A P u b l i c A t i o n o f t h e h e A l t h e d u c A t i o n d e P A r t m e n t NYC Bans Trans Fat
Just Exactly What
Public hearings were held at the New York City De- Is In Your Stash?
partment of Health and Mental Hygiene regarding the Over-the-Counter
proposed ban on trans fat use by restaurants. Mayor Abortion Pill
Michael Bloomberg and NYCDOHMH Commissioner
Thomas Frieden are proponents of the ban citing em- Got Milk vs.
pirical evidence that links trans fat to increased risk
Milk’s Gotta Go…
of cardiovascular disease. Heart disease is currently Health & Wellness
the number one killer of Americans, claiming an esti- Club News
Hydrogenated fats provide more texture than liquid fats do to baked products, such as pie-crusts and cookies. This is the reason restaurateurs have contin- New Birth-control Implant:
Is It Safe?
The FDA has approved Implanon which is a match- stick-size rod that steadily releases a small amount of progestin (synthetic progesterone) into the woman’s body. Physicians using a local anesthetic insert the rod just under the skin in the upper arm. It is designed to HEALTHNOTES is edited by
last for up to three years. Implanon replaces Norplant Professor Philip A. Belcastro, Ph.D.,
which consisted of six matchstick-size rods. Sales of Chair of the
Norplant were halted in 2000 due to concerns regard- Health Education Department
Borough of Manhattan
ing its effectiveness and side effects such as excessive Community College/CUNY
bleeding and headaches. Organon, the manufacturer 199 Chambers Street
of Implanon, reports that it is much safer and more New York City, New York 10007
effective than Norplant. However, several studies in 212-220-1453
countries using Implanon for years report serious side Contributing Editors
effects, relatively high discontinuation rates and dif- Dana Ethan
Gloria McNamara
While there are relatively few American studies of Kindly contact the Health Education
Implanon there are however several overseas studies. Department for comments or to
add your name to the recipient list.
Just Exactly What
Is In Your Stash?
the novel recipes of the dealer’s point of origin, coupled with the United States wholesale dealer’s recipe, to be followed by the local dealer are cut, often several times by the drug supplier. For example heroin 2 HEALTHNOTES
Implanon’s most common side effects tive user to see how well her body swings and an increased risk for blood then she can avoid the expense and cysts or enlarged ovarian follicles were and remove Implanon. months of use (Hidalgo et el., 2006).
rates in women overseas. In one study date for Implanon is necessary. This The reasons most cited by women for having Implanon removed were: Swiss Study Group. European Journal of Contraceptive Reproductive Health ed more than one of the preceding reasons.) Another study reports that contraceptive implants. Contracep- Professor Philip A. Belcastro, Ph.D. is the Chair of the Health Education HEALTHNOTES SPRING 2007
Trans Fat
Morning After Pill
they negatively affect one’s health.
terminate a pregnancy. Levonorg-estrel is a progestin which is the Juan Leal is Liberal Arts major at is an effective form of emergency contraception if Plan B is taken prior to ovulation, which is the point in a woman’s menstrual cycle when an egg is released from the ovary into the fallopian tube. If Plan B is taken after ovulation has occurred, the effect of the hormone will be to prevent the fertilized egg (embryo) from implanting in the uterus. Plan B is not effective if the fertilized egg (embryo) has implanted into the uterus. Thus the first dose is taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex, 4 HEALTHNOTES
followed by the second dose 12 hours period occurs. Menses may occur as later. Plan B should not be used if dom failure; birth control pills missed woman from consulting with a physi-for 2 or more days) or unprotected It is reportedly 98% to 99% effective of Plan B is a wise precaution and al-in preventing pregnancies. However Professor McNamara is a faculty mem- ber of the Health Education Department HEALTHNOTES SPRING 2007
Got Milk vs.
Milk’s Gotta Go…
organizations are currently studying the amount of calcium required for Milk is a common component in the bone health but it is too early to form ing nations. With valuable nutritional the FDA recommends a daily calcium content including calcium, milk has Calcium intake is a highly debated fats contribute to excess body fat and Health & Wellness who possesses a Bachelor of Sci-
Club News
promotes awareness of health-related Pilates technique, which focuses on issues, such as nutrition, fitness and 6 HEALTHNOTES
Your Stash
skim. Plant-based foods such as kale, collard greens and black-eyed peas with little fat and nearly undetectable mains an undisclosed fact especially lead not only to good bone health but good cardiovascular health as well.
Jenni Sheperd is a Liberal Arts Major & tutor in the Health Education De-partment at BMCC/CUNY. exercise sessions. Also club members Chambers St., NY, NY 10007 or call have attended workshops offered by tion faculty regarding sexuality, CPR, body composition and eating disor- Melonee Murray is the President of dent club and a Liberal Arts major. featuring a documentary about crystal Ms. Murray works for Equinox Fit-methamphetamine, a continuation of ness Centers as a licensed massage therapist and plans to pursue her education in a physician’s assistant HEALTHNOTES SPRING 2007


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