Stevens johnson syndrome foundation online newsletter
Stevens Johnson Syndrome Foundation OnLine Newsletter
Stevens Johnson Syndrome Foundation Newsletter September 17, 2004 Our Prayers To: SJSFoundation Board of Director Leroy Calvert, from Glenhead, Long Island, diagnosed with bladder and liver cancer. Our love and support are with him and his family at this difficult time. Dr. Stephen Byrnes suffered a stroke on June 10, 2004, and passed away on Thursday, June 17th, 2004. Dr. Brynes authored the article "Fatal Reaction, the Horror of Stevens Johnson Syndrome." He was the first person to have an article published about the SJSFoundation. We will greatly miss him. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family. My SJS Experience, by Don Smith Miracles Do Happen, by, Katie Pennell October 13, 2003, I underwent a tonsillectomy and
May 1995, I had been suffering from Interstitial
biopsies in other areas on the left side of my throat,
Cystitis and reoccurring yeast infections. I went to
due to a lump that was found by my primary care
my urologist to see about the IC. I happened to
physician. It was diagnosed as cancer and surgery
mention to him that I thought the yeast infections
was performed to remove the infected lymph nodes
were making the IC worse. He told me that we
and some muscle on the left side of my neck, on
would take care of the yeast first and then tackle
October 27. On December 8, I started radiation
the IC. He put me on a 28 day---100mg a day dose
of Diflucan. Diflucan is a by-mouth yeast infection drug. (Come to find out later, I should have been
On January 21, I went for my thirtieth of thirty-three
given 1 - 150 mg. pill!) I took Diflucan, 15 pills, over
radiation treatments, but the doctor told me that I
18 days. Below is the account of what happened
needed to check into the hospital, instead. She
took me to the Emergency Room, to be admitted and they took vital signs. Suddenly, I was put on
This summer was the “summer lost.” On Saturday,
oxygen and told that I had to be sent to another
June 10, I attended one of my daughter’s softball
local hospital, because they weren't equipped to
games. I got a little sunburn. I decided to color my
hair that evening. On Monday, June 12, I woke up with my eyes crusted shut and blisters on my sun
On the fifteen minute ambulance ride, I tried to get
burnt neck and on my right arm. I went to (my
the paramedic to have the driver turn on the lights
allergist). He took me off Diflucan, a medication I
and siren, to make the ride more exciting, but she
had been taking for a yeast infection. On Tuesday,
wouldn't do it. At the same time, my girlfriend,
June 13, I woke up with my mouth covered in
Heather, and my primary care doctor were being
blisters. I felt it would go into my throat, so my
called and told that I probably wouldn't live through
husband took me to the ER at our local hospital. I
Stevens Johnson Syndrome Foundation OnLine Newsletter
called and told that I probably wouldn't live through
husband took me to the ER at our local hospital. I
was given two shots and sent home. On Wednesday, June 14, I was no better and
I recall being taken into my room and IV's started.
continuing to get worse. Mom took me to (the
The next thing I was aware of was that, when I woke
allergist) again. He gave me several things and
up, I was very weak and I was taken for a bath and
Nizoral. Nizoral is in the same family as Diflucan.
dressing change. For the next couple of days, I
By Saturday night I was miserable. The blisters
wondered why everyone kept saying, "You look
were so hot that some on my back even burst. I
great," whenever they saw me. There was a mirror
called (the allergist.) Took him away from a concert.
in the room and I saw some of the damage that had
(He was not happy!) Told to stop taking Nizoral-
been done to my skin from my face to my legs, by
Steven-Johnson Syndrome. I didn't look great, at
morning, I was about 50% covered in blisters on my
all. When one of the doctors mentioned how much
legs, arms, and back. These blisters were sizes
better I looked than when he had seen me nine
from a dime to a dollar and filled with fluid. I actually
days before. I remind him that I'd only been there
sloshed when I walked. Went to see (allergist) on
less than a week. When I mentioned this to
Monday, June 19th. Cried. He said I should see an
Heather, she told me that this was my second
infectious disease doctor. He asked me what he
week in the hospital. Even now, I have no memory
could do for me. I lost it. Please put me in the
of the first week, whatsoever. The nurses said it
hospital. I went in around 4 p.m. We called my
was due to some of the medications I'd been given,
sister and told her what was happening. She took
the first flight out of Greenville/Spartanburg and arrived around 8 p.m. No orders given. Tried IV six
I was in the hospital for fifteen days and was
times. ER doctor got one in my left arm. Had to
discharged only because Heather, who lives over
have an arm board to keep it still. 11 p.m., still no
three hundred miles away. had arranged to stay in
orders. Nurse calls new doctors answering service.
Grand Rapids to take care of me, for the first two
The doctor on call gives orders. By Tuesday, June
weeks. Arrangements had been made to have the
20, I was 75-80% covered in blisters. They were on
food for my feeding tube, the pump and other
my arms, legs, feet, hands, neck, back, hair, face,
supplies delivered the evening that I came home.
mouth, and private areas. Because I was very
The nurse instructed Heather in handling all of that
dehydrated and required antibiotics, morphine and
because I wasn't alert enough to follow her
other medications, a wonderful doctor put in a
instructions.or to do it, at that time. Heather took
central line. What a neat person. Very caring. I was
very good care of me during the time she was here
later told that if I had waited one more day to enter
and made sure I understood how to handle
the hospital, I would have been dead. The central
everything before she left. I didn't realize how much
line was easier to deal with. I have vague memories
help she'd actually been, until I had to do everything
of the first week. I remember that my feet swelled
for myself. It wasn't until that two weeks that
so bad that I could not walk. They put a portable
Heather was with me, that I understood everything
toilet next to me so I wouldn't have to go far to go to
I'd gone through. She told me of the phone call from
the bathroom. My day looked something like this:
the doctor, and how she'd called the Burn Center
Wake up, after being awakened several times during
before I even arrived. I was most impressed with
the night to be checked, get a warm washcloth from
their treatment of Heather because she had called
my sister or my husband. Use one warm washcloth
every hour on the hour, during that first night and
to open my crusted eyes. Even with my eyes open,
day and they, in her words, were, "Wonderful with
my vision was so blurry that I couldn't see well. We
tried eye drops, but they only helped a little bit. Get another warm washcloth and use it to open my
After the first couple of hours, they told her that
crusted mouth. Try to eat something. Finally I
there was no reason for her to rush over, so she
convinced them that I really couldn't eat. They put
could take care of obligations at home, before
another bottle of stuff on my IV pole and told me it
coming to Michigan. Whenever she called, if they
was food. At least I didn't have to try to eat
hadn't seen me recently, they'd check on me, and
anymore! I was to have twice-daily whirlpools. They
let her know how I was doing. They even gave the
hurt so badly. After I returned to my room, from the
800 number, to the desk, so that she didn't have to
whirlpool, my husband, sister, and or the nurses
pay long distance charges. When I went back for a
would slather Aquaphor on my skin and wrap me in
follow up appointment, I was greeted warmly by all
gauze bandages. I looked something like a real life
of the staff who saw me come in. Those who hadn't
mummy. My skin was debrided, blisters removed,
seen me arrive, dropped by the examination room to
once a day by a dermatologist. He told me one
see how I was doing and to say, "Hello." It was the
night that I had an amazing faith considering what I
Stevens Johnson Syndrome Foundation OnLine Newsletter
see how I was doing and to say, "Hello." It was the
night that I had an amazing faith considering what I
same extra caring and concern that I'd received as
was going through. I hated what he was doing to
me, but I looked forward to seeing him. He was a very kind, gentleman. After the debriding, I would be
Realizing that they had literally brought me from
slathered again and bandaged. I was treated very
Death's Door, to recovering as well as I had been, I
much like a burn victim. (They talked about moving
wanted to show my gratitude in a way that
me to a burns unit in Cincinnati, but the doctors and
acknowledged them forever. On March 29, I
my sister felt it was too risky.) The biggest fear was
that some of the open skin would become infected.
"Incongruity," to the Burn Center staff who had
They tested my open areas often to make sure I
wasn't developing any infections. I did develop a few, but they either upped my antibiotics or put
The dedication statement reads: "This painting is
bacetracin on them. I was evidently suffering from
dedicated to the wonderful staff of the Spectrum
sleep deprivation. Finally given something to help
Health Regional Burn Center in appreciation for the
me sleep. The whirlpools were still awful! So much
highly professional care that Mr. Smith received
pain. The doctors tried to find a pain medication that
during two weeks in January and February of 2004.
would make my whirlpools feel better. They tried
“Even after discharge, during follow up visits,
Ativan. I thought I was being chased by my IV pole.
their care and concern were still evident. They are
They tried Demerol and I thought I was a cartoon
truly exceptional,― said Mr. Smith." The
character and I hallucinated that buildings outside of
dedication, on March 29, was one of the most
my room were jumping around. They tried Haldol.
meaningful events of my life. None of the staff knew
That one was the worst. I got down to the whirlpool
that I'm an artist and that was brought up to me,
and my jaw started locking shut. I told my sister I
very pointedly, by a couple of them. A printout of
was having trouble breathing. She told the PT
the painting had been posted on the bulletin board
people to call upstairs and tell them to call my
and the colors were way off, besides being too dark.
doctor immediately to reverse the effects of the
They were very happy with the actual painting. A
drug. Months later she told me that she thought I
room is being remodeled, as a Burn Center
was going to die right there! Thank goodness for
pediatric waiting room and the painting will hang
Morphine. As a last resort they tried morphine. It
there. I was told that the interior designers had been
worked and gave me few side effects. Although I did
stumped as to what colors to use and were very
tell my sister that I saw her running a marathon in
excited about the colors in the painting. Perhaps
her underwear. I also told my husband to watch out
that will be the color scheme of the room. The
for the car; all the while he was sitting on my bed.
painting will fit, perfectly, I was told, because it will
During this time, visits from my daughters were bad.
appeal to children and adults, alike. I'd expected
They had to wear gloves and a mask. I was in a
everyone to rush back to work, immediately after
room that allowed me to breathe only my own air. It
the presentation of the painting but there were
was an isolation room. My youngest cried and told
cakes and coffee, afterward. Again, they were
me that I wasn't her mother. My oldest didn't know
showing that flair for giving extra caring attention,
what to do. On Monday the 26th I evidently flipped
when it wasn't required. We spent some time,
out. I remember seeing my husband in a red and
chatting and snacking, although I couldn't have any,
white shirt, on top of me. He held me down for 3
because I'm still on a feeding tube. There are some
hours, 11 p.m.-2 a.m. Months later, I asked him
in the freezer, to enjoy when I can eat normally.
what I was so flipped out over. He said that I called
When I left, it was a very satisfying feeling, knowing
him the devil and that I was fighting the devil. I slept
that the people who probably saved my life, will
through the 27th-my oldest’s birthday. By
Wednesday morning I was alive again. My doctor gave me a stern talking to. He basically told me to get my act together and start healing. I was terrified to go to the whirlpool. (Terrified doesn't even do the idea justice. I was scared out of my mind at the mere thought of going to the whirlpool again.) The chaplain layperson came in and prayed with me. Then a priest my family knew came in. He and the layperson prayed over me to give me strength. I made it through the whirlpool and things started turning around. From that point on, I continued to get better. My sister, bless her heart, dropped
SJS Awareness Month
everything and flew up on June 19th to be with me.
Stevens Johnson Syndrome Foundation OnLine Newsletter
SJS Awareness Month
everything and flew up on June 19th to be with me. Through her efforts, I feel she saved my life. My best
Once again the SJSFoundation participated in the
friend came to see me almost every other day. She
Westminster Fair, located in Westminster,
took care of the girls several times. She gave my
Colorado. Our Awareness booth was a huge
oldest daughter a birthday breakfast and cake. My
success. The Government Proclamations were
husband - What a trooper! He did things for me I
displayed as well as SJS photos and information on
know no other husband could have done! I am so
3 display boards. We distributed over 500 SJS Fact
lucky and so blessed. He was there constantly. He
sheets from 10 AM until 5:00PM. It was a long day
was caring for the girls, caring for the house, and
but well worth the time. SJS survivors Amit Khatri,
visiting me. During all this, he was interviewing for
Penn Street and Julie McCawley volunteered their
Principalships. He got his job with Milford, all the
time to help pass out information. One woman knew
while spending the night in the hospital. I came
a little girl in California that is a member of our
home on July 5th. I was a little scared of what life
support group. Many people stopped and asked
held in store for me at home. I tired so easy. Just
questions and thanked us for being there. Special
walking to the kitchen was a chore. Eating was still
thanks to the volunteers that helped to man the
not fun. Thank goodness for Jamocha shakes. I
booth. We couldn't have done it without you!
worked hard to get my stamina back, but it was
To see the slide show of Volunteers in Westminster
hard. I wasn't able to go to Orff II or be in the
Summer Band. I had to rest a lot. By August I was feeling some better. My skin had finished peeling by then. My sister and her family came for a visit. She told me many things I didn't remember. Funny things I had said when I was out to lunch. Her husband took pictures to document my scars.
I remember one night during the first week I was in the hospital. I saw my sister crying. I thought she was upset because she missed her son. She said no, she was crying because she was afraid. She didn't want to say it, but she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to do enough to save me. Years
Fundraiser for the SJS Foundation
before she had been a mobile nurse with Humana
Hospital in Louisville. They had sent her to a burns unit outside of Atlanta for six weeks. She hated
We need your help! The SJSFoundation has been
every moment of it. The pain. Little did she know
offered a great fundraising deal through Home and
that because of that experience she was able to
Garden Party. We will be selling 10 oz. jar candles.
communicate that knowledge to the nurses and my husband at the hospital. This knowledge saved my life! Oh, He works in mysterious ways.
If the customer buys:
I continued to go to my dermatologist long after I got
1 candle.the price is $8.00
out of the hospital. He checked me twice weekly and then once weekly basis for quite a while. Close
2 candles.the price is $7.00 each
to the last visit he asked me if I fully realized what I had been through. I of course said yes. He then told
3 or more candles.the price is $6.00 each
me that I was more than a little lucky; I should be pushing up daisies. The two conditions I developed
These 10 oz. jar candles have a 50-hour burn time.
can be fatal. Stevens-Johnson’s Syndrome and
They are fully wicked and scented from top to
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis are very serious
bottom and provide a nice, even surface burn, not to
reactions to drugs. TEN has a high rate of mortality.
mention a wonderful fragrance! There are a total of
Sometimes as high as 90%, according to the
18 fragrances available, and they make wonderful
research I have done. Patients with TEN also have a
90% chance of severe eye damage as a result of the condition. I have the same prescription as I did
Please contact us by email at [email protected] If
you would like to participate. We will then send you Pamphlets and order forms and SJS Fact sheets.
Yes, I still have scars, dry eyes and nails that look funny, but I am here enjoying my life. How lucky
Stevens Johnson Syndrome Foundation OnLine Newsletter
Pamphlets and order forms and SJS Fact sheets. This is a great way to raise funds and awareness
funny, but I am here enjoying my life. How lucky
into SJS. We appreciate your help in this
Special Thank You from SJSFoundation. Giving a kid a hug! Thanks to Christopher Simpson and the Knights of York for their generous donation to the Give a Kid a Hug Fund. Thanks to their generosity we have been able to purchase SJS Teddy Bears to send to our littlest SJS victims. These 20 inch bears are made of soft material and are very huggable. Each bear wears an SJS T-shirt with the light house logo on the front and we also send a handmade fleece blanket for them to wrap themselves in for a hug from the SJSFoundation. !! New !! SJS NewsLetter ON LINE As most of you are aware the SJS Foundation is a non profit organization. We depend on grants and donations to survive. Due to a lack of funding, we have been forced to make some changes. While SJS cases are on the rise, the stigma RARE is still associated with it. Newly diagnosed patients and their families are in dire need of SJS information packets. Unfortunately a decision had to be made to distribute the newsletter that was more cost effective. This will help us to continue to provide information packets to those in need. Thank you for your understanding and continued support. If the information contained in our website was helpful to you, please be aware that it has been made available for public access strictly through volunteer effort and funding. The Stevens Johnson Syndrome Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to promoting public awareness to adverse drug reactions as well as to provide immediate information regarding treatment of those suffering from this devastating affliction. Please help us keep this website running. Your tax-deductible donations will help us to continue this good work. [ Click here ] to make your generous contribution to SJSFoundation.!!
Articles or advertisements referring to specific programs, services and/or products do not constitute endorsement by the Stevens Johnson
Syndrome Foundation. Articles involving medical aspects of SJS are not intended to be medical advice and readers are cautioned not to
make any changes in their treatment based in information without consulting with a physician.
Information for Donors: The Stevens Johnson Syndrome Foundation is a 501 (C) (3) tax-expempt corporation. All donations to the SJS
Foundation are tax-deductible. [ Click here ] for Tax information.
Copyright 1997. All rights reserved. Contact Webmaster: Amit Khatri
exhausting her. We also worked with softly joining the group class altogether. It was a joy stretching out the muscles and joints, opening to see her have the confi dence to leave her the Gates of the body to allow Qi to circulate home for a physical class, to partner up and According to Dr. LaFerla “Most people are exposed to HSV-1, interact normally with the other students and but do n
Richard J. Fruncillo, M.D., Ph.D. 7 Lakeview Place Newtown Square, PA 19073 CURRICULUM VITAE EDUCATION Mercy Catholic Medical Center, Darby, PA Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA The Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, PA The Hahnemann Medical College Hospital, Philadelphia, PA The Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, PA The University of Pennsylvania,