Let the people sing
vocalist of Gens du pays — scored
Bella et al. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am.121,
sing Gens du pays — an anthem of
SNP sets consisting only of variants within
study in a new sample (about 5,500 total cases
of the linkage-disequilibrium-based studies
genes3,4, GWA studies aspire to survey all vari-
and controls)to test for significant associations.
reported so far1,8 were able to replicate one
ation in the genome, including non-coding
The results now published refer only to the fol-
known locus. On the other hand, the most sig-
regions. Exhaustive surveys are not yet feasible,
low-up of the most promising SNPs from the
nificant new locus in both cases was identified
but genotyping a subset of the known variable
first stage: a more comprehensive second stage
by only a single SNP, suggesting that even the
dense marker sets employed in these studies
Locations in the genome that are separated
Sladek et al. identify strong associations
provide insufficient coverage for detection
by a small number of base pairs are often in
for three novel loci (one detected in the link-
of all important loci10. In certain populations
‘linkage disequilibrium’: that is, there is a
age-disequilibrium-based marker set and two
that are of recent origin and that have remained
substantial association between the variants
detected in both marker sets). Although more
isolated, linkage disequilibrium is more exten-
at the two loci. This phenomenon allows us
loci may emerge from the complete two-stage
sive than in the populations used in the GWA
to survey variation across the genome fairly
analysis, publication of these initial results
studies so far11; the first GWA surveys in such
precisely, simply by genotyping a subset of
provides the opportunity for swift replication
groups will be watched closely for evidence
polymorphic loci. GWA studies rely on the
(or not) by other research groups, using inde-
that they permit more complete coverage using
assumption that linkage disequilibrium ena-
pendent samples, as exemplified by the case of
comparable marker sets. Similarly, the results
bles one SNP to act as a marker for associa-
TCF7L2. Its association with type 2 diabetes
tion to other sequence variants in that region.
was reported last year2, and has already been
using even larger numbers of SNPs, are much
The GWA studies carried out thus far differ in
replicated in at least 20 independent studies. In
terms of the number and criteria for selection
one- or two-stage studies, care must be taken
A final observation is that for both of the
of the genotyped SNPs: some use SNPs chosen
that the specific definition of disease adopted in
linkage-disequilibrium-based studies reported
to be evenly physically spaced5–7, whereas oth-
thefollow-up (or replication) samples is com-
so far (for type 2 diabetes1 and inflammatory
ers8 choose SNPs to maximize the detection
parable to the definition used in the original
bowel disease8), the most significant novel
of linkage disequilibrium, based on data from
GWA samples. In this respect it is note worthy,
associations were to a variant predicted to
the International HapMap Project9. Sladek
but of unclear significance, that Sladek et al.
alter the protein product encoded by a gene
et al. used a marker set based on HapMap link-
used more stringent inclusion criteria in the
(termed a non-synonymous coding SNP), and
age-disequilibrium data, supplemented by a
GWA sample than in the follow-up sample.
thus possibly to have a strong functional effect.
gene-centric SNP set; their combined marker
The identification of a few significant dis-
Furthermore, in both cases the disease is asso-
set (about 400,000 SNPs) provides the highest-
ease associations represents only one outcome
ciated with the more common variant at these
resolution survey of genomic variation of any
of Sladek and colleagues’ study. GWA studies
loci, suggesting that the less common variant
should be evaluated primarily from an epide-
may offer protection against developing the
In deciding how many individuals to geno-
miological standpoint, focused not just on what
disease. That diseases are associated with such
type, recent studies follow either a one-stage8
new disease-susceptibility genes they propose,
common non-synonymous SNPs suggests that
or a two-stage5–7 design: in the first case, sta-
but on how they advance our understanding of
these variants may have offered an evolutionary
tistical significance is sought within the geno-
the composition of genetic risk in the popula-
advantage in previous environments. Clearly,
typed sample (and other samples may be used
tion. Sladek et al. take a first step towards such
for replication); in the second, SNPs passing a
understanding, presenting an evaluation of
size of two. Nevertheless, these findings under-
loose significance threshold in the GWA study
what proportion of the disease cases can be
score how GWA studies may not only deliver
are genotyped in a follow-up sample, to seek
attributed to variation in the loci they identify
‘new’ genes10, but permit advances in our
significance. The choice of study design usually
as significant in their second-stage analysis. As
understanding of how human evolution has
rests on estimates of the power to detect effects
several additional GWA studies of type 2 dia-
‘made’ the diseases that are common today. ■
of a given magnitude that is considered realistic
betes will shortly report their results, we may
Nelson B. Freimer is in the UCLA Center for
soon be able to estimate the number — and
Neurobehavioral Genetics, Semel Institute for
Sladek et al.1 adopted a two-stage design: in
location in the genome — of the genetic vari-
Neuroscience and Human Behavior, 695 Charles
the first stage, they conducted the GWA study
ants that are the main contributors to diabetes
Young Drive South, Los Angeles, California
in a total sample of about 1,400 cases and con-
susceptibility, at least in some populations.
trols (the largest sample in a GWA study so far).
The results of the first GWA studies may also
In the second stage, they genotyped the SNPs
reveal the degree of genome coverage provided
Chiara Sabatti is in the UCLA Departments of
showing evidence of association in the GWA
by the chosen SNP panels. Reassuringly, both
Human Genetics and Statistics, 695 Charles
Nuclear issues in the agenda of the BRICS grouping Sergeyi Uyanaev, Ph.D., leading researcher, Russia – China Centre, RAS Far East Institute Among the important international problems, that are included today in the agenda pursued by the young but inf