Hyperacidity. Sour taste is the sign of pitta disorders. Heart burn, belching of sour fluids, nausea, vomiting etc; the causes are mainly dietary. Treatment is anti-pitta diet with antacid food, milk or ghee with emphasis on whole grains like basmati rice. Good herbs are aloe gel, shatavari, amalaki, licorice, marshmallow, gentian, barberry and conch shell, herbs with demulcent and bitter properties. Conch shell combination [shankh bhasm] taken with cool water or aloe gel. Amlaki-1, shatavari-1, licorice-1, dry ginger-1/2, dose 1-3 gms morning and evening with warm water generally, with milk and ghee for pitta and vata, honey for kapha. Diet: Avoid food that is spicy, oily, fried or hot, wine, pickles, sour juices. Irregular eating and food that is light and dry should be eliminated. Anti pitta diet is recommended. Hyperacidity may be due to weak digestion then hinguashtak churna and Trikatu are the best. It is clear that Hyperacidity is mainly due to aggravation pitta, because of excessive intake of pungent and sour food items, alcoholic preparations, salt, short and hot stuff which causes burning sensations. Anger, fear,exposure to sun and fire, intake of dry vegetables and alkalis, irregularity in taking food, etc, should be avoided. Milk diet is excellent and it should be adhered to for several weeks, andalong with you should develope habit to drink hot water, and avoid cold water. During this period one should take food that requires moderate mastication. Take small meals three times a day. Artificial stimulants raise pitta. Alcohol in any form should be avoided, Sugar causes fermentation and produces acid in the stomach, so avoid sweets. According to Ayurved, predigestive characters of a particular food neednot correlate with its post digestive effect.
• Avoid salt, oil, pickles, curd, fried foods, sour foods, like tamarind etc, all
• Take pitta pacifying diet of bitter and astringent tastes since these two
tastes curb the appetite, dry up excessive moisture and keep the palate sharp.
• Two teaspoonfuls of ghee in glass of milk brings down aggravated pitta.
This is regarded as best therapy to flush out aggravated pitta from the system.
• Avipattikar churna relieves all the agonizing symptoms caused by acidity.
It moves the bowels and flushes them and maintains your appetite. The dose is 3 to 6 grams before and during meals. Dried grapes, fruit bark of harada in powdered form and sugar pounded together and taken 12 grams quantity does relieve acidity.
Information contained herein is extract from various literature on Ayurveda Sciences and genuine best known to the Author. It is
recommended to consult a physician to find relevance of the science & its remedies to the ailments of the individual.
• Two to three year old rice, wheat flour, green leafy vegetables, and fruits
• Coconut water is exceptionally good in this condition.
• Amla two teaspoonfuls three times’s a day is helpful.
Information contained herein is extract from various literature on Ayurveda Sciences and genuine best known to the Author. It is
recommended to consult a physician to find relevance of the science & its remedies to the ailments of the individual.
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