoring as a partnership between patients and healthcare professionals.
Collaborative models insist that, when people living with a
chronic condition are provided with education, support,
clinical care and monitoring in a partnership with health care
professionals, self-management is enhanced (Lorig &
Holman 1993, Barlow et al. 1999, Holman & Lorig 2000).
Bodenheimer et al. (2002) have argued that self-management
is important to living well with chronic illness, becausepeople have an improved chance for a rewarding lifestylewhen they are educated about the disease and take part in
youngest person was 60 years and the oldest 92 years old.
their own care. Self-management has been reported as
Based on an assessment carried out by clinical educators
enabling people to minimize pain, share in decision-making
specializing in asthma, 17 people had severe asthma, three
about treatment, gain a sense of control over their lives (Lorig
had moderate asthma, three had mild asthma and one was
& Holman 1993, Barlow et al. 1999), reduce the frequency
asymptomatic. Assessments of asthma status made by the
of visits to physicians and enjoy better quality of life (Lorig
clinical educator were based on each person’s medication,
et al. 1998, Barlow et al. 2000). However, despite the
frequency of medication use and the participant’s self-report
evidence of cost-benefits and improved health outcomes for
people who participate in established self-management pro-grammes, they reach only a small number of people with
chronic illness (Keysor et al. 2001).
Ethics approval was obtained from an institutional ethicscommittee. An information sheet outlining the study was sent
to interested people after their initial contact with research-ers. Prior to signing a consent form, participants were assured
that they could withdraw from the study at any time, and
The project reported here responded to the high prevalence of
that anonymity and confidentiality would be protected.
older people living in the community with asthma. We aimed
Participants’ names in this paper are pseudonyms.
to understand, from the perspective of older men and women,how asthma had impacted on their lives, and to identify the
contexts, barriers and issues that were significant for them. Incollaboration with the participants, we attempted to explore
Data were generated over 9 months and from three sources:
in-depth interviews, an open-ended questionnaire and twoparticipatory action research (PAR) mixed-gender researchgroups (equalling eight contact hours).
The second author undertook in-depth interviews with the
Recruitment strategies sought people over the age of 60, who
24 participants and these were informally conducted in
had been medically diagnosed with asthma and were using, or
participants’ homes. Guiding questions were: How has
had been prescribed, preventative medications to use on a daily
asthma affected your life? Give an example of an incident
basis. Recruitment proved difficult because older people living
or episode with asthma that really affected your life, What
with asthma, particularly when asymptomatic, did not place
has changed in your life since you were diagnosed with
this condition high on their list of ailments that required
asthma? What strategies do you employ to manage your
consideration. Table 1 outlines the recruitment strategies used.
asthma? Where and how did you learn about these strategies?
It was clear that some strategies yielded a better response rate.
Is there anything that would help you in the future to manage
Local newspapers, radio interviews and contact with commu-
your asthma that is not available now? These questions
nity health workers were the most successful.
resulted in the development of a story line for each partici-
Eight men and 16 women with asthma volunteered to
pant. In addition, the shape of the story was influenced by
participate in the project. Their average age was 76 years; the
questions of the type ‘look, think and act’ (Stringer 1999).
Ó 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 48(5), 484–492
Issues and innovations in nursing practice
‘Looking’ referred to the exploratory phase, in which
raised by participants (Guba & Lincoln 1989). The process of
participants were asked to tell their stories about living with
analysis was an adaptation of Colaizzi’s (1978) framework,
asthma. ‘Thinking’ was stimulated when the interviewer
asked them to reflect on their story: ‘What is happening
1 Read the text in order to understand it as a whole. This
here?’ and ‘Why are things as they are?’ The ‘acting’ phase
took some time and required careful re-reading of the
occurred when participants were asked to think about aspects
interviewer’s notes to provide context to the interview text.
of their asthma self-management that they would like to
2 Extract significant statements about the phenomenon
change or share with others. Most of the one-to-one
being studied. Statements were cut and pasted into a sep-
interviews lasted 1 hour, and all were tape-recorded and
3 Develop clusters within individual interviews. Statements
Eighteen participants volunteered to join a PAR group.
were arranged according to common themes within the
Family and friends were also invited, and six partners
attended. Due to the large number of people participating,
4 Integrate clusters into a broad description of the phe-
two separate groups were convened. We have published
nomenon being studied. Six key themes provided the
details of the PAR methodology previously (Koch & Kralik
context of the issues, barriers and self-management strat-
2001, Koch et al. 2002) and therefore here we will only give
egies of older people living with asthma.
5 Validation of findings with participant. The six main
During the PAR meetings, the facilitator (first author) gave
themes were presented, with corresponding significant
an overview of the study and assisted with setting ‘norms’ in
statements, to the PAR group participants for comment
collaboration with the group. A document that contained a
preliminary analysis of interview data was presented to
Analysis of the PAR group data was also concurrent to
participants at the first PAR group meeting. Discussion took
ensure prompt feedback of issues to participants, thus
place around each of the themes and validation of findings was
creating the opportunity to build our (participants’ and
noted. In an effort to extend group discussion, the ‘look, think
facilitators’) understandings collaboratively. We consider
and act’ (Stringer 1999) framework was displayed on a slide
that rigour was enhanced because the actual voices of
and this cyclic process explained to participants. The explan-
participants were included in the text (Koch & Harrington
ation was as follows: ‘Let us look at what is going on in your
1998) so that readers can assess the authenticity of the voices.
life, let us think about this (reflect) and then let us consider what
The final study report was given to all participants and
can be done to improve things (act)’. This cyclic process
further validation of findings occurred at a third meeting
encouraged participants to investigate their problems and
arranged once the study was completed.
issues systematically, formulate experiential accounts of theirsituations, and devise plans to deal with the issues identified.
We held two PAR meetings with each of the two groups and
the intent was to develop collaboratively a model that would
Analysed data from the interviews, questionnaires and PAR
enable self-management of asthma for older people. Partici-
groups were merged to reveal tentative self-management
pants shared their stories about living with asthma, and were
models. When listening and talking with participants, we
encouraged to engage in discussion and dialogue, develop
discovered that there were three models of asthma manage-
mutually acceptable accounts that described their experiences,
ment in operation: medical model of self-management,
and talk about ways they managed their condition. They were
collaborative model of self-management and self-agency
encouraged to talk about their ‘self’-management and explore
what they could do to improve this, thus leading to individualor group action. PAR meetings were transcribed concurrently
At the first PAR meeting with each group, we asked
Most participants identified with a medical model of self-
participants to take home a questionnaire with two items:
management. The epitome of management of asthma for
‘What is asthma?’ and ‘What is self-management?’ We
older people appeared to be taking prescribed medications.
received 14 replies and analysis of the questionnaire data
Closely tied to this was following orders from the doctor.
followed the procedure outlined below.
Mostly, people took responsibility for management of their
The three authors read the transcripts and analysed data
medications. In addition to taking medications, prevention of
collaboratively. We analysed for self-management claims
asthma attacks was linked to identification and avoidance of
Ó 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 48(5), 484–492
triggers. When people were first diagnosed with asthma, they
compounds the trouble. I attended a respiratory specialist and he was
often found themselves in the medical management model.
not interested in anything outside the immediate present. I’m still
having problems. He said, ‘Carry on’, [but] it’s not really the answer.
I feel I’ve only had it a short while but I have the right doctor and
Older people with asthma often found themselves in a
follow through with my medication. I’ve learnt a lot. We really must
medical management model. However, this meant that the
do what the doctors and specialists tell [us].
doctor’s orders were followed and medications were taken asprescribed; otherwise the patient might be labelled as non-
Jane followed the doctor’s orders and respected that doctors
compliant. Doctors were likely to be trusted if they provided
held authority about her condition. Isabel reported that her
evidence that they had specific disease knowledge and could
‘doctor did all the managing…I have to check my lung
offer sound medical advice. For health care professionals,
capacity. He monitored it very closely…I had to trust him’.
self-management was viewed as the patient adopting appro-
In this model, the doctor rather than the patient managed
priate practices in relation to their disease. Medical manage-
the disease process; instead the patient learnt to trust medical
ment took a narrow view whereas management of asthma,
knowledge and management. Learning to trust was part of
because of the long-term nature of the illness, deserved to
slotting into a medical management programme, precisely
placed in the context of the person’s life. In this model the
because the patient was not invited to take part in asthma
person was objectified as ‘the patient’.
management. Medical management was something done topatients and people were expected to comply with medicalorders. However, older people might have expectations that
doctors would tell them what they should do. Even so, they
Another tentative model identified by participants was a
expected that the doctor’s authority and trust should be
collaborative one, which used a combination of biomedical
earned through having specific disease knowledge, Linda
and experiential terms to describe asthma. Some merged their
expected her GP to provide this knowledge:
biomedical understanding of asthma with the impact this
I had a heavy cold and she [my doctor] asked if I had asthma – I was
condition had on their lives. When some older people with
thinking, ‘You should be telling me!’ I went onto the preventer and
asthma talked about self-management, they suggested that
the reliever – it was good since, except when hot and dry or very cold.
this involved other people managing their asthma. However,
I consider (myself) lucky to have developed it later.
others described management as a joint effort between themand health care professionals (usually general practitioners),
Julie added, ‘Doctors play a more significant role – I think
or perceived self-management to be their own agency.
sometimes the doctor doesn’t know what he is talking about’.
Involving participants in a participatory process where they
Jim raised another aspect of medical management:
could view both the medical and ‘self’-aspects of management
Some doctors do become complacent with you if you see them for too
gave us an opportunity to find out more about the possibility
long. If I have arthritis on my record – it doesn’t matter what problem
of developing a self-management model that had ‘self’ as the
I have, it’s to do with the arthritis. I couldn’t move my foot off the
centre, and in which the person was viewed as ‘the client’.
floor and I went to the doctor and he looked at the card and said, ‘It’s
Bodenheimer et al. (2002) referred to this model as the
Joint effort between participants and health care profes-
Medical expertise was questioned by Jim, and having another
sionals was most likely to be a result of applying the
chronic illness label meant that asthma did not receive
principles of asthma management in designated asthma
Medical management sometimes led to a narrow focus,
whereas effective management of asthma demanded that the
Going to the GP, having access to an asthma management specialist,
person’s life be viewed in context, and not only as a disease-
put me on the right medication. They did try Pulmicort on me. I had a
specific response. Frasier made a claim for holistic manage-
few different things till they got the right combination. I had the lung
function test. I used to be bad under the shower…no energy to wash
my hair. At the clinic it was suggested that I buy a towel and dressing
Well, this rather interests me because I have been asthmatic for years.
gown [and] put that on instead of drying yourself. Same with slippers.
I have a good background of science. I think we need the set up of
I wouldn’t have known about using the dressing gown instead of a
special clinics that can give a holistic view of people and their
medications, dietary habits, dangers of things like preservatives…It
Ó 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 48(5), 484–492
Issues and innovations in nursing practice
It was clear from this example that Jane was offered much
I go and look at why I can’t breathe. If I feel I can’t breathe, I might
more than medical advice. We do not deny that medication
take a Throatie [a soothing cough sweet]. Sometimes that settles it,
information is vitally important for asthma management, but
and I don’t go for the big guns first. If at night and it’s cold, I put my
participants emphasized that management of asthma was
head under the bedclothes and breathe warm air. You get to be pretty
more than drug management. Jane was involved in her care
and was in a position to make informed decisions about her
Taking control was evident in stories from people who were
experts in management of the self, as Finlay described:
When clients were involved in care, Isabel suggested that
‘we bring intelligence to that relationship (with the doctor)’.
I was on Pulmicort as a preventative. And I put myself off them – told
When input from the client was acknowledged as valuable,
him (GP) I couldn’t handle the throat problem. I seem to be able to
this might be conducive to self-agency in management.
manage at present. I’ve done well, considering I’m 87 in a couple of
Naomi, when talking about her relationship with her health
week’s time. I do very well and rely on Ventolin largely. I think you
should stick pretty close to your doctor and make a note, mentally at
I would say that I have got a very good GP, who put me onto a
programme that I carry out strictly. I ring my GP if I’ve had a couple
Finlay had made decisions about which medications he
of days/nights being short of breath and go down and see her, and she
would take, he prided himself on managing the ‘self’, and
writes out the change in medications so I know exactly what to do.
he was constantly working out ways to improve the ways helived with asthma. He made decisions about what to share
Asthma clinics have only recently been a choice for people in
with the doctor and, in taking control, he had governed his
Australia, and clients tend to be people who have been newly
illness. Adams et al. (2001) showed that participants wished
diagnosed. Collaborative management seems most likely to
to remain in control by choosing when to seek care, and
be a result of involvement with an asthma clinic. These
wanted to share decisions about initial changes in medication
offered much more than straight medical management
during moderate asthma exacerbations.
advice, and collaboration between GP and client was central.
Experts in management of the self often have a long
When input from the client was acknowledged and valued,
learning history, especially when they have lived with the
facilitation of the client toward self-agency in asthma
condition for most of their lives (Kennedy 2003). Partici-
pants’ observations of the changes that had taken place inasthma management during the last 50 years was indeed
interesting. We heard about dietary requirements, when achild with asthma was expected to take only ‘black rye
Participants spoke about a model that we have designated as
bread, lettuce and water’. Penny explained that as a 7-year-
self-agency. Most people had identified their own responses
to illness, and some were constantly planning their dailyroutines as a means of creating order in their lives. Devel-
I used to have asthma powder…you remember the tobacco tins the
oping alternative lifestyle habits appeared to be important for
men used to smoke? Used to have to put it in a tin and burn it and
those who had embraced self-management. Taking control of
inhale the smoke. Just makes you want to throw up thinking about it.
their own lives was crucial for those who claimed to manage
Penny’s sister, Diane, who also attended the PAR group
the self, as their accounts indicated that helping oneself was
an important aspect of living with asthma. Taking action todeal with it was a part of everyday life, and the person
When growing up with my sister I was advised to get her out of bed
and kneel on her chest and squeeze every bit out of her lungs until she
Some participants talked about self-management solely in
took her breath. Like a resuscitation.
terms of their own agency. Others ignored biomedical
These people were experts on their own conditions and
language and focused entirely on the impact of the condition
responses to illness because their life experiences had
on their lives and their responses to the impact. Penny
informed them about managing the self. Changes in medical
described how she had learned to be ‘cagey’ or ‘sneaky’ in
management were monitored with vigilance. These people
have seen many asthma management changes, and keeping
…about having osteoporosis and asthma and being on medications
informed meant that they would be the first to know about
for both. It’s a vicious circle. I’ve learnt to be cagey. If I can’t breathe,
better and new ways of managing their condition. In addition
Ó 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 48(5), 484–492
to searching for new information herself, Penny worked
self-management. The first two models have been previously
alongside her doctor: ‘My doctor tells me, ‘This is new on the
articulated by Bodenheimer et al. (2002); however, the self-
market, so try this’. Penny had undertaken a process of
agency model of self-management is our theoretical contri-
learning from herself, others, peers, and doctors so that she
bution. Older people who had lived with asthma for most of
could find a way for asthma to be part of her life. While she
their lives were clearly experts in the management of their
was the first to say, ‘Asthma can make your life terrible’, she
condition. Experts in management of the self often have a
concentrated on things she could do – ‘write stories, paint
long learning history, especially when they have lived with
instead of playing sport’. She had learned to do things
this condition most of their lives. Those older people in our
study who were at an expert level of ‘self’-management were
Management of the ‘self’ was a full-time job. Finlay asked
able to conceptualize and use these influences in ways that
the group to reflect on their self-management:
enhanced their health. With this awareness, they manipulatedthe extended and external environment to suit their current
Are we taking management of asthma for granted just because we
situation. Changes in medical management supported by
have this thing? We have found out for ourselves what is happening,
research were monitored with vigilance. Those who had had
we see articles on asthma, and we ask our doctor who may be more
asthma since childhood had seen many management changes,
prominent in thinking and diagnosis. I wonder whether we encourage
and keeping informed meant that they would be the first to
people enough to find out things for themselves?
know about better ways to manage their condition. They
He had obviously made decisions for himself, and wanted to
recognized that asthma fluctuated as life and the illness
encourage others in the PAR group to take responsibility for
When medical help was sought, participants preferred this
In summary, self-management was about reclaiming the
assistance in collaboration with health care professionals.
self and regaining full human identity. This meant achieving
This was congruent with the collaborative model of care
recognition and support for self-monitoring practices.
identified by Bodenheimer et al. (2002). What made theinteraction different was that it was their decision to enterthis model when acute events occurred or other medical
treatment was sought, rather than a health professional
We have articulated three tentative models based on the data
benevolently deciding that this was the best course to steer.
generated with participants. Although self-management was
Taking control of their own lives was crucial in managing the
shown to have multiple meanings, the dominant model was
self. Helping oneself was an important aspect of living with
medical self-management. In addition, much of the literature
asthma, and taking action to deal with the condition was a
assumes that self-management means the same to all people –
part of everyday life. Even for these self-determining experts,
both professionals and those living with a chronic condition.
management of the ‘self’ was seen as a full-time job.
The role of the ‘self’ was excluded from these discourses;instead, the focus was on medication compliance. However,
sometimes alternative or ‘softer’ terms such as adherence andconcordance have been used.
This study gives a foundation for nurses to understand how
In this study it was identified that the major constraint on
older people living with asthma are able to achieve a level of
self-management was a narrow conception as solely medical
self-agency that does not rely on health care professionals
management, and notions of patients’ self-agency were
taking the lead role in management. It also highlights that this
dismissed. Yet participants who had asthma since childhood
chronic disease does not just exist in a clinical framework of
were experts in their own self-management, although they
expiratory peak flow measurement and medication manage-
were not always acknowledged as such. They were conver-
ment. Nor does it necessarily require us to provide ‘off the
sant with medical asthma management in the first instance,
shelf ‘self-management education about how we think that
and subsequently managed the ‘self’ in the context of their
people ought to cope. When nurses cross therapeutic paths
lives. They had developed a sense of mastery (Kralik 2002).
with people who have achieved self-agency in asthma
Here the term ‘self-management’ makes reference to the
management, we must accept that they are the experts and
activities these people have undertaken to create order,
have chosen to use our knowledge and skills to augment their
discipline and control in their lives (Kralik et al. 2003).
Whilst we have identified three models of asthma manage-
For older people who are not yet self-agents in their care,
ment, we are not to first to use the term ‘model’ to describe
providing the clinical and social environments for them to
Ó 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 48(5), 484–492
Issues and innovations in nursing practice
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widespread, emphasizing adherence to directions pro-
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a partnership exists between those living a with chronic
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illness and health care professionals.
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• Three models of asthma self-management: medical,
matic patients: is there a solution to the problem? Asthma
• The self-agency model, advocating self-determination, is
Bodenheimer T., Lorig K., Holman H. & Grumbach K. (2002)
a theoretical contribution to self-management discus-
Patient self-management of chronic disease in primary care.
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