Oecologia (2002) 130:297–308DOI 10.1007/s004420100801
Heather Erickson · Eric A. Davidson · Michael Keller
Former land-use and tree species affect nitrogen oxide emissions from a tropical dry forest
Received: 19 January 2001 / Accepted: 1 August 2001 / Published online: 28 September 2001 Springer-Verlag 2001
Abstract Species composition in successional dry for-
tively and exponentially related to litter C/N ratio for
ests in the tropics varies widely, but the effect of this
these dry forests and the relationship was upheld with
variation on biogeochemical processes is not well
the addition of data from seven wet forests in northeast-
known. We examined fluxes of N oxides (nitrous and ni-
ern Puerto Rico. This finding suggests that species deter-
tric oxide), soil N cycling, and litter chemistry (C/N ra-
mination of litter C/N ratio may partly determine N ox-
tio) in four successional dry forests on similar soils in
ide fluxes across widely differing tropical environments.
western Puerto Rico with differing species compositionsand land-use histories. Forests patch-cut for charcoal
Keywords Dry tropical forest · Nitrogen mineralization ·
60 years ago had few legumes, high litter C/N ratios, low
Nitric oxide · Nitrous oxide · Tropical legumes
soil nitrate and low N oxide fluxes. In contrast, succes-sional forests from pastures abandoned several decadesago had high legume densities, low litter C/N ratios, high
mean soil nitrate concentrations and high N oxide fluxes. These post-pasture forests were dominated by the natu-
Ecosystem ecologists have long known that plant species
ralized legume Leuceana leucocephala, which was likely
can have different effects on soils and soil processes
responsible for the rapid N cycling in those forests. We
(Zinke 1962). Recently, specific effects of different plant
conclude that agriculturally induced successional path-
species on ecosystem processes, especially those involv-
ways leading to dominance by a legume serve as a mech-
ing the cycling of nitrogen (N) have been explored in de-
anism for increasing N oxide emissions from tropical re-
tail (e.g., Pastor et al. 1984; Wedin and Tilman 1990;
gions. As expected for dry regions, nitric oxide dominat-
Finzi et al. 1998; García-Montiel and Binkley 1998).
ed total N oxide emissions. Nitric oxide emissions in-
One of the key ways plants modify their soil environ-
creased with increasing soil moisture up to about 30%
ment is through litterfall and its subsequent effects on
water-filled pore space then stabilized, while nitrous ox-
soil processes (Pastor et al. 1984; Wedin and Pastor
ide emissions, albeit low, continued to increase with in-
1993; Prescott et al. 2000). Litter high in N is associated
creasing soil wetness. Inorganic N pools and net N min-
with fast rates of decomposition (Melillo et al. 1982;
eralization were greatest during peak rainfalls and at the
Taylor et al. 1989) and high soil N turnover (Pastor et al.
post-agricultural site with the highest fluxes. Soil nitrate
1984; Hobbie 1992; Reich et al. 1997).
and the nitrate/ammonium ratio correlated positively
High rates of soil N cycling, particularly in tropical
with average N oxide fluxes. N oxide fluxes were nega-
soils, result in increased emission of the globally im-portant N oxide gases, nitric (NO) and nitrous (N O) ox-
ide (Matson and Vitousek 1990; Davidson et al. 2000;
Erickson et al. 2001). NO reacts in the atmosphere to
Universidad Metropolitana, P.O. Box 21150,
form nitric acid, an important component of acid deposi-
tion; NO is also central in the photochemical production
e-mail: um_herickson@suagm.eduFax: +1-787-7515386
of ozone in the lower atmosphere (Williams et al. 1992). N O is a greenhouse gas with about 200 times the warm-
ing potential as CO and destroys ozone in the strato-
sphere (Prather et al. 1995). However the exact sources ofthese gases are still largely unknown (Bouwman et al.
1995; Davidson and Kingerlee 1997), and large variations
USDA-FS, International Institute of Tropical Forestry, Río Piedras, PR 00928–5000, USA
in N oxide emissions often exist within similar soil types.
Variation in soil N availability may explain some of
high degree of coppicing currently in the forest (Murphy and Lugo
the wide variations in emissions (Matson and Vitousek
1986b). Several larger-sized fragments were entirely cleared in thelate 1940s primarily for pasturing (Vélez 1996).
1990; Davidson et al. 2000; Erickson et al. 2001). Legu-
We chose two stands that were “closed forest” in 1936 aerial
minous tree species are often common in tropical forests;
photos and two younger stands that had been cleared for agricul-
the Leguminosae may be the most prevalent plant family
ture by 1950. The two older stands were never cleared enough in
in continental tropical dry forests (Gentry 1995). Tropi-
1936 or on subsequent photos (1950, 1963, 1971, 1983, 1989) to
cal legumes typically produce litter with high N (Sprent
be designated open forest, although they were among the areasthat were patch-cut for charcoal. These sites were at least 70 years
et al. 1996), leading to high soil N availability and/or
old by the time our study began in 1995, assuming 10 years for
rates of soil N cycling (García-Montiel and Binkley
canopy closure if they had been completely cut prior to 1936. The
1998; Erickson et al. 2001). Thus legumes may be im-
younger sites were closed forests by 1963, making them approxi-
portant drivers of soil N dynamics. Despite this general
mately 45 years old at the time of sampling. Interviews with a sur-viving member of a family who farmed one of the cleared areas
understanding, few studies of N oxide fluxes have con-
indicated that subsistence crops, primarily corn, squash and peas
sidered taxonomic structure of the plant community as a
were grown and fertilizer was never used (Miguel Canals, person-
al communication, biologist, Puerto Rico Department of Natural
Tropical and subtropical dry forests were globally
Resources and the Environment). We designate the older forestsOF1 and OF2, and the younger, post-agricultural successional for-
once quite extensive (~24 million km2) (Murphy and
ests, SF1 and SF2, cognizant that all sites had seen previous hu-
Lugo 1990). Due to clearing and conversion to agricul-
man activity. OF1 was contained within a larger area that has been
ture, pastures and post-agricultural forests now cover
sampled extensively for ecosystem studies of dry forest (Lugo and
most of the area formerly in dry forest (Murphy and
Murphy 1986; Murphy and Lugo 1986a, b). A ground fire burned
Lugo 1995). Successional forests likely differ in tree
through SF2 as late as 1980 (Miguel Canals, personal communica-tion).
composition from original forests, yet because floristicstudies are much less common in successional than inundisturbed dry forest (Murphy and Lugo 1986a) this is
largely undocumented. If post-agricultural changes inforest species, particularly increased dominance by le-
Additional details for the methods summarized below are found inErickson et al. (2001). Within each site, eight chamber points were
gumes, lead to increases in soil N availability, N oxide
located as follows. A 30-m transect was run in the direction of
emissions may also increase. For example, among sever-
maximum slope; at four equidistant intervals a sampling point was
al tropical ecosystems in Africa, successional Acacia
randomly located on each side and not exceeding 7.5 m of the
forests with a history of anthropogenic disturbance had
main line. PVC chamber bases (25 cm diameter) were permanent-
the highest NO fluxes (Serça et al. 1998).
Gas fluxes were measured four times at each site over a
We report results of a study examining relationships
10-month period from December 1995 to October 1996. Air sam-
among tree species, previous land-use, litterfall C/N ra-
ples for N O analyses were removed from the vented covered
tios, soil N cycling and N oxide gas emissions in a dry
chambers immediately, and at 10, 20 and 30 min after chamber
tropical forest region of southwest Puerto Rico. We ask
closure. Gases were analyzed using electron capture detection gaschromatography (Schimadzu GC-14A) within 24 h. N O fluxes
whether two post-agricultural forests differ composition-
were calculated from the linear regression of concentration versus
ally from two forests not previously under agriculture
time using the four data points from each chamber. NO was mea-
within the same area (Guánica Commonwealth Forest).
sured in the field using flow-through chambers and a portable
We then examine how NO and N O emissions contrast
LMA3 Scintrex nitrogen oxide analyzer. Briefly, NO is converted
to NO and detected by chemiluminescence. NO flux was calcu-
among the forests and relate to litter chemistry, soil
lated from at least a 3-min linear increase in concentration, ob-
tained within the first 8 min of sampling. Using our system, NO2
was not differentiated from NO. NO emissions from soils are
usually negligible (Conrad et al. 1990; Davidson et al. 1991). Dueto time constraints, 4–6 of the 8 chambers were sampled each time
at a site; all sites were sampled over a 2-day period.
Air temperature, soil temperature (to 2 cm depth), and soils
(see below) were sampled within 1 m of the chambers simulta-neously with gas sampling. Rainfall data were obtained from a sta-
Four tropical dry forest stands located 3–8 km from the Caribbean
tion within the Guánica Forest located approximately mid-way be-
Ocean within the 4,000 ha Guánica Commonwealth Forest
tween the sites. Hurricane Hortense passed through the area in
(17°47′N, 65°52′W) in southwestern Puerto Rico were used for
September 1996, causing moderate damage to the canopy.
this study. The climate is hot (MAT=25°C); a dry season typicallyoccurs between January and May. Annual precipitation averages860 mm (Murphy and Lugo 1986b), with high intra-annual vari-
ability. Soils are typic Calciustolls in the Aquilita series (Lugo-López and Rivera 1976). Nearly 25% of the ground surface is ex-
Soils were sampled adjacent to each chamber to 10 cm depth with
posed limestone. Approximately one-third of the tree species with-
an 8-cm-diameter corer. Gravimetric moisture was determined af-
in Guánica are deciduous or semi-deciduous, the remainder being
ter drying a subsample at 105°C for at least 48 h. Soil pH (water)
broad-leaved evergreens (Murphy and Lugo 1995). The Guánica
was measured on samples collected in July 1996.
Forest has been protected from human disturbance since the
Bulk density was measured once at each sampling station by
1950s. Prior to the 1940s, tree-sized patches were commonly cut
excavating soil from rectangular holes (approximately 10×10×
(herein patch-cut) for charcoal. This is evident in the historical
10 cm) located within 1 m of the chambers. Removed soil was
aerial photos (1936) of the forest showing many dispersed small
sieved to 2 mm, dried and weighed. Hole volumes were measured
canopy openings covering nearly 5% of the total area, and by the
by filling the plastic-lined hole with water to a known volume, and
corrected for removed rock volume. Water-filled pore space
(WFPS) was then calculated as the proportion of gravimetricallydetermined water volume to total pore volume (Hillel 1980).
The legume Leuceana leucocephala had the greatest
On three of the four sampling dates (December 1995, March 1996
basal area and stem density of any tree species in SF1
and October 1996), we measured inorganic N, net N mineraliza-
and SF2, the two post-agricultural successional forests
tion and net nitrification on soils. Nitrification potential was mea-
(Table 1). Legume basal areas, including Acacia at SF2,
sured on one date, December 1995. Inorganic N was extracted
represented 29% and 66% of the total basal areas and
with 2 M KCl. We used a 7-day aerobic laboratory incubation todetermine net N mineralization, following Hart et al. (1994) with
50% and 58% of the individual stems for SF1 and SF2,
modifications detailed in Erickson et al. (2001). Nitrification po-
respectively. In contrast, in the more floristically diverse
tential was estimated from the change in NO –-N concentration
and dense older forests, legumes were either much less
over a 24-h period (2, 4, 18 and 24 h) in a shaken soil-slurry with
dominant (OF2) or not present (OF1) (Table 1). Cactac-
excess NH +-N, NO –-N and NH +-N were determined colorimet-
eae genera Cereus and Pilosocereus are also among the
rically on an Alpkem Rapid Flow Analyzer.
Total C and N were measured by combustion on a LECO
dominants in the successional forests, but were absent
CNS-2000 on a subsample of soils collected in July 1996. Air-
from our plots in the older forests. The OF sites had a
dried soils were ground to pass a 20-mesh sieve. The sample for
greater number of stems, most with diameters less than
total C was rinsed with sufficient HCl prior to analysis to remove
10 cm (data not shown), when compared to the post-agri-
all carbonates; N was analyzed on untreated samples. An addition-al subsample was dried at 105°C to correct results for soil mois-
cultural successional forests and this is most likely due
to stump sprouting from trees cut for charcoal production(Murphy and Lugo 1995).
A nested circular plot technique was used to sample forest vegeta-
Aboveground litterfall inputs and chemistry
tion. We recorded diameter at breast height (dbh) and speciesidentification for all trees equal to or greater than 1 cm dbh within
Daily rates of litterfall ranged from 0.5 to 3.0 g m–2 (data
a 500- m2 circular plot encompassing our gas sampling chambers.
not shown) during most months except immediately after
Within a concentric 1,000-m2 circular plot all trees larger than
Hurricane Hortense, when daily rates at all sites exceed-
10 cm dbh were recorded. Nomenclature follows Liogier andMartorell (2000).
ed 7.0 g m–2. On average, aboveground total litterfall
We collected litterfall from March 1996 to March 1997. Nine
was 30% greater in the older forests (OF1 and OF2) than
litterfall traps (0.25 m2) were spaced 40 m apart in an 80×80 m
in the post-agricultural successional forests (SF1 and
grid encompassing the gas sampling areas. Litter was collected
SF2), although due to high within-site variation, differ-
monthly, oven-dried at 60°C, sorted into leaves and other classesof litter and weighed to the nearest 0.01 g. For each site/date com-
ences among sites were not statistically significant
bination, leaves from the nine baskets were pooled into a single
(Table 2, P>0.05). Leaf litterfall was also 30% lower in
sample. Subsamples were removed, ground to pass a 20-mesh
the younger compared with older forests (Table 2), but
sieve, and analyzed for total C and N by combustion on a LECO
CNS-2000. For all analyses, results are expressed on an oven-dry(soil or litter) basis.
Leaf litter C/N ratio differed significantly among all
four sites (Table 2), ranging from a low of 22.8 at SF1 toa high of 49.0 at OF1. Leaf litter N concentrations dif-
fered in a like manner among the sites, ranging from ahigh of 2.23% at SF1 to a low of 1.05% at OF1. The
A repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare the effects ofsite, sampling date and their interactions on N O flux and soils da-
concentration at OF1 compares favorably with a 1.01%
ta. Differences in NO flux due to the same effects were assessed
leaf litter N reported from the well-studied area encom-
with a two-way, rather than a repeated measures ANOVA because
passing our plot (Lugo and Murphy 1986). Total leaf lit-
different chambers were sampled for NO on different dates. We
ter N inputs were, on average, greater for successional
used a univariate approach for the repeated measures analysis(SAS 1987). Gas flux and most soil variables were log-trans-
(mean=4.97 g N m–2 year–1) than for older forests
formed prior to analysis to meet the assumptions of ANOVA, ex-
(mean=4.23 g N m–2 year–1) though N inputs from OF2
cept for percentage data, which were arcsin-transformed (Sokal
could not be statistically distinguished from either suc-
and Rohlf 1995). We assessed differences among sites within a
date using a one-way ANOVA followed by a Tukey’s multiplecomparison. Where a parameter was measured only once (e.g.,soil pH and nitrification potential) only differences among siteswere evaluated. Linear and exponential models were used to ex-
amine relationships between total N oxide fluxes and N availabili-ty indices; in each case, the model with the higher R2 value is re-
Soil pH values for the upper 10 cm of mineral soil were
lowest at SF1 (mean=6.6) compared to the other threesites where means ranged from 7.7 to 7.9 (Table 3). Soiltemperature ranged from 25°C to 32°C (data not shown)but showed no consistent pattern of differences amongthe sites. Bulk density was higher in the successional
) in the two post-agricultural successional forests (
(cotinued) 1 Table 2 Annual means (SE in parentheses) for total aboveground
for each basket at a site (n=9). Means for C/N ratio and N (%) are
(AG) litterfall, total leaf litterfall, and leaf litter N chemistry for two
based on 14 different collections (n=14). Different superscripts with-
mid-successional and two older tropical dry forests in Guánica For-
in columns indicate significant differences (P< 0.05) determined by
est, P.R. Means for litterfall are based on annual estimates calculated
an a posteriori Tukey multiple comparisons test after ANOVA
Table 3 Selected site and soil (0–10 cm) characteristics for
ues are means (SE in parenthe-ses, n=8) except for porosity,
significant differences (P<0.05)determined by an a posteriori
forests (mean=1.00 g cm–3) versus the older forests
mineralization, ranging from about 3.5 to 8.8 µg N g
(0.85 g cm–3). Although SF2, the successional forest that
soil–1 7 day–1, was usually similar among the sites
burned 16 years earlier, had nearly 25% lower total soil
(Fig. 1d). The one exception was during March 1996
C and N in the upper 10 cm than the other three sites
when the highest rate measured for any site ( ~21 µg N g
(Table 3), the difference was not significant (P>0.05).
soil–1 7 day–1) was measured for SF1. Nitrification po-
Soil C/N ratios ranged from 10.0 to 10.2 and did not
tential was greatest at SF1 (2.77 mg N kg–1 h–1) but
vary among the sites (P>0.05).
overlapped with rates from SF2 and OF2 (Table 5).
Inorganic N pools and soil N transformations
For soil extractable NO –-N and NH +-N and net nitrifi-
Site, sampling date and their interaction influenced the
cation, the effects of sampling date, site and date × site
fluxes of NO (P<0.001). The effect of site depended on
interactions were statistically significant (Table 4). Soil
date. SF1 had the highest NO fluxes on all four dates,
NO –-N ranged widely, from ~7 to 48 µg N g soil–1, with
though its fluxes could not be distinguished from SF2’s
the largest concentrations measured in March 1996
in December 1995 (Fig. 2). The two highest mean NO
(Fig. 1, Table 4). Similarly, extractable NH +-N showed
fluxes (>23.0 ng N cm–2 h–1) were measured in March
large variation, ranging from ~4 to 52 µg N g soil–1, with
1996 and June 1996. Mean NO fluxes from the OF sites
the largest pools also measured in March 1996 (Fig. 1).
were generally low (<2 ng N cm–2 h–1), and differed from
Soil NO –-N pools at SF1 were 1.7–4 times greater than
at the other sites. NH +-N pools tended to be similar
SF1 had higher N O fluxes in March 1996 (P<0.05)
among the sites, except during March 1996 when pools
and June 1996 (P=0.07) than the other sites (Fig. 2,
were high at all sites (Fig. 1). Then, NH +-N pools at
Table 4). Fluxes from the other sites did not differ
OF1 were twice those of the other sites (Fig. 1). Net ni-
during any of the four sampling dates. Only two mean
trification was highest for all sites in March 1996
N O fluxes were greater than 0.50 ng N cm–2 h–1 (3.25
and 0.57, measured during March 1996 for SF1 and
The effect of sampling date on net N mineralization
SF2 respectively). While average fluxes of N O (n=8)
depended on site (interaction P=0.0017, Table 4). Net N
were negative at three of the sites, indicating N O up-
Table 4 Repeated measures ANOVA results for soil NO –-N, NH +-N, net N mineralization, net nitrification and N O emissions Table 5 Mean inorganic N, soil N cycling rates and N oxide flux-
sampling point (n=8), except for nitrification potential which was
es (SE in parentheses) for the four study areas within the Guánica
Forest Preserve. Means are based on means over time for each
Fig. 1 KCl (2 M) extractable NO –-N (a) and NH +-N (b)
and net rates of nitrification (c) and N mineralization (d) for the four sites at Guánica. OF “Older forest”, SF “post- agricultural successional for- est”. Data are means (n=8) and standard errors. For each vari- able, different lower-case let- ters within a given sampling date indicate significantly dif- ferent means (P< 0.05) using a Tukey multiple comparisons test after one-way ANOVA. Statistical analyses were done on log-transformed data; means and standard errors are based on non-transformed data to fa- cilitate comparison with other studies
take, these means were not significantly different from
(ANOVA, P<0.05 for the main effects; the effect for in-
teraction was NS). March 1996 was the wettest month;during which time WFPS nearly doubled compared tothe other months (Fig. 2C). Overall, WFPS was about
Rainfall, soil moisture and N oxide emissions
25% lower at OF1 compared to the other sites (Fig. 2C).
The highest fluxes of NO for three of the sites (OF1,
We sampled N oxide gases during both wet and dry peri-
OF2 and SF2) coincided with the high March WFPS val-
ods (Fig. 3). WFPS ranged from a low of just over 16%
ues (Fig. 4a). For SF1, the highest fluxes (22–25 ng N
to a high of 55%, varying by site and date of sampling
cm–2 h–1) occurred during the relatively wet months of
Fig. 4 Fluxes of NO (a) and N O (b) versus % WFPS for each of
the four sites at the Guánica Forest, P.R. Note differences in scalesbetween the two panels. Site codes are explained in Fig. 1
Fig. 2 Fluxes of NO (a), N O (b), and percent WFPS measured
from the four sites at Guánica. Within a given date, different low-er-case letters indicate significantly different means (P< 0.05) us-ing a Tukey multiple comparisons test after one-way ANOVA. Note differences in scales in all three panels. Site codes are ex-plained in Fig. 1
Fig. 5 The sum of N oxide fluxes (N O + NO) versus a the ratio
of NO –-N/NH +-N and b leaf litter C/N ratio. For b, two separate
curves are plotted for the humid and dry forests; the equation andmodel R2 value are from the combined data sets. For fluxes and in-organic N pools, each data point is the mean of the 8 samplingpoints for a site: fluxes were measured 4 times in the dry forestand 12 times in the humid forest sites; inorganic N pools were
Fig. 3 Daily rainfall and dates of N oxide sampling (arrows) at
measured 3 times in the dry forest. Litterfall C/N ratios are based
Guánica from 12 January 1995 to 12 January 1996
on means of 14 collections made at each site
March and June when WFPS was 25–55%. For the two
(>40%; Fig. 4b). N O:NO ratios, calculated only if mean
sites with the highest fluxes, SF1 and SF2, NO fluxes
N O fluxes were significantly different from zero,
showed no significant increase with WFPS values be-
ranged from 0.105 to 0.140, indicating the predominance
The fluxes of N O for three of the sites (SF1, SF2,
and OF2) peaked when WFPS was greatest for each site
Lower N oxide fluxes from successional versus pri-
mary forests had been widely reported (Robertson and
Across all sites the sum of the N oxide fluxes was posi-
Tiedje 1988; Keller and Reiners 1994; Verchot et al.
tively related to mean soil NO –-N, and the ratio of
1999), but without detailed information on species com-
NO –-N/NH +-N and negatively related to leaf litter C/N
position. In humid northeastern Puerto Rico, the greatest
ratio (P<0.05; Fig. 5). Average N oxide fluxes were not
N oxide fluxes (primarily N O) were from a succession-
related to averages of net N mineralization, net nitrifica-
al forest that had more legumes than other nearby suc-
tion, nitrification potential or to NH +-N. Exponential
cessional and old growth forests (Erickson et al. 2001).
model fits had higher R2 values than linear models for
Similarly, successional Acacia forests had greater NO
NO –-N/NH +-N and to leaf litter C/N ratio (Fig. 5). The
fluxes compared with other non-legume forests in
relationship between N oxide fluxes and leaf litter C/N
Africa (Serça et al. 1998). These findings, together with
ratio for the four Guánica sites was remarkably similar to
our Guánica results, suggest that some successional for-
that obtained for seven forests in the humid NE (Fig. 5
ests may contribute more N oxides to the atmosphere
than previously thought (cf., Robertson and Tiedje1988). While rarely documented, species composition,especially the abundance of N-fixing genera, may help
explain the variation in N oxide fluxes among tropicalforests.
Forest species, feedback and N oxide fluxes
Despite lower leaf litterfall, the L. leucocephala suc-
cessional forests at Guánica had, on average, greater in-
Land-use and land-use history are known to affect flux-
puts of leaf litter N than the older forests due to greater
es of important N oxide gases from the tropics. Despite
leaf litter N concentrations. High foliar N in N-fixing
this understanding, estimates of terrestrial sources of
species is common, and N in legume foliage may be high
these gases remain uncertain (Bouwman et al. 1995; in both nodulated and non-nodulated genera (Sprent etDavidson and Kingerlee 1997). Forest clearing (Luizão
al. 1996). Nonetheless, symbiotic N fixation by L. leuc-
et al. 1989; Keller et al. 1993), burning (Levine et al. ocephala appears to be widespread (Högberg and
1988; Neff et al. 1995; Serça et al. 1998) and fertiliza-
Kvarnström 1982; Parrotta et al. 1994, 1996; Sprent et
tion of agricultural lands (Matson et al. 1996; Mosier
al. 1996). One of the successional forests, SF1, had
and Delgado 1997; Veldkamp and Keller 1997) have
greater N oxide fluxes and foliar N concentrations than
been identified as causes of increasing N O or NO emis-
the previously burned successional forest, SF2, though
sions from tropical regions. In the dry forests of both forests had similar densities (50% and 58% respec-Guánica, total N oxide fluxes were greater from le-
tively) of legumes. Ground fire can increase inorganic N
gume- (mostly Leuceana leucocephala) dominated post-
pools (cf., Ellingson et al. 2000) which, in turn, may de-
agricultural successional forests than from the nearly le-
crease N fixation (Marschner 1995), providing a possible
gume-free non-agricultural older forests (Table 5).
explanation for the discrepancy in N oxide fluxes be-
These findings indicate that agricultural abandonment
leading to successional trajectories favoring legumes
Litterfall C/N ratios often relate negatively to decom-
can significantly affect N oxide fluxes.
position rates (Mellilo et al. 1982) and to net N mineral-
The low level of canopy removal and subsequent
ization (Pastor et al. 1984; García-Montiel and Binkley
stump sprouting at the OF sites likely maintained the
1998; Erickson et al. 2001). SF1 had the lowest leaf litter
original species complement (Murphy and Lugo 1995).
C/N ratio, the highest rates of net N mineralization, and
Nearly complete canopy removal and fewer sprouts in
the highest combined N oxide fluxes. Although one of
the former agricultural sites suggest that invasion by new
the older forests, OF2, had high total inputs of litterfall
species was the mechanism for forest recovery. L. leuc-
N (this forest also had minimal representation by le-
ocephala, the dominant species at the successional sites,
gumes), the litter was, on average, of higher C/N and N
is known to invade pastures and recently disturbed areas
oxide fluxes were low. Thus for the Guánica sites litter
elsewhere in Guánica (Farnsworth 1993; Molina and
chemistry, or C/N ratio, relates more directly to soil pro-
Lugo, unpublished data). Our floristic data show that L.
cesses than does the quantity of N from litterfall. leucocephala is minimally present in the less disturbed
Despite greater inputs of N in the successional for-
forests, and likely became dominant in the post-agricul-
ests, total pools of soil N did not differ among the sites.
tural successional forests after agricultural abandonment.
While not statistically significant, the most recently
L. leucocephala has been naturalized in Puerto Rico and
burned successional site tended to have less soil C and N
the Caribbean (F. Wadsworth, personal communication)
and is considered relatively short-lived. Moreover, it is
The high bulk density in the post-agricultural sites is
widely distributed elsewhere in the neotropics, where it
most likely due to compaction by cattle (Rhoades et al.
may also be important in post-agricultural succession. If
1999). High bulk density leads to increased WFPS,
abandonment of additional agricultural lands leads to
which may affect N oxide fluxes, although among these
forests dominated by L. leucocephala, N oxide emissions
sites N availability appears to be a more important driver
N oxide emissions in drought-deciduous forests:
dict N oxide fluxes, the 2.23% N for SF1 is among the
highest reported for any tropical forest (Jaramillo andSanford 1995), suggesting our flux estimates are reason-
The positive relationship between N oxide fluxes and
various measures of soil N availability is well document-
NO is absorbed by forest canopies. Therefore, NO
ed (Matson and Vitousek 1987, 1990; Keller and Reiners
emissions from soils may be particularly important from
1994; Verchot et al. 1999; Davidson et al. 2000; Erickson
drought deciduous forests because absorption is presum-
et al. 2001). Many indices of N availability (e.g., soil ni-
ably less during periods of low leaf mass (Matson and
trate, net N mineralization and net nitrification) have
Vitousek 1995). Even the relatively low mean NO flux
been evaluated, and the strength and character of their
from the OF sites at Guánica (0.62 kg ha–1 year–1) was
relationships to N oxide fluxes vary somewhat among
from 2 to 100 times greater than annual NO fluxes from
sites. For example we found positive relationships with
sites in humid northeastern Puerto Rico (Erickson et al.
soil nitrate, the NO –-N/NH +-N ratio and leaf litter C/N
2001). Only the site most dominated by legumes from
ratio (Fig. 5). High soil nitrate relative to ammonium in-
that study (a successional forest) matched the mean NO
dicates excess N availability relative to plant demand
(Keller and Reiners 1994; Neill et al. 1997; Davidson et
Because the relative proportion of N O versus NO
al. 2000; Erickson et al. 2001). Erickson et al. (2001) re-
fluxes is related to soil moisture (Davidson 1991), higher
ported an exponential decline in N oxide fluxes with in-
fluxes of NO would be expected in seasonally dry cli-
creasing leaf litter C/N for forests in humid eastern Puer-
mates. Rainfall in northeastern Puerto Rico is nearly five
to Rico; adding the results from this study resulted in a
times the average rainfall at Guánica. N O:NO ratios
remarkably similar relationship (Fig. 5). Erickson et al.
were >1 from the sites in northeastern Puerto Rico
(2001) also suggested that as plant and aerobic heterotro-
(Erickson et al. 2001) and <1 from the sites at Guánica.
phic microbial sinks for N became satisfied, the propor-
Based on published annual fluxes (Davidson et al. 1991;
tion of inorganic N available for nitrification and denitri-
García-Méndez et al. 1991) the ratios for a dry forest at
fication, the two processes responsible for N oxide pro-
Chamela, Mexico, were also generally at or below 1.
duction, would increase, resulting in the non-linear rela-
These data support the idea that regional differences in
tionship. Although an exponential relationship described
relative N oxide emissions may be accounted for by
the relationship between total N oxide flux and the ratio
variation in precipitation and effects on soil moisture
of NO –-N/NH +-N for the dry forest sites (Fig. 5a), a
(Davidson 1991; Davidson et al. 2000). Davidson (1991)
linear model better described the relationship for the wet
also proposed a unimodal relationship between soil
forest sites (data not shown). Leaf litter C/N ratio ap-
moisture and N oxide gas emissions, in which the opti-
pears to be a more consistent predictor of total N oxide
mal water content for maximum emissions occurs at in-
fluxes than soil inorganic-N in the wet and dry tropical
termediate values and emissions decline as moisture
environments encompassed in these studies.
increases or decreases. Thus, at dry sites, higher NO
The mean NO flux for SF1 (11.9 kg N ha–1 year–1)
fluxes are often found during the wet season (this study,
represents, to our knowledge, the largest mean soil-at-
Davidson et al. 1991; Serça et al. 1998) whereas, at more
mosphere NO flux measured for a tropical forest. In their
humid sites, higher fluxes are found during the dry sea-
review, Davidson and Kingerlee (1997) list the highest
son (e.g., Verchot et al. 1999). At Guánica, NO increases
mean or median NO flux as 4.3 kg ha–1 year–1 from an
at lower percent WFPS, while at higher WFPS, NO lev-
Amazonian tropical evergreen forest (Kaplan et al. 1988)
els out, and N O clearly increases (Fig. 4), suggesting
and 0.7 kg ha–1 year–1 from a tropical deciduous forest of
the optimal water content for NO emissions had been
Mexico (Davidson et al. 1991). (The mean flux from the
Guánica old forest sites – 0.62 kg ha–1 year–1 – is re-
The exact effect of moisture on N oxide fluxes ap-
markably similar to the Mexican dry forest estimate.) We
pears constrained primarily by N availability. The high-
averaged the four time measurements of NO fluxes for
est N oxide fluxes occurred in March 1996 when soils
comparative purposes but recognize the limitation in ex-
were the wettest (Fig. 2), inorganic N pools and net nitri-
trapolating to annual fluxes. The March 1996 measure-
fication highest (Fig. 1), and coincided with a rainfall
ments were made immediately after a rainfall event, and
event that had been preceded by a long dry period
likely represent extremely high fluxes. Experimental wet-
(Fig. 3). Generally higher rates of net N mineralization
ting has been shown to stimulate NO fluxes (Davidson
during wet seasons have been documented for other
1991. 1993; Poth et al. 1995; Levine et al. 1996), espe-
tropical dry or seasonal forests (García-Méndez 1991;
cially after long periods of drought. June fluxes, howev-
Babbar and Zak 1994; Rhoades et al. 1999). Yet despite
er, made 8 days after measurable precipitation, were also
WFPS above 35% at all of the sites in March 1996 (see
high. We also measured the fluxes from areas not cov-
also Fig. 4), fluxes from the two older forests, with lower
ered by rock. Reducing the mean fluxes from SF1 and
soil NO – pools, were not nearly as high as fluxes from
SF2 by 25% to reflect the proportion of the ground cov-
the successional forests, with greater soil NO – pools.
ered by rock, we still estimate a relatively high mean NOflux of 5.4 kg N ha–1 year–1 for these legume-dominatedforests. Furthermore, if leaf N proves to adequately pre-
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top-notch assistance in the field and laboratory. Sandra Molina
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and Miguel Canals are thanked for assisting with field sites and
M.C. also for logistical support, rainfall data and contacting the
Högberg P, Kvarnström M (1982) Nitrogen fixation by the woody
Gutteriez family for oral history. Jill Thompson, John Pastor and
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Fred Scatena provided insightful reviews of earlier drafts. This re-
search was supported by the NASA Terrestrial Ecology Program
Jaramillo VJ, Sanford RL (1995) Nutrient cycling in tropical de-
under NASA grants NAGW-3772 and NAG5–6277. We acknowl-
ciduous forests. In: Bullock SH, Mooney HA, Medina E (eds)
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Seasonally dry tropical forests. Cambridge University Press,
Puerto Rico, and from the National Science Foundation’s Model
Institutions for Excellence program.
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Klinikens nomenklatur Några sammanfattande kommentarer av Eva Löwstedt 25. april 2009 De termer som vi psykologer med kunskap och erfar-enhet av psykoanalytisk teoribildning är vana att orien-tera oss med innan denna översättning sker är en no- “Den praktiske psykiaterns intresse för […] menklatur som ännu inte systematiserats. vanföreställningar är som regel uttömt