Microsoft word - hee-joon-kim-bibliography.doc



Li M, Li W, Kim HJ, Yao Q, Chen C, Fisher WE. Characterization of somatostatin
receptor expression in human pancreatic cancer using real-time RT-PCR. Journal of Surgical Research. 119(6): 130-137, 2004.
Li M, Zhang R, Li F, Wang H, Kim HJ, Becnel L, Fisher WE. 2004. Transfection of
SSTR-1 and 2 inhibit Panc-1 cell proliferation and renders Panc-1 cells responsive to somatostatin analog. Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 201(10):571-8, 2005. Li M, Fisher WE, Kim HJ, Brunicardi FC, Chen C, Yao Q. Somatostatin,
somatostatin receptors and pancreatic cancer. World Journal of Surgery. 29(3): 293-296, 2005.
Kleinmann G, Kim HJ, Yee RW. Scleral expansion procedure for the correction of
presbyopia. International Ophthalmology Clinic. 46:1-12, 2006.
Kim HJ,
Hayek B, Nasser Q, Esmaeli B. Viability of full-thickness skin grafts used for
correction of cicatricial ectropion of lower eyelid in previously irradiated field in the periocular region. Head Neck Jan 2012 [Epub ahead of print] Kim HJ, Wojno T, Grossniklaus H. Atypical bilateral orbital metastasis of lobular breast
carcinoma. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. May 2012 [Epub ahead of print] Kim HJ, Wojno T, Grossniklaus H. Multiple intratarsal intratarsal keratinous cysts on a single
eyelid. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 28(5):e116. Kim HJ, Wojno TH, Grossniklaus H. Alveolar soft-part sarcoma: 2 case reports and a review of
the literature – accepted by Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery


Kim HJ, Wojno T, Grossniklaus H, Olsen T. Fibrovascular ingrowth in unwrapped,
ENDURAGen-wrapped, and Surgisis-wrapped smooth porous polyethylene and large-pore porous polyethylene sphere implants in a porcine model – submitted to Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery SYMPOSIUM CONTRIBUTIONS:

Kim HJ, Feldman RM, Chuang A, Bell NP. Comparison of reproducibility and variability
between OCT-3 version 1 and OCT-3 version 2. Annual Research Forum, UT-Medical School at Houston, Houston, Texas, October, 2003. Li M, Kim HJ, Yao Q, Chen C, Fisher WE. Characterization of somatostatin receptor
expression in human pancreatic cancer using real-time RT-PCR. Association for Academic Surgery 37th Annual Meeting, Sacramento, California, Nov. 13-15th, 2003. Li M, Zhang R, Kim HJ, Becnel L, Wang X, Brunicardi FC, Yao Q, Chen C,
Fisher WE. Somatostatin receptor as a tumor suppressor gene in pancreatic cancer. Molecular Surgeon Research Day, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, Dec.12th, 2003 Feldman RM, Kim HJ, Chuang A, Bell N. Comparison of reproducibility and variability
between OCT-3 version 1 and OCT-3 version 2. Academy of Visual Science and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, May, 2004. Kim HJ, Feldman RM, Chuang AZ, Syed M. Incidence of encapsulated filtering blebs
following postoperative prophylactic topical treatment with gatifloxacin 0.3%. American Glaucoma Society Annual Symposium, Charleston, South Carolina, March, 2006. Hayek B, Kim HJ, Esmaeli B. Viability of full-thickness skin grafts in previously irradiated
fields in the periocular region. American Society of Ophthalmic Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery Annual Symposium, New Orleans, Louisiana, November, 2007. Shinder R, Gutman J, Shields C, Shore J, Kim HJ. Dilated superior ophthalmic vein: from benign
to life-threatening. American Society of Ophthalmic Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery Annual Symposium, Orlando, Florida 2011 Kim HJ. Invasive fungal sinusitis with orbital involvement: a 20-year review of clinical
manifestations, management, and outcomes. American Society of Ophthalmic Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery Annual Symposium, Chicago, Illinois, November 2012 BOOK CHAPTERS:

Kim HJ, Kleinmann G, Yee RW. “Ch. 85: Scleral Procedures for Presbyopia.” Albert &

Jakobiec’s Principles and Practice in Ophthalmology, 3rd edition. Elsevier, 2008.
Kim HJ. “Ch. 15: Office Based Evaluation and Treatment of Epiphora.” Office Based


Feldman R., Kim HJ, Chuang AZ, Bell NP. Comparison of reproducibility and variability
between OCT-3 version 1 and OCT-3 version 2. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 45:E-Abstract 5496, 2004.


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