Rapid communications
Azole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus due to TR46/
Y121F/T289A mutation emerging in Belgium, July 2012
E Vermeulen1, J Maertens2, H Schoemans2, K Lagrou ([email protected])1,3
1. Catholic University of Leuven, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Leuven, Belgium
2. University Hospitals Leuven, Department of Hematology, Leuven, Belgium
3. University Hospitals Leuven, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Leuven, Belgium
Citation style for this article:
Vermeulen E, Maertens J, Schoemans H, Lagrou K. Azole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus due to TR46/Y121F/T289A mutation emerging in Belgium, July 2012. Euro
Surveill. 2012;17(48):pii=20326. Available online: http://www.eurosurveillance.org/ViewArticle.aspx?ArticleId=20326
Article submitted on 16 November 2012 / published on 29 November 2012
A new azole resistance mechanism in Aspergillus
<0.5). Galactomannan detection in broncho-alveolar lav-
fumigatus consisting of a TR46/Y121F/T289A altera-
age (BAL) fluid tested positive as well (index 5.8), and
tion in the cyp51A gene was recently described in the
Aspergil us fumigatus was cultured from BAL fluid. A
Netherlands. Strains containing these mutations are
diagnosis of probable pulmonary invasive aspergillosis
associated with invasive infection and therapy failure.
(IA) was made following revised European Organization
This communication describes the first case of fatal
for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Mycoses Study
invasive aspergillosis caused by TR46/Y121F/T289A
Group (EORTC/MSG) criteria [1]; the patient agreed to
outside the Netherlands, in the neighboring country
participate in a double-blinded phase III clinical trial
of Belgium, suggesting geographical spread. TR46/
comparing two azoles with anti-Aspergil us activity.
Y121F/T289A leads to a recognisable phenotypic sus-
However, serum galactomannan levels did not decrease
ceptibility pattern which should trigger cyp51A geno-
while he received azole therapy and the clinical condi-
tion of the patient deteriorated rapidly.
Case report
Meanwhile, the isolate was tested for azole suscep-
A 57-year-old male, diagnosed with stage IIIA multiple
tibility, following Clinical and Laboratory Standards
myeloma (IgG kappa) in 2009, received a fully matched,
Institute (CSLI) protocols and showed an azole-resist-
unrelated haematopoietic stem cell transplantation
ant phenotype, with high-grade resistance to voricona-
following reduced-intensity conditioning (fludarabine-
zole (minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) >16 mg/L)
melphalan-ATG) in May 2012. Prior treatment regimens
and less pronounced resistance to itraconazole (MIC
included multiple lines of chemotherapy, autologous
=4 mg/L) and posaconazole (MIC =1 mg/L). Formal
transplantation, proteasome inhibitors (bortezomib),
clinical breakpoints have not been established by CLSI
immunomodulatory agents (lenalidomide) and high-
for Aspergil us susceptibility testing. Based on the epi-
dose corticosteroids. At the time of transplantation,
demiological cut-off values (wild-type distributions),
the patient had achieved a very good partial response
resistance to itraconazole is defined as an MIC >1
(<10% residual monoclonal paraprotein). The post-
mg/L, to voriconazole as >1 mg/L and to posaconazole
transplantation course was complicated by grade III
as >0.5 mg/L [2]. An excellent essential agreement (EA)
hyperacute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), involv-
between CLSI and EUCAST methods was described in
ing mainly the skin and the gastro-intestinal tract.
susceptibility testing of A. fumigatus to these azoles
Methylprednisolone was started at 2 mg/kg and slowly
[3] and EUCAST already established breakpoints for
tapered over the following weeks. However, high-dose
itraconazole and posaconazole (itraconazole ≤1 mg/L
corticotherapy needed to be re-installed in June 2012
is considered susceptible and >2 mg/L resistant; posa-
because of a relapse of grade III acute GVHD. The
conazole ≤0.12 is considered susceptible and >0.25
patient was receiving fluconazole 400 mg daily since
resistant) [4]. A recent report, using an in vitro dynamic
May 2012 as prophylaxis, but was never exposed to
model of pulmonary IA that enabled simulation of
human voriconazole pharmacokinetics, proposed CLSI
breakpoints for voriconazole as ≤ 0.5 mg/L for suscep-
One month later, in July 2012, the patient presented
with dyspnea, pleuritic-type chest pain and fever, up to
39.9°C. Thoracic computed tomography (CT)-scan imag-
Given this new finding of azole resistance and the rapid
ing showed multiple ill-defined lesions surrounded by
clinical decline, the investigators decided to withdraw
ground glass opacities, suggestive of angio-invasive
the patient from the clinical study. Nine days after the
pulmonary mold infection. Serum galactomannan test-
start of azole therapy, liposomal amphotericin B was
ing was repeatedly positive (maximum index 5.2; norm
started at a dose of 3 mg/kg. Nevertheless, the patient
developed widespread IA with eye and brain involve-
the Netherlands. TR46/Y121F/T289A-bearing strains
ment. A brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan
have also been found throughout the environment in
taken 15 days after the initial diagnosis of invasive
Belgium, among azole-resistant A. fumigatus isolates
aspergillosis showed multiple nodular non-contrast-
cultured from outdoor air sampling, which was per-
enhancing lesions suggestive of cerebral aspergillosis;
formed from June to September 2012 (data not shown).
this was confirmed by positive galactomannan testing
This case confirms the geographic spread of this new
in cerebrospinal fluid (index 4.8). The patient died 19
resistance mechanism, possibly following the same
days after his first presentation with dyspnea. Azole
path as TR34/L98H, which now causes therapy-resist-
resistance in the strain affecting the patient was shown
ant infections across Europe and even outside Europe
to be due to cyp51A mutation TR46/Y121F/T289A.
[8,12,13,15-17]. The phenotype of the TR46/Y121F/
T289A strains consists of a very high MIC to voricona-
Characterisation of the Aspergillus
zole (>16 mg/L), and an itraconazole MIC which is often
isolate derived from the patient
multiple dilutions lower. In contrast, in TR34/L98H
The Aspergil us isolate, cultured from BAL fluid, was
mutated strains, itraconazole MICs are typically higher
identified as Aspergil us fumigatus complex based
than voriconazole MICs. This finding (MIC voricona-
on microscopic and macroscopic characteristics. This
zole >16 mg/L and voriconazole MIC ≥MIC itraconazole)
identification was confirmed to the species level with
should raise awareness of this new TR46/Y121F/T289A
beta-tubulin sequencing, as described previously [6].
resistance mechanism in other centres and countries.
The isolate was tested for susceptibility with broth
microdilution following the CLSI M38-A2 protocol [7].
Susceptibility testing should not delay initiation of
Genotypic identification of the resistance mechanism
therapy. Culture has a low sensitivity and takes about
was performed by sequencing of the cyp51A gene, as
48h to become positive; susceptibility testing takes at
least another 48h. Resistance is therefore often a late
finding in the management of the individual patient.
Discussion and conclusion
Molecular techniques are a promising tool to rapidly
Invasive aspergillosis is an important infectious com-
provide information about resistance genotype, but cli-
plication in haematologic patients [9], but also in
nicians should be aware that they are often designed to
other groups of immunocompromised and intensive
detect known resistance mechanisms and can therefore
care patients [10]. Triazoles are the mainstay of ther-
miss new mutations. On the other hand, not all muta-
apy, with voriconazole the first-line therapy for IA [11].
tions necessarily lead to a resistant phenotype [19].
However, reports of azole resistance have emerged, not
Surveillance programs are crucial to monitor the local
only after long-term azole exposure [12], but also after
epidemiology of azole resistance, to correctly assess
short-term exposure and in azole-naïve patients [13].
the risk of resistance associated with current treatment
In the Netherlands, over 90% of the resistant clinical
strategies. Susceptibility testing in individual patients
strains were attributable to the same resistance mech-
with invasive aspergillosis should not be delayed until
anism [13]. Therefore, an environmental route of resist-
treatment failure because of the life-threatening char-
ance development is assumed and this is suspected
acter of this disease which is illustrated by this case.
to be related to the selective pressure of azole fungi-
cides in the environment [14]. This predominant resist-
ance mechanism is mediated by a tandem repeat of 34
bases (TR34) in the promoter region of the cyp51a gene
EV receives a grant from Research Foundation Flandres
and a substitution at position 98 (TR34/L98H), which
(Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen). An epide-
encodes a residue of the azole target, sterol 14-alpha-
miological study including typing and susceptibility testing
demethylase. This resistance mechanism, conferring
of clinically relevant Aspergillus isolates has been approved
pan-azole resistance, has to date spread across Europe
by the local Ethics Committee University Hospitals Leuven,
as well as to China and India [8,12,13,15-17]. Because
of the widespread and abundant consumption of azole
fungicides in agriculture, there is a risk that other
Conflicts of interest
resistance mechanisms might emerge in the environ-
ment as well [14]. Recently, in October 2011, a new
Potential conflicts of interest are listed as follows. JM has
served as consultant to Schering-Plough, Gilead Sciences,
resistance mechanism due to a 46 base tandem repeat
Merck, Sharp & Dohme, Pfizer Inc., Bio-Rad, Fujisawa
(TR46) in the promoter of the cyp51a gene and two
healthcare, Inc., Astellas, Nextar and Zeneus (Cephalon). JM
point mutations (TR46/Y121F/T289A) was described in
has received research funding from Bio-Rad, Merck, Sharp
persons with IA who failed therapy in the Netherlands
& Dohme, and Pfizer Inc. JM has been on the speaker’s bu-
reau for Schering-Plough, Gilead Sciences, Merck, Sharp
& Dohme, Pfizer Inc., Bio-Rad, Fujisawa healthcare, Inc,
Astellas and Zeneus (Cephalon). KL has received research
To our knowledge, the case described in this report
grants from Gilead Sciences, Pfizer Inc. and Merck, Sharp
is the first case of azole resistance in A. fumigatus
& Dohme and served on the speakers’ bureau of Pfizer Inc.
due to TR46/Y121F/T289A outside the Netherlands.
and Merck, Sharp & Dohme. HS has served as consultant to
The patient lived about 60 kilometres from the Dutch
border and did not have any recent travel history to
fumigatus isolates in The Netherlands. In: 5th TIMM, Valencia,
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