
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario
John D. Schultz Science Student Scholarship

Students and Project
Bashar Alolabi
Identification of autosomal dominant genes that regulate Josdalyne Anderson
Furthering the Evaluation of Thrombophilia and the Econimics of Venous Thromboembolic Disease Yulia Artemenko
SHIP2 signalling and mechanisms of adipose tissue growth Ottawa Health Research Institute Christina Beaver
Self-amplifying Iron Toxicity Cycle in Neuronal Cells Adil Bhatti
PI-3 Kinase and Ischemic Preconditioning Dylan Burger
Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and Katie Chan
The effect of doxycycline on diet induced aortic atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E knockout mice Sylvia Cheng
REGULATION OF LUNG EPITHELIAL Na CHANNEL EXPRESSION: Protein translation activation via the 5'-untranslated region of the a-subunit mRNA Derek Coull
Investigations of the Prothrombotic Potential of Patients Rebecca Desjardins
Katey Donaldson
The Role of Puf, an Estrogen Receptor Beta Associated Karen Eny
The relationship between regional variations in cardiovascular disease mortality and the distribution of fast food restaurants in Ontario Christopher Franco
Doxycycline inhibits collagen remodeling by vascular smooth muscle cells by inhibiting the generation of MMP derived endothelins Carl Gazdzinski
Development of novel multi-function MRI Gradient Coil technology for improved Stroke and Cardiac Imaging John Paul Giliberto
A Randomized, Double-Blind, Crossover Trial Investigating St. Michael's Hospital Efficacy of a New Nutritional Supplement: MyoVive for the Treatment of Chronic, Stable Angina Magdalena Grzyb
Binding of lipoproteins to the LDL receptor Patrick Gudgeon
The role of Inflammation and Stem Mobilization in Anjalee Gupta
Aspirin Resistance in Patients with coronary Artery Disease McMaster University Jane Hsieh
Mechanism of LCAT deficiency-associated oxidative stress Lisa Hughes
Nitric oxide and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy Karen Jang
Iron regulatory proteins in iron-mediated heart disease Justin Leblanc
The Role of Apolipoprotein(a) in Endothelial Cell Andrew Leduc
Role of Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) in University of Ottawa, General Campus prevention of Hypertension in male and female Dahl S rats Steven Lin
Epigenetic regulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in University of Toronto vivo Michael Mak
Mechanisms of Impaired Neovascularization in Diabetes Mellitus: Altered growth factor response as a basis for deficient collateral vessel formation Ian Mazzetti
Role of Hyperhomocysteinemia in the Development of Heather McKay
Health Problems Experienced by Individuals with the Stephen McNamara
The role of p107 in regulation of neural stem cells in the Natalie Michaud
Intracellular processing and trafficking of HDL-derived Regulation of Macrophage Cholesterol Efflux by Oxysterols Robarts Research Institute Shelley Pallan
The Role of Adventitial Angioenesis in the Arterial Purti Papneja
Gender, development and disease-induced changes in the Toronto General Hospital Research Inst. signal-averaged and surface ECG of mice Maryam Phillips
Role of Cyclin dependent kinase 5 in stroke Meghan Potter
White Matter Sapring in bulbospinal pathways prevents the development of autonomic dysreflexia after spinal cord injury Vikram Ravindran
Dissecting the contribution of the C-terminal end of the serpin reactive centre loop to antithrombin activity using chineric serpins Sachdeep Rehsia
Role of Chloride Channels in Vascular Smooth Muscle Heather Ross
The Influence of Hydrogen Peroxide on Myocyte Viability Justina Sam
Stem Cells and Restenosis: Defining the new Paradigm Mhapsekar Shailen
Mechanisms of insulin signaling in the intestine using the Avita Sooknanan
Mortality and outcomes of tetralogy of Fallot in Adults Stjepan Soric
The Role of Gender and Sex Hormones on Postnatal Heart University of Toronto Maturation and tolerance Pracha Vatsya
Serp-1, A Viral Serpin with Anti-inflammatory Activity Alters Cell Activation and Gene Expression Profiles in Human Monocytes Christina Williams
Genetic determinants of diabetes in aboriginal Canadians Orisha Yacyshyn
Examining the local anesthetic binding site in Na+ Diana Yeung
The role of Ik1 channels in enhanced cell volume regulation produced by ischemic preconditioning

Source: http://www.hsf.ca/research/sites/default/files/Schultz%20Science%20Scholarship%202003.pdf

Microsoft word - cenacolo 2014-01-18.doc

Chiudiamo questo incontro, come sempre con la preghiera del Rosario, per questo mondo assetato di pace e di speranza. Grazie a chi era presente e grazie anche a coloro che di lontano hanno par- Una missione per il mondo d’oggi Gesù Cristo non è amato perché non è conosciuto. Cenacolo n. 10 del 18 gennaio 2014 - Torino “Vi annuncio una grande gioia …” (Luca 2,10) Quest�

Allegato 5_al disciplinare di gara.xls

PA_forma e dosaggio ANTIMICROBICI E ANTISETTICI VARI ACIDO SALICILICO + RABARBARO SOLUZIONE GENGIVALEALLUMINIO+MAGNESIO IDROSSIDO SOSPENSIONE ORALESUCRALFATO 2 g SOSPENSIONE ORALE BUSTINE Na ALGINATO+K BICARBONATO G(18+3,6) SOSP. ORALEProcedura aperta in forma aggregata con sistema telematico - mediante asta elettronica - per la fornitura di farmaci necessari per le attività connesse all�

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