Costs of inpatient treatment for multidrugresistant tuberculosis in south africa
Tropical Medicine and International Health
Costs of inpatient treatment for multi-drug-resistanttuberculosis in South Africa
Kathryn Schnippel1, Sydney Rosen1,2, Kate Shearer1, Neil Martinson3,4, Lawrence Long1, Ian Sanne1,2 andEbrahim Variava5,6
1 Health Economics and Epidemiology Research Office, Department of Internal Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of
Health Sciences,University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
2 Center for Global Health and Development, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA3 Perinatal HIV Research Unit, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa4 School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA5 North West Department of Health, Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex, Klerksdorp, South Africa6 Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
In South Africa, patients with multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) are
hospitalised from MDR-TB treatment initiation until culture conversion. Although MDR-TB accountsfor <3% of incident TB in South Africa, 55% of the public sector TB budget is spent on MDR-TB. To inform new strategies for MDR-TB management, we estimated the per-patient cost (USD 2011) ofinpatient MDR-TB treatment.
All resources used by patients admitted to the MDR-TB hospital with confirmed MDR-TB
from March 2009 to February 2010 were abstracted from patient records for up to 12 months afterinitial admission or until the earliest of final discharge, abscondment or death. Costs of hospital stay/day were estimated from hospital expenditure records and costs for drugs, laboratory tests,radiography and surgery from public sector sources. 133 patients met study inclusion criteria ofwhom 121 had complete cost records.
By 12 months, 86% were discharged with culture conversion, 8% died in hospital, 2%
were still admitted, and 3% had absconded. The mean hospital stay was 105 days. The mean totalcost per patient was $17 164, of which 95% were hospitalisation costs (buildings, staff, etc.) and 2% each for MDR-TB drugs ($380); TB laboratory tests, including drug susceptibility testing ($236);and other costs.
The inpatient cost per patient treated for MDR-TB is more than 40 times the cost of
treating drug-susceptible TB in South Africa. There is potential for substantial cost savings fromimproved management of drug-susceptible TB and shifting to a model of decentralised, outpatientMDR-treatment.
keywords multi-drug-resistant, tuberculosis, cost, South Africa, hospitalisation
with potential for severe adverse events and success rates
just above 60% (Orenstein et al. 2009). An estimated
In recent years, following on severe global epidemics of
60% of patients with TB in South Africa are co-infected
both HIV and drug-susceptible tuberculosis, multi-drug-
with HIV (WHO 2011b). Although there is limited and
resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) has emerged as a serious
conflicting global evidence of an association between
health challenge. In 2009, South Africa had 9070 con-
HIV and MDR-TB (Suchindran et al. 2009), observa-
firmed cases of MDR-TB, second highest globally in total
tional studies from South Africa have reported worse out-
case load (WHO 2011a) and the highest global case load
comes for MDR-TB patients co-infected with HIV (Brust
for extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) at 572
reported cases (Zignol et al. 2012). MDR-TB requires
Until late 2011, all patients with MDR- and XDR-TB
18–24 months of treatment and is associated with very
in South Africa were treated as inpatients at specialised,
high early mortality (Gandhi et al. 2010). Second-line TB
provincial-level MDR-TB treatment centres. Patients with
treatment is expensive and complicated to administer,
MDR-TB were hospitalised for 6 months or until they
Tropical Medicine and International Health
K. Schnippel et al. Costs of MDR-TB inpatient care
achieved culture conversion, defined as two consecutive
tration charts, are stored in a file room within the specia-
months with culture-negative sputa (Directorate
Tuberculosis Control 2007). Discharge was delayed if thepatient was in poor clinical condition or had a previous
history of treatment interruption, complications or majoradverse drug events.
TB treatment guidelines in effect during the study recom-
While drug-resistant TB of all types comprises less than
mended that phenotypic first-line drug susceptibility test-
5% of incident TB in South Africa, control of drug-resis-
ing (DST) be performed for all TB suspects with a history
tant TB accounted for 55% of the National Tuberculosis
of TB treatment and for contacts of patients with MDR-
Program (NTP) budget in 2010 (WHO 2011a). A large
TB. DST was also performed if patients with TB
share of this cost is likely due to the long hospital stays of
remained sputum smear positive at the end of 2, 3 or
patients with MDR-TB, which also results in treatment
5 months of first-line TB treatment (TB Control Pro-
delays due to a shortage of some 740 MDR-TB treatment
gramme 2008). DST for resistance to second-line drugs
beds (Directorate Drug- Resistant TB 2011a). There are no
was performed for all viable culture isolates that were
empirical estimates, however, of costs of inpatient care for
found to be resistant to both isonaizid (INH) and rifam-
MDR-TB in South Africa, and very limited cost data are
picin (RIF). Patients with INH and RIF resistance were
available globally. A recent systematic review of the costs
registered as MDR-TB cases and admitted to the study
of MDR-TB treatment found only four published estimates
that met inclusion criteria for the review, and none were
Similar to drug-sensitive TB treatment, MDR- and
from sub-Saharan Africa (Fitzpatrick & Floyd 2012).
XDR-TB treatment have an intensive phase and continu-
Although new South African guidelines (Directorate
ation phase. Culture conversion, defined as two consecu-
Drug- Resistant TB 2011b) recommend that smear-nega-
tive negative culture sputa taken 30 days apart, was
tive MDR-TB patients be treated through an outpatient
used as an indicator of treatment efficacy. This deter-
model of care, most patients with MDR-TB will likely
mined the duration of hospitalisation, with hospital dis-
continue to require substantial hospital stays. Without
charge at culture conversion. The intensive phase of
up-to-date information on the cost of treating MDR-TB,
treatment coincided with hospitalisation, but also contin-
it will be difficult for policy makers and programme man-
ued for 4 months after culture conversion. The standar-
agers to estimate the cost-effectiveness of alternative
dised regimen for the intensive phase of MDR-TB
treatment models, examine the impact of shorter treat-
treatment was daily kanamycin or amikacin injections
ment regimens or plan for implementation of new guide-
and terizidone or ethambutol, pyrazinamide, ofloxacin
lines. To fill this knowledge gap, we used patient-level
and ethionamide (Directorate Tuberculosis Control
data from a provincial MDR-TB treatment centre to esti-
2007). Upon discharge from hospital, all patients
mate the cost of providing inpatient MDR-TB treatment
received outpatient care including directly observed treat-
ment from a local clinic, with monthly outpatient visitsto the MDR-TB hospital. Injections are not part of thecontinuation phase; all other drugs in the standardised
regimen are continued at the same dose. Capreomycininjection (during intensive phase), para-aminosalicylic
acid and moxifloxacin were available if patients were
The study was conducted at the Klerksdorp/Tshepong
Hospital Complex in North West Province, South Africa,
Most laboratory tests ordered for patients with MDR-
the provincial referral hospital for MDR- and XDR-TB.
TB were performed on site, at the National Health Labo-
Initially, patients with MDR-TB and XDR-TB were hos-
ratory Services (NHLS) facility at Tshepong Hospital.
pitalised in a 32- and 6-bed ward, respectively, within
This included fluorescent sputum smear microscopy,
Klerksdorp Hospital. During the study period, funding
liquid media cultures and DST for first-line drugs (INH,
from The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and
RIF, ethambutol and streptomycin). DST for resistance to
Malaria assisted the North West Department of Health
second-line drugs (ethionamide, kanamycin and ofloxa-
to construct new, separate structures for both inpatient
cin) was performed at NHLS’s central TB referral labora-
wards and an outpatient clinic. Patients are now housed
tory in Johannesburg, a 2-h drive from the study site.
in a 36-bed MDR-TB ward and 20-bed XDR-TB ward at
During the study period, the central referral laboratory
Tshepong Hospital. Full medical records for admitted
began using a line probe assay (LPA) for the identifica-
patients, including laboratory results and drug adminis-
tion of mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) in culture
Tropical Medicine and International Health
K. Schnippel et al. Costs of MDR-TB inpatient care
isolates while also providing rapid genotypic testing for
To estimate the cost per patient in our sample, we cal-
INH and RIF resistance. Xpert MTB/RIF was not avail-
culated three types of costs. First, for all patient-specific
able at the study site during the study period.
resource usage (drugs, laboratory tests, fluids, specialistconsultations, scans, x-rays and surgical procedures),costs were calculated by multiplying unit costs by quan-
tity of resources used. Second, DR-TB ward-specific costs
The study was a medical record review of resource utilisa-
that could not be attributed to individual patients were
tion and outcomes for all patients with MDR-TB admit-
estimated as the sum of ward costs for personnel, sup-
ted between 1 March 2009 and 28 February 2010 with
plies, equipment and infrastructure, and the total DR-TB
confirmed MDR-TB and for whom the complete patient
ward cost divided by the total number of DR-TB inpa-
medical record was available. Patients were excluded if
tient days to obtain a cost per patient day for DR-TB
they were under age 18 at the time of admission, were
ward-specific costs. Third, for shared services that the
diagnosed with drug allergies or with mono- or poly-resis-
general hospital provides (e.g. hospital administration,
tant TB but not MDR-TB, had initiated MDR-TB treat-
laundry and security), we estimated the proportion of all
ment at a different site or transferred out of the study site
inpatient days and outpatient days for the whole hospital
to a different inpatient treatment facility within
that were spent in the DR-TB ward. We then multiplied
12 months of admission to the study site. All patients
the hospital’s total cost for shared services by this pro-
were followed from their admission until the earliest of
portion. For both DR-TB ward-specific costs and shared
the date of final discharge, abscondment or death, up to
service costs, we divided the relevant totals by the total
12 months after admission. Patients who progressed to a
number of TB inpatient days to obtain a cost per patient
diagnosis of XDR-TB during the 12 months after initiat-
day. The sum of ward-specific and shared costs per inpa-
ing MDR-TB treatment were retained in the sample.
tient day is referred to as the ‘hotel’ cost. The total costper patient in our sample is the cost of patient-specificresource usage plus the daily hotel cost for the length ofthe admission.
Buildings and equipment were discounted at 3% per
For each study subject, we reviewed the medical record
annum. Costs are reported in 2011 USD, with prior year
to collect data on resources utilised from the date of
costs inflated using the South African consumer price
admission to 12 months after admission. Resources cap-
index (Statistics South Africa 2012). The average
tured included inpatient days; TB and non-TB drugs and
exchange rate for 2011, ZAR 7.23/USD, is used (Oanda
fluids, including antiretroviral (ART) medications for
2012). Patient-level data were captured in CSPro v. 4.1
HIV; specialist consultations; surgical procedures; chest
(US Census Bureau). SAS v. 9.3 was used to generate
x-rays and other scans; and TB monitoring tests and
descriptive statistics, analysis of the differences of propor-
other laboratory investigations. For patients who had
tions (chi-squared test) and differences of means (t-test).
multiple admissions and intermediate discharges during
Ethics approval for this study was received from the
the 12-month follow-up period, the total number of days
Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of
admitted over the period was used. These data were used
the Witwatersrand, the Institutional Review Board of
to estimate the total number of units of each resource
Boston University Medical Center and the Hospital’s
The average inpatient cost of MDR-TB treatment was
estimated using costing methods recommended by theWHO for TB control (Floyd 2002). Prices of medications
including MDR-TB drugs, fluids and laboratory tests and
investigations were collected from public sector suppliersof these products and services. Public sector hospital
During the 12-month period of study enrolment, 277
charges were used for specialist consultations, surgical
patients registered at the study site; 133 of these met
procedures and scans, with the exception of x-rays for
inclusion criteria and were enrolled in the study
which costs were estimated from hospital expenditure
(Figure 1). The main reason for exclusion was absence of
records. Personnel costs, medical supply costs and costs
a confirmed MDR-TB diagnosis, which typically indi-
for the purchase, maintenance and operation of infra-
cated mono- or poly-resistant TB but not MDR-TB. The
structure and equipment were collected from hospital
mean age of the study sample was 39.9 years, and 45%
were female (Table 1). Nearly all (n = 123, 92%)
Tropical Medicine and International Health
K. Schnippel et al. Costs of MDR-TB inpatient care
reported being resident in North West Province at admis-
72% of smear-negative patients had resistance to only
sion. 64% were unemployed. A large majority (n = 111,
first-line anti-TB drugs. In contrast, 53% of smear-posi-
83%) had a history of previous TB treatment. The mean
tive patients had resistance to one or more second-line
interval from collection of sputum for DST to laboratory
report MDR-TB diagnosis was 84 days; and from sputumcollection to hospital admission was 111 days. By defini-
tion, all patients were TB culture positive at diagnosis,with INH and RIF resistance confirmed by either DST or
Of the 133 subjects enrolled in the study, 121 had com-
LPA or both. 56% of patients were smear positive at
plete information on outcomes and resource utilisation in
their medical records. This smaller sample of 121 is used
Of 133 enrolled study subjects, four did not have a
smear microscopy taken on admission and one patient’s
After 12 months, 98% of patients who were smear
sputum sample was rejected, leaving a total of 128 sub-
negative at admission and 80% of those who were smear
jects with known smear status at baseline. The sample
positive had been discharged upon culture conversion
was evenly divided between patients who were smear
(Table 2). Three patients, all of whom were all smear
negative and smear positive at hospital admission. Three-
positive at admission and resistant to one or more sec-
quarters of smear-negative patients and more than half
ond-line TB drugs, were still hospitalised at the end of
of smear-positive patients were HIV infected, of whom
12 months. Ten patients (8%) died while admitted, all of
43% were on ART at admission. Low body mass index
whom were HIV infected. Four (3%) absconded.
(BMI) was common, with two-thirds of smear-positivepatients and almost one-third of smear-negative patients
having BMI <18.5. Anaemia (40%) and diabetes mellitus(10%) were also frequently diagnosed. 69% of smear-
Patients were hospitalised for an average of 105 days
negative patients were culture negative at admission, and
(Table 2). 115/121 patients had at least one chest x-ray,
Tropical Medicine and International Health
K. Schnippel et al. Costs of MDR-TB inpatient care
Table 1 Study population characteristics, by smear status at
usually at admission; the mean number of chest x-rays
was 1.2 per patient. Sputum smears and cultures were,on average, taken monthly. Blood tests, including CD4
monitoring and liver and kidney function screening, were
performed for patients without recent test results at
admission and only repeated if admission was longer than
6 months or if results were abnormal.
Of the 74 patients (61%) with at least one positive TB
sputum culture after admission, 64 had anti-TB drug
resistance testing performed. Resistance testing was
ordered as sets – phenotypic DST for four first-line TB
drugs and, if the culture isolate was resistant to at least
INH and RIF, then DST for three second-line TB drugs
was completed by the laboratory. On average, patients
were tested once for a set of seven drugs.
For 90% of sampled patients, treatment followed the
standardised MDR-TB regimen. Patients received an
average of 52 injections while hospitalised (i.e. 3.5/
week). Reasons for not receiving injectables included a
contra-indication identified by the attending doctor,
adverse reactions and reduced frequency and dosage of
injectables for patients who were underweight. Nearly all
patients received daily vitamins B6 and B-complex. Pain
and cough medication and hypnotics were commonly
ART, antiretroviral; TB, tuberculosis; BMI, body mass index.
dispensed. Surgical procedures, other scans or investiga-
*Excludes 5 study subjects of unknown smear status (smear
tions and specialist consultations (e.g. audiologist or
ophthalmologists) were infrequent in this patient cohort.
†Defined as haemoglobin less than 11 g/dl for non-pregnant
Two-thirds (66%) of the HIV-infected patients were
women and men and less than 10 g/dl for pregnant women, with
maintained or initiated on ART during their hospitalisa-
haemoglobin corrected for elevation.
Table 2 Patient outcomes, resource utilisation and costs, by smear status at admission
Outcomes 12 months after initial admission
Inpatient costs per patient admitted (mean [SD], USD 2011)
TB, tuberculosis. *Significant difference between smear-positive and smear-negative subjects at P-value <0.05.
†Sample size too small too stratify by these outcomes.
Tropical Medicine and International Health
K. Schnippel et al. Costs of MDR-TB inpatient care
tion, most (92%) on the standard first-line ARV
The average cost of inpatient treatment was $17 164
per patient in the first 12 months after initial admission(Figure 2, Table 2). Cost per day in the hospital – ‘hotelcosts’ including salaries, buildings, equipment, consum-
ables and supplies – accounted for 95% of total costs.
The average hotel cost per inpatient day, including room,
Patients who were smear negative at admission cost less
board, clinical interactions and basic supplies to maintain
than patients who were smear positive, with the differ-
the hospital wards but excluding all procedures and
ence due largely to the shorter inpatient stays of smear-
drugs, was $155 (Table 3). 58% of these costs were spe-
negative patients (average 95 vs. 125 days). Costs for
cific to the MDR- and XDR-TB ward. Shared services,
smear-positive patients were more positively skewed and
including hospital administration, laundry and security,
had a wider variance than those for smear-negative
accounted for 21% of general hospital expenditure.
patients. The average cost per patient for MDR-TB labo-
MDR-TB inpatient days comprised only 8% of the total
ratory monitoring, including DST, was $236, 1% of the
patient days for the hospital, and therefore, just 1.7% of
total. Drugs for treating MDR-TB, at $380 per patient,
general hospital expenditure was allocated to the MDR-
accounted for only 2% of the total. Total patient costs
did not differ significantly by HIV status (results not
While the new hospital was being constructed, some
shown). ART costs were a small component of total
admitted patients who had negative smears but who had
costs, with a mean cost of $66 per patient on ART. CD4
not yet culture converted were moved to an unused ward
counts and viral load tests did contribute to HIV-infected
at a nearby private mining hospital. A monthly flat fee
patients having higher non-MDR-TB-related costs, at
was paid to the private hospital for the service, with the
$180 compared to $132; however, these costs account
drugs, laboratories and physician management continuing
for approximately 1% of the total inpatient costs.
to be provided by the MDR-TB hospital. The averagecost per patient day for this service was $188, or 21%
higher than the cost per day at the specialised MDR-TBhospital.
In this study of the costs of inpatient treatment forMDR-TB in South Africa, we found that the average costof treating a patient who is ultimately discharged withculture conversion — that is, a ‘successful’ treatment out-
Table 3 Hotel costs of inpatient treatment for MDR-TB,
come — exceeds $17 000. This is nearly 40 times the
average cost of treating drug-susceptible TB (Sinanovicet al. 2003) and nearly 25 times the cost of a year of
first-line ART (Long et al. 2010). Management of drug-
resistant TB already consumes a majority of the country’s
total TB control resources. The roll-out of Xpert MTB/
RIF is estimated to increase the number of MDR-TB
cases diagnosed by as much as 70% (Meyer-Rath et al.
2012), making it even more urgent to both prevent
MDR-TB and to reduce the cost of its treatment.
Success rates for treating drug-susceptible TB in South
Africa are far below both international and local targets,
at 60% for retreatment, 64% for smear-negative TB and
73% for smear-positive TB cases (WHO 2011b). In
2011, the South African National TB Program adopted
new guidelines allowing MDR-TB patients meeting spe-
cific criteria — primarily smear-negative disease and good
clinical condition — to be treated as outpatients. While
this is likely to reduce costs for these patients dramati-
cally, the National Department of Health estimates that
only 30–40% of patients with MDR-TB will meet these
MDR-TB, multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis; XDR-TB,
criteria (Directorate Drug- Resistant TB 2011a). Hospital
extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis.
stays will be shortened for many others, as the new
Tropical Medicine and International Health
K. Schnippel et al. Costs of MDR-TB inpatient care
Figure 2 Histogram of total 12-month inpatient costs per MDR-TB patient in 2011 USD.
guidelines allow discharge upon smear conversion, rather
that 40% of patients with MDR-TB and 51% of patients
than culture conversion. Once the new guidelines are
with XDR-TB died in the first 30 days following sputum
fully in effect, substantial cost savings should result for
collection (Gandhi et al. 2010). Accelerated diagnosis of
many but not all patients. The findings we report lend
MDR-TB made possible by the scale-up of Xpert MTB/
urgency to the effort to implement the new guidelines,
RIF technology may change the profile of the inpatient
which will require large-scale training of staff, improved
population and thus of the costs incurred. Finally, the
patient monitoring and records systems, patient and com-
data we present are from a single site in South Africa.
munity education on infection control, infrastructure
There is variation in estimated hospital per patient day
improvements, accelerated laboratory processing capacity
equivalent expenditure across South Africa, with an aver-
and decentralisation of the MDR-TB drug supply.
age $213 per day and standard deviation of $45 (Health
We note three main limitations to our findings. First,
Systems Trust 2012), and it may be that there is also var-
MDR-TB treatment typically lasts 18–24 months, with
iation across the MDR-TB facilities.
most of this interval spent in outpatient care. Our cost
Although these limitations should be kept in mind, the
estimates capture only the inpatient component of the
cost estimates presented here provide the best evidence
treatment regimen. While culture conversion is considered
yet of the high cost of treating MDR-TB using an inpa-
a good interim indicator and inpatient costs are usually
tient model of care. These results can be used to estimate
far higher than outpatient costs, further research is
the cost-effectiveness of alternative models of care and
needed to evaluate the total cost per patient of MDR-TB
budget for the large proportion of patients who will con-
treatment. Second, by enrolling the study cohort at
tinue to require hospitalisation. Our results also have rel-
admission to an MDR-TB hospital, an average of
evance to other high-burden MDR-TB countries. The
111 days after they were tested for MDR-TB, there is
WHO reports that 24 of 27 high-burden countries
likely to be a survivor bias. Culture and DST can only be
require hospitalisation during the intensive phase of treat-
performed at centralised laboratories in South Africa, and
ment (WHO 2011a). In the review of MDR-TB treatment
both take weeks to generate results. For patients in our
costs mentioned previously, the two countries included
sample, the interval between sputum collection and avail-
that had inpatient models of care, Estonia and Russia,
ability of test results averaged 84 days, accounting for
had much higher costs than those that allowed outpatient
most of the delay in admission. A study in KwaZulu
treatment, Peru and the Philippines (Fitzpatrick & Floyd
Natal, South Africa, that followed patients during the
2012). For South Africa and other countries, our
time from sputum collection to hospital admission found
results thus underscore the importance of implementing
Tropical Medicine and International Health
K. Schnippel et al. Costs of MDR-TB inpatient care
outpatient MDR-TB treatment as quickly as possible,
effectiveness Analysis of Tuberculosis Control. WHO, Geneva.
so that the resources currently used for long inpatient
stays can be re-allocated to improving first-line TB
Gandhi NR, Shah NS, Andrews JR et al. (2010) HIV coinfection
in multidrug- and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis resultsin high early mortality. American Journal of Respiratory andCritical Care Medicine 181, 80–86.
Long L, Fox M, Sanne I & Rosen S (2010) The high cost of sec-
ond-line antiretroviral therapy for HIV/AIDS in South Africa.
We thank Dr M van Rensburg, JP Phepheng and the staff
of Klerksdorp/ Tshephong Hospital for their assistance.
Meyer-Rath G, Schnippel K, Long L et al. (2012) The impact
Funding for this study was provided by the South Africa
and cost of scaling up GeneXpert MTB/RIF in South Africa
Mission of the US Agency for International Development.
KSch and EV received research training funded from Fo-
Oanda (2012) USD ZAR Average exchange rate 1 Jan 2011-31
garty International Center. The funders had no role in
Dec 2011. Historical Exchange Rates.
study design, analysis, decision to publish or preparation
Orenstein EW, Basu S, Shah NS et al. (2009) Treatment out-
comes among patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis:systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Infectious
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Tuberculosis: A Policy Framework on Decentralised and Dein-
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Directorate Drug- Resistant TB (2011b) Management of Drug-
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WHO (2011a) Towards Universal Access to Diagnosis and
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Directorate Tuberculosis Control (2007) Management of Drug-
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Corresponding Author Kathryn Schnippel, Themba Lethu Wing, Helen Joseph Hospital, Perth Road, Westdene 2092 SouthAfrica: Health Economics and Epidemiology Research Office, Department of Internal Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine,Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. Tel.: +27 11 276 8896; E-mail: [email protected]
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Lesson 3.5 Testing Hypothesis about two means: Independent and Large Samples. In this lesson you will learn about testing hypothesis about two population means (µ1 and µ2) and constructing confidence intervals for the difference (µ1- µ2) between two population means. In doing this we will make the following assumptions: 1. The samples are independent. This means that the sam