Brand valuation:what it means andwhy it matters
Over recent years, intangible assets have become more important tobusinesses operating in a wide variety of industries. This in turn has put apremium on being able to come up with credible ways to value brands. David Haigh and Jonathan Knowles report
product, service or company with an emotional
brands play an impor tant role in generating
significance over and above its functional value
and sustaining the financial per formance of
is a substantial source of value creation.
businesses. With high levels of competition
and excess capacity in vir tually ever y industr y,
dramatic shift in the sources of value creation
strong brands help companies differentiate
from tangible assets (such as proper ty, plant,
equipment and inventor y) to intangible assets
why their products and ser vices are uniquely
(such as skilled employees, patents, business
systems and brands). This is reflected in the
In an environment in which the functional
differences between products and ser vices
capitalisation. The aggregate market-to-book
invisibility by the adoption of Total Quality
ratio of the S&P 500 (the broad-based index
of the 500 leading companies in the US) rose
establishing meaningful differences between
steadily from an average of around 1.4 at the
beginning of the 1980s to around 3.5 in the
mid 1990s. It accelerated rapidly in the late
satisfy not just the functional requirements of
1990s to reach a peak of 7.3 at the height of
your customers, but also their more intangible
needs. It means understanding not just what
your products can do for them, but also what
A market-to-book ratio of 4.7 implies that the
tangible assets of a business account for
under 25% of the value that investors are
different levels. Brands have three primar y
functions – navigation, reassurance and
account for the remaining 75%. In this context,
it is not surprising that the topic of brand
customers to select from a bewildering array
valuation is generating significant interest.
of alternatives. Reassurance – theycommunicate the intrinsic quality of the
product or ser vice and so reassure customers
There is currently no standard classification for
at the point of purchase. Engagement – they
intangible assets. The pioneering work of Leif
Edvinsson and Michael Malone put forward two
basic classes of intangible asset: human capital
and structural capital. Asked to distinguish
them, Leif Edvinsson is said to have remarked:
essentially functional assets into relationship
“Structural capital is what is left when the
human capital has gone home for the night”.
psychological connection between the brand
and the customer. This ability to endow a
number of different categories of intangible
18 Brands in the Boardroom IAM supplement No.1
asset. We believe that it is useful to identify
highly-acclaimed book Value-based Marketing
four broad categories of intangible asset that
(2000), he wrote: “Many senior managers
suppor t the superior market per formance of
have noticed a paradox in how firms perceive
patents, software, recipes, specific know-
marketing at the ver y top of the agenda … At
how, including manufacturing and operating
including product trials data, information
paradox will never be resolved until marketing
• Business process intangibles: these include
professionals justify marketing strategies in
Professor of Marketing at Columbia University
• Market position intangibles: for example,
marketing people talk about what they do, the
retail listings and contracts, distribution
variables they cite aren’t the ones that the
customer satisfaction and market share are
all metrics, and they are nice to know about.
shareholder value, market capitalization,
• Brand and relationship intangibles: these
return on assets and return on investment. In
include trade names, trademarks and trade
marketing, people don’t talk that way.”
symbols, domain names, design rights, trade
We believe that two things are necessar y to
dress, packaging, copyrights over associated
suppor t the effective communication of the
logotypes, advertising visuals, and written
per formance: a more precise definition of the
copy. In addition, associated goodwill (the
brand asset; and a robust methodology for
general predisposition of individuals to do
quantifying the shareholder value that is
business with one brand rather than another
One of the great challenges in marketing is
that there is no uniform definition of brand:
industr y. Pharmaceuticals is an industr y in
the term is used differently by different people
which knowledge assets are of par ticular
significance. Retailing is an industr y where
assets. In our experience there are three
different concepts all of which are sometimes
developed by Wal-Mar t and Dell) are major
sources of financial value. Airlines is an
First there are logos and associated visual
industr y in which market position assets (in
elements. This is the most specific definition
the form of landing rights at popular airpor ts)
of brand focusing on the legally protectable,
are primar y drivers of competitive advantage.
visual and verbal elements that are used to
differentiate one company’s products and
goods, luxury items, media and some types of
consumer durables, brands may well represent
demand for those products and ser vices. The
the single most important form of intangible
main legal elements covered by this definition
asset. Even in sectors that are driven largely
by technology and research, brands play a vital
role in translating a company’s technical
trademarks and trade symbols need to carr y
competencies into market success. Effective
associated goodwill in the minds of customers
based on the experience or reputation of high
increasingly important element of business
strategy and determinant of the valuation
This definition of brand is useful in the
context of licensing agreements because it
covers the core elements of the asset being
marketing. Instead it has given rise to what
Peter Doyle, the former Professor of Marketing
at War wick University in the UK, has dubbed
owners, academics and practitioners often
the “marketing paradox”. In the preface to his
Brands in the Boardroom IAM supplement No.1 19
preference of other audiences to do business
trademark and associated intellectual proper ty
with the organisation. For example, the brand
rights. Under this definition, brand is extended
may favourably affect staff, suppliers, business
to encompass a larger bundle of intellectual
partners, the trade, regulators, and providers of
proper ty rights. Marketing intangibles such as
capital. The benefits of a strong organisational
domain names, product design rights, trade
brand are increased demand and distribution
dress, packaging, copyrights in associated
but also lower costs of materials, personnel,
logotypes, adver tising visuals and written copy
For the purposes of this article we refer to
are often included in this wider definition.
the first definition as trademark. The second
definition we refer to as the brand. The third
intellectual proper ty rights included in the
definition we refer to as the branded business.
definition of brand ver y widely indeed. In fact,tangible as well as intangible proper ty rights
have been referred to as integral components
There are two critical questions to answer in
brand valuation. The first is exactly what is
being valued. Are we valuing the trademarks,
second impor tant question is the purpose of
products. The reason that some argue a larger
the valuation. An impor tant distinction can be
bundle of intangibles should be included in
the definition of brand is because consumer
loyalty is created over a long period by many
Technical valuations are generally conducted
for balance sheet repor ting, tax planning,
Protagonists of a more holistic definition of
litigation, securitisation, licensing, mergers
brand ask whether the Mercedes brand would
purposes. They focus on giving a point in time
premium without the benefit of Daimler Benz
valuation that represents the value of the
design, engineering and ser vice. Similarly they
trademarks or of the brand as defined above.
incomplete without the Ranitidine patent. The
purposes of brand architecture, por tfolio
without the genuine recipe and production
process. This more holistic view is consistent
valuations are based on a dynamic model of
with the opinion that brand is a much broader
the branded business and aim to measure the
role played by the brand in influencing the key
And that takes us to the holistic company or
We recommend that the star ting point for
organisational brand. The debate as to which
ever y valuation – whether technical or
intellectual proper ty rights should or should
commercial - should be a branded business
not be incorporated into the definition of brand
valuation. This provides the most complete
often leads to the view that brand refers to
understanding of the commercial context of
specific logo and associated visual elements,
A branded business valuation is based on a
the larger bundle of visual and marketing
intangibles and the associated goodwill are
earnings for that business discounted at the
appropriate cost of capital. The value of the
branded business is made up of a number of
tangible and intangible assets. Trademarks
programmes of an organisation all provide a
basis for differentiation and value creation by
more comprehensive bundle of trademark and
represent a specific value proposition and
for valuing trademarks or brands as defined
This is the broadest definition of brand. It
We can look at historic costs – what did it
stresses the need for consistent communication
cost to create? In the case of a brand one can
with all stakeholder audiences. Rather than just
look at what it cost to design, register, and
increasing the preference of customers for
buying the company’s products and services the
rights. Alternatively, one can address what
they might cost to replace. Both the historic
20 Brands in the Boardroom IAM supplement No.1
method are subjective but we are often asked
franchise with both trade customers and end
to value this way because cour ts may want to
In our experience, it is ver y impor tant to
It is also possible to consider market value,
express the final valuation number in context.
though frequently there is no market value for
This means explaining exactly what has been
intangibles, par ticularly trademarks and
valued, using what method, and what the key
brands. Generally speaking, therefore, the
insights are as to the influence of the brand
most productive approach to brand valuation
method, of which there are a number.
In this context, it is useful to remember that
First there is the price premium or gross
value is a function of three primar y variables –
profitability, growth and risk. Investors care
about the level of free cash flow generated by
generic business as the metric for quantifying
a company (profitability), the prospects for
the value that the brand contributes. However,
increasing those cash flows (growth) and the
the rise of private label means that it is often
hard to identify a generic against which the
Understanding the contribution of brands to
shareholder value therefore depends on being
Economic substitution analysis is another
profitability, growth and risk. The traditional
approach - if we didn’t have that trademark or
brand what would the financial per formance of
approach above) fails to recognise the full
value-creating power of brands because it
problem with this approach is that it relies on
confines the impact of the brand to the price
premium that the branded product is able to
The difficulties associated with these two
It is impor tant to understand the impact of
a brand on four major audiences in order to
quantify the scale of its financial significance.
Under a royalty relief approach we imagine
suppliers, staff and investors/financiers. For
each of these audiences we analyse both the
trademarks but licenses them from another
extent and the nature of the awareness and
business at a market rate. The royalty rate is
usually expressed as a percentage of sales.
capture the impact of these on the behaviour
This is the most frequently used method of
of that audience. With consumers, the impact
valuation because it is highly regarded by tax
of brand health drives both profitability and
authorities and cour ts, largely because there
growth. With suppliers and staff the impact of
are a lot of comparable licensing agreements
brands is evident in lower costs and therefore
in the public domain. It is relatively easy to
calculate a specific percentage that might be
financiers, the benefit of strong brands is
paid to the trademark or brand owner.
This broader perspective on the business is
economic return to the intangible capital. This
involves four principal steps. The first is an
appropriate segmentation of the market to
principal value drivers of the business and
ensure that we study the brand within its
relevant competitive framework. The second
step is to forecast the economic earnings of
behaviour and staff and supplier relationships.
the branded business earnings within each of
As such, it makes a substantive contribution
the identified segments. These are the excess
to understanding the sources and scale of a
earnings attributable to all the intangible
company’s competitive position. It quantifies
assets of the business. The third step is to
the size of the asset that the brand represents
and – perhaps more important yet – identifies
determine what propor tion of total branded
ways in which the value can be enhanced.
business earnings may be attributedspecifically to the brand. The final step is todetermine an appropriate discount rate based
Brands in the Boardroom IAM supplement No.1 21Brand Finance plc8 Oak Lane, London, TW1 3PA, UKTelephone: +44 (0) 20 8607 0300Facsimile: +44 (0) 20 8607 0301Brand Finance (USA) Inc. 1430 Broadway, 17th Floor, New York, NY10018, USATelephone: 646 345 6782Facsimile: 212 658 9869www.brandfinance.comDavid [email protected]David Haigh is chief executive officer of BrandFinance. He qualified as a char teredaccountant with Price Waterhouse in London. He worked in international financialmanagement then moved into the marketingser vices sector, firstly as financial director ofThe Creative Business and then as financialdirector of WCRS & Par tners. He left to set up a financial marketingconsultancy, which was later acquired byPublicis, the pan European marketing ser vicesgroup, where he worked as a director for fiveyears. David moved to Interbrand as Directorof Brand Valuation in its London-based globalbrand valuation practice, leaving in 1996 tolaunch Brand Finance. David is a fellow of the UK Char tered Instituteof Marketing. Jonathan [email protected]Jonathan Knowles is managing director ofBrand Finance USA and a passionate believerin the impor tance of brands in creating bothcustomer and shareholder value. Jonathan’s exper tise in integrating thefinancial and marketing perspectives on brandis the result of practising brand consultingfrom both the analytical and creativeperspectives. Prior to joining Brand Finance hewas senior vice president of BrandEconomics,a brand strategy and valuation business basedin New York. His previous role as head ofconsulting for Wolff Olins, a leading corporateidentity and brand consultancy based inLondon, provided the experience of brandconsulting within a highly creative environmentand acted as a counterpoint to his analyticaltraining with the value-based strategyconsultants Marakon Associates.
Regras e Regulamentos c. Tempo de corte – percurso alternativo 15. Coletes de prova, Adesivos e Patrocínios 1. Organização e princípios O Ecomotion / Pro 2013 - é uma Corrida de Aventura Internacional organizada e administrada pela Ecomotion Outdoor Sports Marketing, empresa brasileira de eventos e marketing esportivo, R. Fidalga, 146 – 6º andar – cj. 62 Ao parti
Abstract 507 Resistance Patterns of Methicillin- and Mupirocin-resistant S. aureus from Correspondence: S. Bouchillon IHMA Uncomplicated Skin and Skin Structure Infections (SSSIs) in the United States 2122 Palmer Drive Schaumburg IL 60173 from March 2004–March 2005; Retapamulin Surveillance Study USA Tel: +1 615 599 8429 Fax: +1 847 303 5601 S. Bouchillon,1 B. Johnso