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Theory-guided Content Analysis in Architectural Research Case: The Colouration of the Home During the Post-War Reconstruction Period: The Everyday and Architecture. Aulikki HERNEOJA Head of Laboratory of Art end Design, Doctor of Science (Technology), Architect
University of Oulu, Department of Architecture Postal address: Aulikki Herneoja, University of Oulu, Department of Architecture,
PO Box 4100, FIN-90014 University of Oulu, Finland E-mail: [email protected] Abstract
My contribution to the discussion about lack of theory or new theoretical frameworks in architectural research is to introduce how I have applied theory-guided content analysis in my PhD study The Colouration of the Home During the Post-War Reconstruction Period: The Everyday and Architecture. I have surveyed apartment interior from the perspective of colouration in Finland from 1948 to 1955. My study comprised traditionally considered high-cultured architecture - legitimate architecture - and architecture representing the everyday, which does not have the status of legitimate architecture. The primary sources for my study were two periodicals of the period: the legitimate architecture viewpoint of Arkkitehti (Architect); and belonging in the sphere of popular architecture, Kaunis Koti (Beautiful Home). I used other periodicals as well as studies conducted of the post-war reconstruction period. My research into this subject adopted a material based approach, with qualitative research methods and applied with a theory-guided content analysis by using the means of abductive reasoning. The initial presupposition in the content analysis was that the subject matter of the study depicted the studied phenomenon. The purpose of the analysis was to produce a verbal and clear description of the studied phenomenon, and array it in a concise and homologous form without losing the information contained therein. In theory-guided content analysis theoretical concepts are already known and they are brought outside. In my study outside brought main concepts were legitimate and popular architecture, taste and concepts needed
Theory-guided Content Analysis in Architecture
to study home, interior design and colouration. Together with defining the concepts the literary analysis based on description of the residential architecture of post-war reconstruction period and its social background form a background for re-outlining the entity in the abstract-stage by means of abductive reasoning.
Conference Architectural Inquiries, Göteborg 2008
Pierre Bourdieu in his inquiries about taste
1. Background
referred to the habit of the lower classes to reduce
the content of art into that of the everyday.
The presupposition of my study, The Colouration
Associative names for colours can be interpreted
of the Home During the Post-War Reconstruction
as one manifestation of this reduction, and also to
Period: The Everyday and Architecture, was that
signify the importance of the experience of nature.
during the post-war reconstruction period, the
The names were used not only by members of the
tastes and preferences of architects and the general
general public, but also by professionals. At the
public, with respect to colour neared. During the
end of the post-war reconstruction period, the
post-war reconstruction period, the attention of
focus of attention on the home lessened and was
architects, for many reasons, was focused on the
redirected more towards the future and beyond the
living conditions and needs of the general public.
home. At the same time, the usage of colours, in
The primary focus in designing was on housing
requirement generated by large numbers of
homeless people after the war. Even though
2.The functionality of the
focusing on housing design was not a personal
research methods employed and
choice of the architects, at least some of those who
the relationship of primary
represented their profession seemed sincere in
their interest in the simple and everyday, and how
sources to the research
to make the everyday living environment better.
The discussion based upon functionalism of the
The focus of my study was the colours of homes. I
social content of architecture also indicated this
studied the interior colourations of homes during
interest. The shared experience, or the aftermath
the post-war reconstruction period in Finland from
of the war, also had an affect during the post-war
1948 to 1955. The aims of my study were to
reconstruction period. Irrespective of class, men
collate the depiction of colouration of the home
had lived together on the same war-time front and
during the post-war reconstruction period, as well
women had taken care of the daily tasks both
as to study the use of colour in legitimate and
inside and outside the home. The material conveys
popular architecture. Even though post-war
the post-war encircling embrace of the home.
architecture had been studied, the colouration of
Family had been gathered together and positive
the interior of the home during the period had not
content in daily life was needed. In my material,
previously been studied in a systematic manner.
colour was identified with happiness. Even the
For this reason, collation of the depiction of
slightest colourful detail was desired in the middle
colouration of the home during the post-war
of the Finnish Depression. Nature connected the
reconstruction period was essential. The second
Finnish people. Even in an urban environment, the
aim, to study the use of colour in legitimate and
experience of nature was considered important.
The multihued greenery of the window shelf
presupposition that the colour preferences in the
present in almost every living room was one
home, of both architects and the general public,
display of “the living spirit” of nature brought into
neared at this time. My interest in this second aim
the urban apartment. The greenery of the window
of my study grew as I became more closely
shelf was also taken into account in the
acquainted with the residential architecture,
colouration of the interior. During the post-war
architectural conversations, and periodicals of the
reconstruction period, colour was associated with
period. The primary sources for my study were
the natural world through associative names.
two periodicals of the period: the legitimate
Theory-guided Content Analysis in Architecture
architecture viewpoint of Arkkitehti; and
of this simplified and grouped material. (Tuomi &
belonging in the sphere of popular architecture,
Sarajärvi 2002; Eskola & Suoranta 1996; Beartaux
Kaunis Koti. I used other periodicals as well as
1982) Saturation means that certain amount of
studies conducted of the post-war reconstruction
material is enough to bring out the researched
period. My study used existing documents and I
did not create my own research material (e.g.
In theory-guided1 content analysis theoretical
concepts are already known and they are brought
outside (Tuomi & Sarajärvi 2002), when in
Research Method: Theory-guided
material-guided content analysis concepts are
Content Analysis
formulated from the material itself (Miles &
Huberman 1984). In my study outside brought
My research into The Colouration of the Home
main concepts were legitimate and popular
During the Post-War Reconstruction Period
architecture, taste and concepts needed to study
home, interior design and colouration. Together
qualitative research methods and applied with a
with defining the concepts the literary analysis
theory-guided content analysis which is text
based on description of the residential architecture
analysis through which one is searching meanings
of post-war reconstruction period and its social
of the studied entity. The initial presupposition in
background form a background for re-outlining
the content analysis was that the subject matter of
the entity in the abstract-stage by means of
the study depicted the studied phenomenon.
Research questions guide this textual content
Abductive reasoning in practise
analysis. In my study I used theory-guided content
Abductive reasoning offered an interesting and
analysis, where the analysed units are chosen from
fruitful method of inspection. This method
the material, but the former knowledge guides or
identified for me to further ponder the connection
helps the analysis. In logic-based, theory-guided
of the use of colour in detailing as a part of a
analysis, or in abductive reasoning, the thought
larger whole in the use of colour in the home and
processes of the researcher shift between content
also taking into consideration the different views
and existing models. The observations made in the
points of society. Single literary references or
content are not considered “findings” as such,
picture fragments of the use of colour had little
rather they are considered “clues”, indicators of
meaning if their surrounding context could not be
features or dimensions of reality that cannot be
understood. I related with “findings” in the
discerned directly (Alasuutari 1993; 2001; Tuomi
documentation that consider clues to help solve
the riddle, or in perceiving the entirety of
In my study side by side were the defined basic
colouration of the home during the post-war
concepts, the literary analysis based description of
reconstruction period. For this reason, in my study
the residential architecture of post-war
there are relatively few colour pictures of colour
reconstruction period and its social background
charts or of other coloured material. Based upon
and the content models based on clues found from
my research approach, I did not view it relevant to
the periodicals Kaunis koti and Arkkitehti. In
collect colour samplings for their own sake, when
theory-guided content analysis proceed first in
terms of the material the same way as in material-
1 Deferent than theory-based content analysis (Miles &
guided content analysis. To begin with the
Huberman 1994, Sandelowski 1995, Polit & Hungler
material is being simplified and then it is being
grouped. The second aim is to find saturation out
Conference Architectural Inquiries, Göteborg 2008
the connection to the formation of the entirety of
visually without colour, through the documents
provided it was possible to understand the context
of colouration. Details of the composition and size
The focus of the content analysis, the primary
of the family were often provided in the question,
sources of the Arkkitehti and Kaunis Koti
or the pseudonym referred to the composition of
periodicals from 1948 to 1955, were shown to be
those living there (e.g. “engaged couple”). Those
heterogeneous and a challenging collection of
material. In particular, the periodical Kaunis Koti
something about the nature of the site, especially
showed itself to be a multidimensional source.
if it was a new ARAVA apartment. I utilised this
During the first years of its publication at the end
information at the beginning of my study as I
of the 1940s, only a few colour pictures appeared
pondered over the composition of the readership.
and their number remained in the few dozen even
The Ask & Answer descriptions of colour were
up to the middle of the 1950s. Colour was an
not mentioned separately, but even the use of
important conversation topic in a post-war
pseudonyms focused on the apartment of the
Finland. The methods of visually depicting
family, which they wanted to build as their own
colours were poor, as colour photography was in
home. Often those who asked questions listed
its infancy and the print quality of colour pictures
their already existing furniture, which they hoped
in periodicals was rough. Nonetheless, quite a bit
to take with them in furnishing their new home.
The editor was often placed in such a situation
where a stance had to be taken on the constraints
Through the familiarisation of magazine articles
and the homes displayed therein, the use of colour
specifically with occasional furniture items and
during the post-war reconstruction period was
their upholstery, rugs, textiles, and lighting
revealed, but the greater picture of the colouration
fixtures, the material or colour were nearly always
of the home from these sources could not yet be
mentioned. The colour of the walls in a room were
discerned. The questions from the readership and
rarely commented on, and the floor and ceiling
the responses from the editors regarding interior
even less so. Of the ceiling there was hardly any
design solutions in the Ask & Answer (Kysykää
provided a broad indication of the direction of
Generally, the inspection of the colouration of
interior design in Finnish urban homes. It must be
rooms in the articles of Kaunis Koti followed the
noted that the apartments of those asking
same emphasis as the Ask & Answer column. The
questions did not represent only apartments of the
39th heritage collection competition for the
post-war reconstruction period, but also earlier
National Board of Antiquities collection archive
built apartments which were located in the
from year 1994, which was directed towards those
countryside or in an urban setting. The Ask &
who moved into a detached house during the post-
Answer column of the periodical existed from its
war reconstruction period, brought in new
first issue. For my method of research it was
information - especially about floor and ceiling
beneficial, since the question from the reader, the
materials and colourations. These surfaces were
black and white floor plan of the interior design
only obliquely mentioned in my material. Even
from the editors, as well as a highly detailed
though material from the collection archive of the
written exposition of the layout, were usually all
National Board of Antiquities assisted my
published simultaneously. In addition to
furnishings, these questions and responses focused
colouration of the interior of urban apartments
on colour. Even though the subject matter was
during the post-war reconstruction period. My
Theory-guided Content Analysis in Architecture
studies focussed on apartments that were often
satisfaction in the quality of the interior design
located in stone constructed apartment buildings,
advice. The concept of taste illustrated, in part, the
rather than inspection of the interior colouring of a
preferences of the legitimate and popular. Other
wooden detached war veteran’s house. For
permeating, but indirect, clues in my material,
were the similar interior designs and their
buildings, wood was not used as plentifully as in
wood construction houses. The choice I made was
nonprofessional homes (representing different
based on the emphasis of my primary source,
social classes). Also, the change beginning in the
1950s to interior colouration can be seen clearly.
Testing the presupposition of my doctoral thesis is
There was enough repetition in the depiction of
tangential also to the question: how was advice
colours in the material examined, that I can say it
given by professionals and how was it accepted by
reached material saturation. This saturated
material depicts the characteristic use of colour in
the home during the post-war reconstruction
period, and separates itself from the way in which
3. What was achieved by
preceding and succeeding periods used colour.
Theory-guided Content Analysis?
The depiction of the change brought forth the
Some results of the Case: The colouration of the interior of
reconstruction period home. Saturation in the
the home’s rooms
material regarding the use of colours in high and
popular architecture was not as simplistic. The
During the post-war reconstruction period,
periodical Arkkitehti did not write about colours,
colouration of the interior of the home was non-
so a direct commentary from a legitimate
uniform. The compositions and methods to use
professional publication was not possible.
colour changed according to room type. The
However, the architects who wrote for Kaunis
overarching concept in the colouration of the
Koti did illuminate the thoughts of architects on
rooms was a purposeful aesthetic. Changes dealt
colour and its uses in the context of the home. The
with the development phase and content of room
opinions of the editors with respect to colours in
types as well as the emphasis given to the space of
the home is quite clear in the material from
the whole of the rooms. In addition to the changes
Finland’s only interior designing periodical,
among room type colouration, some of the
Kaunis Koti, during the post-war reconstruction
furnishings of the home and their colouration
period. Kaunis Koti also had articles other than by
changes were noticeable during the post-war
architects about the use of colours in the home.
reconstruction period. The importance of good
Sizable content was also formed from readership
taste was also emphasised in different ways in
directed interior design advice of the Ask &
different room types. For older, already formalised
Answer column of Kaunis Koti. The question of
room types, good taste was often brought forth,
how the general public responded to the advice of
and interior design according to good taste was
architects and interior design periodicals was more
constructed from previous criticism of colouration
problematic. Aside from a few exceptions, my
of interior design. In connection with newer room
material does not contain any direct reader
types, a purposeful aesthetic was at the forefront
feedback. I studied the colour preferences of the
and good taste was hardly talked about, since
general public through indirect expressions and
colouration was not given a value in relation to
observations. From this perspective, the lack of
what had come before. Dissymmetry of
reader feedback can be considered a sign of
colouration was common for all home interiors.
Conference Architectural Inquiries, Göteborg 2008
The dissymmetry was derived from the modernity
that in a double room apartment with one
principle of embracing the new and forbidding
occupant, both rooms were furnished in the style
Furnishing of the living room and bedroom was
The composition of cool
constructed from criticism. The question of good
complementary colours and the
taste was present in interior design and the
balancing of tones in the living
discussions of its colouration. The direction in the
room and the master bedroom
use of colours in my material did not show any
great disagreement. First of all, the criticism was
The living room and the master bedroom had a
directed from the previous furnishing periods. The
formalised position in the room typology of the
unifying furnishings of the hallway, the dining
home. The living room, called the ”soul of the
room, and the bedroom of the previous period
home”, was the central and largest space of the
were too heavy and bulky for a living room and
home. Each home had a living room. During the
master bedroom of the reconstruction period.
post-war reconstruction period, even a single
Furniture that referred to a historical style was not
room apartment was furnished in the pattern of the
popular, even though there was an acceptance in
living room. A separate bedroom for the parents
combining the new and the old. During the post-
was a luxury for low-income families, and for that
war reconstruction period the use of dissymmetry
reason, other functions were connected to the
in furnishing was typical. Even in this regard, a
master bedroom. This fitting together of many
differentiation was made between classicism and
functions for the same room was common with the
the search for symmetry of previous styles2. The
living room and the master bedroom. In addition
entire interior design of the room during the post-
to a bed for the parents, there could be a cot next
war reconstruction period was to be balanced, but
to the mother’s bed and sometimes the bed of the
older child was also fitted into the same space.
dissymmetry was harder to put into practice as the
Often the sewing machine, chair for making
double bed involved a type of symmetry, but
handicrafts, and writing desk ended up in the
despite of all this, differences in colour choice
bedroom of the parents. In the living room the
were utilised. For example, the bedding and the
socialising and conversational groups were in a
rugs beside the bed were of different colours. In
central position, but typically the dining group
the living room, dissymmetry in the choice of
was also situated in the same space. Instead of the
furniture items, their placement, and colouration
bedroom, the work space with its writing desks
were easier to actualise. For example, the chairs
and books shelves, the mother’s chair with her
for the social group were different, but were also
baskets of threads and the father’s reading space
differently coloured. At least the sofa was to be of
find their place in the living room. If there was a
a different colour to the armchairs as well as the
fireplace in the living room, a few pieces of
carpet for that group. Also, the living room carpets
furniture were placed around it to form a cosy
were of different colours, which proceeded to
corner. Often one of the members of the family
make different furniture groups into their own
slept in the living room. The central difference
islands. During the post-war reconstruction period
between the living room and master bedroom was
it was important that the greenery shelf on the
that in the parent’s bedroom the beds could be
seen, but the box spring bed in the living room
was disguised during the day time as a sofa, or the
national romantic architecture and industrial design.
place to sleep was a sofa bed. It is worth noting
Theory-guided Content Analysis in Architecture
window was always arranged in a dissymmetric
light-gray and white. Also the window shelf’s
fashion: the greenery comprised of different
green colour was an important part of the entire
plants, and one of them had to be a vine which
colouration of the room. The dining group of the
was placed to frame the window. Also, certain
living room was by tone brown, and at the most
colour combinations raised criticism. In the
coloured upholstery was used on the chairs. Three
bedroom, heavy greens and rust-brown colours
typical colour combinations could be discerned for
were forbidden. In living rooms brown-orange-
the bedroom: light coloured – with primary
yellow colour combination, among others, was
colours in the details, yellowish – greenish, and
forbidden.Also, darkly stained furniture was not
gray – brown. The bedrooms did not have a
recommended and wooden parts should be a
multihued greenery of the window shelf, in my
natural wood colour. Typically wooden parts were
material no plants were mentioned for the
elm or birch. Later on during the post-war
reconstruction period, the combining of natural
wood and painted surfaces was recommended,
As the post-war reconstruction period progressed,
especially in book shelves and row cabinets. Also,
the furnishings and their colouration in the living
two different types of wood could be combined in
rooms and bedrooms noticeably changed. At the
the same piece of furniture. Foreign influences
beginning of my study the furniture was delicate
were approached cautiously. Large patterned
and small, with individual pieces of furniture with
Danish wallpapers raised conflicting commentary.
tapered feet and rounded corners. Each function
While the general public was warned against its
had its own table which was typically made of
use, display homes by interior designers visibly
lacquered wood. The living room had numerous
displayed these wallpapers. It was communicated
little tables or smoking tables - as they were called
to the general public that a restrained and relaxed
at the time. In the bedroom, on each side of the
interior decoration was stylish and therefore
bed was a nightstand and in addition a dressing
table. At times, the vanity table was placed so that
multicoloured interiors were crude and belonged
it would also serve as a nightstand for one of the
hopelessly to bad taste. The atmosphere of the
parents. Armchairs and sofas were softly
living room should be relaxed, warm, and
contoured with rounded edges, in a similar manner
protective. The atmosphere of the bedroom should
as the tables. In the conversational group of the
living room, one of the chairs was often the
wicker chair made out of rattan, and even in the
There were unifying features between the living
bedroom, it was often recommended to place one
room and master bedroom, but the scale of colours
wicker chair for sewing or reading. Slowly
in the bedroom was more diluted than in the living
towards the end of the period, the functions of the
room. In each room type, the room was light
tables combined and unified into a long table
coloured. The stronger colouration in the living
which had many different purposes. In the living
room was based on the carpets, the type of wood
room, the long unified table in front of the
in the furnishings, and the upholstery fabrics used.
window was a flower, radio, magazine and writing
Equally in the bedroom, colour was used as in the
table. In the bedroom, the long table served as a
living room with carpets and loose furniture, not
combined dressing table and desk. The surface
to mention the large horizontal surface of a
was often mentioned to be linoleum - or linol as it
bedspread. Three typical colour combinations can
was called at the time. The use of long shelves
be discerned for the social group of the living
was also recommended. It was recommended for
room: blue - red, blue - brown, and yellow -
living rooms as book and magazine shelving,
brown. Very often to these were combined with
using long uniformed wall-mounted shelves, while
Conference Architectural Inquiries, Göteborg 2008
in the bedroom, a long unified table at the end of a
At the beginning I described my study to be a
double bed was used as a desk. As the tables
qualitative study of architecture. As far as I can
discern, in Finland, besides this study, there has
rectangular shape, the shapes of seating
been no academic, or doctoral dissertation level
straightened and the wicker chair was not
research conducted into the relationship between
mentioned in interior design advice. Painted wood
colour and architecture. International research
began to be used in addition to lacquered surfaces.
relating to colour and architecture has been
conducted, but this research often relies on
colouration gained new features. During the
psychology, physics, or chemistry. For the unique
period I have studied, at the beginning of the
position of architecture, a comprehensive and
period the colour scale could be easily associated
multidisciplinary approach would come close to
with natural colours, which also appeared in the
describing the relationship between colour and
names given to the colours. Colours were not even
architecture. There are many contact points
when strong or bright, purely primary colours, but
between colour and light. As with colour research,
they had been slightly broken or tinted. During the
in the field of architecture, light research seeks its
end of the post-war reconstruction period, the
own place and value. While marginalised in
colour scale receded from the natural colour
Finland, internationally recognised architectural
scheme of Finnish nature and became more
light and colour research should be developed
graphic. Black began to be used as its own
colouring for interior design. In the beginning,
black was used for the colouration of the feet of
furniture and in other details. In saturated colours
the colour scheme receded from the natural colour
schemes of Finnish nature and, for example,
tomato red and lemon yellow colours began to be
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4. In conclusion
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The colouration of the home during the post-war
reconstruction period is one example of a study
looking into the use of colour during a certain
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period. In the future it is important that
challenge to the social sciences. in T.K.
construction and meaning in the use of colour in
Hareven & K.J. Adams (edit.) Ageing and
homes, in other periods, also be studied. In
life course transitions: an interdisciplinary
addition, talking about colour has shown itself to
perspective. Tavistock London 1982
be important when discussing spaces and interiors
Eskola, J. & Suoranta, J. Johdatus laadulliseen tutkimukseen. University of Lapland,
architecture, such as talking about space among
non-architects is often hard. Colour as a spatial
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concept, and as a question are more approachable
väritys. Arki ja arkkitehtuuri. English
by the general public, and could open an avenue
During the Post-War Reconsruction Period.
Theory-guided Content Analysis in Architecture
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Tuomi, J.& Sarajärvi, A. Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällönanalyysi. Tammi, Helsinki, 2002
Conference Architectural Inquiries, Göteborg 2008
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