1. What is a change in the number of entire chromosome sets called? a. Aneuploidyb. Euploidyc. Monosomyd. Trisomye. Deficiency 2. What is an individual with only one set (n) of chromosomes called? a. Triploidb. Monosomicc. Trisomicd. Haploide. Polyploid 3. Bread wheat is an allohexaploid. What is its most likely origin? a. Tripling the original diploid number by use of colchicineb. Crossing with other hexaploid speciesc. Hybridization of 3 diploid species accompanied by chromosome doubling of each d. By inducing mutations with x-rays or chemical mutagens a. A reduction in the number of chromosome setsb. Loss or addition of a chromosomec. An increase in the number of chromosome setsd. An increase in chromosome sets when two species are crossed 5. Choose an example of a human monosomic.
a. Turner syndromeb. Klinefelter syndromec. Down syndromed. Translocation Down’s syndrome 6. What is the karyotype of a female individual exhibiting Down syndrome? a. 44 autosomes, + XXb. 43 autosomes, + XXc. 45 autosomes, + XX d. 46 autosomes, + XXe. 44 autosomes, + XY 7. In a certain stock of Drosophila, some individuals exhibited normal red eyes while others showed eyes with red and white patches (variegated). On cytologicalexamination of the flies with variegated eyes, it was found that the chromosomesegment carrying the eye color gene was attached near a heterochromatic region onanother chromosome through translocation. What genetic phenomenon wasproducing this mutant phenotype? a. Pseudodominanceb. Position effectc. Genetic non-disjunctiond. Pleiotrophy 8. One chromosome of an individual has the genes ABCDEF and the homologous chromosome has the genes AEDCBF. What is this condition called? a. Deletion heterozygoteb. Duplication homozygotec. Deletion homozygoted. Inversion heterozygote 9. What is the difference between autopolyploidy and allopolyploidy? a. Two species are involved in autopolyploidy and only one species in b. Only one species is involved in both; the method of inducing polyploidy differs.
c. Two species are involved in allopolyploidy and only one species in d. Two species are involved with both; colchicine is used with autopolyploidy and naturally occurring polyploidy is found with allopolyploidy.
10. A diploid individual has genes ABCFED in a chromosome and the homologous chromosome has genes ABCFED. The normal order of the genes is ABCDEF. Whatis this condition called? a. Duplication homozygoteb. Inversion heterozygotec. Deficiency heterozygoted. Translocation homozygotee. Inversion homozygote 11. There is a reciprocal translocation homozygote. What occurs during synapsis? b. A cross-shaped configuration formsc. The chromosomes do not paird. A deficiency loop formse. A duplication loop appears 12. The European raspberry (Rubus idaeus) has 14 chromosomes. The dewberry (Rubus caesius) is a tetraploid with 28 chromosomes. Hybrids between these two species aresterile F individuals. Some unreduced (homologous chromosomes do not separate at Anaphase I of meiosis) gametes of the F are functional in backcrosses. Determine the chromosome number for individuals derived from the F backcrossed to R. idaeus.
13. Eight regions of a diptera (fly) chromosome are easily recognized cytologically and are labeled A through H. Four different races within this species have thechromosomal orders listed as: (1) ABCDEFGH, (2) ADCBEFGH, (3) ABCHGFED,(4) AHGFEBCD. What process appears to be involved in the evolution of thisgenus? a. Duplicationb. Mutationc. Inversiond. Translocation 14. A dominant allele W produces yellow flowers in a certain plant species and the recessive allele w produces white flowers. Plants trisomic for the chromosomebearing the color gene will produce N and N + 1 functional female gametes where N= the number of chromosomes. What is the phenotypic ratio expected from thefollowing cross? a. 3 yellow: 1 whiteb. 5 yellow: 1 whitec. 11 yellow: 1 whited. 15 yellow: 1 white 15. Which of the following is an example of a deletion? a. Seedless watermelonb. Down’s syndrome in humansc. Bread wheat


Retos. Nuevas tendencias en Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación © Copyright: 2012 Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF) ISSN: Edición impresa: 1579-1726. Edición Web: 1988-2041 ( Las competencias profesionales en Educación Física The professional skills in Physical Education Clara Isabel Pazo Haro y Jesús Tejada Mora

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NOTA DE PRENSA 02/11/2012 Inauguración oficial de los talleres formativos del Proyecto “MURALLA DIGITAL”. El Alcalde de Lugo, José López Orozco, y la Concejala de Economía, Emprendimiento y Autónomos, Sonia Méndez, participaron en el acto de bienvenida a los 32 seleccionados para participar en los Talleres formativos “Muralla Digital”: Digitalización del P

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