Judith Hendin, PhD, directs the Conscious Body & Voice Dialogue Institute. She is an internationally recognized somatic therapist, teacher, innovator and Senior Voice Dialogue facilitator and trainer. Twenty-five years ago Judith Hendin met Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone, originators of Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves. They became her mentors, and she later served on their teaching staff, as well as on the national teaching staff of author and visionary Shakti Gawain. Judith Hendin discovered a profound connection between inner selves and healing the body, which became known as the Conscious Body process. She is the author of the book, The Self behind the Symptom: How Shadow Voices Heal Us. Her research into the healing effects of the Conscious Body process has been published in the USA Body Psychotherapy Journal. She has taught Conscious Body trainings in Finland, Estonia, Italy, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands. She has also presented the Conscious Body process at major holistic centers in the U.S., at the European Association for Body Psychotherapy (Vienna), and at Voice Dialogue conferences in the Netherlands, England, and France. Judith Hendin has worked closely with some of the great thinkers of our time. On a university fellowship, she spent a year traveling and studying in Japan, Hong Kong, Bali, Ceylon, India, Kenya, and Italy with Gregory Bateson, pioneer in cybernetics (systems) theory and one of the first to study the anthropology of bodies and movement. (Bateson was the former husband of anthropologist Margaret Meade.) At the University of Chicago, Judith worked on the research team of Mihaly Cziksentmihalyi, Ph.D., and co-authored a chapter with him in his original book on flow, Beyond Boredom and Anxiety. (Mike eventually wrote the bestseller, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience.) Judith Hendin received her B.A. in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Chicago, Phi Beta Kappa. She holds a Master of Fine Arts degree in Dance and a Doctorate in Somatic (Bodymind) Education from Summit University. Judith is a nationally certified Somatic Therapist and a certified Neuromuscular Therapist with extensive training in deep tissue, St. John, Healing Touch, Mitzvah, Rehabilitative Body Therapy, and psyche-soma methods. As a professional dancer-choreographer, Judith Hendin performed with some of the world's leading companies, including Pilobolus. Known for her dramatic and comic portrayals, she appeared as a featured dancer in television specials and at major dance festivals. The recipient of several performance and choreographic grants, she produced critically acclaimed theater pieces, including a ballet based on ancient sacred sites in Britain and a performance based on the metaphysical poetry of T.S. Eliot. All these experiences — somatics (bodymind), the Psychology of Selves, and movement— developed Judith's expertise in the world of inner selves and the body. For thirty years, she has been sharing the joy, insight, and transformation that come with this rich path.



Metabolism Clinical and Experimental 54 (2005) 657 – 668Cortitrol supplementation reduces serum cortisolWilliam J. KraemerT, Duncan N. French, Barry A. Spiering, Jeff S. Volek,Matthew J. Sharman, Nicholas A. Ratamess, Daniel A. Judelson,Ricardo Silvestre, Greig Watson, Ana Go´mez, Carl M. MareshHuman Performance Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology andDepartment of Physiology and Neu

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H. RUSSELL SEARIGHT OFFICE ADDRESS: HOME ADDRESS: Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783 (906)-635-2188 EDUCATION: Ph.D. - August, 1984 Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri Major: Clinical Psychology (A.P.A. fully approved program) M.P.H (Master’s in Public Health) –January, 2003 Saint Louis University School of Public Health, St. Louis, Missouri M.S. (R) - May, 1982 Saint

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