Introduction of the levonorgestrel intrauterine system inKenya through mobile outreach: review of service statisticsand provider perspectives
David Hubacher,a Vitalis Akora,b Rose Masaba,a Mario Chen,a Valentine Veenaa
Limited introduction of the LNG IUS through mobile outreach in Kenya, without any special promotion,resulted in good uptake. And providers viewed it positively, particularly because of its noncontraceptivebenefits. Increased provision of the LNG IUS can improve options for women needing highly effectivereversible contraception.
ABSTRACTBackground: The levonorgestrel intrauterine system (LNG IUS) was developed over 30 years ago, but the product iscurrently too expensive for widespread use in many developing countries. In Kenya, one organization has receiveddonated commodities for 5 years, providing an opportunity to assess impact and potential future role of the product. Methods: We reviewed service statistics on insertions of the LNG IUS, copper intrauterine device (IUD), and subdermalimplant from 15 mobile outreach teams during the 2011 calendar year. To determine the impact of the LNG IUSintroduction, we analyzed changes in uptake and distribution of the copper IUD and subdermal implant by comparingperiods of time when the LNG IUS was available with periods when it was not available. In addition, we interviewed 27clinicians to assess their view of the product and its future role. Results: When the LNG IUS was not available, intrauterine contraception accounted for 39% of long-acting methodprovision. The addition of the LNG IUS created a slight rise in intrauterine contraception uptake (to 44%) at the expenseof the subdermal implant, but the change was only marginally significant (P5.08) and was largely attributable to thecopper IUD. All interviewed providers felt that the LNG IUS would increase uptake of long-acting methods, and 70% feltthat the noncontraceptive benefits of the product are important to clients. Conclusions: The LNG IUS was well-received among providers and family planning clients in this population in Kenya.
Advance Access Article published on January 9, 2014 as doi:
Although important changes in service statistics were not apparent from this analysis (perhaps due to the small quantityof LNG IUS that was available), provider enthusiasm for the product was high. This finding, above all, suggests that alarger-scale introduction effort would have strong support from providers and thus increase the chances of success. Adding another proven and highly acceptable long-acting contraceptive technology to the method mix could haveimportant reproductive health impact.
(1992), the vaginal ring (2001), the contraceptivepatch (2002), and the etonogestrel implant (2006).1–3
In many countries, the levonorgestrel intrauterine In resource-poor countries, the commercial LNG IUS
product may be available in the private sector, but only
reproductive health commodity. The most recent
the highest socioeconomic classes can realistically
example is from the United States, where it was
afford it. In Kenya, for example, the commercial
approved 13 years ago. The LNG IUS is now more
popular in the United States than any new contra-
Cost is not the only consideration when contem-
ceptive product introduced since 1992, including the
plating the potential role and impact of the LNG IUS.
DMPA (depot medroxyprogesterone acetate) injectable
Although the LNG IUS is a form of intrauterine
contraception, as is the copper intrauterine device
FHI 360, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA.
(IUD), it should not be viewed as simply another IUD.
Correspondence to David Hubacher ([email protected]).
The LNG IUS and the copper IUD have striking
TABLE 1. Comparing the LNG IUS and the Copper IUD
Treats menorrhagia, increases hemoglobin, and likely
alleviates anemia and problems with uterine fibroids
Both in the highest tier of contraceptive effectiveness
Both have similar, high continuation rates
Abbreviations: IUD, intrauterine device; LNG IUS, levonorgestrel intrauterine system.
differences in side effects and noncontraceptive
planning.11 Recent introduction of a natural
benefits. However, in terms of effectiveness and
family planning method resulted in sizeable
other factors, the products have important
At the family planning program level, it is
important to know how a new product might alter
rently being introduced on a very limited basis into
the pattern of method uptake and services. For
some programs in resource-poor countries through
example, a new method might attract new clients
donations from the International Contraceptive
and overburden the service delivery system,
Access (ICA) Foundation (a partnership between
particularly if the new method requires more time
and effort to provide. If a new method becomes
Population Council). Since inception in 2003, the
popular, a program will need to purchase enough
ICA Foundation has donated nearly 50,000 LNG
product to satisfy demand, and potentially decrease
IUS devices to 19 countries.6 In recipient pro-
orders of other products if a contraceptive sub-
grams, the LNG IUS is provided free-of-charge
alongside established contraceptives so women
can have expanded choice. Programs are embra-
providers’ opinions are critical. Given their impor-
Advance Access Article published on January 9, 2014 as doi:
cing the donations so their clients can benefit from
tant role in contraceptive counseling,13 providers
can help shape the impact of a new product.
When new contraceptives become available,
Previous research has shown that family planning
they generally improve reproductive health in the
counselors are more likely to recommend methods
affected population. In a multicountry analysis,
that they use themselves,14 and client uptake of
Jain found that overall contraceptive use rises
methods is also linked to providers’ personal
with increased method choice,7 and a review of
method use.15 Similar patterns have been seen
international data over 27 years showed that as
in the use of hormone replacement therapy.16
each additional contraceptive method became
In many settings, decades can pass before
available to most of the population, overall
initial introduction leads to widespread national
modern contraceptive use rose.8 A systematic
review found that increased choice raises contra-
Since 2008, the Marie Stopes affiliate in
ceptive uptake, improves health outcomes, and
improves adherence.9 In contrast, Sutherland
services to approximately 5,000 women. Thus,
et al., analyzed data from 13 countries and found
during this time, some clients had one addi-
that the rise in injectable use was partially offset
by declines in use of other methods,10 whereas
(LARC) choice, which also includes subdermal
Ross found macro-level evidence that expansion
implants and all types of intrauterine devices.
of injectables attracted new users to family
We undertook this project at MSK to better
understand the impact of the LNG IUS intro-duction efforts.
TABLE 2. LARC Insertions Performed by 11 Outreach Teams of
We used anonymous MSK service statistics andinterviews with MSK providers to evaluate the
LNG IUS introduction activity. This research wasapproved by the Protection of Human Subjects
Committee (of FHI 360) and the Kenya Medical
Research Institute’s Ethical Review Committee.
Abbreviations: IUD, intrauterine device; LARC, long-acting reversible
The MSK providers voluntarily agreed to be
contraceptive; LNG IUS, levonorgestrel intrauterine system.
interviewed through an informed consent pro-
cess that was approved by these committees.
outreach program, which consists of 15 teams indifferent geographic regions of Kenya. Each team
LARCs: 39% chose the copper IUD, 60%, the
has 2 clinicians (1 medical doctor and 1 nurse)
and 2 care assistants; the teams visit catchment
public-sector health facilities on a rotating basis
teams provided a total of 1,030 LNG IUS. On a
to provide family planning services.
monthly basis, the mean number of insertions
We reviewed MSK’s existing (internal) report-
per team varied considerably for each product:
ing systems to tabulate the monthly number of
201 for the copper IUD, 309 for the subdermal
contraceptive method insertion procedures for
each of the 15 outreach teams during the 2011
calendar year. We developed an electronic data-
available, IUD services accounted for an average
base and entered into a spreadsheet the number of
insertions for the LNG IUS, copper IUD, and
average proportion of women selecting an IUD The average
subdermal implant. Of the 15 teams, 4 did not
(copper IUD or LNG IUS) rose slightly (to 44.3%) proportion of
receive any LNG IUS in the study period and were
when the LNG IUS was available, but the change women selecting
excluded from the analysis. Of the possible 132
was only marginally significant (P 5.08). The either a copper IUD
total available months across the 11 teams, 2
modest increase was largely attributable to the or LNG IUS rose
months with no LARC insertions (all 3 methods
high volume of copper IUDs relative to the slightly when the
combined) were excluded from the calculations.
volume of the LNG IUS. The relative importance LNG IUS was
Thus, a total of 130 months of data were included
of the IUD versus the implant varied consider-
Advance Access Article published on January 9, 2014 as doi:
ably across the different teams, regardless of
number of monthly product insertions. In some
months and in some teams, the LNG IUS was not
available. Thus, we examined how the average
proportions of total IUD (copper IUD plus LNG
providers inserted 51 or more LNG IUS while
IUS) versus subdermal implant insertions varied
11% had not inserted even 1 device. About half of
per month, by whether or not the LNG IUS was
providers felt equally comfortable describing and
available. We used a t test to determine whether
providing all 3 long-acting methods (the implant,
availability of the LNG IUS increased total IUD
the copper IUD, and the LNG IUS). For the half
insertions, relative to the subdermal implant.
who were not equally comfortable with describ-
ing/providing all 3 long-acting methods, they
were most comfortable with the subdermal All interviewed
variety of questions to characterize their views
implant and least comfortable with the LNG providers felt that
and their clients’ views on the new product.
IUS. All respondents felt that the LNG IUS would the LNG IUS would
attract new clients to long-acting methods, and70% believed that the noncontraceptive benefits to long-acting
During the 2011 calendar year, the outreach
of the product were very important to their methods.
TABLE 3. Mean Number of Monthly LARC Insertions and Proportion of IUD Insertions per Marie Stopes/Kenya
Outreach Team, by LNG IUS Availability,a 2011
Abbreviations: IUD, intrauterine device; LARC, long-acting reversible contraceptive; LNG IUS, levonorgestrel intrauterine system.
a P value5.08 for testing whether the relative monthly distribution of IUD vs. implants is different depending on availability of the LNG IUS.
b Mean of the proportion of women receiving IUDs per month.
c Total IUD is the sum of copper IUD and LNG IUS insertions.
as a whole and for most of the outreach teams
copper IUD, providers cited these main features:
Advance Access Article published on January 9, 2014 as doi:
providers unanimously believed the LNG IUS
would attract new clients to long-acting meth-
ods, at least partly due to the important and
tion in menstrual bleeding as a key ‘‘attractive’’
unique noncontraceptive benefits that the tech-
attribute for clients. Forty-four percent of provi-
nology offers. The high volume of copper IUD
ders reported that the hormonal content of the
services (typical for this program) demonstrated
product is a feature that clients find unattractive.
high acceptability of this product among both
providers can help Reduction of menstrual blood loss was the
providers and clients. Thus, this is another
improve access to primary noncontraceptive benefit reported by
example of how dedicated LARC providers are
successful at making important technologies
A previous introduction assessment of the
LNG IUS in Ghana had similar results to ours.17
Introduction of the LNG IUS through the Marie
For example, availability of the product did not
Stopes/Kenya outreach program had a mixed
significantly alter provision of other methods.
impact. On the one hand, availability of the LNG
(However, the small quantity of product may
IUS did not appear to alter provision of standard
have made this difficult to assess adequately.)
long-acting reversible methods (the subdermal
Another similarity was found in terms of positive
implant and the copper IUD); the pattern of
service statistics did not change for the program
Ghanaian providers found the product easy to
TABLE 4. Experiences With the LNG IUS Among Marie Stopes/Kenya Providers (N527)
Number of LNG IUS insertions performed since completing training
Method most comfortable describing and providing
Method least comfortable describing and providing
Do you think clients easily understand the difference
Is the 10+ years duration of use for the copper IUD a significant reason
women will choose it instead of the LNG IUS that only lasts for 5 years?
Advance Access Article published on January 9, 2014 as doi:
Did you ever have a stockout of the LNG IUS?
If the LNG IUS is not available, what method do women choose instead?
Will the LNG IUS attract new clients to long-acting contraception?
How important are noncontraceptive benefits of the LNG IUS to your clients?
Abbreviations: IUD, intrauterine device; LNG IUS, levonorgestrel intrauterine system.
TABLE 5. Main Attributes of LNG IUS Cited by Marie Stopes/Kenya Providers (N527)
Key information provided to clients to distinguish the LNG IUS from the copper IUDa
Aspects of the LNG IUS that are attractive to clientsa
Reduction of excessive menstrual bleeding
Aspects of the LNG IUS are unattractive to clientsa
What are the most important noncontraceptive benefits of the LNG IUS?a
Advance Access Article published on January 9, 2014 as doi:
Abbreviations: IUD, intrauterine device; LNG IUS, levonorgestrel intrauterine system.
a Multiple responses allowed; only responses garnering at least 15% (n54) are shown.
insert, and all stated that their clients were
function of higher client demand and thus more
satisfied with it. A more general assessment of
frequent counseling about and insertion of
the global LNG IUS donation activities high-
implants. However, if providers are reluctant to
lighted the importance of working with in-
offer intrauterine contraception, due to perceived
country ‘‘product champions’’ and committed
lack of expertise or for other reasons, a feedback
service-delivery counterparts with IUD insertion
loop of diminished contraceptive choices could
develop. Although there is certainly no evidence
Providers in our study candidly reported being
that this is occurring at MSK, it is critical that
most comfortable describing and providing the
providers maintain skills and confidence with all
subdermal implant; this finding exposes some of
the challenges for wider provision of intrauterine
A larger contemporary concern across sub-
contraception. Reasons for being more comforta-
Saharan Africa is widespread absence of LARC
ble with subdermal implants could simply be a
services in public-sector settings, where providers
and health systems as a whole typically rely on
provision of short-acting methods. Providers are
provider support and enthusiasm, which in turn
subject to many personal and external influences
can improve options for women needing highly
that can ultimately limit contraceptive choice for
Acknowledgments: FHI 360 thanks Marie Stopes International(London) and the efforts of Tania Boler, Adrienne Testa, and Cristin
Gordon-Maclean for supporting this collaboration. We also
Our study in Kenya had important limitations.
appreciate Edward Kubai and Raphael Oketch of the ResearchMonitoring & Evaluation Unit of MSK for their efforts in Kenya.
First, this introduction of the LNG IUS was not
Funding for this project was provided to FHI 360 by the U.S. Agency
conducted in a promotional or scientifically
for International Development (USAID) (GPO-A-00-08-00001-00,Program Research for Strengthening Services [PROGRESS]). Many
rigorous way to measure the impact. For exam-
thanks to the ICA Foundation for promoting women’s health around
ple, clients were probably not aware of the
the world. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarilyreflect those of FHI 360, Marie Stopes/Kenya, or USAID.
product until they spoke to the provider; thus,it is not possible to conclude anything about true
Competing Interests: David Hubacher has served on Advisory Boards
demand for the LNG IUS. However, it is feasible
for Bayer HealthCare and Teva Pharmaceuticals.
that unmeasured word-of-mouth could haveprompted some women to visit the clinic on
MSK outreach days. Second, we did not conduct
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______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Peer Reviewed
Received: 2013 Sep 19; Accepted: 2013 Nov 26
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Advance Access Article published on January 9, 2014 as doi:
CURRICULUM VITAE Rafael A. Rivas-Vazquez, Psy.D. Office Address NeuroScience Home Address 749 Date of Birth January Place of Birth Miami, Education Master’s of Science in Clinical Psychopharmacology Pre-doctoral and Post-doctoral Training Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital Licensure Florida Board of Psychology, License #PY000
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