Microsoft word - y2 summer term parents letter 2013
Dear Parents, Welcome back, to what is always a very busy term. We hope you enjoyed your Easter break and feel refreshed. We would like to inform you of some of the work that we will be covering. Our main theme this term is going to be Famous Explorers. The majority of our work is going to be based around this topic. Science P.S.H.E.C.
Gymnastics – Linking movements together
Famous explorers and why they are famous
Literacy This term we will be looking at poetry (tongue twisters and nonsense poems); narrative writing (stories by the same author); and explanation texts. We will also be working more on reading comprehension skills and handwriting. As we said in our previous letters, it’s really important that children are read to as well as reading themselves. Please ensure that they bring their school reading books into school every day, even if they haven’t read at home the previous evening. With the S.A.T.s looming, it is even more vital to discuss what the children have read and to question them about the content, characters, setting, illustrations etc. This can be done in both an oral and written way. Children often find it easier to answer questions orally, so written questions are a good way of challenging their understanding further. Numeracy As always, there are many aspects to our Maths work this term, so please try to complete the Maths home learning tasks as they usually link to the work we are doing in school. Sometimes this may be on the MyMaths website or in paper form. Children would also benefit from learning the 2, 5 and 10 times tables, so please encourage them to learn these – e.g. 1 times 5 equals 5. They need to have instant recall of these facts out of sequence. Number bonds to 20 are also fundamental to their Maths work e.g. 2+18=20, 14+6=20. As we explained in the S.A.T.s’ meeting, we will be working with the children on literacy and numeracy tasks intermittently DURING THE MONTH OF MAY and THE EARLY PART OF JUNE, so please ensure your children are at school during this important time.
P.E. Please ensure that your child has their P.E. kit in school every day, as we may have to change P.E. times according to the weather. But, 2Holly P.E. days remain the same (Thursday and Friday); 2Elm will now have P.E. on Monday and Wednesday. CAN WE PLEASE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY AGAIN TO REMIND YOU THAT ALL PARTS OF THE CHILDREN’S UNIFORM NEED TO BE LABELLED!
School Trip We have been looking into ideas for a visit in the second half of the term that links to our work in school. We will give you more information when details are finalised. Thank you for your continued support – please don’t hesitate to come and see us if you have any concerns at all. Miss Burnett
Steroid hormones concentration of the preovulatory ovarian follicles of the goose P. Paściak1, D. Wojtysiak2 1JSR Polska Ltd.,42-510 Wojkowice Kościelne 28, Poland Email [email protected] 2Department of Animal Anatomy, University of Agriculture, 30-059 Kraków, Poland Introduction Ovarian follicles are the most important steroids producing structures of the avian ovary. The ovary of a matu
SPLENECTOMY REGISTRY Intercontinental Cooperative ITP Study Group Please fill out this questionnaire and e-mail it to: Postfach CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland FAX: +41 61 704 12 41 History of ITP before splenectomy 1. 2. Diagnostic procedures and therapy before splenectomy 3. Bleeding signs at admission for splenectomy