The common view in all popular prophecy books is that the great “end time” battle of Armageddon described in Revelations and in Ezekiel 38 and 39 is a coming invasion of Israel by a coalition of Arab armies led by Russia out of the north. This is totally false. There is no Russian invasion of Israel coming. The invasion of Israel by Gog out of the north has already happened in 37 BC and the battle of Armageddon already happened in 70 AD. Bible prophecy once again has been accu-rately fulfilled in history.
The Battle of Armageddon is certainly etched into the
Russia does not have the logistical capability to
popular mind as the last great battle between good and
move an army into the Middle East and to sus-
evil. The word itself has become synonymous with
apocalyptic cataclysms. All popular prophecy books re-
A Russian invasion of Israel has in fact already
late this great battle to the prophecies of Ezekiel 38 and
occurred when more than a million Russian Jews
39 where it speaks of Gog and Magog and a great army
emigrated to Israel in the 1990’s. They are happy
composed of people from different nations that would
to live there peacefully making money.
invade Israel when they have returned to their land and living peacefully. This great coalition of peoples would
This Armageddon theory might have been very popular
be destroyed supernaturally by God and the people of
in 1979 when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan and the
Islamic fundamentalists kicked the Shah out of Iran, it seemed the whole Middle East was ready to explode. Add
In the popular interpretation of these prophecies we are
to that the fact of Greece becoming the 10th nation to join
told by almost all prophetic books that these prophecies
the EU (the supposed revived Roman empire with 10
refer to the modern state of Israel. The Gog and Magog
horns!) in 1981 and the Rapture to take place before 1988
alliance of nations is composed of Russia and the sur-
and of course everyone was ready for the climactic battle
rounding Arab states. This invasion takes place some
of Armageddon to unfold in the 1980’s. No wonder Hal
time after the Antichrist who is the head of the European
Lindsey wrote his popular book “ The1980’s: Road to
Union makes a peace treaty with Israel and the Jews have
Armageddon”. He and others like him of course made
rebuilt their temple. For some reason never explained this
millions off their fanciful predictions, none of which have
supposed Antichrist head of Europe then enters the Jewish
ever come true and never will come true.
temple to declare that he is in fact God! The coalition of invading armies is identified as Russia from “rosh” and
What went wrong?
Moscow from “Meshech” and Tobolsk from “Tubal” etc.
Not one prophecy book nor one prophet in America pre-
The reason for this invasion of Israel given in Ezekiel is
dicted the fall of communism! Why? Because all of the
that they have come to “take great spoil”. But here things
prophecy scenarios you read are obsessed with the defeat
get even more difficult for these writers. What would
and retreat of the Church and the victory of the Antichrist!
Russia and the Arabs find so valuable in Israel that they
The Church must be rescued out of the earth through the
would risk war to get it? This of course is never properly
Rapture to protect us from the Antichrist who will take
answered. Some writers suggest that Israel is going to
over the world! For them there is no world revival, there
discover oil and others mention the large deposits of pot-
is no prospect of discipling the nations. So here we are 30
ash in the Dead Sea. This whole scenario is of course in-
years later and no Russian invasion of Israel, no 200 mil-
creasingly implausible in the light of world affairs of the
lion man army from China marching on the west, no Anti-
christ ruling over Europe. Instead what have we? Accord-ing to the Economist magazine of Dec. 2006, we have 500
Russia couldn’t successfully invade a weak na-
million charismatic evangelicals in the world and still
tion like Afghanistan in 1979, never mind a nu-
growing strongly. In ten years? One billion?
Russia has plenty of oil and potash, what would
Are we desperately trying to smuggle Bibles into Eastern
Europe and the Soviet Union praying for the underground
Church? No! Churches are appearing all across Europe and Russia, Bibles are being downloaded from the Inter-
It will help us to get the time of Armageddon right if we
net by the millions and in China more than 100 million
get the place of where Armageddon occurs right!
evangelical Christians are meeting in homes for worship praying for the salvation of the pagan west.
The common interpretation of all prophecy books is that God gathers the armies of Satan in the valley of Jezreel
What happened? Instead of a Russian invasion of Israel
outside the town of Megiddo and there destroys them in a
we had a gospel invasion of Russia! Instead of 200 mil-
dramatic showdown. The valley of Jezreel outside Me-
lion Chinese marching on the west we are seeing soon to
giddo was the scene of some major battles in the history
be 200 million Chinese evangelicals marching on commu-
of Israel. So when you go on an Israel tour the guides
nism! Folks get with the Kingdom Agenda! The gates of
take you to this valley and show you how the armies from
hell cannot stand up to the triumphant marching Church
the north, the south and the east are going to come meet in
of Jesus Christ who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
this valley in battle and the valley will be drenched in
He is the head of a victorious army in heaven and a victo-
blood up to the horses’ bridles. Very graphic and grue-
some but not actually Biblical. Wrong town, wrong place!
Do you think the current prophecy commentators on TBN
The word “Armageddon” is only mentioned once in the
Television and mass book sellers have learned from their
Bible in Rev. 16:16 and never mentioned in the Old Tes-
mistakes and will start to recognize that the Kingdom of
tament even though it is a Hebrew word or words. John
God has indeed come and in fact will cover the earth as
writes in Revelation, “And He gathered them together into
the waters cover the sea? Not a chance! They actually
a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.” So
take every opportunity to desperately look for any success
first we must understand that this is a Hebrew word and
of Satan and his kingdom and magnify this and announce
not Greek and it is therefore in the Hebrew translation of
this as proof that Satan and his kingdom is destined to
the words that we must understand the meaning of where
cover the earth. In this they do the same work as “Lord
this place called Armageddon is located.
Haw-Haw” and “Tokyo Rose” the infamous broadcasters in Germany and Japan who during World War 2 would
The word Armageddon comes from two Hebrew words
broadcast to the Allied troops the victories of the Axis
that you can look up in Strong’s Concordance: “Har”
Powers to discourage the British and American troops!
meaning mountain or mount (Strong’s word no. H2022) and “Megiddon” meaning gathering, assembly or congre-
So what in fact then does the Bible say about Armaged-
gation (Strong’s word no. H4023). Putting these two
don and what about Gog and Magog? What I am about to
words together we have the phrase “the mount of the as-
write is going to be highly controversial. You are at first
sembly” from the words “har-megiddon”. So we can see
not going to accept it because you are so used to this enor-
immediately that there is no indication here of a valley
mous concentration of prophetic interpretation based on
where armies are to be gathered but rather a mountain and
the current nation of Israel. But in this article I am going
not a town called Megiddo (otherwise the word would
to show you that prophecy has already been fulfilled and
have been “Armageddo”) but a word “megiddon” mean-
in my article “The Return of Israel and Christian Zion-
ing “assembly”. As we do not have the actual word
ism” I prove to you that 1948 was not the year that Eze-
“Armageddon” occurring anywhere else in the Bible we
kiel prophesied Israel would be a nation once again.that
need to look for the phrase “the mount of the assembly” in
happened in 103 BC! So not only is there no great mili-
the Bible to perhaps give us insight as to what is going on
tary victory ahead for the nation state of Israel against
here. Remember, scripture is always the best interpreter
Russia but I believe the present state of Israel fulfills the
of scripture. Are there any clues anywhere else in the
prophecies about Israel’s brother Esau (the Edomites)
Bible as to where the location of this “mount of assem-
and will in fact collapse in defeat. (Included in my previ-
Hebrews 12:22-23 tells us that we are “come to mount
This spectacular failure of accepted prophecy interpreta-
Zion…the general assembly” and Isaiah 14:13 Satan says,
tion is going to cause enormous problems within the
“I will ascend to heaven….I will sit upon the mount of the
worldwide evangelical movement. This problem was
congregation”. I am not going to do a study for you here
highlighted to me years ago when I attended a prophetic
of the wonderful spiritual truths behind the phrases,
conference in Dallas and I spoke to a good brother who
“Mount Zion’, the “Heavenly Council”, “the mount of the
had some sort of mission to Israel looking for support and
congregation”. That is a separate study that has much hid-
I asked him, “What would you do if Israel collapses? Are
den truth that I will do in another article. Suffice it to say
you so sure of your prophetic interpretation regarding the
that “Armageddon” does not take place in valley outside
nation of Israel?”. His answer to me was that he would
Megiddo. It is however the heavenly place also known as
just tear up his Bible because then he cannot trust it to be
“Mount Zion” where God will sit among His divine coun-
the Word of God anymore. There are millions of good
cil and gather the kings of the earth, the demons, Satan
Bible believing evangelicals who feel the same way as
and the people for judgment! But this heavenly “Mount
this brother! So read carefully, there is a lot at stake here!
Zion” also throughout scripture has an earthly counterpart
If you cannot accept what I am writing now at least put
…the city of Jerusalem built on Mt. Moriah where Abra-
this in the back of your mind as “reasonable doubt” so
ham was to have offered Isaac as a sacrifice (the Dome of
that if the nation of Israel does collapse as I predict then
the Rock on the Temple Mount). So the place where Ar-
re-read my articles. Bible prophecy is accurate, human interpretations are fallible.including mine!
mageddon takes place is not outside Megiddo in a valley
The Historical Background
but in Jerusalem, built on Mt. Moriah, where God will bring a multinational army for a great slaughter. But has
For those of you who wish to study this fascinating his-
there ever been historically such a great battle in and
tory of the historical fulfillment of Armageddon further I
will give a series of clues on how to interpret Ezekiel 38 and 39. I will just give you a quick overview of the his-
Yes, for it was here in 70 AD on the mount of assembly,
torical and scriptural fulfillment of Armageddon. Yoou
Mount Zion, Jerusalem, that God gathered the nations of
can then follow my clues and make a deeper study of the
the world represented by the Roman legions of Titus and
history of this period to see how accurately this prophecy
according to the Jewish historian Josephus (who was re-
cording the whole event for posterity from the Roman side) the slaughter of 1,100,000 Jews crowded into Jeru-
An important principle of Bible interpretation is wherever
salem for the Feast of Tabernacles took place. Thus ful-
possible, let scripture interpret scripture. So if Ezekiel 38
filling the prophecy of Jesus, “But those mine enemies
talks about “Meshech” this does not mean Moscow as all
who would not that I should reign over them, bring here
the prophecy writers maintain. The Psalmist says in Psalm
and slay them before me.” (Luke 19:27) This resulted in
120:5 “Woe is me that I sojourn in Meshech”. David had
the great deliverance of the true Israel of God as I will
to flee from Saul for his life and live among the Philis-
show you. This was Jesus returning in the clouds of judg-
tines in Meshech. He did not flee to Moscow!
ment bringing destruction to “this generation” who was to see all these prophecies fulfilled as He promised in Mat-
To find the meaning of “Gog”, again you go back into
scripture for clues for his identity. Ezekiel 38:17 the Lord specifically says of Gog, “…art thou he whom I have spo-
The historical background to the great Jewish revolt
ken in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel
against Rome from the years 66-70 AD culminating in the
which prophesied in those days many years that I would
destruction of Jerusalem and the temple give us the iden-
bring thee against them”. That means we will find clues
tity of who Gog and Magog is and how they invaded Is-
to who this ancient enemy of Israel is in other prophetic
rael from the north to come and “take great spoil” as Eze-
scriptures. Folks get real! This is not Russia!
The context and the time element of the prophecy is im-
Ezekiel’s Prophecy of Israel’s Return
portant. It occurs after Ezekiel 36 when the Lord prophe-sied the return of Israel back to the land. I have already
The context of the great war described in Ezekiel 38 and
shown you that this was dramatically fulfilled in 143 BC
39 is that Israel was first to return to their land which was
when Israel regained their independence as a nation and
prophesied by Ezekiel in chapter 36. Ezekiel was one of
103 BC when they had a restoration of the monarchy. It is
the captives in Babylon taken along with Daniel in the
also prophesied to occur in “the latter days”. I have al-
attack of Nebuchadnezzar on Jerusalem in 604 BC. In
ready shown you in my article “Matthew 24 and the End
721 AD the Assyrians had taken the northern ten tribes of
Times” from numerous scriptures that when the Bible
Israel in captivity and deported them out of the land. Now
speaks of “the last days” or “the latter days” it speaks of
the Babylonians had done the same with the remaining
the last days of the Jewish dispensation of the Old Cove-
Israelites in the Kingdom of Judah. The nation of Israel
nant which ended with the appearance of the Messiah
was no more! Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed.
Jesus Christ. We are not living in “the latter days”, we are
And looking upon this national tragedy from his captivity
living in the Kingdom Age. So Ezekiel 38 occurs before
in Babylon the Lord shows Ezekiel a valley of bones rep-
resenting Israel and asks, “can these bones live again?” (Ezekiel 37:3). Yes they can and they did!
But it would also happen during a period when Ezekiel says that Israel is dwelling in peace and prosperity in un-
In Ezekiel chapter 36 the Lord said Israel will return to
walled villages (Ez.38:11). This is certainly not applicable
their land and be a nation once again. In Ezekiel 4:4-6 the
to Israel of today where there is no peace and where the
Lord tells Ezekiel that it will take them 390 years of fight-
world’s biggest wall is being built to protect Israeli settle-
ing before they are a nation again and 40 years after that
ments. However the Israel of 37 BC when Gog and his
before they have a king again (Israel stands for the nation
invading army from the north captured Israel, it certainly
and Judah for the crown!). In 533 BC their 70 year captiv-
was peaceful and prosperous. In 63 BC the Roman gen-
ity in Babylon ended as Jeremiah prophesied (Dan.9:2)
eral Pompey marched through the Middle East region
and 390 years after that they achieved their independence
with his legions and annexed Judea and the surrounding
from Syrian rule in 143 BC through the War of the Mac-
countries. This was of great economic benefit for the
cabees and in 103 BC they crowned their first king again
region as it brought peace, international trade and prosper-
after the captivity period. I am saying this to emphasize
ity to a region beset with continual wars while allowing
the following: the prophesied return of Israel as a nation
the Jewish kings to continue their rule.
was not in 1948 but 103 BC. The battles with Gog and his armies are not in the future but happened after 103 BC
Gog, this ancient enemy of Israel, is to come with an in-
when Israel dwelt safe in un-walled villages in their own
ternational invading force from the north to take “great
spoil”. As mentioned already, there is no “great spoil” to be had for Russia by invading Israel. But there was great spoil to be had in 37 BC which I will shortly show you. The Identity of Gog “And I hated Esau and laid his mountains and heritage waste…whereas Edom says, we are impoverished but we
We can find other references to “Gog” in the Old Testa-
will return and build the desolate places; Thus saith the
ment but to do that you must understand something about
Lord of hosts, they shall build but I will throw down; and
how ancient Hebrew was written. In ancient Hebrew writ-
they shall call them the border of wickedness, and the
ten by Ezekiel and the prophets there were no vowels like
people with whom the Lord has indignation forever.”
a,e,i,o,u. It was all just written as consonants. So Gog would be written GG. It was only later in about 900 AD
The prophets declared that the descendants of Esau
with the Masoritic text that vowels were added and then
(Edomites and Amalekites) would throw off the yoke of
sometimes it would be a guess as to which vowels you put
Israel and would possess the land of Israel and take the
in. There are two other references in the Old Testament
dominion but the Lord will make a war against them and
to an ancient enemy of Israel called “GG”. He is called
destroy them out of the land. This is the battle that Ezekiel
“Agag” in our Bible (Nu.24:7 and 1 Sam.15:32-33) and it
38 is referring to and why the Lord says that Gog is the
gives us a valuable clue to the identity of “GG” in Ezekiel
one He has spoken of long before that He will have war
38. Agag in both cases is described as the king of the
Amalekites. Thus the term “GG” is a title for a ruler such as Pharoah of the Egyptians or Abimalech of Philistia. Israel Regains Independence
Amalek was a grandson of Esau the brother of Jacob and
After the Israelites were taken into captivity the land was
the descendants of Esau were generally known in the Bi-
desolate. The northern 10 tribes were taken in captivity by
ble as Edomites (they lived in Edom) who aligned them-
the Assyrians in 721 BC and the southern kingdom of
selves with their other family clan the Amalekites. The
Judah was taken by the Babylonians in three deportations
leader of this group of Esau’s descendants had the title of
with the last one 587 BC leaving the city of Jerusalem
“GG”. It is among these people that we can find the
desolated, the temple destroyed and the land empty. The
prophecies that the Lord refers to in Ezekiel 38 that He
desolate places were soon filled by other people moving
speaks of in times past. These prophecies refer to the an-
in, including the Edomites taking over the southern por-
cient hatred that Esau had for his brother for stealing his
tions of Judea and establishing there the Kingdom of Idu-
birthright blessing and his plot to gain back this lost in-
In 533 BC a small group of about 42,000 Israelites re-
In Gen. 27:36-41 we are told that after Jacob steals his
turned out of Babylon to the land of Israel now occupied
birthright Esau cries to his father Isaac and asks for a
by others. They were called upon by the Lord to rebuild
blessing for himself and his descendants. Isaac tells him
Jerusalem and its walls and rebuild the Temple. All this
he will dwell in the fat of the land but will serve his
took place under the guidance of Ezra and Nehemiah.
brother. But Isaac also prophecies to Esau that “the time
During this time Palestine came under the rule of the Per-
shall come to pass when thou shall have the dominion and
sians and after Alexander the Great defeated the Persians
shall break his yoke from off thy neck”. But this was not
the Greeks ruled Palestine. After Alexander’s death his
good enough for Esau who vowed “when the days of
empire was divided into 4 kingdoms by his generals (as
mourning for my father are at hand then I will slay my
Daniel prophesied would happen). The Syrian kingdom
now ruled Palestine under the Seleucid rulers. Things were peaceful for a number of years until a Seleucid ruler
This war between the descendants of Esau and Jacob con-
Antiochus Epiphanes decided he wanted all the Jews in
tinued during the time of the Exodus when the Amalekites
Palestine to stop worshiping the Lord and they must be
converted to good Greeks, speaking Greek, worshiping
“ And the Lord said unto Moses, write this for a memorial
Greek gods and adopt a Greek way of life. Antiochus
in a book and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua; …because
decided to desecrate the Jewish Temple by offering a pig
the Lord has sworn that the Lord will have war with
on the altar and setting up a statue of Zeus in the Temple
Amalek from generation to generation.”
on 25th December of 167 BC. This was a declaration of war and also resulted in the fulfillment of Daniel’s proph-
This was such an important prophecy that the Lord made
Moses write this down as a memorial for generation after generation. There is to be war with Amalek until they are
“And from the time that the daily sacrifice be taken away and the abomination that makes desolate is set up shall be a thousand and two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is
The prophecies of Obadiah and Malachi further confirm
he that waits and comes to the thousand three hundred
the prophecy of Isaac that Esau (Edom) will break the
yoke of Israel off his neck, take dominion and possess the land of Israel…but that God will destroy them after they
The Maccabee family under the leadership of the father
do this! The entire book of Obadiah is a prophecy against
Matityahu and his five sons rallied the Jews into an upris-
Esau/Edom that they will take Jacob’s possession but that
ing against Syria, and started the war for Israel’s libera-
tion and restoration as an independent nation in 167 BC against their Syrian overlords. Their first campaign was to
liberate and cleanse the great temple mount in Jerusalem
of the Syrian abominations. This was completed by 164
Herod the Idumean, King of the Jews, now set about the
BC after 1290 days fighting (celebrated today by the Jews
business of wealth extraction with great gusto. He rebuilt
as Hanukkah, the feast of Purim). But all of Jerusalem
the great temple in Jerusalem into one of the great won-
still had to be liberated. This took another 1335 days of
ders of the world allowing temple revenues to increase
fighting and was completed in 160 BC. Daniel 12:11-12
dramatically. He built new cities (Caesarea), built tem-
was fulfilled exactly in history, there is no future Anti-
ples, amphitheaters, held games and spectacles.
christ coming to a future Temple in Jerusalem!
The descendants of Esau had now broken the yoke of
The great war campaigns the five Maccabee brothers
Jacob and taken the dominion just as Isaac prophesied and
eventually gained independence for Israel in 143 BC from
they not only controlled the land of Israel but also the
Syria. They consolidated their new nation with a series of
Temple and the priesthood. They had it all. But they were
battles to regain all the old territory that belonged to the
not satisfied. They were still under Roman rule. After the
nation of Israel. In 125 BC they defeated the southern
death of their king Herod, the Romans decided to rule this
kingdom of Idumea (home of the Edomites) and then
region with their own leaders. No need to share the spoils
forced them to convert to Judaism and had all the males
with the Idumeans. But this was not acceptable to the
circumcised. From that time on all the Edomites were also
Zealots and Idumeans who started agitating for complete
known as Jews as they not only were descended from
independence from Rome. The Zealots believed in the
Abraham through Esau but were now also living in Judea
time prophecies of Daniel that the Messiah would come in
(and therefore Judeans or Jews) and many also had con-
their time to bring them a great deliverance from their
verted to become religious Jews. Which is why the Jews
enemies and restore to the Kingdom to Israel. They had
told Jesus, “We be Abraham’s seed and were never in
bondage to any man” (John 8:33). The descendants of Jacob were in bondage in Egypt but not the descendants
The Edomite Jews were not interested in Jesus as Mes-
of Esau, yet both were Abraham’s seed. Can you see now
siah. They wanted a great military leader to deliver them
why some Jews believed in Jesus and other Jews perse-
from Roman rule. Jesus prophesied in Matthew 23 and 24
cuted Him and why Jesus twice said, “I know those who
what was to come. He saw what was coming…Ezekiel 39
call themselves Jews but are not, but are of the synagogue
and the prophecies of the destruction of Gog (the Edomite
Jews) and his confederates (the Zealots). Armageddon was coming and it would happen to the generation that
The rule of the Maccabbees continued until in 47 BC
was then alive to hear the words of Christ.
Julius Caesar made Antipater the king of the Idumeans, A (they still retained a small kingdom in the south of Pales-
Jesus Prophesies Armageddon
tine) the procurator of Judea. In 42 BC he was assassi-nated and through a struggle the last of the Maccabbees,
Please refer to my article on “Matthew 24 and the End
Antigonus took back the rulership of Judea. But the
Times”. I give you an outline of why the period leading
Edomites were not finished…they intended to take the
up to 70 AD was considered by the New Testament writ-
ers to be the “last days”. It was the last days of the old Jewish dispensation. The entire prophecy of Jesus in Mat-
Gog Invades Israel
thew 23 and 24 was a prediction of the great destruction of Ezekiel 38 and 39 and came upon that generation of 33
Antipas the King of the Idumeans (and for a short while
AD to 70 AD just as He said it would. This was the
procurator of Judea) had a very clever and ambitious son
“great tribulation” that He spoke of.
called Herod. At the young age of 25 Anthony made Herod tetrarch of northern Palestine which he adminis-
Background to the Destruction of Gog
tered very ably for the Romans extracting taxes and ex-tending the borders of his reign. In 37 BC Herod went to
We have identified Gog and his allies as the Idumean hi-
Rome where Anthony and Octavian gave him the crown
erarchy who had taken over the Judean Kingdom. This
of Judea making him king of the region and also gave him
included both religious Jews who were Idumean converts
a Roman army to kick the last Maccabbee king, Anti-
to Judaism who called themselves Jews as well as secular
gonus out of Jerusalem. This he proceeded to do.
Idumeans known in the Bible as “ the Herodians” who were secularists who liked the Grecian lifestyle but were
Thus Herod the Great fulfilled the prophecies of Gog of
also Zealots and nationalists who wanted freedom from
Ezekiel 38. He was the “GG” or leader of the Edomite/
Rome. The Lord organized a special set of circumstances
Idumeans because he was the son of the King of Idumea.
so that the prophecy of Ez. 38&39 could be fulfilled. Gog
He was also the Chief Prince of Meshach (Tetrarch of-
and his allies would be slaughtered by the Romans on all
northern Palestine). He gathered an international Roman
the mountains of Israel and even in distant cities like Al-
army made up of men from all over the Roman empire
exandria where 50,000 died in the Jewish revolt and thou-
and invaded Israel from the north. He came to take great
sands more in places like Damascus and other cities of the
spoil. There were two great sources of income during this
time. The collection of taxes for Rome (of which Rome was happy to share a large portion with those given fran-
The Jewish Revolt
chises to extract tax) and the control of the Temple in-come in Jerusalem.
The Jewish revolt that led to Armageddon was not just a
Result of the Messianic prophecies of the time but also by
The Liberation of Israel
direct provocations from Rome. Caligula in 40 AD had decided that he was a god and demanded the Roman sen-
The great theme of Ezekiel 38 and 39 was that the Lord
ate worship him as god. He also demanded a statue of
would bring about a great liberation of Israel from their
himself be erected in the temple in Jerusalem. The Zeal-
enemies. It is one thing to identify the time that these
ots remembered this abomination from Antiochus
prophecies are fulfilled and the historical actors involved,
Epiphanes time in 167 BC and remembered how the Jews
we must be careful also to keep the purpose of the whole
revolted successfully against their Syrian masters through
prophecy in mind. Israel was to be divinely liberated!
divine intervention. They felt the same would happen
And it is here that an objection comes to my contention
again against Rome. They went throughout the Roman
that the war of 66-70 AD could be Armageddon. The ob-
empire to synagogues to spread sedition and independ-
jection basically is this: How could Israel be liberated
ence from Rome saying the Messiah was coming and
according to Ezekiel 38 and 39 when in actual fact the
Jewish nation was almost destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD, where is the great liberation?
At the same time the Apostles were going throughout the world also to the synagogues preaching Jesus is the Mes-
It is here where Christian Zionists get Bible prophecy
siah who had already come and that His Kingdom was not
very wrong! Paul made it clear that just because you are a
of this world. The disciples were persecuted everywhere
genetic descendent of Abraham does not mean you are a
by both the Sanhedrin as well as the Zealots. They were
true Israelite! There is no salvation by race or DNA.
beaten, scourged and put to death. Jews all over the world
“they are not all Israel who are of Israel” (Romans 9:6)
had a choice: Jesus is the Messiah or the Messiah was to
There is an Israel after the flesh (1 Cor. 10:18) and an
still come to Jerusalem and deliver Israel from Rome and
Israel of God (Gal. 6:16). “.therefore know that only
establish the Kingdom. The wheat and the tares were
those who are of faith are sons of Abraham” (Gal.3:6-7)
being separated! The Lord’s angels were going out to bring in His true sheep and separate them from the goats.
Not everyone in Judea who called themselves Jews were indeed true Israel, and Jesus said the wheat would be
The resistance broke out into full scale revolt in 66 AD.
separated from the tares. All these false Jews were the
The Zealots forced the priests to stop the sacrifices for
enemies of true Israel who persecuted Jesus and also per-
Rome and the Emperor. Independence was declared. The
secuted the early Church. The only persecution that both
Roman garrison in Jerusalem was massacred, General
Jesus and the disciples and the early Church had up to the
Cestius and the Roman legions of Syria march on Jerusa-
time of Nero were the false Jews who controlled the San-
lem and surround the city and then mysteriously withdraw
hedrin and the political and economic hierarchy of Judea.
back to Syria. The Christians inside Jerusalem recognize this as Jesus warning to them to flee Jerusalem when they
So when Ezekiel 38 and 39 talk about the salvation of
see it surrounded by armies. They fled to Petra.
Israel and the deliverance of Israel it means salvation and deliverance from their real enemies who were persecuting
Eventually Rome had to mobilize its largest army ever of
and oppressing them.the Idumean nationalists and Jews.
60,000 men under Vespasian and his son Titus to put
After 70 AD all that persecution stopped. The Judaizers
down the rebellion. It took 42 months of campaigning in
who had infiltrated the Church and were persecuting Paul
Judea from 66 AD to the final destruction of Jerusalem in
were gone with the destruction of Jerusalem. Their cause
70 AD to finalize the destruction of Gog and his allies. As
All over the Roman world the Jews who had rejected the
Rev. 20 speaks of Gog and Magog once again emerging
gospel gathered in Israel for the great deliverance that did
and trying to deceive and persecute the Church. Once
not come. Josephus tells is that over 1,100,000 of them
again they will try to possess the land of Palestine as they
had gathered for the great Feast of Tabernacles of 70 AD
did in Herod’s time. That time came in 1948. The Israeli
expecting a miraculous deliverance. They were all caught
state is not the prophesied return of Israel to the land. It is
up inside the city surrounded by legions of Rome. Inside
once again Edom trying to gain their stolen inheritance.
the city it was chaos! As Ezekiel 38:21 prophesied,
There is no blessing there where you get locked up for
“.every man’s sword will be against his brother” There
passing out Bible tracts and cannot preach the Gospel.
was an Idumean army inside the walls, a Zealot army,
This is not a holy land, it is an unholy land that is still
gangsters and factions.and they all slaughtered each
persecuting the true Israel of God. There is no blessing
other until the city streets ran with blood. By the time the
Romans breached the walls most of the city was already
But like old blind Isaac in his old age who was deceived
by Jacob who made himself up to be like Esau his brother so that he could fool his blind father in giving him Esau’s
The survivors of this great war spent years burning the
blessing.the descendants of Esau are making themselves
wood of the siege weapons that Rome built to breach the
out to be Jacob to fool a blind evangelical Church out of
walls of Jerusalem in fulfillment of Ezekiel 39:9-10. The
our inheritance. It is we the triumphant Church of Jesus
great wealth of the Temple that Rome looted from this
Christ that will bring in the Kingdom of God on earth, not
war was enough to build the Coliseum in Rome which
a supposed 144,000 Jews from Israel. When Israel col-
Vespasian did after becoming Emporer.
lapses that deception will also pass away, liberating the evangelical Church to fulfill its Kingdom mandate!
CURRICULUM VITAE JAMES GIORDANO, Ph.D. CURRICULUM VITAE JAMES J. GIORDANO 459 Old Town Ct Alexandria, VA 22314 703. 519-5276 DATE OF BIRTH 22 September 1959 CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION Grad. Certificate 2006 Loyola University, IL Bioethics and Health Policy Johns Hopkins University Neurotoxicology/Neuropathology City University of NY Biopsychology ( with di
Iranian J Arthropod- Borne Dis, (2007), 1(1): 57-61 Z Telmadarraiy et al.: Determination of Rodent… Short Communication Determination of Rodent Ectoparasite Fauna in Sarpole-Zahab District, Kermanshah Province, Iran, 2004-2005 * Z Telmadarraiy, H Vatandoost, S Mohammadi, AA Akhavan, MR Abai, J Rafinejad, EB Kia, F Faghih Naini, M Jedari, M Aboulhasani Dept. of Medical En