Eur J Clin Pharmacol (2007) 63:725–731DOI 10.1007/s00228-007-0324-2
Potentially inappropriate medications in the elderly:a French consensus panel list
Marie-Laure Laroche & Jean-Pierre Charmes &Louis Merle
Received: 15 February 2007 / Accepted: 9 May 2007 / Published online: 7 June 2007
Results The final list proposed 36 criteria applicable to
Objective To evaluate drug-related problems in the elderly,
people ≥75 years of age. Twenty-nine medications or
various lists of potentially inappropriate medications have
medication classes applied to all patients, and five criteria
been published in North America. Unfortunately, these lists
involved medications that should be avoided in specific
are hardly applicable in France. The purpose of this study
medical conditions. Twenty-five medications or medication
was to establish a list of inappropriate medications for
classes were considered with an unfavourable benefit/risk
French elderly using the Delphi method.
ratio, one with a questionable efficacy and eight with both
Method A two-round Delphi method was used to converge
unfavourable benefit/risk ratio and questionable efficacy.
to an agreement between a pool of 15 experts from various
Conclusion This expert consensus should provide prescrib-
parts of France and from different backgrounds (five
ers with an epidemiological tool, a guideline and a list of
geriatricians, five pharmacologists, two pharmacists, two
general practitioners, one pharmacoepidemiologist). Inround one, they were sent a questionnaire based on aliterature review listing medications and clinical situations.
Keywords Inappropriate medications . Elderly .
They were asked to comment on the potential inappropri-
ateness of the criteria proposed using a 5-point Likert scale(from strong agreement to strong disagreement) and to
suggest therapeutic alternatives and new criteria. In round
two, the experts confirmed or cancelled their previous
serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor
answers from the synthesis of the responses of round one.
After round two, a final list of potentially inappropriate
Drug-related problems are a major public health issue,
especially as many adverse drug reactions are considered
Centre of Pharmacovigilance, University Hospital Dupuytren,
preventable. Among these adverse effects, those linked to
87042 Limoges, Francee-mail: [email protected]
unsuitable medications are of particular interest. Thesedrugs named IMs have an unfavourable benefit-to-risk ratio
M.-L. Larochee-mail: [email protected]
when safer or equally effective alternatives are available. Therefore, IMs appear as a risk factor for preventable drug-
related illnesses. Identifying these medications is of
Department of Geriatrics, Hospital Rebeyrol,
paramount importance when treating the elderly, who often
87042 Limoges, Francee-mail: [email protected]
A way to establish a list of IMs in the elderly is the use of
an expert consensus to develop explicit criteria when clinicalinformation is lacking. Explicit criteria have already been
The Delphi method, developed by the Rand Corporation in
proposed in the United States and Canada. In 1991, Beers
the 1950s, is a research method allowing a consensus
et al. developed the first list of criteria for determining IM use
opinion to be reached among experts, using questionnaires,
in nursing home residents []. In 1997, this criteria list was
through an iterative process known as rounds ]. We used
expanded so as to include drugs whose risk may outweigh
two rounds in our study. The responses from the first round
their benefit in all patients older than 65 years, whatever
were collected and analysed; a revised questionnaire based
their dwelling place A last updating of the Beers criteria
on the results of this analysis was then submitted to the
was published by Fick et al. in 2003 []. In Canada, McLeod
same experts to converge to an agreement from the average
et al. proposed another IM list because of a disagreement
with some medications identified by Beers []. The Canadian
The study was organised in six phases: (a) creation of the
explicit criteria identified medications in the context of
preliminary questionnaire of IMs from a literature review,
drug–drug and drug–disease interactions. In these various
(b) recruitment of the experts, (c) mailing of the round-one
cases, the explicit criteria were obtained through a literature
questionnaire, (d) analysis of the answers and creation of the
review and a questionnaire evaluated by national experts
new questionnaire, (e) mailing of this round-two question-
involved in geriatric care, clinical pharmacology, psycho-
naire based on round-one synthesis and (f) final analysis.
pharmacology, clinical pharmacy and ambulatory care.
A preliminary questionnaire about IM in the elderly was
These North American criteria are not adapted to the
constructed from the Beers lists (1991, 1997, 2003), the
European situation. Availability of drugs, clinical practice,
Canadian criteria (1997), the criteria adapted to French
socioeconomic levels and health system regulations are
practice (2001), and the guidelines of the French Medicine
different from those prevailing in the United States and
Agency (Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des
Canada and are even different between European countries
Produits de Santé, AFFSaPS) on medication prescribing in
]. Nevertheless, we think the discrepancies between
the elderly (June 2005) , , , ]. The questionnaire
European countries are smaller than those that can be
was composed of criteria that covered two categories: (a)
identified when comparing North American and European
medications or medication classes that should generally be
practices. To our knowledge, up to now, no criteria for IMs
avoided in the elderly as being either ineffective or prone to
have been developed for European countries.
induce a risk when a safer alternative is available and (b)
In France, an IM list derived from the 1997 Beers criteria
medications that should be avoided in specific medical
was elaborated in 2001 by nine French experts (five geri-
atricians, four pharmacologists) and used in three studies
Fifteen experts were invited to participate. The panel was
Most of the Beers criteria were included in this list,
composed of five pharmacologists, one pharmacoepidemi-
except drugs not available in France, drugs necessitating
ologist, five geriatricians, two pharmacists (one from
dose information and drugs that should not be used in the
hospital and one from community practice) and two general
elderly under specific medical conditions. Three criteria
practitioners with clinical geriatric qualification (one from
were added: concomitant use of two (or more) nonsteroidal
urban and one from rural areas). They were all selected
anti-inflammatory drugs, concomitant use of two (or more)
from different geographic parts of France. All the experts
psychotropic drugs from the same therapeutic class and use
accepted and participated in all the rounds of the study.
of any medications with anticholinergic properties other
In April 2006, the round-one questionnaire was sent to
than those listed by Beers. This list has some limits: lack
the panel of experts together with information on how to fill
of a consensus method, exclusion of some criteria (dose,
in the forms. This preliminary questionnaire included 37
drugs in specific medical conditions), obsolescence of the
criteria: 30 drugs or drug therapeutic classes independently
list as a consequence of marketing and removal of drugs
from the diagnoses and seven criteria linked to specific
from the pharmaceutical market since 2001. Therefore, this
medical conditions. Each criterion was to be evaluated by
list is hardly usable in other pharmacoepidemiological
the experts using a 5-point Likert scale [a score of 1
studies or in public health intervention for minimising
meant a strong agreement on the inappropriateness, 3 meant
drug-related problems. Besides, none of these lists (neither
an equivocal opinion and 5 meant a strong disagreement
North American nor that presently used in France)
about inappropriateness. Experts were also invited to suggest
suggested any alternative drugs to replace inappropriate
safer alternative therapeutics and to add other criteria.
The responses were used to create the second question-
The aim of this study was to establish a list of IMs for
naire. Items with a median score of 1 or 2 were retained in
the French elderly population using the Delphi method and
the IM list; items with a median score of 4 or 5 were ex-
to propose safer, effective alternatives.
cluded from the list. Items with a median score of 3 were
resubmitted. A synthesis was elaborated, based on the
ourable benefit-to-risk ratio and a questionable efficacy
experts’ arguments and on the criteria suggested and then
sent to the experts as round-two questionnaire.
In August 2006, the round-two questionnaire was sent to
the panel of experts. This second questionnaire also
included a synthetic table grouping the results of round-one scores, enabling the experts to compare their answers to
We propose a list of explicit criteria for identifying the
those of the members of their expert panel. The new criteria
potentially IM use in the population 75 years of age and older
and the criteria necessitating a consensus were evaluated
in France. These criteria were identified from conditions
with the same 5-point Likert scale. Experts confirmed the
with, (a) an unfavourable benefit to risk ratio, (b) a ques-
proposed therapeutic alternatives and indicated the reasons
tionable efficacy or (c) an unfavourable benefit-to-risk ratio
of criteria inappropriateness: (a) unfavourable benefit-to-
together with a questionable efficacy. Safer therapeutic
risk ratio, (b) questionable efficacy and (c) unfavourable
alternatives were also indicated for each criterion.
benefit-to-risk ratio and questionable efficacy. At the end of
This first French list of potentially IMs, based on a
the last round, a final list of inappropriate drugs was
consensus of experts, regrouped the opinion of practitioners
retained. In this second round, experts also indicated from
commonly involved in the management of drugs given to
what age this list of IMs could be applied.
elderly people. The geographical dispersion and the variouspractice modes give a large overview of medical andpharmaceutical practices in France. The French experts
considered that the list could be applicable in the thepopulation aged 75 years and older, as from this age on,
The expert panel considered this list was applicable to
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes are signif-
people 75 years of age and older. Younger elderly patients
icant enough to markedly alter the response to medications
were considered as quite similar to middle-aged adults.
]. The French list of potential IMs proposed here retains
In the first round, 37 criteria were submitted to the panel
some of the Beers criteria. Several drugs or therapeutic drug
of experts. Thirty criteria were considered by these experts
classes were not selected, as they are not available on the
as inappropriate in the elderly (median score: 1 or 2). One
French market (pentazocine, trimethobenzamide, fluraze-
criterion was not selected: amiodarone (median score: 4).
pam, meperidine, oorphenadrine, guanadrel, isoxsuprine,
For six criteria, no consensus was obtained, so they were to
doxazosin, thioridazine, mesoridazine, ethacrynic acid,
be submitted again during the second round of evaluation
desiccated thyroid) or are no longer available, as they are
(dextropropoxyphene-paracetamol, fluoxetine, long-term
judged harmful and ineffective, such as barbiturates (except
prescription of NSAIDs, long-term prescription of NSAIDs
phenobarbital). Several criteria were not considered for the
for patients with a history of hypertension, long-term
consensus, as they differed from common medical practi-
prescription of NSAIDs for patients with a history of renal
ces: unopposed estrogens, for instance, are not prescribed in
failure and antispasmodic drugs with anticholinergic prop-
France without association with progesterone in the
erties). Three criteria were proposed by the experts
treatment of menopause. Phenylbutazone, dropped from
(association of drugs with anticholinergic properties, con-
the 2003 Beers list, was integrated in the French list
comitant use of drugs with anticholinergic properties
because of the serious haematological effects it could
together with anticholinesterase drugs and myorelaxants
induce. Among the criteria added in the 2003 Beers list,
two drugs were not judged as inappropriate by French
After the issue of the second round of evaluation, among
experts: fluoxetine, which was not considered as more
39 criteria, five were definitely eliminated by the French
prone to induce problems than any other selective serotonin
experts (dextropropoxyphene-paracetamol, fluoxetine,
reuptake inhibitor, and amiodarone, which was judged as
long-term prescription of NSAIDs, long-term prescription
effective and as susceptible to inducing adverse effects as
of NSAIDs for patients with a history of hypertension and
do the other available antiarrhythmics [Conversely, the
long-term prescription of NSAIDs for patients with a
French experts, like their North American counterparts,
history of renal failure). The final list contained 34 criteria:
considered nitrofurantoin, short-acting nifedipine and stim-
29 medications or medication classes to be used in all older
ulant laxatives as inappropriate in the elderly. Lastly, the
people and five criteria related to medications that should
obtained consensus allowed confirmation of criteria added
be avoided in specific medical conditions (Table ). Among
in the previous list and adapted to French practice:
these 34 criteria, 25 were considered inappropriate as their
concomitant use of two (or more) nonsteroidal anti-
benefit-to-risk ratio was unfavourable, 1 was considered
inflammatory drugs, concomitant use of two (or more)
with questionable efficacy and eight with both an unfav-
psychotropic drugs from the same therapeutic class and use
of any medications with anticholinergic properties other
The Delphi method is a consensus technique used and
validated in various health domains such as nursing,
clinical practice or education , This technique has
some limitations. The reliance on intuitive judgements is
obviously not an accurate method and depends mostly on
the panel of experts chosen. Every expert would summarise
their experience in a single answer. However, a complex
situation such as the study of the appropriateness of drugs
given to elderly patients with multiple adverse-effect-
facilitating factors can hardly be solved. Participants could
change opinions between rounds, which may introducesome biased responses, as the results of the first round weremade available to all participants who could thus compare
their opinions to that expressed by their group. Experts
were consulted separately and were not able to debate; this
would allow for more clear-cut opinions but would
complicate the path towards a consensus. Nevertheless,
the Delphi method allows experts to express their opinions
independently and confidentially without the pressures that
may occur during a face-to-face meeting [Finally, the
consensus obtained is the average of the experts
due to the convergence of opinions throughout the
The Delphi method allowed the proposal of explicit
criteria for assessing prescribing quality to older people.
However, explicit criteria tools are stringent and do not take
into account the clinical context of prescribing ]. For
instance, the NSAIDs criterion was much debated between
experts with respect to dose, administration duration,
continuity or not of treatment, co-prescriptions, age andrenal and cardiovascular functions. Finally, NSAIDs were
not classified as inappropriate, but the use of these drugs
with neither adaptation to the clinical condition nor
surveillance was considered harmful and inappropriate.
Therefore, for several criteria, the French list encom-
passes some clinical conditions, especially those most
frequently encountered in geriatric practice. However, their
number is limited, as considering the clinical condition of
the patient together with the drugs given adds complexity
and hampers the epidemiological analysis. As Beers
emphasised, these criteria do not allow the identification
of all cases of the use of potentially IMs Only the main
ones are mentioned in this study. They are based on expert
opinions and are not drawn from an evidence-based
This list of criteria is a general guide for assessing the
potential inappropriateness of medications. Nevertheless,
for a given patient, a benefit-to-risk ratio has also to be
assessed due to evaluation of the clinical condition, co-
morbidities, functional status, drugs received and progno-
sis. This set of criteria should not be used as a substitute for
the clinical evaluation, which could lead reasonably, at
4. McLeod PJ, Huang AR, Tamblyn RM, Gayton DC (1997)
times, to the appropriate prescription of supposedly
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5. Fialova D, Topinkova E, Gambassi G, Finne-Soveri H, Jonsson PV,
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7. Lechevallier-Michel N, Gautier-Bertrand M, Alperovitch A, Berr C,
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reference because it is derived from an expert consensus. Its
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the use of appropriate drugs in the elderly. This is a public
and preventing adverse drug reactions in the very old. Drugs
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contributing their expertise to this study as panel members: Martine
16. Jones J, Hunter D (1995) Consensus methods for medical and
Alt, Jean-Pierre Charmes, Claire Dessoudeix, Jean Doucet, Annie
health services research. BMJ 311:376–380
Fourrier, Philippe Gaertner, Marie-Claude Guelfi, Alain Jean, Marie-
17. Stevens B, McGrath P, Yamada J, Gibbins S, Beyene J, Breau L,
Josèphe Jean-Pastor, Claude Jeandel, Jean-Pierre Kantelip, Louis
Camfield C, Finley A, Franck L, Howlett A, Johnston C,
Merle, Jean-Louis Montastruc, François Piette, Jean-Marie Vetel.
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