
Patient Instructions
You will be instructed to refrain from taking certain medications for 48 hours prior to your testdate. Certain medications can influence the body's response to the test, thus giving a false ormisleading result. You will find a short list below, however if you have any questions orconcerns about discontinuing your medications please consult your doctor.
Alcohol: beer, wine, cough medicine. Analgesics - Narcotics: Codeine, Demerol, Phenaphen,
Tylenol with codeine, Percocet, Darvocet. Anti-histamines: Chlor-trimeton, Dimetapp,
Disophrol, Benadryl, Actifed, Teldrin, Triaminic, Hismanol, Claritin . any over-the-counter cold
remedies. Anti-seizure medicine: Dilantin, Tegretol, Phenobarbital. Anti-vertigo medicine:
Anti-vert, Ru-vert, Meclizine. Anti-nausea medicine: Atarax, Dramamine, Compazine,
Antivert, Bucladin, Phenergan, Thorazine, Scopalomine, Transdermal. Sedatives: Halcion,
Restoril, Nembutal, Seconal, Dalmane, or any sleeping pill. Tranquilizers: Valium, Librium,
Atarax, Vistaril, Serax, Ativan, Librax, Tranxene, Xanex.
***You may take blood pressure medications, heart medications, thyroid medication, Tylenol,
insulin, estrogen, etc. Always consult with your physician before discontinuing any prescribed Please eat lightly for 12 hours prior to your appointment. If your appointment is in the morningyou may have a light breakfast such as toast and juice. If your appointment is in the afternooneat a light breakfast and have a light snack for lunch. Please avoid caffeine in beverages such ascoffee or soft drinks. Testing may cause a sensation of motion that may linger. If possible we encourage you to havesomeone accompany you to and from the appointment, however, if this is not possible try to planyour day to include an extra 15 to 30 minutes after your test before leaving the office.
Your Time at the Institute
A comprehensive battery of tests will be performed during the two hour appointment allocatedfor you. Prior to each test an explanation will be given so that you will have a betterunderstanding of what is being tested and why. We make every attempt to make your visitcomfortable as well as educational.
Once your evaluation is completed each part is carefully evaluated and reviewed. This process isas important as your test, so please understand that your test results will not be discussed in detailat the time of your evaluation. Once the interpretation has been made a detailed report will beforwarded to you and/or your referring physician.
Dizziness, vertigo and unsteadiness are symptoms associated with the human equilibrium
System and cannot be physically examined. Your physician will request any and/or all of
The following studies to assist in the proper diagnosis.

Audiologic, Immittance, & Oto-Acoustic Emissions
Balance disorders are often accompanied by changes ishearing or the ears function. A thorough evaluation beginswith computer testing of the outer, middle and inner ears.
Electrophysiological Studies

Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials
Vestibulo Autorotation
These sophisticated computer generated tests evaluate the inner ear fluids, nerve conductionpathways, the central nervous system, and the connections between the inner ear,eye movement and the brain.
Sensory Organization Performance
Normal balance requires the correct information from the balance center portion of the inner ear, the eyes andthe pressure sensors in the feet, ankles, muscles andjoints. This evaluates your postural stability. The eightsensory conditions isolate each of the three principlebalance senses of vision, inner ear, and touch, anddetermines the function of each.
Most balance problems can be treated medically,Surgically or with therapy once they have beenAccurately evaluated. Rehabilitation therapy is nowSuccessfully reducing or eliminating dizziness, vertigoAnd unsteadiness for many patients.
Evaluation Treatment Education Rehabilitation Programs

Source: http://dizzy.com/PDF/Patient_instructions.pdf

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