Treatment of fragile X-associated tremor ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) and related neurological problems
Abstract: Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) is a progressive neurological
disorder that affects older adult carriers, predominantly males, of premutation alleles (55 to 200
CGG repeats) of the fragile X (FMR1) gene. Principal features of FXTAS are intention tremor,
ataxia, parkinsonism, cognitive decline, and peripheral neuropathy; ancillary features include,
autonomic dysfunction, and psychiatric symptoms of anxiety, depression, and disinhibition.
Although controlled trials have not been carried out in individuals with FXTAS, there is a
signifi cant amount of anecdotal information regarding various treatment modalities. Moreover,
there exists a great deal of evidence regarding the effi cacy of various medications for treatment
of other disorders (eg, Alzheimer disease) that have substantial phenotypic overlap with FXTAS.
The current review summarizes what is currently known regarding the symptomatic treatment,
or potential for treatment, of FXTAS. Keywords: fragile X syndrome, dementia, ataxia, neurodegeneration, parkinsonism, tremor Introduction
Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) is seen in a subgroup of older
adults who are carriers of premutation alleles (55–200 cytosine, guanine and guanine
[CGG] repeats) of the fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene (Hagerman et al
2001; Berry-Kravis et al 2007; Jacquemont et al 2007; Leehey et al 2007). The patho-
genesis of FXTAS results from the direct neural cell toxicity of elevated levels of the
Pediatrics, 4Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, 5Department of
expanded-CGG-repeat FMR1 mRNA (RNA toxic gain-of-function), which leads in
turn to dysregulation of a number of proteins including lamin A/C and alpha B crystal-
10Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 14Department of Biochemistry
lin (Arocena et al 2005). Characteristic neuropathological fi ndings of FXTAS include
formation of inclusions in neurons and astrocytes throughout the brain; spongioform
California, Davis, School of Medicine, Sacramento, CA, USA; 3Department of
white matter changes in subcortical, periventricular and brainstem regions, including
Neurology, University of Colorado, Denver,
the middle cerebellar peduncles (MCP sign); and global brain atrophy (Greco et al
CO, USA; 7Department of Pediatrics, Neurology, and Biochemistry, 8Department
2002; Jacquemont et al 2003; Cohen et al 2006; Greco et al 2006). The natural history
of FXTAS begins with the onset (average age, 60 yr) of a movement disorder involv-
of Biochemistry, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA; 11Physical Edge,
ing intention tremor and/or gait ataxia with tremor often preceding the ataxia by one
Inc., Davis, CA, USA; 12Seaside Therapeutics,
to several years (Leehey et al 2007). Decline in mobility generally progresses through
Cambridge, MA, USA; 13Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
the use of a cane, walker, and wheelchair, with eventual inability to ambulate (Leehey
et al 2007). FXTAS also includes neuropathy in the majority of patients, often involv-
ing pain, particularly in the lower extremities (Jacquemont et al 2004; Berry-Kravis
Correspondence: Randi J HagermanUC Davis M I N D Institute, 2825 50th
Additional features include autonomic dysfunction involving impotence, hyperten-
sion, orthostatic hypotension, urinary frequency, and urinary and bowel incontinence
(in the later stages). Psychiatric problems commonly seen in patients with FXTAS
include anxiety, agitation, apathy, and depression (Bacalman et al 2006). However,
Clinical Interventions in Aging 0000:0(0) 1–12
0000 Hagerman et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd. This is an Open Access article which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, provided the original work is properly cited.
a subgroup of premutation carriers may have psychiatric
severity of brain atrophy, and white matter disease (Loesch
problems even in childhood or adolescence, with features that
et al 2005; Cohen et al 2006), the density of inclusions and
can include ADHD, obsessive/compulsive thinking, anxiety
the age of death (Greco, Berman et al 2006), all correlate
disorders, or social diffi culties (Cornish et al 2005; Farzin
et al 2006; Hessl et al 2006). Cognitive changes in patients
The diagnosis of FXTAS is made clinically utilizing
with FXTAS include executive function defi cits and memory
criteria set forth in Jacquemont and colleagues (2003)
problems, which may be present at the time the individual
which can be seen in Table 1. Defi nite FXTAS requires
is diagnosed with tremor and/or ataxia (Grigsby et al 2006,
the presence of the major radiological sign, white matter
2007). The cognitive changes progress at a variable rate
disease in the MCP, in addition to tremor and/or ataxia in a
and dementia develops in at least 50% of cases (Bourgeois
premutation carrier. On autopsy, the presence of eosinophilic
(ubiquitin-positive; tau-, synuclein-negative) inclusions in
Premutation alleles of the FMR1 gene are relatively
the nuclei of neurons and astrocytes is also characteristic of
common in the general population, carried by ~1 in 130–250
defi nite FXTAS, and has been added to the diagnostic criteria
females and ~1 in 500–800 males (Rousseau et al 1995; Pesso
(Hagerman and Hagerman 2004). However, the MCP sign is
et al 2000; Dombrowski et al 2002; Beckett et al submitted).
only seen in 60% of males with FXTAS (Cohen et al 2006),
FXTAS occurs in older carriers (Ͼ50 years), is more common
and in approximately 13% of females with FXTAS (Adams
in males, and has age-dependent penetrance: 17% in their
et al 2007). Individuals with the premutation with tremor
50s, 38% in their 60s, 47% in their 70s, and 75% in their 80s
and ataxia but without the MCP sign (including those who
(Jacquemont et al 2004). These numbers lead to an estimated
have not had an MRI or cannot have an MRI) are described
prevalence of FXTAS as approximately 1 in 8,000 males
as probable FXTAS. Those with fewer symptoms, such as
over 50 years in the general population (Jacquemont et al
tremor or ataxia only, are described as possible FXTAS
2004, 2007). A recent study in female carriers suggests that
4% overall and 8% over 50 years of age develop FXTAS,
but it has a milder course than in males, perhaps related to
a protective effect of the second (normal) X chromosome in
Table 1 Clinical diagnostic criteria for FXTAS (Adapted from
females (Jacquemont et al 2004; Coffey et al in press).
Recent studies have broadened our concept of FXTAS
Molecular CGG repeat 55–200
to include hormonal dysfunction. Inclusions have been
documented in the anterior and posterior pituitary (Louis
et al 2006; Greco et al 2007), and in the Leydig cells in the
testicles, which produce testosterone. In one study, testoster-
one defi ciency was reported in 5 of 8 carriers that were tested,
Moderate to severe short term memory defi ciency
with such reductions presumably related to the pituitary
and Leydig cell involvement (Greco et al 2007). Additional
hormonal problems including hypothyroidism are seen in
MRI white matter lesions involving middle
approximately 50% of women with FXTAS (Coffey et al in
press). Fibromyalgia is seen in 40% of women with FXTAS,
MRI white matter lesions involving cerebral
although the pain associated with that patient description may
be diffi cult to distinguish from painful neuropathy (Coffey
Moderate to severe generalized brain atrophy
Diagnostic categories
It has been known since 1991 that approximately 20%
Defi nite Probable Possible
of women with the premutation have premature ovarian
failure (Cronister et al 1991), with the frequency of this
fi nding more recently shown to correlate with the size of
the CGG expansion in the premutation range (Sullivan et al
2005). Features of FXTAS, including age of onset of tremor
and ataxia (Tassone et al 2007), severity of both tremor
Abbreviations: FXTAS, fragile X-associated tremor ataxia syndrome; CGG, cytosine,
and ataxia, overall motor impairment (Leehey et al 2007),
guanine and guanine; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.
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There is currently no targeted therapeutic intervention that
metabolite phenobarbitol (Sasso et al 1991). It is started at
can arrest or reverse the pathogenesis of FXTAS; however,
low doses (eg, 25 mg/day or less), to minimize side effects
there are a number of treatment approaches of potential
such as nausea, vomiting, sedation, worsening of motor coor-
symptomatic benefi t, and these are reviewed here. Moreover,
dination, and confusion. If propanolol and primidone are not
there are neuroprotective agents that may slow the course
benefi cial, second line treatment includes topiramate, an anti-
of FXTAS. We emphasize that no randomized, controlled
convulsant with tremor effi cacy in placebo-controlled trials.
clinical trials have yet been carried out specifi cally in indi-
Sotalol, atenolol (other beta-blockers that may have less side
viduals with FXTAS for any therapeutic agent or procedure,
effects than propanolol), and alprazolam, a benzodiazepine
given its relatively recent discovery. Therefore, the current
that is also reported to be effective in some patients, may also
review must be considered as a summary of experiential
be considered (Gunal et al 2000). Because tremor is exacer-
reports by patients with FXTAS and their medical provid-
bated by anxiety or stress in most disorders, benzodiazepines
ers, or as summaries of the effi cacies of agents/procedures
may help to reduce anxiety and reduce tremor secondarily.
that have proven to be effective in other disorders that have
If these treatments fail, other medications that may be help-
signifi cant symptom overlap with FXTAS (Jacquemont et al
ful and have shown some effectiveness in open-label trials
2004; Bourgeois et al 2006; Hall et al 2006). Clearly, what is
include botulinum toxin, levetiracetam (Bushara et al 2005),
necessary at this point is to establish controlled clinical trials
clonazepam, clozapine, nadolol, and nimodipine (Zesiewicz
for these interventions in patient populations with FXTAS.
et al 2005). In a single open-label study levetiracetam was
found to be helpful for cerebellar tremor (Striano et al 2006).
Treatment of tremor
The latter is relevant for FXTAS because cerebellar dysfunc-
Fifty-six patients with FXTAS completed a questionnaire to
tion is a prominent fi nding in many affected persons.
determine if any medications had been effective for neuro-
In Hall and colleagues (2006), rest tremor was not evalu-
logical symptoms (Hall et al 2006). This was followed by a
ated exclusively, but FXTAS patients with parkinsonism
record review of treatment of their neurological symptoms.
(rest tremor, slowness, or stiffness) improved on carbidopa/
Although 70% of patients with defi nite FXTAS were on
levodopa in 4/10 subjects, pramipexole in 3/6 subjects, and
medications for their neurological symptoms, only 30% of
in one patient on eldepryl (Hall et al 2006). Although par-
patients with possible or probable FXTAS were taking medi-
kinsonism is considered a minor criteria for FXTAS, some
cations for motor signs (tremor, ataxia, or parkinsonism). Of
patients are dopamine responsive making them similar to
the subjects receiving therapy for action tremor; 3/6 reported
patients with idiopathic Parkinson disease. It is unknown
mild to moderate improvement on primidone, 3/8 had
whether motor fl uctuations, dyskinesia, or other side effects
moderate improvement of tremor on beta-blockers, 2/8 had
of these medications occur in patients with FXTAS, but
moderate improvement on benzodiazepines. One subject
dopaminergic therapy should be considered if parkinsonism
had improved tremor on memantine, which was prescribed
is problematic in a patient with FXTAS.
for cognitive decline. There was no improvement in tremor
Botulinum toxin injections
Beta-blockers and primidone are commonly used to treat
Botulinum toxin (BTX) is most commonly used in treating
essential tremor (ET) and may be the most likely candidates
conditions that involve involuntary muscle activities, such
for initiating therapy in FXTAS. Because controlled studies
as dystonia and spasticity. Its indications, though not all yet
have not been carried out in FXTAS, we discuss data from the
approved, have expanded during recent years, to include its
ET treatment literature. Propranolol, a β-adrenergic blocker,
use in the management of oversecretion of sweat glands,
is the most effective medication for the treatment of ET and
hypersalivation, and tremors (Cordivari et al 2004). On
may help enhanced physiologic tremors as well (Caccia et al
a trial basis, we applied BTX in one of our patients with
1989; Calzetti et al 1990); however, these medications are
FXTAS with a disabling arm tremor. Under the guidance of
contraindicated in patients with asthma, second-degree AV
electromyography (EMG), 10–15 units of Botox (the type A
block, and insulin dependent diabetes. Fatigability, impo-
of BTX, BTX A) were injected into fl exor digitorum super-
tence, lightheadedness, sedation and depressive symptoms
fi cialis, fl exor digitorum profundus, and extensor digitorum.
are common side effects. Primidone has also been shown
The exact dosage of BTX injected was determined based
to be effective in placebo controlled studies in ET (Koller
on the real-time activities shown on EMG, which provides
and Royse 1986), with its anti-tremor effect attributed to its
anatomical guidance for injections. The injection protocol
Clinical Interventions in Aging 0000:0(0)
was repeated every three months on average. The patient
tried with varying degrees of success. One is to reduce the
experienced signifi cant functional improvement following
physical tremor by mechanical means, such as adding mass
the injections, with reduced tremor during action and at rest
and/or some form of damping to the mouse. Although this
one week later. The maximal effect of BTX was experienced
can be helpful for some people, such a mouse can be physi-
at 4–6 weeks post injections, and benefi t lasted up to three
cally tiring to use. Furthermore, it is diffi cult to adjust the
mass and damping to a particular individual’s needs, which
Placebo controlled trials of BTX in essential tremor have
may vary over time and circumstance. A second approach
shown that in some cases there is signifi cant reduction of
is to use a different type of pointing device, such as a track-
tremor amplitude, but only mild functional improvement
ball, job stick, or keyboard keys. This helps some people,
associated with problematic limb weakness (Jankovic et al
but not others. For example, using a trackball requires good
1996; Brin et al 2001; Cordivari et al 2004). Faced with the
fi nger dexterity, while certain types of joysticks can actu-
challenge of medical management of the disabling tremor in
ally increase the tremor. A third approach, which was taken
patients with FXTAS, further study in this disorder, including
in a study completed at the University of Colorado Health
Sciences Center, is to accept the mouse motion and apply a
digital smoothing algorithm to reduce its effects. Researchers
Deep brain stimulation
at the IBM Watson Research Center created the Assistive
Only three persons with FXTAS that underwent bilateral
Mouse Adapter ( algorithm which
thalamic deep brain stimulation for tremor have been reported
has demonstrated a positive difference in cursor movement,
(Leehey et al 2003; Peters et al 2006). In one, a transient
button clicking, and speed of use in patients with tremor
microthalamotomy effect improved tremor greatly but speech
although none had FXTAS (Bodine et al 2007).
was softer and gait ataxia worsened markedly (Leehey et al
2003). Tremor reoccurred in four months, and stimulation
Treatment of ataxia
then was not benefi cial due to an open circuit on one side and
Gait difficulties may be caused by cerebellar ataxia or
suboptimal electrode placement on the other. The electrodes
parkinsonism in FXTAS and can be exacerbated by
were not corrected because of concern that further surgery
peripheral neuropathy. In those with parkinsonism and
may worsen speech and ataxia. There was no long-lasting
gait abnormalities, subjective improvement was seen on
cognitive dysfunction from the surgery. The two other people
carbidopa/levodopa, dopamine agonists, and eldepryl as
were cousins (Peters et al 2006). No informative clinical data
mentioned above (Hall et al 2006). Ataxia improved in one
were available on one; the other had a marked reduction in
patient on amantadine in the Hall and colleagues (2006)
tremor while gait ataxia persisted postoperatively. This latter
report and in two patients reported by Jacquemont and
patient had mild executive dysfunction prior to surgery and
colleagues (2004). There is no universally effective treat-
there was no mention about any changes in his mentation
ment for cerebellar ataxia, but a small proportion of sub-
jects on amantadine or buspirone will show improvement.
Given these reports suggesting gait ataxia may worsen
Unfortunately, these medications may be poorly tolerated in
after surgery, the usefulness of this procedure in FXTAS may
ataxia patients (Hassin-Baer et al 2000).
be limited. Moreover, persons with preexisting cognitive dys-
In addition to pharmacological treatment, physical
function tend to dement after bilateral deep brain stimulation
therapy can be helpful for improving strength and gait in
(Aybek and Vingerhoets 2007), and persons with FXTAS
treatment of patients with ataxia and parkinsonism, particu-
frequently have signifi cant cognitive dysfunction, further
larly as these patients continue to age (Ellis et al 2005; Cao
dampening enthusiasm for using this procedure in this popu-
et al 2007). Patients with cerebellar ataxia tend to exhibit
lation. However, persons with little or no ataxia or cognitive
gait abnormalities including slower walking velocity with
defi cits, but with disabling medically resistant tremor may still
reduced step length and high variability in step timing and
be candidates, at least for unilateral surgery, which is less likely
amplitude (Ebersbach et al 1999). Researchers have found
to worsen ataxia and cognition than bilateral surgery.
that the variability in gait speed is more attributable to bal-
ance-related defi cits than intra-limb coordination of leg
Computer modifi cations
placement during walking (Morton and Bastian 2003; Ilg
Several approaches to the problem of the use of the com-
et al 2007). Traditionally, patients with Parkinsonism have
puter mouse by individuals with essential tremor have been
responded well to step and gait training in physical therapy.
Clinical Interventions in Aging 0000:0(0)
Lasting improvements in overground walking speed, stride
brain atrophy with dilatation of the ventricles, which may
length, cadence, and fall reduction have been seen with physi-
be mistaken for normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH).
cal therapy and particularly with body-weight-supported
However, surgery for presumed NPH has been disastrous in
treadmill training (Miyai et al 2002; Pohl et al 2003; Protas
cases of FXTAS (Jacquemont et al 2004). Typically patients
et al 2005). In our experience these approaches have been
with FXTAS do not tolerate surgery with general anesthesia
helpful for individuals with FXTAS, but no studies of effi cacy
well and further deterioration in both motor and cognitive
abilities is typically seen (Jacquemont et al 2004). There-
fore, surgery should be avoided if at all possible. Support
Treatment of cognitive defi cits
for family caretakers during the dementia process is crucial,
and dementia
and the decision to place a patient with FXTAS in a center
The treatment of cognitive impairment in FXTAS is based on
that delivers specialty care for dementia patients is often
off-label application of dementia treatments conventionally
eventually necessary in late-stage disease.
used in Alzheimer’s disease (Farlow and Cummings 2007).
Nutrition and exercise studies
Cautious dosing of donepezil and other cholinesterase inhibi-
tors can be considered for the memory impairment; in the
in related conditions
early weeks and months of treatment memory function may
Many studies have investigated the possible role of diet and
be enhanced. Even if the eventual course of memory and
exercise in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), dementia, and related
other cognitive decline is not substantially altered, short-term
conditions. It is likely that the defi ciencies discussed here will
improvement in quality of life can result (Bourgeois et al
impact patients with FXTAS just as they do other causes of
2006). In addition, the frequent co-morbidities of depressive,
dementia. Defi ciencies in B vitamins, particularly folate and
anxiety, and psychotic disorders may lead the clinician to
vitamin B12, are common in elderly populations and have
treat with antidepressants and/or antipsychotics. The positive
been associated with increased risk of cognitive impairment
treatment effects on mood, anxiety, and psychosis can also
and dementia (Clarke et al 1998; Ramos et al 2005; de Lau
result in improved cognitive symptoms and performance
et al 2007; Durga et al 2007). Of particular interest is the
as seen in a case report of FXTAS (Bourgeois et al 2006).
sulfur amino acid homocysteine, which becomes elevated in
Anecdotal information also suggests that memantine, which
the blood (hyperhomocysteinemia) when folate or vitamin
may decrease glutamate-mediated neurotoxicity (Choi et al
B12 is defi cient (Selhub and Miller 1992). Hyperhomocys-
1988), is helpful in FXTAS, but controlled studies have not
teinemia is an independent risk factor for vascular disease,
been carried out. Memantine is typically well tolerated when
including cerebrovascular disease (Refsum et al 1998), and
started at low-dose (ie, 5 mg every morning) with a gradual
is associated with both an increased prevalence and incidence
increase to 10 mg twice a day (Reisberg et al 2003). Ran-
of AD and dementia (Clarke et al 1998; Miller et al 2002;
domized trials are currently being planned for cholinesterase
Seshadri et al 2002; Haan et al 2007). Lowering plasma
inhibitors, memantine, and other putatively neuroprotective
homocysteine levels with B vitamin supplements may reduce
(eg, lithium) agents to address the effect of these medications
the risk, though clinical trials are necessary to determine
on both the clinical symptoms and the eventual prognosis for
if such interventions will ultimately benefi t patients with
the cognitive aspects of FXTAS (Bauer et al 2003; Chuang
FXTAS or AD (Luchsinger et al 2007). It may be the case
that preventing hyperhomocysteinemia before cognitive
While it has yet to be established in clinical trials, using
defi cits appear will be more benefi cial than intervening after
the example of other neurodegenerative diseases (Scarmeas
cognitive impairment has been manifested.
et al 2005; Aggarwal et al 2006), it may be that progression
Alternatively, defi ciencies of folate and vitamin B12
in the motor symptoms predicts similar deterioration in the
may have effects on brain function independent of homo-
cognitive symptoms. Thus, clinicians should be particularly
cysteine. Both vitamins are involved in the synthesis of
vigilant for cognitive symptoms if the tremor and ataxia
S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), which serves as the universal
symptoms are in a period of progression.
methyl donor for a wide variety of methylation reactions,
Evaluation for other causes of dementia, particularly
including those involving neurotransmitters, membrane
reversible contributing causes, such as hypothyroidism, HIV,
phospholipids, myelin, and DNA (Selhub and Miller 1992).
syphilis, B12 defi ciency, thiamine, B6, or folate defi ciency, is
Of note is that both folate and vitamin B12 defi ciencies have
essential. Patients with FXTAS will usually have signifi cant
been associated with depression (Alpert and Fava 1997),
Clinical Interventions in Aging 0000:0(0)
and oral supplements of SAM have been shown to alleviate
FXTAS (Franke et al 1996; Hagerman and Hagerman 2002;
depressive symptoms (Mischoulon and Fava 2002). There
Hessl et al 2005). In addition, the use of selective serotonin
is also some evidence that folate has antioxidant properties
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) to treat depression or anxiety can
(Stanger et al 2002), though this is not currently considered
stimulate neurogenesis in the aging brain and may therefore
a major property of the vitamin. Nonetheless, neurons with
be neuroprotective for later cognitive decline (Jacobs et al
the FXTAS premutation will die more easily with oxidative
2000; Santarelli et al 2003). Neurogenesis, the making of
stress, and we recommend folate and B complex supplemen-
new neurons in adulthood, only occurs in the olfactory bulb
tation (to avoid defi ciencies). However, the prevalences of
and in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. The latter is
folate, vitamin B12, and other B vitamin defi ciencies, as well
important for learning and memory (Jacobs et al 2000). A
as hyperhomocysteinemia in FXTAS patients are not well-
stimulating environment that includes regular exercise may
documented and it is unknown if B vitamin supplements in
enhance neurogenesis, but increased stress or increased levels
FXTAS patients will protect against the cognitive impairment
of glucocorticoid hormones (cortisol) is expected to inhibit
and depression associated with the disorder.
neurogenesis (Jacobs et al 2000). Therefore teaching patients
Other dietary factors may be important in FXTAS. Treat-
to reduce stress and increase exercise as described above
ment with antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, may help
may be benefi cial for neurogenesis and may be particularly
prevent and treat the oxidative damage in neuronal cells
Integrated psychopharmacological approaches with
Exercise can also affect the outcomes of patients with
antidepressants and antipsychotics (if needed) along with
AD, FXTAS, and other neurodegenerative diseases and it can
cognition enhancers (discussed above) are indicated. Among
stimulate neurogenesis. Aerobic exercise has been found to
antidepressants, tricyclics (TCAs) and MAOIs have a pro-
modify cognition, such as executive functioning, and reduce
pensity for systemic side effects (anticholinergic effects of
symptoms of depression and behavioral problems in AD
TCAs may also further compromise cognition) and are best
patient populations (Yu et al 2006; Rolland et al 2007). We
avoided. SSRIs with minimal drug-drug interaction profi les
recommend exercise for patients with FXTAS, because in
(eg, sertraline, citalopram, escitalopram) are preferred;
our clinical experience it has been helpful. An exercise rou-
paroxetine, fl uoxetine, and fl uvoxamine are discouraged
tine that includes walking, strength, balance, and fl exibility
due to drug-drug interaction risk. The selective serotonin
training may be therapeutic (Rolland et al 2007). For patients
norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs; venlafaxine
experiencing signifi cant tremor, this should be guided by a
and duloxetine) are to be considered, as their noradrenergic
physical therapist, as described above.
activity may be desirable. Duloxetine may have the added
benefi t of reducing pain as described below. Both of these
Treatment of psychiatric problems
medications are used only with caution in renal failure,
Psychiatric problems can occur prior to the onset of FXTAS,
and they have CYP2D6 inhibitory effects so there can be
and include ADHD, anxiety disorders, and depression in
interactions with other medications. Mirtazapine is helpful
a subgroup of carriers. Females have been studied to the
especially for sedation and appetite stimulation; its dose is
greatest extent, although the stress of raising a child with
usually decreased in renal failure. For psychotic symptoms,
fragile X syndrome may exacerbate any underlying pathol-
cautious use of atypical antipsychotics is recommended with
ogy related to the premutation (Franke et al 1996, 1998). The
close follow-up; olanzapine is problematic in diabetes, while
limbic system has a higher transcription rate for the FMR1
ziprasidone can be problematic in patients with increased
mutation than most other areas of the brain and therefore it
QTc. There have been no cases of serious cardiac events
may be the most vulnerable to the RNA toxicity effect of the
with any of the atypical antipsychotic drugs (Tandon 2002;
premutation (Hagerman and Hagerman 2004; Tassone et al
Harrigan et al 2004). The newer antipsychotic, aripiprazole,
2004). Recent evidence of the association of depression with
may have the least metabolic side effects and may be a useful
Alzheimer disease suggests that early treatment of psychi-
choice when needed in patients with FXTAS.
atric problems, particularly depression and anxiety, which
Treatment of autonomic
can lead to neuronal cell death in the hippocampus, should
be treated early (Sapolsky 2000). This is likely true for all
brain diseases but there is a predisposition to depression in
Urinary urgency and frequency can be irritating symptoms,
individuals with the premutation even before the onset of
starting in the early 40’s and slowly become debilitating as
Clinical Interventions in Aging 0000:0(0)
the FXTAS patient ages. The normal micturition rate for
Pyridostigmine can also be used for orthostatic
most men is about every three hours with average fl uid intake
hypotension (Gales and Gales 2007), which is also common
but may progress to every 20 minutes in severely affected
in FXTAS. It also enhances sympathetic signal transduction,
individuals. Micturition is associated with diffi culty starting
which increases peripheral vascular resistance and increases
the stream, diffi culty emptying the bladder and dribbling.
baroreceptor sensitivity, which helps with orthostatic symp-
Detailed urodynamic studies have not been conducted, but
toms without exacerbating supine hypertension. Other agents
hyperactive detrusor activity is possible since some patients
that may be helpful in some cases for patients with FXTAS
respond well to tricyclic antidepressants or muscarinic
and orthostatic hypotension, include those often used in
receptor antagonists. Patients who do not respond well to
patients with multiple system atrophy or Parkinson disease
this therapy may be experiencing poor bladder contractility
such as midodrine and fl udrocortisone. Increasing fl uid and
or sphincter dyssynergia. In many patients a more effective
salt intake can also be helpful if there are no medical contra-
treatment is cystoscopy under local anesthetic with injections
indications (eg, coexisting heart disease or hypertension).
of 200 cc of Botox into the submucosal lining of the blad-
Systemic hypertension is seen in the majority of both
der in 10 cc aliquots. If a small diameter cystoscope is used
male and female patients with FXTAS (Jacquemont et al
the procedure is relatively well tolerated. A rare patient will
2003; Coffey et al in press), and it is thought to be related to
develop an inability to urinate, and self-catheterization can
autonomic dysfunction. It is often seen early, prior to the onset
easily be taught. After Botox injections patients are treated
of tremor and or ataxia. Because hypertension can lead to
with an antibiotic and infections are rare. Mild hematuria usu-
hypertensive encephalopathy, it is important to treat it early to
ally resolves within 3 to 5 days. The effects of the botulinum
avoid any exacerbation of CNS disease related to FXTAS.
can last from 3 to 4 months or longer.
Bowel incontinence is a late effect of FXTAS and may
Treatment of hormonal dysfunction
start as a slowly progressive dilated and tortuous large bowel
Hypothyroidism is a common problem among females with
and result in chronic megacolon as the patient ages. No defi ni-
the premutation. A recent study demonstrated that 17% of
tive research has been done on patients with FXTAS but it is
adult women with the premutation had thyroid dysfunction,
presumed that autonomic anomalies are responsible for these
usually hypothyroidism, while 50% of women who had
signs and symptoms as well as overactive bladder (OAB).
FXTAS had thyroid dysfunction, and this was signifi cantly
The treatment of chronic megacolon is laxatives to prevent
different from aged matched controls without the premutation
constipation and high fi ber supplements to encourage normal
(Coffey et al in press). Therefore, routinely testing for thyroid
peristalsis. A new laxative regimen that is usually reserved
dysfunction is indicated on a yearly basis in women with the
for short 1–2 week treatments consists of polyethylene glycol
premutation who are older than 50 years and particularly
(17 g in 250 cc of fl uid) once or twice a day, which may need
those who have neurological problems. Replacement is indi-
to be used for up to a year. Side effects of diarrhea might
cated for hypothyroidism because if left untreated cognitive
require modifying the dose. The medication is not absorbed
defi cits may occur, and psychiatric problems could be ampli-
by the small bowel or colon but acts as an osmotic laxative
fi ed over those that may already be present in premutation
bringing water into the bowel and softening the stool. The
rationale behind the treatment is to slowly train the bowel
We have noted testosterone defi ciency in some patients
to constrict down to a more normal size. Further studies of
with FXTAS, although no large studies have been conducted
this problem in FXTAS are warranted.
(Greco et al 2007). We have even seen affected individuals
Swallowing diffi culties are a common, typically late
become aware of erectile dysfunction before the onset of
symptom in FXTAS. We have seen one recent case of
other neurological signs. Low testosterone is only one of
FXTAS with swallowing diffi culties who had an excellent
many causes of male impotence, but it is logical to speculate
response to pyridostigmine bromide, a reversible acety-
that testosterone replacement may improve libido and sexual
cholinesterase inhibitor, which is typically used to enhance
function in FXTAS patients. Other problems associated with
muscurinic signal transmission in the management of myas-
FXTAS which might improve include cognition, memory,
thenia gravis. Adverse effects are from stimulation of the
energy level and mood (Cherrier et al 2003; Hagerman and
parasympathetic nervous system via muscarinic receptors
Hagerman 2004). Further studies of testosterone defi ciency
and they can include sweating, salivation, nausea, vomiting,
in FXTAS are warranted and the benefi ts of testosterone
Clinical Interventions in Aging 0000:0(0)
Treatment of pain
point massage versus Swedish massage in improving pain
Pain is a common problem in patients with FXTAS and it
in fi bromyalgia and chronic pain conditions (Tsao 2007). In
includes neuropathic pain, particularly in the lower extremi-
2007, Mannerkorpi and Henriksson (2007) demonstrated a
ties seen in both males and females (Hagerman et al 2007),
controlled trial of pain relief with massage. Neuromuscular
and fi bromyalgia pain which is more common in females
therapies (NMT) have shown effi cacy when treating motor
with FXTAS (Coffey et al in press). Although neuropathic
symptoms like spasticity and rigidity, which can occur
pain is diffi cult to treat, available pharmacologic treatments
in FXTAS (Svircev et al 2005). This type of therapeutic
provide meaningful relief for many patients. Neuropathic
approach may also help with gait diffi culties seen in FXTAS.
pain is typically refractory to acetaminophen and nonsteroi-
For the elderly, massage therapies are an important alterna-
dal anti-infl ammatory drugs. Effective treatments include
tive or additive therapy to pharmacological agents described
antidepressants, antiepileptics, and topical analgesics (Gilron
above, particularly when side effects of medications are
et al 2006). In our experience, treatment with gabapentin or
pregabalin has proven benefi cial for patients with FXTAS
and neuropathic pain. In addition, application of Lidoderm
Psychosocial approaches
(lidocaine 5%) patches can provide symptomatic relief
Psychoeducation, supportive intervention for the patient and
for peripheral neuropathic pain in the lower extremities
their family, and delivering psychiatric care in the context
(Herrmann et al 2005). Up to three patches can be applied
of a multidisciplinary team, are all helpful approaches.
over intact skin on the affected areas and left in place for up
Given the fact that several members in the same family are
to 12 hours over a 24-hour period. Fibromyalgia, chronic
often affected, the intervention may target the patient and
fatigue syndrome, and irritable bowel syndrome occur com-
the family, with consistent longitudinal follow-up being a
monly in female subjects with FXTAS (Coffey et al in press).
There is no clear separation of these syndromes, which are
Problem-solving therapy (PST) is a therapeutic modality
often co-morbid with mood disturbances. Initial treatment
which has been shown to improve depressive symptoms and
for fi bromyalgia should include nonpharmacologic treat-
functioning in depressed elderly patients with executive dys-
ments such as cardiovascular exercise, cognitive-behavioral
function, and cognitively unimpaired, depressed elderly and
therapy and/or structured patient education (Goldenberg et al
adults with minor and major depression in the primary care
2004). The most effective pharmacologic treatments include
setting (Arean et al 1993; Unutzer et al 2002; Alexopoulos
antidepressant, anticonvulsant and/or muscle relaxant medi-
et al 2003; Haverkamp et al 2004; Steffens et al 2006). In the
cations (Goldenberg et al 2004). If the above treatments do
last decade, strong empirical evidence has been gathered to
not provide acceptable pain relief, patients should be referred
support this novel psychotherapy type (Mackin and Arean
to a pain specialty clinic for consideration of interventional
2005). Problem-solving therapy may be used in FXTAS
treatments, pain rehabilitation programs and/or chronic treat-
patients without dementia, as they have signifi cant executive
function defi cits (Grigsby et al 2007). Executive dysfunction
increases the risk of poor response of geriatric depression
Massage therapy
to medications (Alexopoulos et al 2005). By addressing the
Tremors can be exacerbated by anxiety and stress, as noted
executive dysfunction, the patients’ daily functioning may
earlier, so an important approach to treatment of these
improve and their response to antidepressants will be ampli-
symptoms would be the reduction of these tremor stimula-
fi ed. Furthermore, the caregivers’ wellbeing may be enhanced
tors. Massage has been shown to be effective in reducing
along with the patients’ mood and anxiety symptoms. Women
cortisol levels, stress and anxiety, as well as improving
constitute the majority of caregivers for patients with FXTAS
overall mental health (Balint et al 2002; Mannerkorpi and
and 70% of the care-giving population. Women were found
Henriksson 2007; Sharpe et al 2007; Tsao 2007). Pain and
to have signifi cantly higher odds than male caregivers of hav-
discomfort, also associated with fi bromyalgia, stiffness (eg,
ing a high score on the Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI). Poor
with parkinsonism), and fatigue are also contributors to
perceived physical health and more behavior disturbance in
stress and anxiety. Massage therapy can lessen these types of
the patient were associated with higher odds of high levels
discomforts, as well as decrease uncomfortable sleep move-
of caregiver burden and depression (Gallicchio et al 2002).
ments and lengthen the sleeping span (Field et al 2002). A
In our clinical experience depression is very common in the
recent study demonstrated effi cacy with acupressure/pressure
wives of men with FXTAS and they typically do well with
Clinical Interventions in Aging 0000:0(0)
supportive counseling and the addition of an SSRI agent for
Conclusions and future directions
A number of medications and therapies have been noted to be
helpful for the symptoms of FXTAS, although no controlled
Genetic counseling
trials of effi cacy have been carried out. Therefore, it is critical
Genetic counseling for FXTAS is complicated. In addition
that controlled trials be undertaken with existing therapeutic
to the genetic information and obtaining the family pedigree,
agents or modalities where anecdotal evidence in patients
there are many psychosocial features to be addressed that are,
with FXTAS, or controlled studies with related disorders,
themselves, a consequence of the neuropsychiatric features
suggests that such approaches would be effi cacious.
(Bourgeois et al 2006; Grigsby et al 2006). When addressing
Since FXTAS is a progressive neurodegenerative
the family history, questions regarding neurological, immu-
disorder, and because none of the current therapies target
nological, and endocrine issues must be asked in addition
FXTAS pathogenesis, such approaches will, at best, stall or
to a family history of mental impairment, autism, ADHD,
transiently improve the symptoms of the disorder. Therefore,
behavioral and emotional problems. It is suggested that the
development of therapeutic interventions that target the
family history be obtained from the spouse of the patient
core molecular processes that underlie FXTAS is essential.
with FXTAS as the patient is likely to be overwhelmed with
Such therapeutics would, in principle, target either the
too much information and with recommendations that affect
pathogenic trigger, the expanded-CGG-repeat mRNA itself
quality of life, such as the cessation of driving or need for
(“toxic RNA”), or downstream pathways that are altered as
a cane, walker or wheelchair. In addition, the patient may
a consequence of the abnormal FMR1 mRNA expression.
not be aware of the severity of his FXTAS-related clinical
Whereas the simplest approach, conceptually, would be to
fi ndings and fi nd it depressing and threatening to have these
use antisense or RNA interference methods to knock down
addressed. Impotency and incontinence also have the poten-
the pathogenic RNA itself, such approaches remain diffi cult
tial to threaten self-esteem and the genetic counselor needs
due to the general inability of such agents to traverse the
to be aware of and sensitive to all these issues.
blood brain barrier. However, as we learn more about the
The patient with FXTAS cannot be treated in isolation.
other molecular abnormalities, and proteins involved, with
The questions, concerns, and needs of the caregiver/spouse
the downstream pathways (Jin et al 2004; Arocena et al 2005;
must be addressed, as Bacalman and colleagues (2006)
Iwahashi et al 2006), additional opportunities for targeted
has shown that these individuals experience varying
interventions will hopefully become available.
degrees of stress. Therefore, we recommend meeting with
the caregiver separately from the patient in order to obtain a
more accurate understanding of the patient’s condition and
This work was supported by grants from the Coleman Foun-
progression and to explore the caregiver’s emotional state and
dation, National Institutes of Health HD036071, HD02274,
understanding of FXTAS. As in Alzheimer disease, the care-
NS044299, NS052487, UL1RR024922, RL1AG032115, and
giver is prone to depression, feelings of being overwhelmed,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention U10/CCU925123.
grief over the loss of a planned future, anger regarding the
The authors report no other confl icts of interest.
irritability and lack of support from the patient, and a lack of
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Application and experience of CAN as a low cost OBDH bus system MAPLD 2004, Washington D.C. USA, 8th – 10th September, 2004 Surrey Satel ite Technology Ltd, University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH, UK. Abstract This paper gives an overview of Surrey Satel ite Technology Ltd. (SSTL) use of CAN bus on its recent missions. It gives a description of the SSTL CAN topology and goes i
Nursing Practice Paper, APA Style (Riss) The header consists of a shortened title in all capital letters at the left margin and the page number at the right margin; on the title page only, the shortened title is preceded by the words “Running head” and a colon. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Hypertension in One Client:This paper was prepared for Nursing 451, taught by Professor Durham.