Microsoft word - after vasectomy instr 13.10.doc

1. Go directly home and rest today. Stay home after surgery, recline, relax, and avoid getting up
unnecessarily. Tomorrow you may return to light activities or work.
2. Wear snug-fitting briefs for protection and comfort during the first week. Leave the gauze in place until
tomorrow then discard it. If you notice bleeding from the incision, then firmly pinch the skin between
gauze for ten minutes. Otherwise, avoid touching or disturbing the incision. Do NOT apply antiseptic
or band-aids. If you wish to use an ice pack on the day of surgery, place it over your briefs, against the
front of the scrotum for a maximum of 30 minutes at a time.
3. Avoid straining for seven days. Bearing down, as in reaching, squatting, or heavy lifting might cause
4. For seven days avoid bumping, bouncing, or jarring as in contact sports, skiing, even golf, or other
vigorous activity, which might also cause bleeding inside the scrotum. Remember, “Prevention is the
best remedy.”

5. Avoid sexual stimulation for a couple days. Gentle sexual activity that does not disturb your incision is
allowed after the first couple days, BUT YOU MUST USE SOME OTHER METHOD OF BIRTH CONTROL until your semen is tested negative for sperm. It is normal to notice blood or a brown color in the semen during the first few weeks. 6. You should expect only mild discomfort for a few days. You may take Tylenol and ibuprofen or Aleve, if needed. An anti-inflammatory regimen is often recommended if there is persistent achy pain:
Aleve 220 mg, 2 tablets with breakfast, 1 with lunch, and 2 with dinner, each day for 7 days, or Ibuprofen 200 mg, 3 tablets four times a day with meals for 7 days Patients with a history of ulcers or kidney disorder or intolerance to anti-inflammatory drugs should avoid these regimens. Call the clinic for advice. If you are having severe pain, or need stronger pain medication, please call the clinic (see below). 7. A painless black-and-blue color around the scrotum and the base of the penis might appear on the second or third day. It is harmless and will fade over several days. 8. On each side of your scrotum, the vas deferens will develop a BB to pea-size nodule where it was blocked by vasectomy. This scar is normal and permanent. Initially it will be tender if you pinch it, (so stop doing that!) The tenderness will resolve within a few months. 9. If you have a large purple lump like a golf ball in the scrotum in the first two days, it may be a hematoma (blood accumulation). It is important to treat this complication early, so call the clinic day or night (see below). 10. If you have any questions or concerns about how you are healing, if you have excessive pain or swelling, or redness or pus around the incision and a fever, please call the clinic for advice. 11. Remember that you must complete a test of success. The test is to be scheduled at the clinic at no
additional charge. Please follow the “VASECTOMY TEST INSTRUCTIONS” you received. Should you wish assurance against late failure, repeat semen tests are available at future times at no charge. To reach the clinic, call 206.525.4090, 24 hours/day. You may leave a message after hours.
REOPENS, you may follow the instructions to page the doctor.
Specific Activity Guidelines
to Prevent Complications Following Vasectomy
You must go directly home from the clinic after your vasectomy and rest until tomorrow. YOU MAY DO THIS:
TODAY Eat & drink normally
NEXT 7 DAYS Do office work
AFTER 7 DAYS there are no restrictions on activities.


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