Committee rules of procedure



In the framework of the European Commission Decision of 20 May 1998 annexed to its
Communication entitled "Adapting and promoting the social dialogue at Community level" COM
(1998) 322, the Employers’ Platform of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions
(CEMR-EP) and the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) have requested the
establishment of a Social Dialogue Committee in the Local and Regional Government sector.
CEMR-EP and EPSU recognise each other at all levels as being representative of the interests of
employers and employees in the EU local and regional government sector in accordance with
Annex 1 of European Commission Communication COM(98) 322.
The Committee’s work programme, and the formulation and implementation of statements or
common positions agreed in the Committee shall take account of specific national contexts,
which differ in the way public services are organised and provided and in the way social dialogue
practices and procedures are determined.
In accordance with article 5§1 of the aforementioned Commission Decision which states that
“each Committee shall, together with the Commission, establish its own rules of procedure”, the
Internal Rules of Procedure for the Committee are set out below.
Clause 1- Objectives
The Committee's objectives are:
Deliver opinions to the Commission on initiatives with regard to social and employment policy and the development of European policy having consequences in these areas for the local and regional government sector. • Encourage and develop the social dialogue at European, national and local level in the local
Clause 2 –The Dialogue

In order to achieve these objectives, the Committee shall:

• Work in a spirit of co-operation and consensus.
Adopt in plenary a multi-annual work programme, based on themes identified and agreed Organise the implementation of the work programme in a flexible manner, establishing ad hoc working groups as necessary on specific subjects; Meet in plenary session at least once a year; Promote the discussion and/or implementation, for instance, of policies, statements and recommendations adopted by the Committee at national, regional and local levels; Regularly evaluate and update its work programme; Liaise closely with the Commission Secretariat and include Commission officials in its
Clause 3- Appointment of Chairperson
The Committee will agree a chairperson and a vice-chairperson. One will be appointed by
CEMR-EP; the other by EPSU. The role of chair and vice-chair will alternate between the two organisations at two-yearly intervals. 2. In the event that the individuals holding the role of chairperson or vice-chairperson become no longer engaged in the work of the sectoral social dialogue committee , a successor will be appointed by the employers’ or the employees’ side for the remainder of the term;
Clause 4 – Committee Steering Group
1. The Committee will establish a Steering Group whose function shall be to prepare and co-
ordinate the meetings of the Committee in liaison with the Commission's services. This Group shall be composed of members appointed by CEMR-EP and EPSU. The Steering Group will agree its detailed working methods. 2. The Steering Group will comprise of up to 6 representatives for each side. 3. The Commission services will provide the Secretariat for the Committee and for the Steering
4. The Steering Group will meet at least once a year.

Clause 5 – Composition of the Committee
1. The Committee will be composed up to a maximum 60 representatives from current and new
Member States, (30 each side). At least 10 representatives per side will be present when decisions are taken. 2. CEMR-EP and EPSU will co-ordinate respectively the employers’ and workers’ delegations and invite their representatives to the various meetings and activities of the Committee, Steering Group and Ad Hoc Working Groups taking into account the need for gender and geographical balance. 3. No remuneration shall be paid to Committee members in respect of functions exercised or as 4. Accommodation and travel expenses will be reimbursed in accordance with the Clause 6 - Secretariat

The Commission shall provide the Secretariat for the Committee, the Ad Hoc Working Groups
and the Steering Group.
The Secretariat shall inform CEMR-EP and EPSU of documents relating to the sector and
forward texts adopted by the Committee to external parties, including relevant Commission
Clause 7 - Confidentiality
Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 214 of the Treaty, if the Commission informs the
Committee that the opinion requested relates to a subject that is confidential, members undertake
not to disclose information they may receive through their work in the Committee, working
groups or in the Steering Group.
Clause 8 – Commencement of Rules of Procedure
These Internal Rules of Procedure will enter into force on adoption by the Committee.
Clause 9 - – Review and Amendment of Rules of Procedure

CEMR-EP and EPSU may review these internal rules of procedure at the request of one of the
parties mentioned in the preamble. Any changes will be taken by consensus.


CURRICULUM VITAE Sriram Dasu Associate Professor Data Sciences and Operations Marshall School of Business University of Southern California Los Angeles CA 90089 I. EDUCATION 1980 B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. 1982 MBA (Operations Management) Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta II. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS 1. S. Dasu, R. Ahmadi, and S.M.

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