International standardization common names iberian endemic freshwater fishes

Asociaci´on Ib´erica de Limnolog´Æa, Madrid. Spain. ISSN: 0213-8409 International Standardization of Common Names for Iberian Endemic
Freshwater Fishes

Pedro M. Leunda1,∗, Benigno Elvira2, Filipe Ribeiro3,6, Rafael Miranda4, Javier Oscoz4, MariaJudite Alves5,6 and Maria Jo˜ao Collares-Pereira5 1 GAVRN-Gesti´on Ambiental Viveros y Repoblaciones de Navarra S.A., C/ Padre Adoain 219 Bajo, 31015 Pam-plona/Iru˜na, Navarra, Espa˜na.
2 Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Biolog´Æa, Departamento de Zoolog´Æa y Antropolog´Æa F´Æsica,28040 Madrid, Espa˜na.
3 Virginia Institute of Marine Science, School of Marine Science, Department of Fisheries Science, GloucesterPoint, 23062 Virginia, USA.
4 Universidad de Navarra, Departamento de Zoolog´Æa y Ecolog´Æa, Apdo. Correos 177, 31008 Pamplona/Iru˜na,Navarra, Espa˜na.
5 Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciˆencias, Centro de Biologia Ambiental, Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lis-boa, Portugal.
6 Museu Nacional de Hist´oria Natural, Universidade de Lisboa, Rua da Escola Polit´ecnica 58, 1269-102 Lisboa,Portugal.
2∗ Corresponding author: [email protected] ABSTRACT
International Standardization of Common Names for Iberian Endemic Freshwater Fishes
Iberian endemic freshwater ſshes do not have standardized common names in English, which is usually a cause of incon-veniences for authors when publishing for an international audience. With the aim to tackle this problem, an updated list ofIberian endemic freshwater ſsh species is presented with a reasoned proposition of a standard international designation alongwith Spanish and/or Portuguese common names adopted in the National Red Data Books.
Key words: Standard designation, ichthyofauna, Spain, Portugal.
Estandarizaci´on Internacional de los Nombres Comunes para los Peces Dulceacu´Æcolas End´emicos de la Pen´Ænsula Ib´erica
Las especies de peces dulceacu´Æcolas end´emicas de la pen´Ænsula Ib´erica carecen de nombres comunes en ingl´es, lo cualfrecuentemente causa inconvenientes a los autores en el momento de publicar para una audiencia internacional. Con elobjetivo de llenar este vac´Æo, se presenta una lista actualizada de las especies de peces dulceacu´Æcolas end´emicas de lapen´Ænsula Ib´erica con una propuesta razonada de designaci´on internacional estandarizada junto con los nombres comunesen espa˜nol y/o portugu´es adoptados en los Libros Rojos Nacionales. Palabras clave: Designaci´on est´andar, ictiofauna, Espa˜na, Portugal.
Padronizac¸˜ao Internacional dos Nomes Comuns dos Peixes Dulciaqu´Æcolas End´emicos da Pen´Ænsula Ib´erica
Os peixes dulciaqu´Æcolas end´emicos da Pen´Ænsula Ib´erica n˜ao possuem um nome comum devidamente padronizado em Inglˆes,o que causa problemas aos investigadores quando publicam em revistas com uma audiˆencia internacional. O presente traba-lho procurou resolver esta quest˜ao, incluindo uma lista actualizada das esp´ecies pisc´Æcolas end´emicas da Pen´Ænsula Ib´ericae uma proposta fundamentada de nomes comuns em Inglˆes, juntamente com as designac¸˜oes comuns em Espanhol e/ou Portu-guˆes adoptadas nos respectivos Livros Vermelhos Nacionais. Palavras-chave: designac¸˜ao padr˜ao, ictiofauna, Espanha, Portugal.
prioritized in the title —without author(s) andyear— and given complete in their first appea- Endemic species of non-English speaking coun- rance in the abstract and introduction sections.
tries do not have standardized common names in Here, we present an updated list of Iberian English and Iberian ſsh species may be consi- endemic freshwater ſsh species with Spanish dered a good example (Froese & Pauly, 2008; and/or Portuguese vernacular names adopted in the National Red Data Books (Doadrio, 2001, in English for an international use is usually the 2002; Rogado et al., 2005; but see also Collares- cause of inconveniences for authors when pu- Pereira et al., 2007; Ribeiro et al., 2007) along blishing scientiſc, technical, legal or academic with a reasoned proposition of a standard interna- contributions. Speciſcally, during the manuscript tional designation. Genera within a given family preparation and review processes, editors and/or are presented in alphabetical order, as are species reviewers of some international journals require full names —i.e. common and scientiſc names Our standardization effort obeyed, whenever with authority— whilst others prefer to use ver- possible, to former common names, adopted by nacular names in the title, introducing the ſsh earlier authors and used in the literature, but so- species’ scientiſc names in the abstract. In such me new names are now proposed if we conside- cases, it is for the author consideration to attri- red earlier ones inaccurate, geographically biased bute/create an international common designation, or scientiſcally unsatisfactory. For example, na- leading to a growing variety of vernacular names mes that include geographical areas or drainages in English for Iberian ſshes and other endemic are preferred against current administrative pro- ichthyofaunas in non-English speaking regions.
vinces, autonomous regions or countries, in order Some of the English common names for Ibe- to link common name with accurate species dis- rian fishes have been used consistently enough that tribution, avoiding inappropriate regional or lo- became almost standard. However, it is frequent cal names. We also avoided common names with to find in literature the same common name designations of genera that do not occur in Iberia referring to different species, for example, “Iberian (e.g., roach = Rutilus). Moreover, in some Iberian barbel” which could correspond to any of the endemic genera we recommend, with some ex- nine endemic species presently recognized within ceptions (already traditionally well-established), the genus Barbus. Additionally, it is common the local language name as the most appropriate to find the same species with different common names in English, due to direct translation of As far as we know, the only similar standar- local languages vernacular names. This is utmost dization effort in Europe was carried out for the problematic in the Iberian Peninsula, where British Isles ſsh fauna (Wheeler, 1992; Wheeler several languages (Portuguese, Spanish, Basque, et al., 2004). However, the American Fisheries Catalonian, and Galician) are officially recognized Society (AFS) publishes updated lists (e.g., Nel- and many more local dialects are spoken. Such son et al., 2004) of common and scientiſc na- linguistic diversity inevitably resulted in several mes for North American species. Based on this, vernacular names for a single species but also to the AFS also has developed a ſsh name spell- several species sharing the same name in different checker software as an aid to authors and editors regions. To overcome such problems, sometimes of ſsheries science papers. We encourage scien- editors and/or reviewers of international journals tiſc associations or research groups from other recommend using only the species scientific name regions to coordinate the agreement and comple- along the manuscripts, resulting in tedious papers, tion of similar lists for their ichthyofauna.
regardless of the content, especially when several The list we present here (see Table 1) should be fish species names are mentioned repeatedly. As considered a live document where additions, co- a rule, scientific names should be included and rrections, comments and suggestions are welcome.
1.4 Achondrostoma salmantinum Doadrio &
Elvira, 2007. Spanish: Sarda. Standard na- 1. Family Cyprinidae
me: Sarda. This recently described species
has a narrow distribution range encompassing
1.1 Achondrostoma arcasii (Steindachner, 1866).
Spanish: Bermejuela. Portuguese: Panjorca.
within the Duero River basin in southwestern Standard name: Bermejuela. The species was
Spain. Such a regional range justifies the described as Leuciscus, and after transferred appropriateness of its local name as standard to the genera Rutilus first, and Chondrostoma designation (Doadrio & Elvira, 2007).
later, thus receiving in the literature common 1.5 Anaecypris hispanica (Steindachner, 1866).
names such as “(Iberian) red roach” or Spanish: Jarabugo. Portuguese: Saramugo.
“bermejuela nase”. Recently, based on the Standard name: Jarabugo. The Iberian en-
putative congruence between molecular and demicity of the genus with this single species morphological characters, Robalo et al. (2007) proposed five new genera within Chondrosto- guese vernacular names (Kottelat & Freyhof, ma s.l., and the species was assigned to the 2007), since it occurs in both countries along new Iberian endemic genus Achondrostoma.
the Guadiana River basin (Collares-Pereira However, the proposed generic changes still & Cowx, 2001). However, Steindachner des- raise some concerns (see comments on Ibe- cribed the species in 1866 (as Phoxinellus rochondrostoma olisiponensis). Endemicity of hispanicus) based on specimens collected in the genus no longer supports name combina- a small Guadiana tributary in Spain. Because tions previously used, which incorrectly evoke it was ſrstly recorded by the Spanish verna- other genera. It presents a wider distribution cular name, we recommend the standardiza- range in Spain and therefore we recommend tion of this older designation —the ſrst ci- the standard designation of “Bermejuela” as tation to the Portuguese Guadiana was in- also adopted by Kottelat & Freyhof (2007).
deed posterior (Collares-Pereira & Almac¸a, 1.2 Achondrostoma occidentale (Robalo, Alma-
da, Sousa-Santos, Moreira & Doadrio, 2005).
Portuguese: Ruivaco do Oeste. Standard na- me of another quite distinct endemic species me: Western ruivaco. The natural distri-
—the “Samaruc” (see Valencia hispanica).
bution of the species is restricted to some 1.6 Barbus bocagei Steindachner, 1865. Spanish:
coastal and central drainages in western Ibe- Barbo com´un. Portuguese: Barbo-comum.
ria. The Portuguese endemicity of this newly Standard name: Iberian barbel. Due to
described species (Robalo et al., 2005a) re- the still ongoing doubts about the generic commends the use of the translation of its na- status (Barbus, Luciobarbus), we maintain tional vernacular name (Robalo et al., 2008).
all Iberian barbels in the previous single 1.3 Achondrostoma oligolepis (Robalo, Doa-
genus Barbus until further studies are carried drio, Almada & Kottelat, 2005). Portuguese: on, to avoid nomenclatural instability. Even Ruivaco. Standard name: Ruivaco. The re-
though several endemic barbel species inhabit placement name for Leuciscus macrolepido- Iberia and thus have shared this name in the tus Steindachner, 1866 given by Robalo et al. literature, this species has the broadest natural (2005b) was Chondrostoma oligolepis. The distribution range within Iberia, occurring in Portuguese endemicity of this species and its the Atlantic slope drainages from the Lima wider natural distribution range (from Lima to the Sado River basins, including the two to Tornada drainages) when compared to A. largest Iberian drainages Tagus and Douro.
occidentale suggests the adoption of its sin- 1.7 Barbus comizo Steindachner, 1865. Spa-
nish: Barbo comizo. Portuguese: Cumba.
Standard name: Iberian long-snout bar-
to the red pigmentation of the anal, caudal bel. This species is native to both Iberian
and pelvic ſns during the spawning season.
countries inhabiting currently the Tagus and We discourage from using “Catalonian bar- bel” (Kottelat & Freyhof, 2007) since Cata- lonia is only one of the nine autonomous re- scientiſc literature, and derives from the 1.11 Barbus meridionalis Risso, 1827. Spanish:
characteristic head shape result of the pro- Barbo de monta˜na. Standard name: Western
Mediterranean barbel. Its natural and pre-
mens (Doadrio & Perdices, 1998), instead sent distribution range is limited to the ri- of a derived latin name “comizo barbel” vers draining to Mediterranean Sea in north- (Kottelat & Freyhof, 2007). See also ear- lier comments on the genus in B. bocagei.
1.8 Barbus graellsii Steindachner, 1866. Spa-
re for the use of “Mediterranean barbel” (e.g., Kottelat & Freyhof, 2007) but many Ebro barbel. The species natural and cu-
other barbel species occur in the Mediterra- rrent distribution range includes most of the small basins draining to the Mediterranean 1.12 Barbus microcephalus Almac¸a, 1967. Spa-
nish: Barbo cabecicorto. Portuguese: Barbo- re accurate and appropriate the name “Ebro de-cabec¸a-pequena. Standard name: Iberian
barbel” than others that have been used in the small-head barbel. The species is native
literature such as “common barbel”, “Ibe- rian barbel” (see earlier comments on B. bo- is preferred because the scientiſc designa- cagei), or “Graells barbel” (see comments on tion as well as the Spanish and Portuguese B. steindachneri). See also earlier comments 1.9 Barbus guiraonis Steindachner, 1866. Spa-
other Iberian barbel species. See also earlier nish: Barbo mediterr´aneo. Standard name: comments on the genus in B. bocagei.
Eastern Iberian barbel. The species inha-
1.13 Barbus sclateri G¨unther, 1868. Spanish:
bits streams draining to Mediterranean Sea Barbo gitano. Portuguese: Barbo do Sul.
between Ebro (north) and Vinalop´o (south) Standard name: Southern Iberian bar-
(but not included), in the eastern coast of bel. The southern Iberian distribution range
Spain. This name is preferred over “Valencia barbel” (Kottelat & Freyhof, 2007) because autonomous region of Andalusia, discourages Valencia in only one of the provinces within the name “Andalusian barbel” used by Kottelat the distribution area of the species. See also & Freyhof (2007). We also advise against the earlier comments on the genus in B. bocagei.
English translation of its Spanish name, i.e.
1.10 Barbus haasi Mertens, 1924. Spanish: Bar-
“Gipsy barbel”, which has already been used bo colirrojo. Standard name: Iberian redſn
in the literature, in order to avoid terms that barbel. The native and current distribution
could sound disparaging for ethnic groups.
range includes most of the Ebro River basin Thus, we recommend highlighting the species and neighbouring small basins of the Medi- southern distribution confinement. See also terranean slope (Miranda et al., 2005). We earlier comments on the genus in B. bocagei.
propose “Iberian redſn barbel” as standard 1.14 Barbus steindachneri Almac¸a, 1967. Por-
nish vernacular name also makes reference name: Steindachner barbel. The species
native range (mainly the Guadiana but also more locally the Tagus River basin) could Portugal (Coelho et al., 2005). All Ibe- rochondrostoma species have typically an barbel” (Kottelat & Freyhof, 2007). Howe- ver, another Barbus (B. microcephalus) is al- Chondrostoma (but see comments on A. so endemic to this basin leading to poten- arcasii and I. olisiponensis), thus receiving names in combination with “nase”. Although the designation of “Steindachner barbel” al- the Iberian endemicity of the genus (Robalo ready adopted in Portuguese literature in spi- et al., 2007) could encourage proposing name te of being conscious that names intended combinations with the common name in Por- to honour persons are without descriptive tuguese, “boga” is also a vernacular name for value. This is justiſed by the fact that the a marine fish species, the bogue Boops boops. species has been considered in general by Spanish authors as a synonym of B. comi- most well-known designation (Coelho et al., zo (e.g., Doadrio, 2002) conversely to Portu- 2005) instead of the restricted one adopted by guese (Almac¸a, 1967; Almac¸a & Banarescu, Kottelat & Freyhof (2007) —“Mira pardelha”.
2003; Collares-Pereira et al., 2007) and other Moreover, the Portuguese word “pardelha” authors (Kottelat, 1997; Kottelat & Freyhof, 2007) that do consider it as a distinct species Cobitis paludica in some regions of Portugal.
from the Iberian long-snout barbel. See also 1.17 Iberochondrostoma lemmingii (Steindach-
earlier comments on the genus in B. bocagei.
ner, 1866). Spanish: Pardilla. Portuguese: 1.15 Gobio lozanoi Doadrio & Madeira, 2004.
Boga-de-boca-arqueada. Standard name: Ibe-
Spanish: Gobio. Portuguese: G´obio. Standard rian arched-mouth nase. This endemic fish
name: Pyrenean gudgeon. Recently, Iberian
were described as a different species (Doadrio Guadalquivir drainages) being the species & Madeira, 2004) based on genetic (Madeira within this genus with the widest distribution et al., 2005) and morphometric evidences, range. Therefore, we recommend the use of a no longer belonging to the morphologically standard name that refers to its pan-central and variable G. gobio (Linnaeus, 1758), which southern Iberian geographic distribution and to has an almost pan-European distribution.
the previously used common and informative Despite some controversy exists on the species “arched-mouth nase” designation. See also natural distribution range (it is known to have earlier comments on the genus in I. almacai.
invaded many Iberian catchments since the 1.18 Iberochondrostoma lusitanicum (Collares-
19th century both in Spain and in Portugal), Pereira, 1980). Portuguese: Boga-Portuguesa.
recent consensus suggests that Adour (France) Standard name: Portuguese arched-mouth
and Bidasoa (Spain) drainages —on each side nase. The use of this common name seems
of the Pyrenees— constitute its native area (Doadrio, 2001, 2002; Doadrio & Madeira, 2004; Kottelat & Persat, 2005), justifying distribution when compared to the congeneric the now proposed standard name instead of species restricted to Portuguese freshwaters (I. “Iberian gudgeon” (Kottelat & Freyhof, 2007).
almacai and I. olisiponensis). See also earlier 1.16 Iberochondrostoma almacai (Coelho, Mes-
comments on the genus in I. almacai.
quita & Collares-Pereira, 2005). Portuguese: 1.19 Iberochondrostoma olisiponensis (Gante,
Boga do Sudoeste. Standard name: South-
Santos & Alves, 2007). Portuguese: Boga- western arched-mouth nase. This recently
de-boca-arqueada de Lisboa. Standard name: described species is restricted to Mira, Arade Lisbon arched-mouth nase. This species,
highly confined, was recently described from cular name of P. turiense —“Madrija”. See the lower Tagus basin, in the vicinity of earlier comments on the genus in P. arrigonis.
Lisbon (Gante et al., 2007). The species’ 1.23 Parachondrostoma turiense (Elvira, 1987).
description raised concerns on the proposed Spanish: Madrija. Standard name: Turia nase.
splitting of Chondrostoma by Robalo et al. (2007), since the new species did not fit Mijares River basins (Elvira, 1987, 1997a).
exclusively into any of the proposed genera using morphological characters, and broke down combinations of traits diagnosing the “Madrija” (Kottelat & Freyhof, 2007) which newly erected genera. See also earlier com- ments in I. almacai for the reasoning of why name of P. miegii —“Madrilla”. See earlier comments on the genus in P. arrigonis.
nase” suggested in the species’ descriptionarticle (Gante et al., 2007) is recommended.
1.24 Phoxinus bigerri Kottelat, 2007. Spanish:
Piscardo. Standard name: Pyrenean minnow.
1.20 Iberochondrostoma oretanum (Doadrio &
Until the recent systematic revision conducted Carmona, 2003). Spanish: Pardilla oretana.
by Kottelat (2007), all European Phoxinus Standard name: Oretanian arched-mouth
were classified as P. phoxinus. Seven species nase. This recently described species is res-
tricted to Robledillo and Fresneda rivers (tri- including P. bigerri that is native to the Adour butaries of the J´andula River, Guadalquivir (France) and Ebro (Spain) River basins and basin) (Doadrio & Carmona, 2003), an area some streams draining to the Bay of Biscay known as Oretania, justifying the combina- (Spain). Since Kottelat (2007) cautioned that tion with the informative “arched-mouth na- the identification of the Iberian populations se” designation as standard name. See also was tentative, we understand the suggested earlier comments on the genus in I. almacai.
name “Adour minnow” could be acceptable.
1.21 Parachondrostoma arrigonis (Steindach-
But, if future studies confirm Iberian minnow me: J ´ucar nase. The species is endemic to
the J´ucar drainage in Spain (Elvira & Al- mod´ovar, 2008), and is currently included in 1.25 Pseudochondrostoma duriense (Coelho,
the new genus Parachondrostoma (Robalo et al., 2007) (but see comments on A. arcasii and I. olisiponensis). The former taxonomic Northern straight-mouth nase. Species cu-
status (Chondrostoma) often led in the lite- rrently placed in the new Pseudochondrosto- rature to English name combinations contai- ma genus (Robalo et al., 2007) (but see com- ning the name of their endemic drainage of ments on A. arcasii and I. olisiponensis) ha- origin followed by “nase” (e.g., Elvira & Al- ve been named “straight-mouth nases” (e.g., mod´ovar, 2008), as we recommend here.
Coelho, 1985) as we recommend here to dif- 1.22 Parachondrostoma miegii (Steindachner,
ferentiate from those placed in the genus Pa- rachondrostoma. The species was formerly Ebro nase. The species is endemic to the Ebro
described from the Douro River basin, but River basin and adjacent smaller basins drai- its geographic distribution does range from ning to the Bay of Biscay and Mediterranean the Vouga drainage in Portugal to the north- Sea. Therefore, we recommend this geogra- ern adjacent smaller basins of the Atlantic slope (Coelho, 1985; Elvira, 1997a; Aboim name “Madrilla” (Kottelat & Freyhof, 2007) et al., 2009); therefore, the designation re- which may well be confused with the verna- the more conſned “Douro nase” adopted by 1.29 Squalius aradensis (Coelho, Bogutskaya,
Rodrigues & Collares-Pereira, 1998). Por- 1.26 Pseudochondrostoma polylepis (Steinda-
chner, 1865). Spanish: Boga del Tajo. Portu- Arade chub. Iberian Squalius species were
guese: Boga comum. Standard name: Iberian
until recently (Sanjur et al., 2003) placed in straight-mouth nase. This straight-mouth
the genus Leuciscus, and therefore traditiona- nase has the widest distribution in Iberian lly named as “chubs” in the literature. Most freshwaters, ranging in Portugal from the Squalius are endemic at drainage level, jus- tifying name combinations of their drainage Sado drainage including the Tagus draina- (area) of origin followed by “chub”. This ge in both countries; therefore, the designa- species is confined to Portugal and inhabits te than the more restricted “Tagus nase” used in the south (Coelho et al., 1998; Mesquita by Kottelat & Freyhof (2007). See also ear- & Coelho, 2002; Mesquita et al., 2005).
lier comments on the genus in P. duriense. 1.30 Squalius carolitertii (Doadrio, 1988). Spa-
nish: Bordallo. Portuguese: Escalo do Norte.
1.27 Pseudochondrostoma willkommii (Steinda-
Standard name: Northern Iberian chub.
chner, 1866). Spanish: Boga del Guadiana.
Species distribution ranges from the most northern smaller drainages of the Atlantic name: Southern straight-mouth nase. This
slope to the Mondego drainage in Portugal “Guadiana nase” (e.g., Kottelat & Freyhof, 2007) once it occurs there but it is natural of recommend this designation instead of the a wider area including the Guadalquivir River Spanish vernacular name “Bordallo” adopted basin along with other adjacent smaller rivers by Kottelat & Freyhof (2007). See earlier comments on the genus in S. aradensis.
earlier comments on the genus in P. duriense.
1.31 Squalius castellanus Doadrio, Perea &
1.28 Squalius alburnoides (Steindachner, 1866)
Alonso, 2007. Spanish: Bordallo del Gallo.
complex. Spanish: Calandino. Portuguese:
Standard name: Gallo chub. This species
Bordalo. Standard name: Calandino. This
was recently described from the Gallo River diploid-polyploid complex with a hybrid ori- and its tributaries in the upper Tagus draina- gin, was already assigned to several gene- ge in Spain (Doadrio et al., 2007b). See ear- ra (Leuciscus, Rutilus and Tropidophoxine- lier comment on the genus in S. aradensis.
llus) (reviewed in Collares-Pereira et al.,1999), thus receiving common names in 1.32 Squalius laietanus Doadrio, Kottelat &
combination with “chub”, “roach” and “min- Sostoa, 2007. Spanish: Bagre. Standard na- now”. Recently, Kottelat & Freyhof (2007) me: Ebro chub. This recently described spe-
cies is endemic of the Ebro River basin and ted last generic position in the genus Squa- other neighbouring smaller basins of the Me- lius to the Iberian genus Iberocypris, but diterranean slope (Doadrio et al., 2007a).
this nomenclatural change has been challen- We discourage from using “Catalan chub” ged (Collares-Pereira & Coelho, in press).
(Kottelat & Freyhof, 2007) since Catalonia The distribution range of the complex inclu- is only one of the nine autonomous regions des several Iberian drainages (namely Dou- sharing the Ebro River basin. See earlier ro, Mondego, Tagus, Sado, Guadiana, Odiel, comments on the genus in S. aradensis.
Guadalquivir and Quarteira) being wider in 1.33 Squalius malacitanus Doadrio & Carmo-
na, 2006. Spanish: Cacho malague˜no. Stan- dard adoption of the Spanish designation.
dard name: M´alaga chub. The species known
distribution range is restricted to three small rranean Sea between the Mijares and Vina- rivers in the province of M´alaga (Doadrio lop´o basins (Doadrio & Carmona, 2006) in & Carmona, 2006), justifying the trans- the eastern coast of Spain. This designation lation of the scientiſc name (Kottelat & is recommended over “Valencia chub” (Kot- telat & Freyhof, 2007) because Valencia is only one of the provinces within the distri- 1.34 Squalius palaciosi (Doadrio, 1980) com-
bution area of the species. See earlier com- plex. Spanish: Bogardilla. Standard name:
ments on the genus in S. aradensis.
Bogardilla. After the species description in
2. Family Cobitidae
the new genus Iberocypris Doadrio, 1980,diploid, triploid and tetraploid specimens 2.1 Cobitis calderoni BŅacescu, 1962. Spanish:
Lamprehuela. Portuguese: Verdem˜a do Norte.
palaciosi complex with Squalius pyrenaicus Standard name: Northern Iberian spined-
was later confirmed (Zardoya & Doadrio, loach. Species of Cobitis known from most of
1998; Zardoya & Doadrio, 1999; Sanjur et al., Europe, temperate Asia and Northern Africa 2003; Doadrio & Carmona, 2006). Recently, Kottelat & Freyhof (2007) returned palaciosi “spined loaches” and therefore we recom- to the first generic position in the genus Iberocypris but this change has not yet been instead of the Spanish designation as done accurately supported (Collares-Pereira & by Kottelat & Freyhof (2007). This species Coelho, in press). This highly confined ende- inhabits the northern half of the Peninsula, mism occurs in the middle Guadalquivir basin mainly in Ebro and Douro River basins but —right side tributaries Rumblar, J´andula and also in a few headwaters of rivers draining to Robledo (Elvira, 1997b)— thus it should the Tagus River (Perdices & Doadrio, 1997a).
be recognised by its local Spanish name.
2.2 Cobitis paludica (de Buen, 1930). Spanish:
1.35 Squalius pyrenaicus (G¨unther, 1868). Spa-
Colmilleja. Portuguese: Verdem˜a comum.
nish: Cacho. Portuguese: Escalo do Sul.
Standard name: Southern Iberian spined-
Standard name: Southern Iberian chub.
loach. This species inhabits most rivers in
This species has the widest distribution ran- central and southern Iberia (Perdices & Doa- drio, 1997b), justifying our recommendation of the genus, practically all the southern half of the Peninsula, justifying the pro- ments on the genus in C. calderoni.
2.3 Cobitis vettonica Doadrio & Perdices, 1997.
name in Spanish “cacho” used by Kotte- Spanish: Colmilleja del Alag´on. Standard lat & Freyhof (2007). See earlier comments name: Vettonian spined-loach. The species
on the genus in S. aradensis.
is restricted to the Alag´on River system (Ta- 1.36 Squalius torgalensis (Coelho, Bogutskaya,
gus basin) and its latin name was derived Rodrigues & Collares-Pereira, 1998). Portu- from the name of the local inhabitants in guese: Escalo do Mira. Standard name: Mi-
old times (Vettonians) (Doadrio & Perdi- ra chub. The species is endemic of the Mi-
ces, 1997), justifying our recommendation ra River basin, southwestern Portugal (Coe- for this designation. See earlier comments on lho et al., 1998). See earlier comments on 3. Family Nemacheilidae (Balitoridae)
1.37 Squalius valentinus Doadrio & Carmona,
2006. Spanish: Cacho valenciano. Standard 3.1 Barbatula quignardi (BŅacescu-Mester, 1967).
name: Eastern Iberian chub. The species is
Spanish: Lobo de R´Æo. Standard name: Pyre-
endemic to the rivers draining to the Medite- nean stone loach. Stone loach populations
literature (Oliva-Paterna et al., 2006b) that from the Ebro River basin, some rivers drai- ning to the Bay of Biscay and south-western(Aquitaine) and south-eastern (Languedoc) 6. Family Cottidae
France, are now considered as a distinct spe- 6.1 Cottus aturi Freyhof, Kottelat & Nolte,
cies (Kottelat & Freyhof, 2007). The pro- posed designation making reference to the Adour sculpin. After the recent taxonomic
circum-Pyrenean distribution of this species revision of European species of Cottus, as should be standardized instead of others mo- re inaccurate (e.g., “Languedoc stone loach”, hof et al., 2005). We found this standard de- signation as adopted by Kottelat & Freyhof(2007) well appropriate for the sculpin po- 4. Family Valenciidae
pulations from the Adour River basin (Fran- 4.1 Valencia hispanica (Valenciennes, 1846).
ce, Spain) and the smaller Nivelle (France, Spanish: Samaruc. Standard name: Sama-
Spain) and Bidasoa (Spain) drainages, now ruc. This family with a single genus and
only two species was formerly included in 6.2 Cottus hispaniolensis BŅacescu & BŅacescu-
Cyprinodontidae and thus it has been tra- Mester, 1964. Spanish: Cavilat. Standard na- me: Pyrenean sculpin. We found this desig-
signation “toothcarp” (Oliva-Paterna et al., nation well appropriate for the sculpin po- 2009). Based on the species distribution ran- ge (Spain, along the Mediterranean coast), (France, Spain) (Kottelat & Freyhof, 2007), now recognized as a distinct species. See Spanish designation (e.g., Kottelat & Frey- earlier comments on the genus in C. aturi.
hof, 2007) to avoid misinterpretations.
5. Family Cyprinodontidae
5.1 Aphanius baeticus Doadrio, Carmona &
Fern´andez-Delgado, 2002. Spanish: Saline- ABOIM, M. A., C. CUNHA & M. M. COELHO. 2009.
te. Standard name: Baetican toothcarp.
Redistribution of the geographical ranges of This recently described species occurs in the the Iberian cyprinid genus Pseudochondrostoma lower reaches of the River Guadalquivir and based on a phylogenetic analysis: implications for streams located on the southern Atlantic slo- the historical rearrangements of the north-western pe, an area known as “Baetica” by romans Iberian drainages. J. Fish Biol., 74: 1337-1346.
(Doadrio et al., 2002; Oliva-Paterna et al., ¸ A, C. 1967. Estudo das populac¸˜oes portu- guesas do g´en. Barbus Cuvier, 1817 (Pisces, Cy- zation of the designation of this well-known prinidae). Rev. Fac. Ciˆenc., Univ. Lisboa, Ser. C: area instead of other more restricted com- mon names (e.g., “Guadalquivir toothcarp”, bus comizo Steindachner, 1865. In: The Fresh-water Fishes of Europe. BŅanŅarescu, P. M. & N.
5.2 Aphanius iberus (Valenciennes, 1846). Spa-
G. Bogutskaya (eds.): 173-180. Aula-Verlag, nish: Fartet. Standard name: Iberian tooth-
carp. The species occurs only along the Me-
CARMONA, J. A. & I. DOADRIO. 2000. Threatened diterranean coast of Spain, and even the na- ſshes of the World: Leuciscus carolitertii Doadrio, me might suggest a wider distribution, we 1988 (Cyprinidae). Environ. Biol. Fish., 57: 96.
found appropriate to keep this well-known COELHO, M. M. 1985. The straight mouth Portu- standard designation traditionally adopted in guese Chondrostoma Agassiz, 1835. II-Taxonomic position and geographic distribution of Ch. polyle- DOADRIO, I. & J. A. CARMONA. 2006. Phyloge- pis Steindachner, 1865 and Ch. willkommii Stein- netic overview of the genus Squalius (Actinoptery- dachner, 1866 with the description of a new subs- gii, Cyprinidae) in the Iberian Peninsula, with des- pecies —Ch. polylepis duriensis. Arquivos do Mu- cription of two new species. Cybium, 30: 199-214.
seu Bocage Serie A, 3: 13-38.
the Iberian Aphanius (Actinopterygii, Cyprinodon- Leuciscus torgalensis, and L. aradensis, two new tiformes), with description of a new species. Folia cyprinids for Portuguese fresh waters. J. Fish Biol., DOADRIO, I. & B. ELVIRA. 2007. A new spe- COELHO, M. M., N. MESQUITA & M. J. COLLA- cies of the genus Achondrostoma Robalo, Alma- RES-PEREIRA. 2005. Chondrostoma almacai, a da, Levy & Doadrio, 2007 (Actinopterygii, Cypri- new cyprinid species from the southwest of Portu- nidae) from western Spain. Graellsia, 63: 295-304.
gal, Iberian Peninsula. Folia Zool., 54: 201-212.
2007a. Squalius laietanus, a new species of cy- Pseudophoxinus hispanicus (Steind., 1866), Cypri- prinid ſsh from north-eastern Spain and southern nidae nouveau pour le Portugal. Bull. Mus. Natn. France (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Ichthyol. Explor. Hist. Nat. Paris, 4e Ser. 1, Sect. A(1): 285-287.
DOADRIO, I. & M. J. MADEIRA. 2004. A new spe- M. COELHO. 1999. Reassessment of the generic cies of the genus Gobio Cuvier, 1816 (Actynopte- position of the Iberian cyprinid alburnoides com- rigii, Cyprinidae) from the Iberian Peninsula and plex: its return to the genus Leuciscus. J. Fish Biol., Southwestern France. Graellsia, 60: 107-116.
study of the Iberian Cobitis (Osteichthyes, Cobi- (in press). Reconſrming the hybrid origin and tidae), with description of a new species. Zool. J. the generic status of the Iberian cyprinid complex Squalius alburnoides. J. Fish Biol. DOADRIO, I. & A. PERDICES. 1998. Threatened COLLARES-PEREIRA, M. J. & I. G. COWX. 2001.
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