C l i n i c a l C a r e / E d u c a t i o n / N u t r i t i o n / P s y c h o s o c i a l R e s e a r c h O R I G I N A L Metformin, Sulfonylureas, or Other Antidiabetes Drugs and the Risk of Lactic Acidosis or Hypoglycemia A nested case-control analysis ICHAEL BODMER, MD, MSC SUSAN S. JICK, DSC HRISTIAN MEIER, MD CHRISTOPH R. MEIER, PHD, MSC TEPHAN KR ¨ UHL, MD, PHD
mortality was not correlated withplasma lactate concentrations. Interest-ingly, plasma metformin concentrations
OBJECTIVE — Lactic acidosis has been associated with use of metformin. Hypoglycemia is a
major concern using sulfonylureas. The aim of this study was to compare the risk of lactic
acidosis and hypoglycemia among patients with type 2 diabetes using oral antidiabetes drugs.
with lactic acidosis had, in addition tometformin use, acute or chronic comor-
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS — This study is a nested case-control analysis
bidities predisposing to lactic acidosis.
using the U.K.-based General Practice Research Database to identify patients with type 2 diabeteswho used oral antidiabetes drugs. Within the study population, all incident cases of lactic
acidosis and hypoglycemia were identified, and hypoglycemia case subjects were matched to up
to four control patients based on age, sex, practice, and calendar time. RESULTS — Among the study population of 50,048 type 2 diabetic subjects, six cases of lactic
acidosis during current use of oral antidiabetes drugs were identified, yielding a crude incidence
rate of 3.3 cases per 100,000 person-years among metformin users and 4.8 cases per 100,000
person-years among users of sulfonylureas. Relevant comorbidities known as risk factors for
Ͻ3.3 mmol/l and clinical response to glu-
lactic acidosis could be identified in all case subjects. A total of 2,025 case subjects with hypo-
glycemia and 7,278 matched control subjects were identified. Use of sulfonylureas was associ-ated with a materially elevated risk of hypoglycemia. The adjusted odds ratio for current use of
sulfonylureas was 2.79 (95% CI 2.23–3.50) compared with current metformin use.
hypoglycemia for metformin users variedbetween 0 and 21%. Since metformin
CONCLUSIONS — Lactic acidosis during current use of oral antidiabetes drugs was very
does not directly stimulate insulin secre-
rare and was associated with concurrent comorbidity. Hypoglycemic episodes were substantially
more common among sulfonylurea users than among users of metformin.
than for that of other oral antidiabetesdrugs. However, hypoglycemia in pa-
Diabetes Care 31:2086–2091, 2008
tients using metformin may occur in as-sociation with strenuous physical activity
Metforminplaysapivotalroleinthe eventhoughtheabsoluteriskappearsto orfasting.
be low, with incidence rates of lactic ac-
users of sulfonylureas. Magnitude and se-
and increasing glucose disposal in muscle
(1,9,10). In an observational study (11),
plasma lactate levels Ͼ4 mmol/l) contin-
lactic acidosis in 36,893 person-years of
ues to be discussed in the literature (2)
years); long-acting formulations, renalimpairment, older age, and incidental use
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
From the 1Division of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland;
the 2Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Clinical Nutrition, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Swit-
reports on the risk of hypoglycemia in pa-
zerland; the 3Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program, Boston University School of Medicine,Lexington, Massachusetts; the 4Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Boston University,
tients using oral antidiabetes drugs, direct
Massachusetts; and the 5Basel Pharmacoepidemiology Unit, Division of Clinical Pharmacology and
Toxicology, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland.
Corresponding author: Christoph R. Meier, meierch@uhbs.ch.
Received 27 June 2008 and accepted 10 August 2008. Published ahead of print at http://care.diabetesjournals.org on 9 September 2008. DOI: 10.2337/dc08-1171.
varies considerably across previous stud-
2008 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly
ies, and a comparison of their results is
cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered. See http://creativecommons.
therefore difficult (7). Additionally, no
org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ for details.
previous study quantified both the risk of
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be herebymarked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.
developing lactic acidosis and hypoglyce-
Bodmer and Associates Table 1—Oral antidiabetes drug use in seven case subjects with lactic acidosis
heart disease, nonexacerbatedchronic obstructive pulmonarydisease (survived)
nonexacerbated chronicobstructive pulmonary disease(survived)
*Patient no. 4 was classified as a “past metformin user” because the tablet supply of the last metformin prescription prior to the index date was likely to not last upto or beyond the index date (for details, see text).
validated and proven to be of high quality
formin in the same study population.
Within this diabetic study population, we
identified all patients between age 30 and
tional study to compare the risk of lactic
89 years with a first-time diagnosis of lac-
tic acidosis or hypoglycemia after the first
of metformin, sulfonylureas, or other oral
prescription for an oral antidiabetes drug.
The date of this first diagnosis of interest
will be referred to as the index date. We
manually reviewed all case subjects with a
METHODS — Data were derived from
jects who received at least one prescrip-
classified them into “mild to moderate” if
gliclazide, glipizide, glimepiride, glib-
GP or “severe” if they had to be hospital-
general practitioners (GPs), covering ϳ50
thiazolidinedione (pioglitazone, rosiglita-
U.K. for all potential lactic acidosis cases.
zone, or troglitazone), an ␣-glucosidase
sentative of the U.K. with regard to age,
inhibitor (acarbose), or a prandial glucose
fied at random up to four control patients
to case subjects with regard to age (same
year of birth), sex, general practice, and
index date (i.e., the date of the hypogly-
not include type 1 diabetic subjects with
excluded all patients with Ͻ3 years of re-
corded history in the database before the
first prescription for an antidiabetes drug,
insulin before the index date in case and
contains the name of the preparation, in-
as well as all patients with alcoholism, a
tion, dose, and number of tablets for each
class (insulin, sulfonylureas, metformin,
of gestational diabetes at any time in their
thiazolidinediones, prandial glucose reg-
ulators, or ␣-glucosidase inhibitors), the
Antidiabetes drugs and hypoglycemia Table 2—Characteristics and comorbidities of hypoglycemia case (n ؍ 2,025) and control (n ؍ 7,278) subjects
Data are n (%), unless otherwise indicated. *Adjusted for all the variables displayed in the table plus for use of oral antidiabetes drugs, insulin, antihypertensive drugs,lipid-lowering agents, diuretics, inhaled and systemic corticosteroids, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, neuroleptics, benzodiazepines, stomach acid–reducingdrugs, and analgesics.
timing of exposure (current use, if the last
ther model, we directly compared the risk
prescription for a drug of interest was re-
the number of prescriptions before the in-
kg/m2); a variety of diagnosed comorbidi-
dex date (none, 1– 4, 5–14, or Ն15 pre-
ties potentially associated with an altered
RESULTS — The study population en-
rates, in person-years, of the outcomes of
at least one prescription for at least one
interest for current metformin and sulfo-
nylurea use, based on the number of users
jects of the study population was 60.7 Ϯ
perlipidemia, depression, and/or suicidal
We identified 14 patients with a recorded
code for lactic acidosis. After manual re-
dosis, respiratory acidosis, or nonacidotic
mic case subjects and control subjects.
tios with 95% CIs. P values are two-sided
fonylureas with nonusers of sulfonylureas
tient (no. 4) was classified as a past met-
and considered statistically significant if
Ͻ0.05. In one model, we compared met- other variables displayed above. In a fur- gliclazide user (Table 1). Among six case
Bodmer and Associates Table 3—Hypoglycemia risk by antidiabetes drug class and by duration of use among case (n ؍ 2,025) and control (n ؍ 7,278) subjects
Data are n (%), unless otherwise indicated. *Adjusted for each other, insulin, antihypertensive drugs, lipid-lowering agents, diuretics, inhaled and systemiccorticosteroids, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, neuroleptics, benzodiazepines, stomach acid–reducing drugs, and analgesics. Rx, prescription.
subjects with current use of oral antidia-
worsening of known risk factors for lactic
1.22–1.64) and with current use of a sul-
jects, but the numbers were too small for
acidosis, namely acute heart failure, uro-
fonylurea drug 3.73 (3.16 – 4.42), com-
sepsis, hypovolaemia, seizure, or acute re-
classes and adjusted for each other, cur-
(nos. 1 and 5). Based on the number of
rent use of insulin, other oral antidiabetes
metformin users, prescriptions, and aver-
rate of lactic acidosis in metfomin users of
ϳ3.3 per 100,000 person-years. The analysis in which we directly compared fonlyureas only, 16 used gliclazide, 5crude incidence rate of lactic acidosis dur-
ing current use of sulfonylureas was ϳ4.8
current sulfonylurea users to the risk in
current metformin users in the absence of
CONCLUSIONS — In our study, 5 of
odds ratio for current use of a sulfonyl-
10,000 subjects) developed lactic acidosis
fied 2,025 case subjects with recorded hy-
tantly. In only one patient on metformin,
no acute deterioration of a medical condi-
tion known to be a risk factor for lactic
acidosis could be identified. However, in
3.05 (2.21–4.21), respectively, and for
this patient suffered from liver cirrhosis,
dence rates for current users of metformin
2.71 (2.04 –3.61) and 3.30 (2.18 –5.00),
poses to lactic acidosis. One case subject
tively (Table 2). The odds ratio of devel-
Antidiabetes drugs and hypoglycemia Table 4—Hypoglycemia risk by current exposure to sulfonylurea drugs, metformin, and/or insulin among case (n ؍ 2,025) and control (n ؍ 7,278) subjects
Data are n (%) unless otherwise indicated. *Adjusted for use of other oral antidiabetes drugs, insulin, antihypertensive drugs, lipid-lowering agents, diuretics, inhaledand systemic corticosteroids, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, neuroleptics, benzodiazepines, stomach acid–reducing drugs, and analgesics.
case group was too small for formal anal-
for hypoglycemia, as was use of sulfonyl-
ureas (adjusted odds ratio 3.73). In con-
current users of metformin or of sulfonyl-
associated with only a small relative risk
elevation, as reported previously (1,9).
ciated with a higher risk of hypoglycemic
greater risk of lactic acidosis among met-
(7,11). In our study, the odds ratios for all
other oral antidiabetes drugs (3,17).
ies (9,11), although reported frequencies
for most sulfonylureas (data not shown).
tic acidosis” describes a temporal rela-
rence of lactic acidosis. Sometimes, this
enough to lead to a GP or hospital visit,
could only be proven by a positive rechal-
high severity; randomized trials with pre-
literature describe patients who had pre-
cases of lactic acidosis, among whom five
subjects were current users of metformin.
In these five case subjects, chronic dis-
nary disease, or liver cirrhosis (2,18). Nu-
was inversely related with the risk of de-
clinical situation preceded lactic acidosis.
metformin with lactic acidosis in patientswith acute renal failure or severely im-
diabetes control in obese patients. As pre-
rare and is observed in association with an
viously observed (22), sex did not predis-
acutely worsening clinical condition. The
paired renal function is considered to be a
ers in our study. These results differ from
formin-associated lactic acidosis. Inter-
estingly, similar incidence rates for lactic
risk of hypoglycemia in smokers (23).
risk of lactic acidosis associated with met-
formin use, clinicians must carefully en-
(3,5). These findings suggest that diabe-
tes, rather than metformin, may be a lead-
substantially higher in the early phase of
ing risk factor for lactic acidosis.
before, with elevated risk for incidental
50,048 (4.1%) patients experienced a first
Acknowledgments — This study was funded
with oral antidiabetes drugs. As expected,
use of insulin was an important risk factor
time, better patient education to avoid hy-
Bodmer and Associates
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Den klinikfärdiga. Jag är utbildad skötare men också jobbskatteavdragsfinansiär och diagnosbärare. Insjuknade i psykos en månad innan min examen 1979 med tillhörande statusfall. Från att ha varit "en av oss" blev jag "en av de där" med åtföljande bemötande. Bor, lever och verkar nu hos fyra katter i ett hus på landet. Och är en stolt morfar! Varför ska jag var
RESUMEN DEL ELSA YOUTH MEETING 2009 Por: David Romero, miembro de la Fundación Española de la Tartamudez y delegado en el séptimo ELSA Youth Meeting El séptimo encuentro juvenil europeo organizado por ELSA (liga europea de asociaciones de tartamudez) tuvo lugar en la población de Giggleswick, al norte de Inglaterra, entre el 25 y 31 de Julio de 2009. Este era mi primer encuentro de este