Physical examination (to be completed by physician)
Medical Exceptions:
The NCAA list of banned drug classes is composed of substances that are generally reported to be performance enhancing and harmful to one's health. The NCAA bans performance enhancing drugs to protect student-athlete health and safety and ensure a level playing field, and it also recognizes that some of these substances may be legitimately used as medications to treat student-athletes with learning disabilities and other medical conditions. Accordingly, the NCAA allows exceptions to be made for those student-athletes with a documented medical history demonstrating the need for regular use of such a drug. The benefit of a medical exception procedure is that in most cases the student-athlete's eligibility remains intact during the process. Exceptions may be granted for substances included in the following classes of banned drugs: stimulants, beta blockers, diuretics, anti-estrogens, anabolic agents (steroids)*, and peptide hormones* (NCAA Bylaw 31.2.3) [*anabolic agents and peptide hormones must be approved by the NCAA before the athlete is allowed to participate while taking these medications. The institution, through its director of athletics, may request an exception for use of an anabolic agent or peptide hormone by submitting to The National Center for Drug Free Sport (Drug Free Sport) any medical documentation it wishes to have considered.] In all cases a student-athlete, in conjunction with his or her treating physician, must document that a complete patient health history/exam was completed, proper testing was completed, and the patient was informed of the safety information regarding use of their prescribed medication. It is the responsibility of the institution to educate student-athletes about this policy, and to follow-up with any student- athlete who identifies the use of a banned medication to determine if standard non-banned medications have been pursued and documented. In order for a student-athlete to be granted a medical exception for the use of a medication that contains a banned substance, the student-athlete must: 1. Have declared the use of the substance to the FGCU Director of Sports Medicine, who is the athletics administrator responsible for keeping medical records; 2. Present a completed Medical Exception Form signed by the treating physician to the FGCU Director of Sports Medicine; and 3. Provide all necessary supporting documentation from the treating physician to the FGCU Director of Sports Medicine explaining the need to use a particular banned substance, the course of treatment for their diagnosis, and the dosage any/all medication(s). Requests for medical exceptions, requested by Florida Gulf Coast University, will be reviewed by physicians who are members of the NCAA Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports. Medical exceptions will be granted if the student-athlete has presented adequate documentation noted above. On the reverse side are three treatment issues to help illustrate the medical exception procedure: Examples: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – is one of the most common neurobehavioral disorders of childhood and can persist through adolescence and into adulthood. ADHD is generally diagnosed in childhood, but sometimes not until college or later. The most common medications used to treat ADHD are methylphenidate (Ritalin) and amphetamine (Adderall), which are banned under the NCAA class of stimulants. In order for a medical exception to be granted for the use of these stimulant medications, the student-athlete must show that he or she has undergone standard assessment to identify ADHD. Frequently a student-athlete may find that the demands of college present difficult learning challenges. They may realize that some of their teammates are benefitting from the use of these medications, and figure they should ask their team physician or family doctor to prescribe the same for them. If they do not undergo a standard assessment to diagnose ADHD, they have not met the requirements for an NCAA medical exception. Most colleges provide these types of assessment through their student support services or counseling and testing centers. The student-athlete should either provide documentation of an earlier assessment, or undergo an assessment prior to using stimulant medication for ADHD. If the diagnosis is ADHD, the student- athlete may then pursue treatment with the team physician or family physician for a prescription for stimulant medication, and provide all documentation to the appropriate athletics administrator to keep in the file in the event the student-athlete is selected for drug testing and tests positive. At that point, the athletics administrator will be instructed to provide the documentation for review by the medical panel, and if all is in order, the student-athlete's medical exception is granted. Male-Pattern Baldness – Androgenic alopecia is a common form of hair loss in both men and women. In men, this condition is also known as male-pattern baldness. Hair is lost in a well-defined pattern, beginning above both temples. Over time, the hairline recedes to form a characteristic "M" shape. Hair also thins at the crown of the head, often progressing to partial or complete baldness. Nonbanned medications are available to treat this condition. Finasteride (trade name Propecia), which is prescribed in some cases to treat male-pattern baldness, is a banned substance under the class of masking agents, as it interferes with the ability to identify steroid use. Before using finasteride, a student-athlete must exhaust other standard medications and document this effort. All documentation should be submitted to the sports medicine staff to review and maintain in the student- athlete's record. In the event a student-athlete tests positive for the use of Finasteride, the institution will then submit the full record for a medical exception review. Hypogonadism – Or testosterone deficiency, results either from a disorder of the testes (primary hypogonadism) or of the hypothalamus or pituitary glands (secondary hypogonadism). Causes of primary hypogonadism include Klinefelter's syndrome, undescended testicles and hemochromatosis. Secondary hypogonadism can be due to aging, increasing body mass index and/or type 2 diabetes mellitus. Treatment for hypogonadism may include testosterone medication. Testosterone falls under the banned drug class "anabolic agents". A student-athlete must request approval to use medication with testosterone prior to participation while using this substance. A full medical documentation of the diagnosis, course of treatment and prescription history must be provided by the institution prior to allowing the student-athlete to compete on this medication. If a student-athlete tests positive for testosterone and has not obtained prior approval to use this substance, the case must go to appeal.
Status of Mission Agreement (SOMA) on the Establishment and Management of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) Colombo, 18 March 2002 Preamble In accordance with the Ceasefire Agreement, the Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (hereinafter referred to as the GOSL) and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (hereinafter referred to as the LTTE) have r
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