
Effect of Apitherapy on Multiple Sclerosis Effect of Apitherapy on Multiple
Case Report from Taiwan Kaohsiung Apitherapy Association
L.H. Huang*, S.W. Ip, M.D., Ph.D.**
*Kaohsiung Apitherapy Association, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
[email protected]
**Graduate School of Nutrition, China Medical College, Taichung City, Taiwan
[email protected]
Key words
multiple sclerosis, bee venom therapy
A 25-year-old female Chinese was suffering from facial sensory abnormalities and weakness of limbs since 1991. Blurred vision occurred in 1993 to the right eye and in 1994 to the left eye. Cerebrospinal fluid examination in 1996 disclosed mild lymphocytosis and increased protein concentration. Furthermore, elevated IgG was found in cerebrospinal fluid. Multiple sclerosis was diagnosed in 1996. Patient was under five years treatment with corticosteroids since 1996 without obvious improvement. Therefore, in June 2001, she started bee venom therapy and oral Taiwanese propolis tincture (Bee's BioTech., Taiwan) and drone pupa (Bee's BioTech., Taiwan) daily. Sensory abnormalities, blurred vision and tremor of limbs were greatly improved after seven months treatment of bee venom therapy with oral medication of propolis and Drone pupa. Correspondence to: Siuwan Ip,M.D.,PH.D.,MSIS,, Director, Graduate School of Nutrition, China Medical College, Taichung City, Taiwan, & Director of Scientific Program, Taiwan Apitherapy Association, E-mail: [email protected] mhtml:file://F:\Etude apiculture et site apismellifera.info\documents apiculture\Effect. 30/10/2010 Effect of Apitherapy on Multiple Sclerosis Introduction
Apitherapy had been well documented in Traditional Chinese Medicine for treating Systemic Immune Diseases, Allergic Diseases, Viral Diseases and Organic-Specific Inflammatory Diseases since more than one thousand years (Yu, S.C. 1999). Through the rapid development of Information Technology (IT) and clinical immunology, medical scientist discovered that all living creatures have their own ways to protect their new generation. Human mother delivers her antibody to infant through placenta and human milk feeding. Bovine colostrums and milk also contains antibodies to protect the calf from bacterial and viral infections (Korhonen, H. 1995;.Chan,E.L. 1995). The yolk of Leghorn's egg contains Immunoglobulin-Y to protect the chick's embryo from viral infection. Bee's royal jelly and honey contains immunoglobulin to protect bee's larva form bacterial and viral infections. Hymenoptera (Apis mellifera) venom contains venom specific immunoglobins and cytokines provide effective immunothrapy for viral and bacterial infections. Apitherapy in Taiwan is a new branch of medical science to combine the clinical trail experience in Traditional Chinese Medicine with the knowledge of clinical immunology and Biotechnology to apply in modern medicine. This report presents a 25-year-old female Chinese with the diagnosis of Multiple Scerosis. She was suffering from facial sensory abnormalities and weakness of limbs since 1991. Blurred vision occurred in 1993 to the right eye and in 1994 to the left eye Cerebrospinal fluid examination in 1996 disclosed mild lymphocytosis and increased protein concentration. Furthermore, elevated IgG was found in cerebrospinal fluid. MRI of the brain demonstrated the presence of a multiplicity of lesions. Focal areas of demyelination with reactive gliosis are found scattered in the white matter of the brain and spinal cord. The clinical diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis was made in 1996. After 5 years of corticosteroid therapy without obvious improvement, she stared Apitherapy since June 2001. Materials and Method
I. Apitherapy
A. Hymenoptera Venom Immunotherapy (HVIT) Honeybee (A.Mellifera) was used in the treatment. Allergy History: A personal and family history of Hymenoptera venom, asthma, rhinitis, eczema, or food allergy, or adverse reactions to drugs should be established in al cases. Patient should be allowed to give their own accounts of all allergy history followed by structured prompts or questions to cover the essential points. Skin Prick Test (SPT): In negative Hymenoptera venom allergic patient, Skin Prick Test will be performed before course of formal HVIT treatment. After aseptic cleaning of the skin of the forearm, one honeybee sting (b.u.) was tested in the forearm skin. Local dermal reactions and systemic allergic reactions to the Hymenoptera sting will be observed after 20 minutes to determine the cutoff point for separating patients with clinical symptoms on exposure to relevant allergen rather than subclinical sensitization alone. mhtml:file://F:\Etude apiculture et site apismellifera.info\documents apiculture\Effect . 30/10/2010 Effect of Apitherapy on Multiple Sclerosis Phase I: (Starting phase)

Patient received HVIT, starting with 1.b.u.,administrated subcuntanously every
two days. The dose of HYIT increased to 12.b.u. in 8 weeks after no local dermal
or systemic allergic reactions were found.
Phase II: (Maintaining phase)

Patient received 12 b.u. every two days to maintain the therapeutic dose.
B. Taiwanese oral propolis tincture ( Bee's BioTech, Taiwan), 800mg, twice daily. C. Taiwanese Drone pupa (Bee's BioTech, Taiwan), 800mg,twice daily. II. Nutritional Support
Adequate nutrition is essential for health and for treatment of diseases. While poor nutrition status induce immune dysfunction, macrophage microbicidal function with decreased phagocytosis and impaired respiratory burst activity (superoxide anion generation). The cause of this appears to be depletion of critical membrane phospholipids, resulting in altered prostaglandin levels, nitric oxide production, signal transduction, and cytokine (interleukin-1,interleukin-6) production.(Rombeau,J.L.,2000 ). Strict nutritional support with adequate essential nutrients supply will be monitored during the whole course of Apithrapy. The nutritional supplements recommended during the course of HVIT treatment: A. Hyperimmune Milk power (Stolle Corp., Ohio, USA), 1 package,twice a day B. Centrum (Lederle Corp., USA),1 tablet daily. C. Korean Taekuk Ginseng Power (Uper Corp., Korea) 500mg,twice a day. Sensory abnormalities, blurred vision and tremor of limbs were greatly improved after seven months of Apitherapy. Repeat MRI of the brain seven months later disclosed the number and size of previous lesions were greatly decreased. Patient had great neurological and physical improvement after seven months of apitherapy treatment. And she gained her normal daily physical activities again. Discussion
Multiple sclerosis(MS), a common neurologic disorder, which probably has an autoimmune basis. The HVIT venom specific immunoglobins may regulate the human immune system to improve the autoimmune disorders. The continuing Apitherapy with adequate nutritional support may prevent the relapse or secondary progressive diseases result from multiple sclerosis. The history of apitherapy in China has more than 2000 years. Because of the huge population in China, we have large amount of clinical trails record in apitherapy with all kinds of diseases for more than 2000 years. Through the rapid development of the database files in information technology, we mhtml:file://F:\Etude apiculture et site apismellifera.info\documents apiculture\Effect . 30/10/2010 Effect of Apitherapy on Multiple Sclerosis find that this clinical record give us a great advantages in the research of the apitherapy. At the present time, apitherapy is using as a kind of immunotherapy in Taiwan. We have more than 200 outpatients daily treated with all kinds of diseases in our Apitherapy clinics. Furthermore, through the rapid development of the research of Biotechnology and Immunotherapy, we believe apitherapy will pay an important role in modern medicine in future. And we wish to share our Apitherapy experience with all the medical researchers in all other countries. References
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Source: http://www.apismellifera.info/archives_articles/reserve/162_APITHERAPIE%201.pdf


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