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Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire Publications including Short Form 02/18/05
Endicott J, Nee J, Harrison W, Blumenthal R. Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire: A New Measure.
Psychopharmacology Bulletin 29(2):321-326, 1993.
Dott SG, Walling DP, Bishop SL, Bucy JE, Folkes CC. The Efficacy of Short-term Treatment for Improving the Quality of Life: A
Pilot Study. J Nervous & Mental Disease 184(8):507-509, 1996.
Kocsis JH, Zisook S, Davidson J, Shelton R, Yonkers K, Hellerstein DJ, Rosenbaum J, Halbreich U. Double-Blind Comparison of
Sertraline, Imipramine, and Placebo in the Treatment of Dysthymia: Psychosocial Outcomes. Am J Psych 154(3):390-395, 1997.
Lydiard RB, Stahl SM, Hertzman M, Harrison WM. A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study Comparing the Effects of Sertraline
Versus Amitriptyline in the Treatment of Major Depression. J Clin Psych 58(11): 484-491, 1997.
Gelfin Y, Gorfine M, Lerer B. Effect of Clinical Doses of Fluoxetine on Psychological Variables in Healthy Volunteers. Am J Psych
155(2):290-292, 1998.
Gupta S, Kulhara P, Verma SK. Quality of Life in Schizophrenia and Dysthymia. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 97:290-296, 1998.
Miller IW, Keitner GI, Schatzberg AF, Klein DN, Thase ME, Rush AJ, Markowitz JC, Schlager DS, Kornstein SG, Davis SM,
Harrison WM, Keller MB. The Treatment of Chronic Depression, Part 3: Psychosocial Functioning Before and After Treatment with
Sertraline or Imipramine. J Clin Psych 59(11): 608-619, 1998.
Pohl RB, Wolkow RM, Clary CM. Sertraline in the Treatment of Panic Disorder: A Double-Blind Multicenter Trial. Am J Psychiatry
155(9):1189-1195, 1998.
Pollack MH, Otto MW, Worthington JJ, Manfro GG, Wolkow R. Sertraline in the Treatment of Panic Disorder: A Flexible-Dose
Multicenter Trial. Arch Gen Psych 55:1010-1016, 1998.
Rapaport MH, Wolkow RM, Clary CM. Methodologies and Outcomes from the Sertraline Multicenter Flexible-Dose Trials.
Psychopharm Bull 34(2):183-189, 1998.
Seidman SN, Rabkin JG. Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Hypogonadal Men with SSRI-refractory Depression. JAD 48:157-
161, 1998.
Wheatley DP, van Moffaert M, Timmerman L, Kremer CM. Mirtazapine. Efficacy and Tolerability in Comparison with Fluoxetine in
Patients with Moderate to Severe Major Depressive Disorder. Mirtazapine-Fluoxetine Study Group. J Clin Psych 59(6):306-312,
Bishop SL, Walling DP, Dott SG, Folkes CC and Bucy J. Refining Quality of Life: Validating a Multidimensional Factor Measure in
the Severe Mentally Ill. Quality of Life Research 8:151-160, 1999.
Egarter C, Topcuoglu MA, Imhof M, Huber J. Low Dose Oral Contraceptives and Quality of Life. Contraception 59(5):287-291,
Finkel SI, Richter EM, Clary CM. Treatment of Depression: Comparative Efficacy and Safety of Sertraline Versus Nortriptyline in
Major Depression in Patients 70 and Older. Int’l Psychogeriatrics 11(1):85-99, 1999.
Finkel SI, Richter EM, Clary CM, Batzar E. Comparative Efficacy of Sertraline vs. Fluoxetine in Patients Age 70 or Over with Major
Depression. Am J Geriatr Psych 7(3): 221-227, 1999.
Freeman EW, Rickels K, Sondheimer SJ, Polansky M. Differential Response to Antidepresants in Women with Premenstrual
Syndrome/Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Arch Gen Psych 56:932-939, 1999
Gladis MM, Gosch EA, Dishuk NM, Crits-Christoph P. Quality of Life: Expanding the scope of clinical significance. J Consult Clin
Psychol 67(3):320-31, 1999.

Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire Publications - 2

Leinonen E, Skarstein J, Behnke K, Agren H, Helsdingen JT. Efficacy and Tolerability of Mirtazapine Versus Citalopram: A Double-
Blind, Randomized Study in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder. Nordic Antidepressant Study Group. Int Clin Psychopharmacol
14(6):329-37, 1999.
Rabkin JG, Wagner GJ, Rabkin R. Testosterone Therapy for Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Positive Men With and Without
Hypogonadism. J Clin Psychopharmacol 19(1):19-27, 1999.
Bondareff W, Alpert M, Friedhoff AJ, Richter EM, Clary CM, Batzar E. Comparison of Sertraline and Nortriptyline in the Treatment
of Major Depressive Disorder in Late Life. Am J Psych 157(5):729-736, 2000.
Brady K, Pearlstein T, Asnis GM, Baker D, Rothbaum B, Sikes CR, Farfel GM. Efficacy and Safety of Sertraline Treatment of
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA 283(14):1837-1844, 2000.
Freeman EW, Sondheimer SJ, Polanksy M, Garcia-Espagna B. Predictors of Response to Sertraline Treatment of Severe Premenstrual
Syndromes. J Clin Psych 61(8):579-584, 2000.
Halperin S, Nathan P, Drummond P, Castle D. A cognitive-behavioral, group-based intervention for social anxiety in schizophrenia.
Aust N Z J Psychiatry: 34(5):809-13, 2000
Henkel H, Schmitz M, Berghhofer G, Lang A, Kager A, Steiner E, Schmidl F, Rudas S. [Quality of Life of the mentally ill] [article in
German] Wien Med Wochenschr 150(3):32-6, 2000.
Kornstein SG, Schatzberg AF, Thase ME, Yonkers KA, McCullough JP, Keitner GI, Gelenberg AJ, Ryan CE, Hess AL, Harrison W,
Davis SM, Keller MB. Gender Differences in Chronic Major and Double Depression. JAD 60:1-11, 2000.
Newhouse P, Krishnan KRR, Doraiswamy PM, Richter E, Batzar E, Clary C. A Double-blind Comparison of Sertraline and
Fluoxetine in Depressed Elderly Outpatients. J Clin Psych 61(8):559-568, 2000.
Pearlstein TB, Halbreich U, Batzar ED, Brown CS, Endicott J, Frank E, Freeman EW, Harrison WM, Haskett RF, Stout AL, Yonkers
KA. Psychosocial Functioning in Women with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Before and After Treatment with Sertraline or
Placebo. J Clin Psych 61(2):101-109, 2000.
Pollack MH, Rapaport MH, Clary CM, Mardekian J, Wolkow R. Sertraline Treatment of Panic Disorder: Response in Patients at Risk
for Poor Outcome. J Clin Psych 61:922-927, 2000.
Rabkin JG, Wagner GJ, Rabkin R. A Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Testosterone Therapy for HIV-Positive Men with
Hypogonadal Symptoms. Arch Gen Psych 57:141-147, 2000.
Rabkin JG, Ferrando SJ, Wagner GJ, Rabkin R. DHEA Treatment for HIV+ Patients: Effects on Mood, Androgenic and Anabolic
Parameters. Psychoneuroendocrinology 25:53-68, 2000.
Rabkin JG, Ferrando SJ, Lin S-H, Sewell M, McElhiney M. Psychological Effects of HAART: A 2-year study. Psychosomatic
Medicine 62:413-422, 2000.
Rabkin JG, Wagner GJ, Del Bene M. Resilience and Distress Among Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients and Caregivers.
Psychosomatic Medicine 62:271-279, 2000.
Rapaport MH, Pollack M, Wolkow R, Mardekian J, Clary C. Is Placebo Response the Same as Drug Response in
Panic Disorder? Am J Psych 157(6):1014-1016, 2000.
Ritsner M, Modai I, Endicott J, Rivkin O, Nechamkin Y, Barak P, Goldin V, Ponizovsky A. Differences in Quality of Life
Domains, Psychopathological and Psychosocial Factors in Psychiatric Patients. J Clin Psych 61(11):880-889, 2000.

Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire Publications - 3
Berghofer G, Lang A, Henkel H, Schmidl F, Rudas F, Schmitz M. Satisfaction of inpatients and outpatients with staff, environment,
and other patients. Psychiatr Serv 52(1):104-106, 2001.

Davidson J, Pearlstein T, Londborg P, Brady KT, Rothbaum B, Bell J, Maddock R, Hegel MT, Farfel G. Efficacy of
Sertraline in Preventing Relapse of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Results of a 28-Week Double-Blind, Placebo-
Controlled Study. Am J Psychiatry 158(12):1974-1981, 2001.

DeMello MF, Myczcowisk LM, Menezes PR. A randomized controlled trial comparing moclobemide and moclobe-mide plus
interpersonal psychotherapy in the treatment of dysthymic disorder. J Psychother Pract Res 10(2):117-123, 2001.
Guelfi JD, Ansseau M, Timmerman L, Korsgaard S. Mirtazapine versus venlafaxine in hospitalized severely depressed patients with
melancholic features. J Clin Psychopharmacol 21(4): 425-31, 2001.
Koran LM, Gelenberg AJ, Kornstein SG, Howland RH, Friedman RA, DeBattista C, Klein D, Kocsis JH, Schatzberg AF, Thase ME,
Rush AJ, Hirschfeld RMA, LaVange LM, Keller MB. Sertraline versus imipramine to prevent relapse in chronic depression. JAD
65(1):27-36, 2001.
Rapaport MH, Wolkow R, Rubin A, Hackett E, Pollack M, Ota KY. Sertraline treatment of panic disorder: Results of a long-term
study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 104(4):289-298, 2001.
Ritsner M, Modai I, Kurs R, Kostizky H, Ponizovsky A. A comparison between the Hebrew versions of the Quality of
Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire and the Lancashire Quality of Life Profile in severely mentally ill patients. Quality of
Life Newsletter 26:12-13, 2001.
Russell JM, Koran LM, Rush J, Hirschfeld RMA, Harrison W, Friedman ES, Davis S, Keller M. Effect of concurrent anxiety on
response to sertraline and imipramine in patients with chronic depression. Depress Anxiety 13(1):18-27, 2001.
Saka MC, Özer S, Ulu∏ahin A. Bipolar Bozukluk Bir Yill2k ⁄zlem Çal2∏mas2. Turk Psikiyatri Dergisi 12(4):283-292, 2001.
Schneider LS, Small GW, Clary CM. Estrogen Replacement Therapy and Antidepressant Response to Sertraline in Older Depressed
Women. Am J Geriatr Psych 9(4):393-399, 2001.
Carpenter LL, Yasmin S, Price LH. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of antidepressant augmentation with Mirtazapine. Biol
Psych 51(2): 183-188, 2002.
Elliott AJ, Russo J, Roy-Byrne PP. The effect of changes in depression on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in HIV infection.
Gen Hosp Psych 24(1):43-47, 2002.
Ernst U, Baumgartner L, Bauer U, Janssen G. Improvement of quality of life in women using a low-dose desogestrel-containing
contraceptive: Results of an observational clinical evaluation. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 7(4):238-43, 2002.
Halbreich U, Bergeron R, Yonkers KA, Freeman E, Stout AL, Cohen L. Efficacy of intermittent, luteal phase sertraline treatment of
premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Obstet Gynecol 100(6):1219-1229, 2002.
Kuan AJ, Carter DMG, Ott FJ. Distress Levels in Patients With Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. Can J Psychiatry (La revue
canadienne de psychiatrie) 47(9):888-889, 2002. (Letter to the Editor)
Lang A, Steiner E, Berghofer G, Henkel H, Schmitz M, Schmidl F, Rudas S. Quality of life and other characteristics of Viennese
mental health care users. IJSP 48(1): 59-69, 2002.
Ozer S, Ulusahin A, Batur S, Kabakci E, Saka MC. Outcome measures of interepisode bipolar patients in a Turkish sample. Soc
Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 37(1):31-37, 2002.
Rapaport MH, Endicott J, Clary CM. PTSD and Quality of Life: Results across 64 weeks of sertraline treatment. J Clin Psych
63(1):59-65, 2002.
Ritsner M, Ponizovsky A, Endicott J, Nechamkin Y, Rauchverger B, Silver H, Modai I. The impact of side-effects of antipsychotic
agents on life satisfaction of schizophrenia patients: A naturalistic study. European Neuropsychophar-macology 12(1):31-38, 2002.
Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire Publications - 4
Ritsner M, Kurs R, Kostizky H, Ponizovsky A, Modai I. Subjective quality of life in severely mentally ill patients: A comparison of
two instruments. Quality of Life Research 11(6):553-561, 2002.
Kingsep P, Nathan P, Castle D. Cognitive behavioural group treatment for social anxiety in schizophrenia. Schizo Res
63:121-129, 2003.
Liebowitz MR, DeMartinis NA, Weihs K, Londborg PD, Smith WT, Chung H, Fayyad R, Clary CM. Efficacy of Sertraline in severe
generalized social anxiety disorder: Results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. J Clin Psychiatry 64(7):785-792, 2003.
Nardi P, Acocella A, Tedesco A, Rispoli A, Giacomelli E. Psychological aspects in orthognathic surgery. Body image and quality of
life in postsurgical assessment. Body image and quality of life in postsurgical assessment Minerva Stomatol 52(4):145-52, 152-55,
2003. English, Italian.
Ozen S, Sir A.Frequency of PTSD in a group of search and rescue workers two months after 2003 Bingol (Turkey) earthquake. J Nerv
Ment Dis.192(8):573-5, 2004.
Ponizovsky AM, Grinshpoon A, Levav I, Ritsner MS. Life satisfaction and suicidal attempts among persons with
schizophrenia. Compr Psychiatry 44(6): 442-447, 2003.
Revicki DA, Paramore LC, Sommerville KW, Swann AC, Zajecka JM; Depakote Comparator Study Group. Divalproex sodium
versus olanzapine in the treatment of acute mania in bipolar disorder: health-related quality of life medical cost outcomes. J Clin
Psychiatry 64(3):288-294, 2003.
Ritsner M, Kurs R, Givel A, Hirschmann S, Shinkarenko E, Ratner Y. Predictors of quality of life in major psychoses: A naturalistic
follow-up study. J Clin Psychiatry 64(3):308-315, 2003.
Ritsner M. Predicting changes in domain-specific quality of life schizophrenia patients. J Nervous & Mental Disease 191(5):287-294,
Ritsner M, Ben-Avi I, Ponizovsky A, Timinsky I, Bistrov E, Modai I. Quality of life and coping with schizophrenia symptoms.
Quality of Life Research 12(1):1-9, 2003.
Ritsner M, Farkas H, Gibel A. Satisfaction with quality of life varies with temperament types of patients with schizophrenia. J
Nervous & Mental Disease 191(10):668-674, 2003.
Russell JM, Kornstein SG, Shea MT, McCullough JP, Harrison WM, Hirschfeld RMA, Keller MB. Chronic Depression and comorbid
personality disorders: Response to Sertraline verses imipramine. J Clin Psychiatry 64(5): 554-15, 2003.
Stahl SM, Gergel I, Li D. Escitalopram in the treatment of panic disorder: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J Clin
Psychiatry 64(11):1322-1327, 2003.

Swenson JR, O’Connor CM, Barton D, Van Zyle LT, Swedberg K, Forman LM, Gaffney M, Glassman AH. Sertraline Antidepressant
Heart Attack Randomized Trial (SADHART) Group. Influence of depression and effect of treatment with sertraline on quality of life
after hospitalization for acute coronary syndrome. Am J Cardiol 92(11):1271-1276, 2003.
Allgulander C, Dahl AA, Austin C, Morris PLP, Sogaard JA, Fayyad R, Kutcher SP, Clary CM. Efficacy of Sertraline in a 12-week
trial for generalized anxiety disorder. Am J Psychiatry 161(9):1642-1649, 2004.
Chand PK, Mattoo SK, Sharan P. Quality of life and its correlates in patients with bipolar disorder stabilized on lithium prophylaxis.
Psychiatry & Clin Neurosci. 58(3):311-8, 2004.
Dyer O. Did an MI depress them or were they always that way? National Review of Medicine: 1(3), February 15, 2004.
Johnson BA, Ait-Daoud N, Akhtar FZ, Ma JZ. Oral topiramate reduces the consequences of drinking and improves the quality of life
of alcohol-dependent individuals: A randomized controlled trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry 61(9):905-912, 2004.
Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire Publications - 5
Keuthen NJ, Dougherty DD, Franklin ME, Bohne A, Loh R, Levy J, Beals A, Matthews M, Deckersbach T. Quality of life
and functional impairment in individuals with trichotillomania. The Journal of Applied Research 4(2):186-197, 2004.
Michalak EE, Tam EM, Manjunath CV, Solomons K, Levitt AJ, Levitan R, Enns M, Morehouse R, Yatham LN, Lam RW. Generic
and health-related quality of life in patients with seasonal and nonseasonal depression. Psychiatry Res 128(3):245-251, 2004.
Ritsner M, Kurs R, Ponizovsky A, Hadjez J. Perceived quality of life in schizophrenia: Relationships to sleep quality. Quality of Life
Research 13(4):783-91, 2004.
Ritsner M, Gibel A, Perelroyzen G, Kurs R, Jabarin M, Ratner Y. Quality of life outcomes of risperdone, olanzapine, and typical
antipsychotics among schizophrenia patients treated in routine clinical practice: A naturalistic comparative study. J Clin
Psychopharmacol 24(6):582-591, 2004.
Ritsner M, Perelroyzen G, Ilan H, Gibel A. Subjective response to antipsychotics of schizophrenia patients treated in routine clinical
practice: A naturalistic comparative study. J Clin Psychopharmacol 24(3):245-254, 2004.
Sheikh JI, Cassidy EL, Doraiswamy PM, Salomon RM, Hornig M, Holland PJ, Mandel FS, Clary CM, Burt T. Efficacy, safety, and
tolerability of sertraline in patients with late-life depression and comorbid medical illness. J Am Geriatr Soc 52(1):86-92, 2004.
Simon NM, Otto MW, Wisniewski SR, Fossey M, Sagduyu K, Frank E, Sachs GS, Nierenberg AA, Thase ME, Pollack MH. Anxiety
disorder comorbidity in bipolar disorder patients: Data from the first 500 participants in the systematic treatment enhancement
program for bipolar disorder (STEP-BD). Am J Psychiatry 161(12):2222-2229, 2004.
Trivedi MH, Pigotti TA, Perera P, Dillingham KE, Carfagno ML, Pitts CD. Effectiveness of low doses of paroxetine controlled
release in the treatment of major depressive disorder. J Clin Psychiatry 65(10):1356-64, 2004.
Simeon D, Greenberg J, Nelson D, Schmeidler J, Hollander E. Dissociation and posttraumatic stress 1 year after the world trade center
disaster: follow-up of a longitudinal survey. J Clin Psychiatry. 66(2):231-7, 2005.
Versiani M, Moreno R, Ramakers-van Moorsel CJ, Schutte AJ, Antidepressants Study Group CE. Comparison of the effects of
mirtazapine and fluoxetine in severely depressed patients. CNS Drugs 19(2):137-46, 2005.

RLJ - February 18, 2005


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