Noninterventional and Medical Management Hypertension Management in PAD Patients BY JAMES A.M. SMITH, DO
Hypertension (HTN) can be defined as persistent hypertrophy and mitral regurgitation) is easily assessed by
elevation in blood pressure exceeding the ideal
this noninvasive test, it is a very compelling argument that
of 130/90 mm Hg (130/85 in diabetics). There
patients require more aggressive treatment of their BP.
are, however, many scenarios in which it is less
When coronary artery disease, PAD, or bruits are discovered
than clear whether a patient with HTN needs to be treated.
or identified in any vascular territory, the issue of BP must
Each of us has encountered the patient who says, “My pres-
be addressed because HTN accelerates the atherosclerotic
sure is always high when I come to the doctor’s office. At
home, my pressure is fine.” That person requires evaluation
Although secondary causes of HTN are present in <10%
and follow-up to determine if there is a blood pressure (BP)
of patients, the first step in treating essential HTN has been
the restriction of dietary sodium because excess salt results
HTN is one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular
in volume retention, which may exacerbate HTN in many
disease and poses a risk in other vascular territories; there-
individuals. This requires considerable education regarding
fore, it is critical to evaluate the patient from a broad per-
dietary sodium because the diet in Western societies is very
spective regarding cardiovascular risk. Genetic predisposi-
high in sodium content, much of which is “hidden” and
tion to vascular disease is especially important when com-
unknown to the consumer. It is well known that canned
pounded with other risk factors: HTN, smoking, elevated
soups and fast food (increasingly consumed by the older
lipids, insulin resistance, sedentary behavior, or previous vas-
population), as well as many restaurant meals, snack foods,
cular territory insult, such as myocardial infarction (MI),
and luncheon meats, are very heavily salted, yet few of our
congestive heart failure (CHF), stroke, hypertensive
patients take time to analyze what they eat on a daily basis.
retinopathy, left ventricular hypertrophy, and peripheral
Diastolic HTN frequently occurs in the obese population
artery disease (PAD). It should be emphasized that BP con-
and is multifactor, including high sodium consumption, vol-
trol is a key element in minimizing the likelihood of cardio-
ume expansion, diastolic cardiac dysfunction in insulin
vascular death and morbidity in these patients. Interestingly,
resistance syndrome, and sedentary behavior. This group
Wong et al reported that 75% of patients with systolic HTN
also includes individuals with obstructive sleep apnea, an
had inadequate control. More importantly, although 89% of
ever-increasing number in Western society. These people
patients with strokes were treated for HTN, only 35% of
may present with systolic HTN, diastolic HTN, or they may
those patients had their BP controlled to adequate levels
be in “sympathetic overdrive,” which is HTN with resting
(≤140/90 mm Hg), and subsequently, there was a one in six
Systolic HTN is prevalent in older populations due to a
decrease in large vessel compliance, salt and fluid retention,
and left ventricular dysfunction. In certain individuals, sym-
In patients who insist that their BP is never high unless
pathetic overdrive—resting tachycardia with increased sys-
they are in the doctor’s office, an echocardiogram is very
temic vascular resistance—can result in HTN, which acceler-
useful to predict target-organ effects of sustained HTN.
ates the potential for cardiovascular morbidity, especially
Because negative remodeling of the heart (ie, left ventricular
HTN in patients with cardiac or renal disease invariably
Frequently lacking in these medical regimens are patients
has a combination of risk factors. Idiopathic (essential) HTN
taking ownership of their condition. They often fail to make
is by far the common denominator in the population at risk
adequate lifestyle modifications to help control their disease
for cardiovascular disease. However, these patients may
process. As many of these patients are >50 years old, their
progress to require the addition of multiple medications for
lifestyles are ingrained such that they find it nearly impossi-
BP control. When this happens, a physician may suspect
ble to exercise, lose weight, eat a healthy diet, and favorably
that other factors, such as renal artery stenosis (RAS) or
influence their disease. A common argument is genetics,
decreased large-vessel compliance, may be contributing.
“My dad was big, my uncles, aunts, and mother had dia-
RAS is predominantly due to atherosclerotic (macro-
betes, etc.” Thus, the patient has the foregone conclusion
arterial) disease, although in younger individuals (<35 years),
that, “There is nothing I can do about the cards I was dealt.”
a separate etiology, fibromuscular dysplasia of the renal
This attitude permeates our society, and unless we as physi-
arteries, should be considered. The groups of patients with
cians intervene earlier, the idea of inevitability continues to
intrinsic renal disease, glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephri-
become an insurmountable obstacle resulting in cardiovas-
tis, and vasculitis represent a smaller proportion of the
hypertensive population. Because these hypertensive
One startling trend in the US is the ever-increasing preva-
patients are less common, this discussion focuses primarily
lence of diabetes, which correlates with obesity in our popu-
on individuals in the risk pool for systemic atherosclerosis,
lation.4 Patients who claim that, “My HgA1c is good” tend
patients >50 years with multiple cardiovascular risk factors.
to ignore the fact that any diagnosis of insulin resistance(prediabetes, type II diabetes) correlates with the presence
of cardiovascular disease. Thus, cardiovascular disease can
PAD represents atherosclerosis of the lower extremities,
manifest as a macroarterial insult (MI, stroke, symptomatic
and HTN is often a common denominator in these patients.
PAD, RAS with renal insufficiency, HTN) or as a microvascu-
Because HTN is a risk factor for MI, stroke, limb claudica-
lar complication, such as retinopathy, nephropathy, diastolic
tion, and renal failure, treatment of HTN is an essential ele-
dysfunction, peripheral neuropathy, lacunar stroke, claudica-
ment for treating any of these conditions.
tion, and potential limb loss. Diabetes accelerates vascular
Current therapy in patients with a history of MI includes
disease, and once the diagnosis is made, the patient must
beta blockade, angiotensin receptor blockade with or with-
understand the seriousness of potential cardiovascular com-
out angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition, diuretics, and
antiplatelet regimens. Calcium channel blockers have bothantiarrhythmic and antihypertensive effects as well, and the
Factors to Consider When Selecting a Treatment Plan
majority of these patients are on some combination of
Key points in the assessment of HTN are the presence of
these medications. Central alpha-adrenergic inhibitors may
target organ damage, such as left ventricular hypertrophy,
also be used. Thus, we treat these patients with volume
stroke, and proteinuria. Any finding that suggests the pres-
(sodium) depletion, diuretics, renin inhibition, sympathetic
ence of PAD, such as claudication and carotid or abdominal
inhibition, and calcium blockade while attempting to slow
bruits, should heighten the acuity of the clinician’s need to
the progression of their cardiovascular disease.
treat the patient’s HTN and other risk factors. Pohl et al
In patients with resistant HTN who do not have RAS,
found that atherosclerotic renal artery disease progressed in
hyperaldosteronism is recognized as the most common eti-
44% (37/85) of patients; 16% (14/85) of patients progressed
ology. In this setting, a plasma aldosterone-to-renin ratio
should be measured even if the serum potassium level is
We see patients over a wide spectrum of disease process-
normal. A ratio >20 has sufficient sensitivity and specificity
es. One patient may present with an acute MI as the first
to serve as an effective screening test for hyperaldostero-
symptom of cardiovascular disease, whereas another indi-
nism. Confirmation with a 24-hour urine test for aldos-
vidual who had an MI 4 years before is seen for a routine
terone excretion confirms the diagnosis. Values of urinary
physical. The common denominator is systemic atheroscle-
aldosterone exceeding 12 mg/24 hours with urinary sodium
rosis, and we as clinicians know that there are factors that
>200 mEq/24 hours reflect primary aldosteronism.2
favor progression and others that tend to slow the progres-
Medical therapy with mineralocorticoid receptor antago-
sion of the disease process. Although we physicians are not
nists, such as spironolactone and eplerenone, offers a first
always model patients ourselves, it behooves us to set a
line of therapy in these patients, especially when they are
good example by our lifestyles, appropriate exercise, and
not good surgical candidates. Laparoscopic adrenalectomy
dietary behavior with judicious counseling. It is also critical
should be considered in patients with a unilateral adenoma
that we use the resources available to us and provide this
whose BP cannot be controlled adequately.3
information to our patients to permit them to make
APRIL 2008 I ENDOVASCULAR TODAY I 53 Potential Reasons for Nonreferral
First, some nephrologists may not believe that percuta-
neous transluminal angioplasty with or without stents hasbeen beneficial. The indications for percutaneous translu-minal angioplasty with stenting have not been welldefined. Current indications include difficult-to-controlBP in patients with >70% unilateral or bilateral stenosis,azotemia caused by significant RAS, uncompensated CHFor flash pulmonary edema in patients with bilateral RAS,or decreasing renal mass (atrophy) caused by unilateral orbilateral RAS that has been assessed by serial imaging.
In the DRASTIC study, Van Jaasveld et al studied 106
patients with RAS exceeding 50% and a serum creatininelevel of 2.3 micrograms per deciliter or less. These patients
Figure 1. This 79-year-old patient with bilateral RAS had a
were also required to have a diastolic BP of ≥95 mm Hg
hostile aorta and severe multidrug-resistant HTN. Because of
despite treatment with two antihypertensive medications
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and severe CAD, she was
or a serum creatinine level increase of >0.2 micrograms
not a candidate for surgical revascularization. She had two
per deciliter during treatment with an angiotensin-con-
hospitalizations for “flash” pulmonary edema in the preced-
verting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor. The patients were moni-
ing 3 months and ultimately underwent bilateral renal artery
tored for 12 months, and the investigators found no sig-
percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with stents. She lived
nificant differences in systolic and diastolic BP, daily drug
4 additional years with no subsequent admissions for CHF
doses, or renal function between the angioplasty without
and did not require dialysis.
stents group and the drug therapy group. They concludedthat in the treatment of patients with HTN and RAS
healthy decisions. The psychology of medicine is an enor-
>50%, angioplasty had little advantage over antihyperten-
mous part of our daily practice, and our relationship with
sive therapy. Patients were excluded from the DRASTIC
patients is critical to modifying the natural history of sys-
study if they had proven secondary HTN from other caus-
temic atherosclerosis. We are fortunate to have excellent
es (cancer, CHF, unstable CAD). Only two patients in the
pharmacology available, with the potential for even better
angioplasty group received renal artery stents, while two
drugs on the horizon.6 However, unless we can convince
additional patients underwent surgical revascularization
patients to take ownership of their disease, make changes in
for failed angioplasty and in one patient whose HTN per-
lifestyles, and reinforce good behavior, we will continue to
sisted (diastolic BP ≥95 mm) after 3 months. At 12
expend a very large amount of our health care resources on
months, 48% (23/48) of the angioplasty patients had at
putting out fires and crisis intervention in cardiovascular
least 50% stenosis of the treated artery, but none had
care. Of those issues that may be successfully treated, our
total occlusion. In the drug therapy randomized group,
justification may be for the prevention of stroke, MI, renal
86% (43/50) underwent angiography at 12 months.
failure, or lowered mortality rates. The prevention of renal
Seventy-two percent (31/43) of these patients had steno-
failure usually is accomplished by interventional means in
sis ≥50%, and the stenosis had progressed to total occlu-
patients with severe bilateral RAS or unilateral disease to a
sion in 9% (4/43). This study raised even more questions
regarding the treatment of RAS, and the data were signifi-cantly flawed by the fact that stents (the current standard
of care) were not used. The patients who underwent sur-
gical revascularization confound not only the data but
On a monthly basis, I teach a course on angiography and
also suggest that the premise of endovascular therapy for
peripheral vascular intervention. The students include cardi-
preservation of renal size (mass) is correct. Although there
ologists, radiologists, vascular specialists, and, increasingly,
was no significant benefit in BP control between the two
cardiovascular surgeons and general surgeons who are learn-
groups, a selection bias against patients with CHF who
ing peripheral vascular intervention techniques. I ask them,
were not included in the study may have actually favored
“Do nephrologists refer patients for RAS?” Invariably, the
intervention with angioplasty and stents had they been
answer is either “never” or “very seldom.” These responses
raise the question as to why this is the case. As I see it, there
Second, some nephrologists may not pursue the diag-
nosis with fervor. Some HTN experts may claim that the
gold standard, the renal duplex scan, is “not that accurate”
or is “technically difficult.” Although it is true that the
The treatment of HTN in the cardiovascular patient
technical difficulty is an issue in large patients and some-
population remains a significant clinical challenge. In
times requires a bowel preparation, it is widely viewed as
fact, it needs to be one of the highest priorities in pre-
the most accurate test with absolutely no potentially
venting the progression of cardiovascular disease in pre-
adverse biologic effects. In the proper hands, it is the gold
viously diagnosed target organs or undiagnosed other
standard (short of angiography) in diagnosing RAS. The
vascular territories. Because the treatment of HTN often
duplex scan combines real-time imaging of the kidney
requires a multidrug regimen, the physician must factor
with pulsed Doppler interrogation of the renal arteries.
in a number of concerns—such as the frequency of dose
Thus, it provides information about kidney size, contour,
administration, cost, and side effects—that weigh heavi-
and drainage, while also providing physiologic data about
ly on the clinical decision-making process. In addition,
and perhaps just as important, is the fact that the
This raises other questions: “With an exam such as the
patient has systemic atherosclerosis, a potentially termi-
renal duplex scan available, why is it not more widely
nal disease, and medication is only a part of the overall
available, and why do not vascular specialists, and espe-
management of this condition. The patient must take
cially nephrologists, insist upon excellence when providing
ownership of his condition while the physician provides
this test?” The fact remains that the renal duplex scan,
counseling, encouragement, and the psychological sup-
when performed by a registered vascular technologist, is
port necessary to help him make significant lifestyle
the most specific, cost-effective test available to our
patients with HTN who are in a high-risk category for ath-
Whether we are doing a good job in treating HTN
erosclerotic disease. Otherwise, the clinician is forced to
remains in question, and recent data suggest that we can
rely on contrast imaging with computed tomography or
do much better.1 Various types of physicians treat car-
magnetic resonance angiography, or a standard contrast
diovascular patients, and it is important to use the avail-
angiogram. Knowing the value of this completely nonin-
able resources to aggressively pursue a target BP of
vasive test, it behooves all vascular laboratory directors to
<140/90 mm Hg and to monitor disease progression. In
insist that their registered vascular technologists are profi-
some cases, endovascular intervention provides at least
cient in performing a renal duplex scan.
a palliative solution, but results need to be monitored.
Third, nephrologists believe that medical therapy is just
This includes monitoring of the BP and patient lifestyle,
as good or better than intervention. This argument may
periodic assessment of glomerular filtration rate and
reflect local expertise or lack thereof or the false assump-
serum creatinine, renal duplex surveillance after an inter-
tion that we are doing a better job of controlling HTN
vention, and even more proactive evaluations of hyper-
than we actually are. (See the National Health and
tensive patients with this highly effective technology. ■
Furthermore, if the only alternative were progression to
James A.M. Smith, DO, is the Founder and Director of
the need for dialysis, why would one not aggressively find
the River City Cardiac and Vascular Institute, in Wichita,
and treat these patients with percutaneous transluminal
Kansas. He is board certified by the American Board of
angioplasty and stents? One might draw the conclusion
Vascular Medicine, Intervention. Dr. Smith may be reached
on the behalf of the patient that a dialysis lifestyle is toler-
at (316) 462-1070; [email protected].
able. However, the time commitment, comorbidities, costof transportation, inconvenience to family members and
1. Wong N, Lopez V, L’Italien G, et al. Inadequate control of hypertension in US adults with
patients, and burden of chronic illness must be consid-
cardiovascular disease comorbidities in 2003-2004. Arch Intern Med. 2007;167:2431-2436. 2. Nishizaka MK, Pratt-Ubunama M, Zaman MA, et al. Validity of plasma aldosterone-to-
ered. No one wants to be on dialysis unless every poten-
renin activity ratio in African American and white subjects with resistant hypertension. Am J
Fourth, nephrologists may be afraid of losing control of
3. Pimenta E, Gaddam KK, Oparil S. Mechanisms and treatment of resistant hypertension. J
their patients after referral to the vascular specialist. This
Clin Hypertens. 2008;10:239-244. 4. Celik T, Iyisoy A, Kursaklioglu H, et al. Comparative effects of nebivolol and metoprolol on
argument is sound in that most of us as physicians believe
oxidative stress, insulin resistance, plasma adiponectin and soluble P-selectin levels in
that we can do as good a job at treating BP as another
hypertensive patients. J Hypertens. 2006;24:591-596.
specialist or even the primary care physician. In fact, the
5. Pohl MA, Novick AC. Natural history of atherosclerotic and fibrous renal artery disease:
National Health and Nutrition Exam Survey suggests that
clinical implications. Am J Kidney Dis. 1985;4:A120-130. 6. Weber MA, Bakris GL, Giles TD, et al. Beta-blockers in the treatment of hypertension: new
this mentality may have credibility because only 35% of
data, new directions. J Clin Hypertens. 2008;10:234-238.
patients who had strokes were subsequently treated with
7. Van Jaarsveld BC, Krijinen P, Pieterman H, et al. The effect of balloon angioplasty on
hypertension in atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis. NEJM. 2000;342:1007-1014. APRIL 2008 I ENDOVASCULAR TODAY I 55
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