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Policy Title:
Administration Of Medications
(including emergency and life saving medication)
Signature 1:
Amanda Rixon (Pre-School Manager)
Signature 2:
Peter Arnett (Chairman)
Date Policy Deleted:
Policy Replaced by:
Signature 1:
Signature 2:
St. Johns Catholic School for the Deaf, Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS23 6DF Tel: 01937 844239. Email: [email protected] Date of Publication:
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Number of pages:
Administration of Medication Policy.
Under the Children's Act Regulations (1989 & 2004), Clifford Pre-School is required to keep a signed copy of al medication administered to children whilst they are in the care of the Pre-School.
Clifford Pre-School has a clear policy regarding the administration of medication. This is read and understood by al staff and discussed with parents regarding the administration of their child's or children's medication.
To comply with the Children's Act regarding administration of medication: If possible the parent of the child wil administer al medication before Pre-School starts.
If this is not possible then medication must be stored in the original container and clearly label ed with the child's name, dosage, expiry date of medication and any instructions for it's administration.
Blanket consent should not be given by a parent to cover al non-prescription medication.
Prescribed medicines will only be administered with prior written consent and where there is a health reason to do so.
Where local regulations require it, guidance will be sought from social services before people other than parents agree to administer medicines.
Written information must be obtained from the parent giving clear instructions about dosage, administration of the medicine and written permission for a member of staff to fol ow the instructions.
Written records are kept of al medication administered on the Medication Administration Sheet. Parents are required to sign the sheet on col ection of their child (ren) to acknowledge the time and dosage of medication given. This is then to be photocopied and one copy is kept in the child's file and one copy given to the parent.
If the administration of prescription medications requires technical/medical knowledge then individual training must be provided for al staff from a St. Johns Catholic School for the Deaf, Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS23 Date of Publication:
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qualified health professional. Al training is specific to the individual child concerned and wil not be taken as indicative for al .
Staff will always check that the expiry date for medications has not elapsed. If it is found that the expiry date has passed, then new medication with a valid date wil be required before administration of medication can re-commence.
Al medication wil be stored in the high wall cupboard which is inaccessible to children.
If cool storage is required, the medication will be stored in the fridge inside a dedicated storage container clearly label ed as such.
With regard to Clifford Pre-School and the administration of life saving medication (e.g. insulin/adrenalin injections) or the use of al nebulised medication (e.g. salbutamol or atrovent), the position set out by Clifford Pre-School's insurance company and subsequent policy is: Staff may assist children in the use of nebulisers provided written consent has been provided in advance by parents and clear instructions are available.
If a emergency situation develops that Clifford Pre-School staff are incapable of dealing with due to lack of technical or knowledgeable expertise then the emergency services will be immediately contacted and their instructions used as guidance until a person of greater medical training arrives at Clifford Pre-School to take over.
If any injection, or life saving medication is required, then Clifford Pre-School's insurance group must have in advance of the child starting Clifford Pre-School a letter from the child's GP or hospital consultant describing in a clear and understandable format the child's condition and subsequent treatment.
The insurance company must also be informed with the fol owing documentation: A receipt of written consent from the parents al owing administration of treatment/medication.
St. Johns Catholic School for the Deaf, Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS23 Date of Publication:
Version Number:
Number of pages:
Evidence that staff at Clifford pre-School have received training from a qualified health professional.
Arrangements must be agreed with parents in advance so that children's individual emergency medication is available at al times.
Signature 1:
Amanda Rixon (Pre-School Manager)
Signature 2:
Peter Arnett (Chairman)
Review Date:
St. Johns Catholic School for the Deaf, Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS23



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National Council of Young Israel ירבד Shlomo Z. Mostofsky, National President Rabbi Pesach Lerner, Executive Vice President הרות A project of the NATIONAL COUNCIL OF YOUNG ISRAEL Also available on our website: GUEST RABBI PARSHAT: Vayishlach Rabbi Lawrence Teitelman 14 Kislev 5772 Young Israel of New Hyde Park, NY

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