1. Acuut begin en wisselend verloop
a) acute veranderingen gaande van enkele uren tot dagen tov
b) gedragsveranderingen in de loop van de dag
2. Onoplettendheid/aandachtsstoornis
Concentratiemoeilijkheden/gemakkelijk afgeleid/moeilijk volgen
3. Verward denken
Onsamenhangend-onlogisch-onvoorspelbare gedachtengang
4. Veranderde mate van bewustzijn
+ direct gevolg van een organische oorzaak
Delirium zo 1(a) + 1(b) en 2 en (3 of 4) positief gescoord worden
• farmacologisch behandelen indien symptomen
– gevaar voor onderbreken (levens)-noodzakelijke
• beademing, centrale katheters, maagsonde
– delirium/therapy (Mesh): 1576 artikels
Treatment of agitation in AD outpatients
a radomized, placebo-controled clinical trial (16 weeks)
Behavior haloperidol trazodone placebo overall management
NPI score (agitation/agression, hallucinations, delusions) in
NH residents with AD and psychotic/behavioral symptoms
Olanzapine 5 mg/d, 10 mg/d, 15 mg/d, placebo
Effectiveness of atypical antipsychotic drugs in
• RCT met 421 ambulant en thuiswonende AD
patiënten met psychose, agressie of agitatie
• Vergelijking ZYP (▲ 5.5 mg/d), RIS (▲ 1 mg/d),
• SER en PLAC vroeger gestopt wegens gebrek
• ZYP, RIS, SER frekwenter gestopt dan PLAC
Zijn atypische neuroleptica veiliger dan
Nevenwerkingen (in %) CATIE-AD Study Group
Nevenwerkingen (in %) CATIE-AD Study Group
cholesterol ∆ tot laatste -11.3 mg -1.9 mg
11 october 2002, http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/alt_formats/hpfb-dgpsa/pdf/medeff/risperdal_hpc-cps-eng.pdf
Antipsychotic drugs an sudden cardiac death
Low dose: haloperidol < 2 mg, olanzapine < 5 mg, quetiapine < 75 mg, risperidone < 2 mg
Antipsychotic therapy and short-term (< 30d) serious
Low dose: haloperidol < 2 mg, olanzapine < 5 mg, quetiapine < 75 mg, risperidone < 2 mg
A double-blind comparison of citalopram and risperidone for the treatment of behavioral and psychotic symptoms associated with dementia Neurobehavioral rating scale (1 not present => 7 extremely severe) 8: DISINHIBITION: socially inappropriate comments and/or actions, including aggressive/sexual content, outbursts of temper,…) 11: AGITATION: motor manifestations of overactivation ( eg kicking, arm flailing, picking, roaming, …) 14: HOSTILITY/UNCOOPERATIVENESS: animosity, irritability, disdain for others, belligrence,…)
Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2007; 15:942-952
Antidepressants for agitation and psychosis in
There is some evidence to support the use of certain antidepressants for agitation and psychosis in dementia and further studies are required to determine the effectiveness and safety of SSRIs and trazodone in managing these symptoms
• Atypische AP1 vs atypische AP2 vs atypische AP3 ?
• Evidentie dat antidepressiva > placebo
• Typische AP > = < atypische AP ?
Eerst somatische oorzaak diagnosticeren en behandelen
bijsluiter België delirium Eerste keuze in richtlijnen door expert opinie, niet door kwaliteit RCT’s
Studienübersicht Onkologie Dezember 2012Preoperative chemoradiotherapy versus chemotherapy alone in NSCLC patients with mediastinal lymph node Bevacicumab, pemetrexed and cisplatin, or erlotinib and bevacizumab, non-squamous NSCLC stratified by EGFR-mutation status. phase II including biopsy at A Randomized, Double-Blind, Phase 3 Study of Docetaxel and Ramucirumab versus Docetaxel and Pla
South Central Priorities Committees (Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth PCTs) Interim Policy Statement 150: Assisted Conception Services South Central Specialised Approved June 2006; reconfirmed July 2007; Commissioning Board decision: amended March 2008, revised July 2009; amended September 2010, amended December 2012 Date of Issue: February 201