2003 , Apr . 24 ( 2) : 116
CN 53 - 1040/ Q
ISS N 0254 - 5853
Zoological Research
Projections of the High Vocal Center and Its Shell ,
and Distribution of Substance P in the Vocal2
Auditory Center in Emberiza elega ns
ZHAN G Xin2w e n1 , ZEN G Shao2ju2 , LI J ia2 , MA J un2 , ZUO Ming2xue 2 (1. Department of Biology , Hainan Normal University , Haikou College of Life Science , Beijing Normal University , Beijing Abstract : Using the neural tracer biotinylated dextran amine and the immunohistochemical methods , we found that
high vocal center ( HVc) in Emberiza elegans received projections from the auditory area2field (L) , nucleus interfacialis of midneostriatum , magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (MAN) , nucleus uvaeformis , and locus ceruleus ofpons ; HVc projected to the robust archistriatum (RA) and area X of lobus (X) . HVc shell projected to the RA cup and received from L . As there were many neural connections among the vocal control and learning pathway , and the auditorycenter , vocal learning may depend on a feedback of listening senses. Substance P (SP) labeled neurons distributed in HVc , RA and MAN. SP labeled fibers and terminals distributed in X , the nucleus dorsalis medialis , the nucleus hy2 poglossi , pars tracheosyringealis , the nucleus ovoidalis shell , the shell of mesencephalicus lateralis , pars dorsalis , and the nucleus intercollicularis. SP widely distributed in vocal2auditory centers , and may involve in their activities.
Key words : Emberiza elegans ; Vocal nucleus ; Auditory center ; Nervons projection ; Substance P
( Brainard & Doupe , 2000 ; Burt et al , 1994-2006 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. 1994-2006 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. ( nucleus hypoglossi ,pars tracheosyringealis , lar nucleus of the anterior neostriatum , MAN) 1994-2006 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. Projections of the high vocal center and its shell , and distribution of substance P in the vocal2auditory (Tractus archistriatalis dorsalis) ; DM : L3 ( Auditory area2field L1 , L2 and L3) ; (Lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum) ; LoC : (Mesencephalicus lateralis , pars dorsalis) ; mMAN : cleus of the anterior neostriatum) ; NIf : (Nucleus interfacialis of midneostriatum) ; n (Nucleus hypoglossi , pars tracheosyringealis) ; N [ 1 - 7 are transverse section (dorsalis is on the 1994-2006 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. over , medialis is on the right) ; 8 - 12 are longitudinal section (dorsalis is on the over , beak is on the right) ] ( Injection site of BDA at HVc shell , labeled terminals of the dorsal (After injecting BDA into HVc shell , labelled cells in field L1 , L2 (After injecting BDA into HVc , labelled cells in NIf) (After injecting BDA into HVc , labelled cells in mMAN and lMAN , and labelled terminals and fibers in X) (After injecting BDA into HVc , labelled cells in LoC) (After injecting BDA into HVc , labelled terminals in RA) (Labeled neurons cells by Substance P in HVc) (Labeled neuronal fibers , terminals and bodies by Substance P in the area X) (Labeled neurons terminals by Substance P in the DM , ICo and MLd shell) (Labeled neurons terminals by Substance P in n (Labeled neurons terminals and fibers by Substance P in the OV shell) Brainard MS , Doupe AJ . 2000. Auditory feedback in learning and (Lond . ) , 329 (1) : 115 - 124.
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