Your answers will help us to plan services that can help to improve your health. All information you provide will be treated in strict confidence and in accordance with all data protection legislation. PERSONAL DETAILS (Please complete in block capitals as appropriate) Family Name:.First Name:.
Date of Birth. Occupation…………………………………………………………………. Home telephone. Work telephone:..
Mobile telephone:.Email address…………………………………………… Please indicate (by circling) which number you would prefer us to contact you on during the day Can we send you text reminders of booked appointments? Yes/No (please circle) Can we email you with our Newsletter Yes/No (please circle) a student □ a refugee □ homeless □
Name of Next of Kin :.Relationship to you:. Next of kin contact telephone:.
Is your Next of Kin registered at this practice? Yes /No WHAT IS YOUR ETHNIC GROUP? White Asian or Asian Black or Black Other ethnic
Prefer not to state ethnic group □ What is your first language?..
Do you need us to book you an interpreter? □ Yes □ No
DISABILITY/SPECIAL NEED Do you have any disability or special need, including visual or hearing impairments? If so please describe below ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… YOUR MEDICAL HISTORY Have you had or do you now have any of the following illnesses? Please tick the box if you have any of
Operations please describe MEDICATION If you need regular prescriptions please make an appointment to see a doctor before your next supply is due. We are unable to issue any prescriptions until you have discussed your medication with the GP.
Do you have any drug allergies
RW/C/Publications 08/2010 FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY Please give us some information about your family
YOUR HEALTH What is your weight? .What is your height? . Regular exercise and a good diet help to keep your heart healthy. Ask us for advice. Have you had your blood pressure measured in the last 5 years?
Do you know what your reading was? ./. or Normal □
If you are aged 45 or over you should have your blood pressure checked every 5 years. If your last blood pressure check was abnormal or if you cannot remember the result please make an appointment to see the Health Care Assistant for a Blood Pressure check. EXERCISE Would you describe your exercise level as:
Heavy exercise □ In your own words how much exercise do you get? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
DIET Would you describe your diet as:
Vegetarian □ In your own words what does your diet usually contain …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ALCOHOL
Do you drink alcohol?
If yes, how many units do you normally drink per week? .
(One unit = half a pint of normal strength beer or 1 small glass wine or 1 single measure of spirits) How often do you have a drink that contains alcohol?
How many alcoholic drinks do you have on a typical day when you are drinking?
How often during the past year have you found you were not able to stop drinking once you had started?
How often during the past year have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of drinking?
Has a relative, friend or doctor been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down?
More than 21 units per week for men and 14 for women can damage your health. Ask a doctor or nurse for more advice.
Do you smoke cigarettes? Yes/No If yes, how many cigarettes do you smoke every day?
If no, but you have smoked in the past, when did you stop? .
How many did you smoke every day before you stopped? .
Tobacco smoking is the biggest cause of preventable illness and death. If you want help to stop we can refer you to a smoking cessation advisor. CONTRACEPTION Do you use contraception? Yes/No What do you use?
We offer a full range of contraception services, including emergency contraception (the ‘morning after' pill).
SEXUAL HEALTH Sexually transmitted infection is on the increase. Very often people do not know they are infected. If you would like a sexual health check please book an appointment at our Sphere Clinic. phone 01525 379684.
CARER DETAILS A carer is a person who looks after a relative, friend or child with a physical or learning disability; or who has a mental health problem, a long-term illness or who is frail. This definition does not include those who are paid carers. Are you a carer?
Do you have a carer?
Your carer's name: .
Your carer's telephone number:.
Women who are sexually active and aged between 25 and 49 should have a cervical smear test every 3 years. Women aged between 50and 65 should have a cervical smear every 5 years. We have a national screening programme that automatically invites ladies to have a smear test.
What was the date when you had your last smear done? .
Where was it done? In the UK □ Abroad □ What was the result? Normal □
If your smear test is due or you are 25 or over and have never had a smear test please book an appointment with a Practice Nurse.
FOR PRACTICE USE ONLY Computer Number: Form checked & taken Entered by: Date entered: Please pass smear sheet to administrator
Phoenix House American Council for Drug Education 164 West 74th Street, New York, NY 10023, 1-800-488-DRUG (3784), www.acde.org BASIC FACTS ABOUT DRUGS: ECSTASY What is Ecstasy? Ecstasy is one of the most dangerous drugs threatening young people today. Called MDMA (3-4- Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) by scientists, it is a synthetic chemical that can be derived from an essent
YLMP2009 Abstract - www.ifa.amu.edu.pl/ylmp Is Neuro–Linguistic Programming hoax or hard science? A neuroscientific investigation into the theory Marek Kiczkowiak (School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań) Neuro–Linguistic Programming [NLP] was first introduced in the early 1970s with a publication by Richard Bandler and John Grinder “Structures of magic I and