High chemical resistant, self smoothing, Novalac based floor topping
Nitoflor SL901 floor topping is designed to provide protection
Solid content
to concrete and steel structures in aggressive chemical
conditions. The material is particularly suitable in wastewater
treatment plants, desalination plants, food processing plants,
pulp and paper mills, electric power plants, chemical
manufacturing plants, fertiliser and insecticide plants and
Specific gravity
Nitoflor SL901 floor topping may be used in applications
such as chemical processing and drum storage areas,
Tack free time Tensile strength
Nitoflor SL901 floor topping contains 100% solids. Elongation
Exhibits good chemical resistance in pH ranging from 1
Flexural strength Compressive strength
Excellent adhesion to properly prepared concrete, mild
Hardness Abrasion resistance 1 kg, H 22 wheels Service temperature
Nitoflor SL901 floor topping is a solvent free, crosslinked,
high build epoxy novolac based self smoothing floor topping.
Nitoflor SL901 floor topping is a three part system consisting
of a base, hardener and filler which when mixed provides a
The fully cured topping is resistant to the splash / spillage of
2mm thick floor topping with excellent laying properties.
The company provides a technical advisory service supported
by a team of specialists in the field. Chemical and abrasion resistant floor topping
The chemical and abrasion resistant shall be Nitoflor SL901
floor topping, a high build, two pack epoxy novolac system
specially designed to provide a tough and impermeable high
chemical resistant self smoothing topping. Application
Once mixed, Nitoflor SL901 floor topping should be
immediately applied to the prepared surface ensuring a
continuous topping of uniform thickness.
The mixed material should be spread on the floor using a
notched trowel at the recommended coverage. The spread
material should be lightly rolled using spiked roller. Cleaning
The local Fosroc office should be consulted for resistance to
Nitoflor SL901 floor topping should be removed from tools
specific chemicals and conditions or when long term exposure
and equipment with Fosroc solvent Nitoflor Sol immediately
after use. Cured material can only be removed mechanically. Limitations
Substrate, ambient and product temperature must remain
Preparation of concrete surfaces
above 150C during application and curing. Minimum
The substrates which is to receive the topping, must be dry,
material/container temperature for spray application is 200C.
sound and free from debris and loose material free from
Avoid moisture contamination. Nitoflor SL901 floor topping
contamination such as oil, grease, wax, dirt or any other form
of foreign matter which might affect adhesion.
Nitoflor SL901 floor topping may not be colour stable when
All blow holes and imperfections should be filled with
in contact with some chemicals. The colour change will not
affect the performance of the protective system either on
Nitoflor SL901 floor topping is designed to be used without
primer. However, if the condition of the concrete substrate
requires priming, Nitoprime 25 can be used. Packaging
It is imperative that the resin be thoroughly mixed with the
hardener in the exact ratios to ensure optimum performance.
Therefore, the entire contents of the hardener can should be
added to the base container and mixed until a uniform colour
Nitoflor SL901
and consistency are obtained, taking particular care to scrape
the sides and bottom of the container. Finally the filler as
Nitoprime 25
supplied is added and mixed further for three minutes until a
The coverage figure is theoretical. Due to wastage factors
homogenous lump free slurry is obtained. It is recommended
practical coverage figures may be reduced.
that mechanical mixing be employed using a jiffy mixer on a
Nitoflor SL901 floor topping has a shelf life of 12 months if
kept in a dry store at temperature between 15 - 300C. Health & Safety instructions
Nitoflor SL901 floor topping and Nitoflor Sol should not come
in contact with skin and eyes, or be swallowed. Ensure
adequate ventilation and avoid inhalation of vapour. Some
people are sensitive to epoxy resin systems and may develop
dermatitis on skin contact. Gloves and barrier creams should
be used when handling primers and Nitoflor SL901 floor
topping. If contact with the skin occurs, wash with soap and
plenty of water. Do not use solvent. Direct contact with the
eyes will cause irritation and may cause serious damage if
left untreated. Any eye contamination should be washed
thoroughly with plenty of water and medical treatment sought
immediately. The use of goggles when mixing is
recommended. Smoking is not recommended. ® Denotes the trademark of Fosroc International Limited Important note : Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject
to its standard terms and conditions of sale, copies of which may be obtained on request. Whilst
Fosroc endeavours to ensure that any advice, recommendation specification or information it may
give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct or continuous control over where
or how its products are applied, accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the
use of its products whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation
Fosroc Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. Head Office telephone fax
++91 80-22240018/120 ++91 80-22233474 [email protected] Regional Offices Bangalore
Ahmedabad : (079) 26762799 Ankleshwar :(02646) 220704/224687 Bhubaneshwar : (0674) 2546415 Chennai (044) 24899949/24853383 Chandigarh : (0172) 2639360 Cochin : (0484) 2356668 Coimbatore : (0422) 2472966 Goa : (0832) 2542465 Guwahati (0361) 2548793 Hyderabad : (040) 27662324/27662425 Hubli (0836) 09343402597 Indore : (0731) 504339/5061477 Jaipur : (0141) 2235349 Jamshedpur: (0657) 2223848 Lucknow :(0522) 2239044 Nagercoil 09842134873 Visakhapatnam : (0891) 2564850 / 2707607
Docket Clerk US Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service Room 2-2127 George Washington Carver Center 5601 Sunnyside Avenue, Mailstop 5272 Beltsville, MD 20705-5272 Re: Mandatory Inspection of Catfish and Catfish Products [Docket No. FSIS-2008-0031] The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Food Safety and Inspection Ser
To appear in Proceedings of the 14th IEEE ITS Conference (ITSC 2011), Washington DC, USA, October 2011. Dynamic Lane Reversal in Traffic ManagementMatthew Hausknecht, Tsz-Chiu Au, Peter StoneSchool of Civil and Environmental Engineering { mhauskn,chiu,pstone } @cs.utexas.edu { davidfajardo2,s.travis.waller } @gmail.com Abstract — Contraflow