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A. Personal details
Department of Animal Production, Epidemiology & Ecology Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Turin Via Leonardo da Vinci, 44 – 10095 Grugliasco (TO) Italy High school, Technical Institute for Chemistry “L. Casale”, Turin-Italy (1980-1985); Veterinary Medicine degree course, University of Turin (1985-1992); (dottorato di ricerca) course in “Epidemiology and control of zoonosis”, University of Bologna, (1994-1997) Degrees and Professional Qualifications: High School Diploma in Chemistry: July 1985 (60/60) D.V.M. degree: July 1992 (110 lode/110 University of Turin); Registered Veterinary Surgeon: November 1992; PhD degree: degree course in “Epidemiology and control of zoonosis” June 1998 (Ministry of University & Technologic Research, Rome, Italy); DipEVPC: de facto member of the European Veterinary Parasitology College September 2003; DipECVPH: de facto member of the European College of Veterinary Public Health July 2005; Post-graduate (refresher/advanced) certificate courses, among which: • “Diseases of Swine” (October-December 1994) IZS/Bs, • “Bees diseases” Veterinary Aspects of Bees & Honey Production”, INA Bologna (Italy) October 2003
B. Professional Activities
1. University of Turin, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Professor of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases at the Department of Animal Production, Epidemiology & Ecology, div. Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases, University of Turin. Since 1999 he is/has been titular of more than 670.000 € of research grants from public and private institutions for studies related to the diagnosis, epidemiology and pathogenesis of parasite of public health interest and on wildlife diseases. He is/has been tutor of more than 30 theses for the Degree in Veterinary Medicine. He as been called to do seminars on parasitic diseases and wildlife diseases of public health interest at more than 60 courses for practitioners. Research scientist at the Department of Animal Production, Epidemiology & Ecology, div. Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases. He has been lecturer in “Preventive Medicine & Veterinary Public Health”, “Parasitology”, “Parasitic Diseases”, “Epidemiology” and “Animal Health Management”. 2. University of Udine (Italy)
Academic years 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08 Lecturer at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Udine (I) for the course "Diseases of wild animals and their management" at the 3rd year Degree Course in Animal Production.
3. University of Padua (Italy)

Academic years 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999-00 Lecturer at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Padua (I) for the course "Diseases of wild animals and their management" at the 5th year Degree Course in Veterinary Medicine.
4. Department of Animal Production, Epidemiology & Ecology (DPAEE), University of Turin

He won a grants from the University of Turin for a research on "Diseases' transmission between domestic and wild animals". The study was focused on gastrointestinal nematodes of ruminants and canids (Echinococcus granulosus). 5. University of Bologna
He attended a post graduate research course (PhD) on “Epidemiology and control of Zoonosis” at the Department of Animal Production, Epidemiology and Ecology. The arguments of his researches were tuberculosis and brucellosis in free-ranging wild animals.
6. External examinerships

University of Zaragoza, (Spain) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine member of a PhD thesis (J.Millan) evaluation Committee (2004).
7. Others
Referee for the “Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene” Referee for the “Journal of Wildlife Diseases” Referee for “Emerging Infectious Diseases”

C. Scientific Organisations

1. Italian Society of Parasitology (SO.I.P.A.): (1999-present); member of the board 2. Italian Society of Wildlife Eco-pathology (S.I.E.F.): (1998-present); President 3. European Wildlife Disease Association (E.W.D.A.): (2000-present); member of the board 4. Groupe d’étude sur l’eco-pathologie de la faune sauvage de montagne (G.E.E.F.S.M., Lyon-France): (1991-present) ; associated member 5. International Union for Conservation of Nature (I.U.C.N.) - Member of the Veterinary
Specialist Group (V.S.G.): (2001-present); Italian representative member.

D. Honours

Professional honours

University of Turin, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Turin, Italy.
member of the executive board of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. member of the Proposing Committee of the Department of Animal Production, Epidemiology and Ecology member of the Faculty board (researchers’ representative). delegate of the Dean for Disabled people. member of the Teaching Board, PhD course in “Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production”. i. delegate of the Dean for the Management of Didactic laboratories; ii. member of the Faculty Teaching Board (degree courses in Veterinary Medicine, Animal Production & Wildlife management, Biotechnology ); iii. member of the Veterinary & Agronomy Inter-Faculties Teaching Board (degree course in Animal Production Sciences); i. delegate of the Dean for the divulgation activities of the Faculty. ii. member of the Veterinary & Medical Inter-Faculties Teaching Board (degree course in Biotechnology applied to human and animal health); delegate of the Dean for the Job Placement activities; President of the second level degree course “Biotecnology Applied to Human and Animal Health” Faculties of Human Medicine and Veterinary Medicine; of the second level degree course “Zootecnic and Sciences” Faculties of Veterinary Medicine and Agronomics. Vice-Dean for Orientation, Tutoring and Jop-Placement of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
University of Turin, School of Biotecnology, Turin, Italy
member of the executive board of the School of Biotechnology of the University of Turin.
Department of Animal Production, Epidemiology & Ecology (DPAEE), University of Turin

Member of the Scientific/Organising Committee of the following National/International
22nd National Congress S.O.I.PA. (Italian Society for Parasitology), 11th-14th June 2002, Grugliasco-Torino (Italy). VII Congress of the European Wildlife Diseases Association 27th-30th September 2006, S.Vincent (AO) (Italy). Public Service 2002- present: Referee for the Italian Ministry of Health - courses’ evaluation- for the “Permanent Formation in Medicine” National Program, Italy 2005-present: Referee for the Agencia Nacional de Evaluacion y Prospectiva, Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia, Spain 2008 –present: Referee for the “Ministerio De Ciencia e Innovacion, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientifica” –CSIC-Spain Papers on I.S.I. Journals
1. Ferroglio E., Tolari F., Bollo E., Bassano B. (1998). First isolation of Brucella melitensis.
from Alpine Ibex. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 34: 400-402. 2. Ferroglio E., Rossi L., Gennero S. (2000). Lung-tissue extract as an alternative to serum for
surveillance for brucellosis in chamois. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 43: 117-122. 3. Bollo E., Ferroglio E., Dini V., Mignone W., Biolatti B., Rossi L. ( 2000). Detection of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and M. avium complex in lymph nodes of wild boar (Sus scrofa) by a target amplified test system. Journal of Veterinary Medicine B 47: 337-342. 4. Ferroglio E., Nebbia P., Robino P., Rossi L., Rosati S. (2000). Mycobacterium
paratuberculosis infection in two free-ranging Alpine ibex. Scientific and Technical Review of the OIE 19 (3): 859-862. 5. Nebbia P., Robino P., Ferroglio E., Rossi L., Meneguz G., Rosati S. (2000).
Paratuberculosis in red deer (Cervus elaphus hippelaphus) in the Western Alps. Veterinary Research Communication 24: 435-443 6. Rossi L., Ferroglio E. (2001). Camelostrongylus mentulatus in a roe deer from the Italian
Western Alps: a new host record. Veterinary Record 149: 335. 7. Ferroglio E., Rossi L. (2001). Prevalence of Neospora caninum antibodies in wild
ruminants from the Italian Alps. Veterinary Record 148: 754-755. 8. Ferroglio E., Bassano B., Trisciuoglio A., Rossi L. (2001). Antibodies to Neospora
caninum in Alpine ibex from the Italian Alps. Zeitschrift fur Jagdwissenschaft 47: 226-228. 9. Millan J, Ferroglio E., (2001). Helminth Parasites in Stone Marten (Martes foina) from
Italy. Zeitschrift fur Jagdwissenschaft 47: 229-231. 10. Rossi L., Ferroglio E., Agostini A. (2002). Use of Moxidectin tablets in the control of
canine subcutaneous dirofilariosis. Veterinary Record 150: 383. 11. DeMeneghi D., Ferroglio E., Bollo E., Leon Vizcaino L., Moresco A., Rossi L. (2002).
Dermatophilosis of Alpine Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) in Italy. Schweiz. Arch. Tierh. 144: 131-136. 12. Perez J.M., Granaods J.E., Perez M.C., Jarquez F.J., Ferroglio E., Rossi L. (2003). A
survey of the Gastrointestinal Nematodes of Spanish Ibex (Capra pyrenaica) in a High Mountain Habitat. Journal of Parasitology 89: 315-318. 13. Ferroglio E., Trisciuoglio A. (2003). Antibodies to Neospora caninum in European Brown
Hares. Veterinary Parasitology 115: 75-78 14. Favia G., Cancrini G., Ferroglio E., Casiraghi M., Ricci I., Rossi L. (2003) Molecular assay
for the identification of Setaria tundra. Veterinary Parasitology 116: 139-145 15. Ferroglio E., Rossi L., Trisciuoglio A. (2003). Cordylobia anthropophaga in a dog returned
from a travel in a tropical country. Veterinary Record 153: 330-331. 16. Otranto D., Ferroglio E., Lia R.P., Traversa D., Rossi L. (2003). Current status and
epidemiological observation of Thelazia callipaeda (Spirurida, Thelaziidae) in dogs, cats and foxes in Italy: a “coincidence” or a parasitic disease of the Old Continent? Veterinary Parasitology 116: 315-325 17. Ferroglio E., Wamba E., Rossi L., Trisciuoglio A. De Meneghi D. (2003). Antibodies to
Neospora caninum in wild mammals from Kenya, East Africa. Veterinary Parasitology 118: 43-49 18. Lanfranchi P., Ferroglio E., Poglayen G., Guberti V. (2003) Wildlife veterinarian,
conservation and public health. Veterinary Research Communication 27 (1) 567-574. 19. Rossi L., Ferroglio E., Agostini A. (2004). Use of an injectable sustained-release
moxidectin formulation to prevent canine subcutaneous dirofilariosis. Veterinary Record 154: 26-27 20. Boarino A, Scalone A, Gradoni L, Ferroglio E, Vitale F, Zanatta R, Giuffrida MG, Rosati
(2005) Development of Recombinant Chimeric Antigen Expressing Immunodominant B Epitopes of Leishmania infantum for Serodiagnosis of Visceral Leishmaniasis. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol. 12:647-53. 21. Ferroglio E, Guiso P, Pasino M, Accossato A, Trisciuoglio A. (2005) Antibodies to
Neospora caninum in stray cats from north Italy Veterinary Parasitology 131: 31-34 22. Gallo M.G., Lanfranchi P., Poglayen G., Calderola S., Menzano A., Ferroglio E., Peano A.
(2005) A seasonal four year investigation in the role of the alpine marmot as a carrier of zoophilic dermatophytes. Medical Mycology 43: 373-379. 23. Ferroglio E., Maroli M., Gastaldo S., Mignone M., Rossi L. (2005) Canine leishmaniosis in
Italy. Emerging Infectious Diseases 11: 1618-1620. 24. D’Angelo A., Capucchio M.T., Ferroglio E., Jaggy A. (2005) Astrocytoma in a Chamois.
25. Ferroglio E., Pregel P., Accossato A., Taricco I., Bollo E., Rossi L., Trisciuoglio A.,
(2006). Equine Culicoides hypersensitivity:evaluation of a skin test and of humoral response. Journal of Veterinary Medicine A 53: 30-33. 26. Ferroglio E., Romano, A., Trisciuoglio, A., Poggi, M., Ghiggi, E., Sacchi, P., Biglino, A.
(2006) Characterization of Leishmania infantum strains in blood samples from infected dogs and humans by a PCR-RFLP. Transaction of the Royal Society of the Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 100: 636-641. 27. Sacchi L, Calvi, L.E., Kramer L.H., Ferroglio E., Grandi G., Clementi E., Corona S. (2006)
The intradermal leishmanin reaction induces antigen specific maturation of canine dendritic cells with up-regulation of MHCII synthesis and expression. Journal of Comparative Pathology. 135:17-24. 28. Ferroglio E., Vitale F. (2006) Diagnosis of leishmaniosis: between old doubts and new
uncertainties. Veterinary Research Communication 30: (1) 35-38. 29. Ferroglio E., Centaro E., Mignone W., Trisciuoglio A. (2007) Evaluation of an ELISA
rapid device for the serological diagnosis of Leishmania infantum infection in dog as compared with immunofluorescence assay and Western blot. Veterinary Parasitology 144:162-166. 30. Ferroglio E., Pasino M., Ronco F., Benà A., Trisciuoglio A. (2007) Seroprevalence of
antibodies to Neospora caninum in urban and rural dogs in north-west Italy. Zoonoses and Public Health. 54: 135-139. 31. Ferroglio E., Gennero M.S., Pasino M., Bergagna S., Dondo A., Grattarola C., Rondoletti
M., Bassano B. (2007) Cohabitation of a Brucella melitensis infected Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) with domestic small ruminants in an enclosure in Gran Paradiso National Park, in western Italian Alps. European Journal of Wildlife Research. 53: 168-160. 32. Rossi L., Rigano C., Tomio E., Frassetto D., Ferroglio E. (2007) Preventative use of
sustained-release moxidectin against eyeworm infection (Thelazia callipaeda) in dogs. Veterinary Record 161: 820-821 33. Aresu L., Valenza F., Ferroglio E., Pregel P., Uslenghi F., Tarducci A., Zanatta R. (2007)
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis type III in a simultaneous infection of Leishmania infantum and Dirofilaria immitis in a dog. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 19: 569-572. 34. Gortazar C., Ferroglio E., Hofle U., Froelich K., Vicente J. (2007) Diseases shared between
wildlife and livestock: a European perspective. European Journal of Wildlife Research 53: 241-256 35. Ferroglio E., Pasino M., Romano A., Grande D., Pregel P., Trisciuoglio A. (2007) Evidence
of Neospora caninum DNA in wild rodents. Veterinary Parasitology 148: 346–349. 36. Gazzola A., Ferroglio E., Avanzinelli E., Rosso M., Kurshinski F., Apollonio M. (2007)
The physical condition of roe and red deer killed by wolves in a region of the western Alps, Italy. Folia Zoologica 56: 1-6 37. Bianucci R., Rahalison L., Ferroglio E., Rabino Massa E., Signoli M. (2007). Détection de
l’antigène F1 de la peste à l’aide d’un Test de Diagnostic Rapide. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Biologies 330: 747–754. 38. Robino P., Nebbia P., Tramuta C., Martinet M., Ferroglio E., DeMeneghi D. (2008)
Identification of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in wild cervids (Cervus elaphus hippelaphus and Capreolus capreolus) from North-Western Italy. European Journal of Wildlife Research 54: 357-360. 39. Maroli, M., Rossi L., Baldelli R., Capelli G., Ferroglio E., Genchi C., Gramiccia M.,
Mortarino M., Pietrobelli M., Gradoni L. (2008) The northward spread of leishmaniasis in Italy: evidence from retrospective and ongoing studies on the canine reservoir and phlebotomine vectors. Tropical Medicine & International Health. 13: 256-264 40. Ferroglio E., Poggi M., Trisciuoglio A. (2008) Evaluation of 65% Permethrin spot-on and
Deltamethrin-impregnated collars for canine Leishmania infantum infection prevention. Zoonoses and Public Health 55: 145-148.
41. Marco I., Ferroglio E., López-Olvera J.R., Montané J., Lavín S. (2008) High seroprevalence
of Neospora caninum in the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in the Pyrenees (NE Spain). Veterinary Parasitology 152: 321-324 42. Daprà F., Scalone A., Mignone W., Ferroglio E., Mannelli A., Biglino A, Zanatta R.,
Gradoni L, Rosati S. 2008 Validation of a recombinant based antibody ELISA for diagnosis of human and canine leishmaniasis. Journal of Immunoassay & Immunochemistry 29: 244-256. 43. Ferroglio E., Rossi L., Tomio E., Schenker R., Bianciardi P. (2008) Therapeutic and
prophylactic efficacy of milbemycin oxime (Interceptor) against Thelazia callipaeda in naturally exposed dogs. Veterinary Parasitology 154: 351-353. 44. Bianucci R, Rahalison L, Massa ER, Peluso A, Ferroglio E, Signoli M. 2008 Technical
note: A rapid diagnostic test detects plague in ancient human remains: An example of the interaction between archeological and biological approaches (southeastern France, 16th-18th centuries). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 136: 361-367. 45. Sobrino R, Ferroglio E, Oleaga A, Romano A, Millan J, Revilla M, Arnal MC, Trisciuoglio
A, Gortázar C 2008 Characterization of Widespread Canine Leishmaniasis among Wild Carnivores from Spain. Veterinary Parasitology 155: 198-203. 46. Romano, A, Trisciuoglio A, Grande D, Ferroglio E 2009 Comparison of two PCR protocols
for the detection of Neospora caninum DNA in rodents. Veterinary Parasitology 159: 159-161. 47. Bianucci R, Rahalison L, Peluso A, Massa ER, Ferroglio E, Signoli M., Langlois JY,
Gallien V. 2009 Plague immunodetection in remains of religious exhumed from burial sites in Central France. Journal of Archeological Science 36: 616-621. 48. Bergagna S, Zoppi S, Ferroglio E, Gobetto M, Dondo A, Di Giannatale E, Gennero MS,
Grattarola C. (2009). Epidemiological survey of swine brucellosis due to Brucella suis biovar 2 in a wild boars (Sus scrofa) population in North West Italy. Journal of Wildlife Diseases (in press) Papers on not-I.S.I. Jounals
49. Rossi L, Eckel B., Ferroglio E. (1997). A survey of the gastro-intestinal nematodes of roe
deer (Capreolus capreolus) in a mountain habitat. Parassitologia 39: 303-312. 50. Ferroglio E., Rossi L., e Balbo T. (1998). Elmintiasi dei ruminanti selvatici -Aspetti sanitari
e loro implicazioni gestionali dell’arco alpino Obiettivi e Documenti Veterinari 3: 51-56 51. Grattarola C., Ferroglio E., Rossi L. (1998) Indagini preliminari su episodi di polmonite nei
camosci. Bulletin d'Information sur la Pathologie des Animaux Sauvages en France19:71-79. 52. Rossi L., Rambozzi L., Ferroglio E. (1998). Diagnosi e monitoraggio della rogna sarcoptica
53. Maroli M., Khoury C., Bianchi R., Ferroglio E., Natale A. (2002). Recent findings of
Phlebotomus neglectus Tonnoir, 1921 in Italy and its western limit of distribution. Parassitologia 44(1-2): 103-109. 54. Ferroglio E., Maroli M., Mignone W., Gastaldo S., Raimondo C., Trisciuoglio A., Rossi L.
(2002) Endemic canine leishmaniasis foci in North-West Italy. Environment, Risques & Santé 1: 47-49. 55. Bollo E., Ferroglio E. (2002). La tubercolosi negli animali selvatici. Obiettivi & Documenti
56. Ferroglio E., Gennero S., Rossi L., Tolari F. (2003). Epidemiologia della brucellosi nel
Camoscio alpino. Journal of Mountain Ecology 7: 229-232 57. Ferroglio E., Acutis P.L., Masoero L., Gennero S., Rossi L. (2003). Indagine sierologica su
una popolazione di cinghiali nelle Alpi occidentali. Journal of Mountain Ecology 7: 225-228 58. Dini V., Ferroglio E., Serraino S., Mignone W., Sanguinetti V., Bollo E., Rossi L. (2003).
Epidemiologia delle micobatteriosi nel Cinghiale in Liguria. Journal of Mountain Ecology 7: 145-154 59. Tavan N., Ferroglio E., Cicerale M., Rossi L.(2003). Indagine sull’elmintofauna gastro-
intestinale del Capriolo (Capreolus capreolus) dell’Appennino Savonese. Journal of Mountain Ecology 7: 275-278 60. Nebbia P., Robino P., Rosati S., Ferroglio E., Rossi L., Meneguz P.G. (2003). Studi sulla
presenza della paratubercolosi in cervi del Parco naturale Gran Bosco di Salbertrand. Journal of Mountain Ecology 7: 257-260 61. Capelli G., Balzelli R., Ferroglio E., Genchi C., Gradoni L., Gramoccia M., Maroli M.,
Mortasino M., Pietrobelli M., Rossi L., Ruggiero M. (2004). Monitoraggio della lesihmaniosi canina in nord Italia: aggiornamenti da un network scientifico. Parassitologia 46: 193-197. 62. Ferroglio E., Trisciuoglio A. (2004) Neosporosis in wild life. Parassitologia. 46 269.
63. Ferroglio E., Romano A., Passera S., D’Angelo A., Guiso P., Ghiggi E., Bolla C.,
Trisciuoglio A., Biglino A. (2006) Dog’s parasite and zoonotic risk: from old to new “emergencies” in the North-West of Italy. Parassitologia 48:115-116. Gennero MS., Bergagna S., Pasino M., Barbaro A., Romano A., Trisciuoglio A., Ferroglio E. (2007) Neospora caninum serological survey in cattle from Piedmont Region
(North West of Italy). Epidemiologie et Santé animale. 51:65-68.
Gennero MS., Bergagna S., Pasino M., Romano A., Grande D, Trisciuoglio A., FerroglioE. (2008) Detection of Neospora caninum DNA by PCR analysis in bovine aborted
foetuses Epidemiologie et Santé animale. 53:1-6.
Chapters of Books
1. Swinton J., Woolhouse M.E.J., Begon M.E., Dobson A.P., Ferroglio E., Grenfell B.T. ,
Guberti V. , Hails R.S., Heesterbeek J.A.P., Lavazza A. , Roberts M.G., White P.J., Wilson K. (2002). Cap. 5. Microparasite transmission and persistence. In: The ecology of wildlife diseases. Hudson P., Rizzoli A., Grenfell B., Heesterbeek H., Dobson A. Editors. Oxford University Press E. : 83-102. 2. Ferroglio E. (2003). Wildlife veterinarian: a necessary contribution to wildlife
conservation?. In: In Memoriam al Prof. Isidoro Ruiz Martinez. Editor Perez J. M. 507-514 Universidad de Jaen (Spain). 3. Dondo A., Ferroglio E., Goria M., Moda G., Ruocco L., Vignetta P (2006). Economic
significance of bovine Tuberculosis in Italy and impact of M.bovis infection in wild boars. . In: Mycobacterium bovis infection in animals and humans, second Edition By Thoen C.O., Steele, J.H., Gilsdorf, M.J. Blackwell Publishing 117-123. 4. Artois M., Bengis R., Delahay R., Duchêne MJ, Duff P., Ferroglio E., Gortazar
C.,Hutchings M.R., Kock R.A., Leighton T., Mörner T., Smith G.C. 2008 Wildlife Disease surveillance and monitoring. In Management of Diseases in Wild Mammals Delahay RJ, Smith GC, Hutchings MR Eds, Springer E. 187-214.



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