Analysis of dna microarray expression data

Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology 22 (2009) 271–282 Analysis of DNA microarray expression data Richard Simon, D.Sc., Chief, Biometric Research Branch Biometric Research Branch, Division of Cancer Treatment & Diagnosis, National Cancer Institute, 9000 Rockville Pike,Bethesda, MD 20892-7434, USA DNA microarrays are powerful tools for studying biological mechanisms and for developing prognostic and predictive classi- fiers for identifying the patients who require treatment and are best candidates for specific treatments. Because microarrays produce so much data from each specimen, they offer greatopportunities for discovery and great dangers or producingmisleading claims. Microarray based studies require clear objec-tives for selecting cases and appropriate analysis methods. Effec-tive analysis of microarray data, where the number of measuredvariables is orders of magnitude greater than the number of cases,requires specialized statistical methods which have recently beendeveloped. Recent literature reviews indicate that serious prob-lems of analysis exist a substantial proportion of publications. Thismanuscript attempts to provide a non-technical summary of thekey principles of statistical design and analysis for studies thatutilize microarray expression profiling.
DNA microarray technology has found broad use in basic and translational cancer research. Our objective here is to provide a non-technical summary of the key principles of statistical design andanalysis for studies that utilize microarray expression profiling. Because microarrays produce so muchdata from each specimen, they offer great opportunities for discovery and great dangers or producingmisleading claims. Effective analysis of microarray data, where the number of measured variables isorders of magnitude greater than the number of cases, requires specialized statistical methods whichhave recently been developed. The literature review by Dupuy and Simon studies relating gene * Tel.: þ1 301 496 0975; Fax: þ1 301 402 0560.
1521-6926/$ – see front matter Published by Elsevier Ltd.
doi:10.1016/j.beha.2009.07.001 R. Simon / Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology 22 (2009) 271–282 expression profiles to cancer outcome found serious problems of analysis in approximately 50% ofpublications . Here we will attempt to provide a non-technical summary of the key principles ofstatistical design and analysis for studies that utilize microarray expression profiling and illustratesome of the important analysis principles using BRB-ArrayTools software DNA microarrays are assays for quantifying the types and amounts of mRNA transcripts present in a collection of cells. The chemical and physical mechanisms by which this quantification is accom-plished varies widely among microarray platforms. In many cases the mRNA extracted from a sample ofcells is reverse transcribed to fluorescently labeled complementary DNA (cDNA). The labeled cDNA isthen placed on a solid surface on which strands of polynucleotide probes have been attached inspecified positions. The labeled cDNA molecules hybridize to the probes to which they share sufficientsequence complementarity and the quantity of cDNA bound to each polynucleotide probe is quantifiedby illuminating the solid surface with laser light of a frequency tuned to the fluorescent label employedand measuring the intensity of fluorescence over each probe on the array. This intensity of fluorescenceshould be approximately proportional to the number of molecules of cDNA bound to the probe. Duallabel microarrays often co-hybridize labeled transcripts from a specimen of interest with differentlylabeled transcripts from a reference source of RNA. For each probe represented on the array, a relativemeasure of abundance of the corresponding transcripts in the specimen of interest relative to thecommon reference source is obtained. This relative intensity is often expressed as a ratio or log ratio.
Affymetrix GeneChipsÔ have oligonucleotide probes lithographically synthesized directly on thesilicon surface of the array. Consistent probe geometry and sample circulation minimize probe specificinter-array variability and so single label protocols are generally used with GeneChipsÔ.
The ‘‘pre-processing’’ steps of analysis of array data are somewhat platform specific. Because the lithographically synthesized probes in GeneChipsÔ are relatively short and not error-free, multipleprobes are used for each transcript target and a summary measure of intensity per ‘‘probe set’’ iscomputed as a pre-processing step. Various methods of robust model based statistical estimation havebeen developed for such probe set summaries as reviewed by Irizarry et al. . BRB-ArrayToolsincorporates a platform-specific data importer for many popular platforms, including Affymetrix.celfiles. It provides options for several of the probe-set summarization methods.
For a variety of technical reasons, the overall level of fluorescence intensity differs among arrays.
The adjustment for such differences in overall intensity of single label arrays is called normalization.
The simplest kind of normalization involves multiplicatively transforming all the intensities on eacharray by a factor so that all arrays have the same median probe intensity. More sophisticated methodssuch as quantile normalization essentially replace a probe intensity which is in the p’th intensitypercentile on an array by the intensity of the p’th percentile of a selected reference array . All suchmethods assume, however, that the variation across arrays of most probes is due to technical factors,not true biological effects. When this assumption is not appropriate, normalization should be based onprobes for housekeeping genes considered uniformly expressed for the specimens under analysis.
Normalization of data from dual label arrays is different than for single label arrays. For dual labelarrays it is the log ratio of intensities that must be adjusted for inter-array technical variation in therelative intensity of the two labels. The simplest approach is to scale the ratios on each array so that themedian log-ratio over the probes on the array is zero. Another commonly used approach lets the scalefactor be intensity level dependent. Normalization methods are reviewed by Park et al. Pre-processing may also include ‘‘filtering’’ out probes with low intensity or minimal variation among the arrays being analyzed and thresholding intensity levels on dual label arrays to a lower limit of detectionso that computed log-ratios are not extreme. Pre-processing should not, however, be based on differentialexpression among any phenotypes or classes as that may seriously bias subsequent analyses Effective microarray experiments require careful planning based on clear objectives . The objective drives the selection of specimens and the specification of an appropriate analysis strategy R. Simon / Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology 22 (2009) 271–282 The large numbers of genes whose expressions can be measured in a single hybridization creates aneven greater than usual need for careful planning of the methods of analysis so that biologicallymeaningful conclusions, rather than spurious associations are reported.
The objectives of many studies utilizing DNA microarrays can be categorized as either gene discovery, class prediction, or class discovery. Gene discovery, also called class comparison, focuses ondetermining which genes are differentially expressed among samples representative of pre-definedclasses. The classes may represent different tissue types, diseased tissue or normal tissue of the samecell type, or the same tissue under different experimental conditions. The defining characteristic ofgene finding/class comparison is that the classes are defined independently of the expression profiles.
For example, Korn et al. evaluated expression profiles from breast tumors pre and post chemo-therapy to identify those genes whose expression was modified by treatment. Yang et al. . studiedgene expression changes in metastatic breast tumors pre and post Erlotinib treatment. Sotiriou et al.
evaluated genes whose expression was correlated with clinico-pathological characteristics ofbreast tumors. Desai et al. evaluated genes differentially expressed among different transgenicmouse models of breast cancer. The phrase gene discovery is somewhat more general than classcomparison as it can include finding the genes whose expression is correlated to a quantitativemeasurement or a survival time.
With class prediction the emphasis is on developing a computable function that can be used to predict which class a new specimen belongs to based on its expression profile. This usually requiresfinding which genes are informative for distinguishing the pre-defined classes, estimating theparameters of the mathematical function used, and estimating the accuracy of the predictor .
Class prediction is important for medical problems of diagnostic classification, prognostic predictionand treatment selection. For example, van’t Veer and van De Vijver developed and evaluatedpredictors of which patients with primary breast cancer are at high risk for recurrence after localtreatment alone. Ma et al. developed such a predictor for patients with estrogen receptor positiveprimary breast cancer who received Tamoxifen monotherapy after local therapy. Ayers et al. developed a predictor of complete pathologic response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients withbreast cancer. Jansen et al. developed a predictor of response to Tamoxifen for patients withmetastatic breast cancer.
Class discovery is different than gene finding or class prediction because it does not involve any pre- defined classes. Instead, it involves grouping together of specimens based on similarity of theirexpression profiles with regard to the genes represented on the array. Cluster analysis algorithms areused for generating the groups. Cluster analysis algorithms are called ‘‘unsupervised’’ because thegrouping is not driven by any phenotype external to the expression profiles, such as tissue type, stage,grade or response to treatment. The objective of clustering expression profiles of tumors is to deter-mine new disease classifications. For example, Perou characterized expression profiles of primarybreast tumors into four patterns which they called basal-like, luminal-like, Erb-B2þ, and normal-like.
Cluster analysis is an exploratory analysis method, however, and even random expression profiles canbe clustered. It is generally difficult to evaluate the meaningfulness of a set of clusters except bycomparing them with regard to existing phenotypes Cluster analysis is over-utilized, however, andin many cases it provides misleading results . Most cancer studies involving microarray expressionprofiling really have class comparison or class prediction objectives. For such studies, ‘‘supervisedmethods’’ are usually more effective Clear objectives are essential for the design of effective microarray studies. The objectives indicate the kinds of samples that should be included and the number of such samples. The statistical power foridentifying differentially expressed genes or for developing classifiers is generally determined by thenumber of biological replicates in each class. These are distinguished from technical replicates which arejust repeat assays of the same RNA samples. For most commercial microarray platforms, randomtechnical variation is small relative to biological variation and so there is little value in obtainingtechnical replicates of RNA extractions . Systemic variation over time remains a problem, however,for some platforms and so it is important to perform the assays in a manner that does not confound R. Simon / Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology 22 (2009) 271–282 phenotype classes with assay performance. For example, in comparing expression of p53 mutant celllines to p53 wild type cell lines, one should avoid assaying all the mutants with one set of reagents onone week and the wild type cell lines with a different set of reagents on another week. If a large numberof samples are to be assayed, the phenotype classes should be intermixed in the group assayed at eachtime. Pooling samples is generally not advantageous Although the number of arrays may bereduced by pooling, the number of samples needed may be substantially increased. When dual-labelarrays are used, there are additional design issues to be addressed; e.g. whether to use a commonreference RNA or to pair the samples from different classes for co-hybridization on each array. Dobbinet al. provide a thorough discussion of this issue including ways of avoiding the need for performingdye-swap technical replicates Dobbin and Simon provide formulas and graphs for determiningthe number of experimental/biological replicates needed for class comparison problems or fordeveloping a predictive classifier In the earliest microarray studies, investigators performed class comparison by examining fold change differences for each gene between a microarray of a single specimen from one class anda specimen of the other class. This is not really meaningful, however, because the comparison mayreflect sample differences or assay differences, rather than class differences. Using replicate arrays formeasuring expression for one sample from each of two classes does not help much. Such technicalreplicates do not satisfy the crucial need for studying multiple tumors of each type. Individualmicroarrays of independent biological replicates from each phenotype class of interest is generallyneeded, not assay replicates of the same RNA specimen or microarrays of pooled biological replicates Often the genes are ranked with regard to their degree of differential expression among the classes, and a cut-point determined on the ranking in order to control the number of false positive claims. Ifthere are two classes, the absolute value of a standard t statistic could be used for the ranking. The tstatistic is the difference in the class specific means of log expression divided by an estimate of thestandard error of the difference. If there are few samples per class, however, the ranking will beunstable because the estimates of within-class variation, made separately for each gene, will be tooimprecise. Improved methods based on t statistics which borrow variance information among genesare recommended if there are less than 10 samples per class. These methods are called regu-larized t-tests, random variance t-tests or empirical Bayes t-tests. They are also applicable for caseswith more than two classes. They are based on the assumption that the within class variances fordifferent genes come from the same distribution, but not that they are equal.
Although standard statistical methods like regularized t-tests are often used for creating the ranking, the novel aspect of this analysis that must be taken into account is that there are generally tensof thousands of genes analyzed. Hence, more stringent standards of statistical significance for claimingdifferential expression must be used. If, for example, there are 10,000 genes represented on the array,then in comparing expression for samples from two classes, one would expect 500 false positive claimsof statistical significance at the traditional 5% significance level (0.05 Â 10,000). This is not acceptable.
By using a stringent threshold of significance the number of false positive findings can be limited;a threshold of p < .001 results in 1 false positive gene per 1000 genes analyzed on average.
In comparing gene expression profiles among classes, biostatisticians today generally prefer reporting the ‘‘false discovery rate’’ (FDR) for the comparison as a whole rather than the statisticalsignificance level for individual comparisons The false discovery rate is the proportion of falsepositives among the genes claimed to be differentially expressed among the classes. For example,suppose one claims a gene to be differentially expressed if the univariate significance level is less than0.001. Then for 10,000 genes analyzed the expected number of false positives is about 10 (since most ofthe 10,000 of genes are not expected to be differentially expressed). If there are 40 genes for which theunivariate significance level is less than 0.001, then the false discovery rate is about 10/40 or 25%; thatis, one in four of the reported genes are likely to be false positives.
There are powerful multivariate methods for comparing expression profiles between classes and identifying differentially expressed genes in a manner that controls the FDR and takes into account the R. Simon / Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology 22 (2009) 271–282 correlation among the genes The multivariate test of Korn et al. is similar in spirit to the verypopular SAM method of Tusher et al. The former permits somewhat greater control over the statisticalconfidence with which the proportion of false discoveries is limited to the target level. Both themultivariate permutation test and SAM are available in BRB-ArrayTools. For this software SAM was re-programmed in FORTRAN and so it is much faster than other available versions.
Most of the methods used for finding genes whose expression is correlated with a phenotype can be used with categorical phenotypes, quantitative phenotypes or survival time phenotypes. The measureof correlation used for each gene varies depending on the type of phenotype of interest. For categoricalphenotypes the multivariate methods such as SAM and the multivariate test of Korn et al. are based oncomputing regularized t-tests for each gene. For survival time phenotypes p values from univariateproportional hazards regression analyses can be used.
Cluster analysis is often used in a potentially misleading way for identifying differentially expressed genes. Investigators may generate a gene list using an inadequately stringent univariate significancelevel of 0.05 or 0.01. The samples are then clustered with regard to the expression profiles for theselected genes. The fact that the samples from the classes are separated in this cluster analysis is takenas validation that the genes are really differentially expressed. This supervised form of cluster analysisis invalid. If one generates expression profiles for two classes using random numbers with no realdifference between the two classes, there will be about 500 false positives per 10,000 genes. If oneclusters the randomly generated samples with regard to those selected genes that were foundsignificant at the 0.05 level, the samples will be separated Finding differentially expressed sets of genes One problem encountered in the analysis of gene expression data is biologically interpreting lists of genes identified as differentially expressed among compared classes. Although many software pack-ages provide biological annotations for the genes found differentially expressed, a more recentapproach compares the classes with regard to the expression of pre-defined biologically meaningfulgene sets. There are several advantages to this approach in addition to ease of interpretation. Since thenumber of gene sets tested is generally much less than the number of genes represented on the array,the magnitude of the multiple comparison problem is reduced. Also, expression patterns of genes ina gene set can reinforce each other and do not have to be individually significant at a very stringentlevel as required for the post-hoc annotation methods.
There is a large variety of such Gene Set Enhancement methods which provide a score for summary differential expression for each gene set. BRB-ArrayTools provides four such methods and a wide variety of pre-defined gene sets including Gene Ontology groups, genes in annotatedmetabolic or signaling pathways, genes on the same chromosome arm, genes that are targets of thesame transcription factor, genes containing the same protein domain and genes on the same experi-mentally determined signature of response to pathway activation or silencing.
Time course data is also used for gene finding although there are really no pre-defined classes or phenotypes. Typically gene expression is measured at intervals following an experimental interventionand the objective is to identify genes whose expression is changing with time. For example, BRB-ArrayTools fits a quadratic function to the time course of individual genes and tests whether the linearand quadratic coefficients are both zero. Those statistical significance levels are used to control the falsediscovery rate using the method of Benjamini and Hochberg . Those genes are clustered to sortthem into sets showing similar patterns over time and a heat map is provided. The time-course analysistool also provides for identifying genes whose variation with time differs based on some otherphenotype such as treatment. A line plot of average gene expression over time for each phenotypegroup is provided for each gene with a significant interaction between time course and phenotype.
Specialized software for supervised time course analysis is also provided by Storey and byLeek R. Simon / Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology 22 (2009) 271–282 A class predictor, or predictive classifier, is a computable function which can be used to predict a class from an expression profile. Predictive classifiers can be of considerable importance for guiding treat-ment selection in medicine although several levels of validation are needed before such classifiers are‘‘ready for prime time’’ In developing a predictive classifier the emphasis should be on predictiveaccuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values, not on controlling the falsediscovery rate, goodness of fit to the data, or the statistical significance of regression coefficients.
Development of a predictive classifier requires specification of (i) the mathematical/computational function used to relate an expression profile to a class; (ii) the genes whose expression levels areutilized in the prediction; and (iii) the parameters; e.g. the weights placed on expression levels ofindividual genes and cut-points used in the prediction . It is often not recognized that a predictiveclassifier is not just a set of genes, it is a completely specified computable function that can be used toclassify individual patients whose expression profiles are determined.
The development of a predictive classifier is similar to the development of a statistical regression function, except that the former predicts class identifier rather than a continuous value. Statisticalregression models are generally built using data in which the number of cases (n) is large relative to thenumber of candidate variables (p). In the development of class predictors using gene expression data,however, the number of candidate predictors is generally orders of magnitude greater than the numberof cases. This has two important implications. One is that only simple class prediction functions shouldbe considered because functions with too many degrees of freedom will over-fit the data and predictpoorly for independent samples . The second important implication is that the data used forevaluating the class predictor must be distinct from the data used for developing it. It is almost alwayspossible to develop a class predictor even on completely random data which will fit the training dataalmost perfectly but be completely useless for prediction with independent data .
A wide variety of algorithms have been used effectively with DNA microarray data for class prediction. Many predictive classifiers are based on linear discriminants of the form where xi denotes the log-ratio or log-intensity for the i’th gene, wi is the weight given to that gene, andthe summation is over the set G of genes selected for inclusion in the class predictor. For a two-classproblem, there is a threshold value d, and a sample with expression profile defined by a vector x ofvalues is predicted to be in class 1 or class 2 depending on whether lðxÞ as computed from equation is less than the threshold d or greater than d respectively.
Linear discriminant classifiers differ with regard to how the weights are determined. The oldest form of linear discriminant is Fisher’s linear discriminant. The weights are selected so that the meanvalue of lðxÞ in class 1 is maximally different from the mean value of lðxÞ in class 2. The squareddifference in means divided by the pooled estimate of the within-class variance of lðxÞ was the specificmeasure used by Fisher. To compute these weights, one must estimate the correlation between all pairsof genes that were selected in the feature selection step. The study by Dudoit et al. . indicated thatFisher’s linear discriminant analysis did not perform well unless the number of selected genes wassmall relative to the number of samples. The reason is that in other cases there are too many corre-lations to estimate and the method tends to be un-stable and over-fit the data.
Diagonal linear discriminant analysis is a special form of Fisher linear discriminant analysis in which the correlation among genes is ignored. By ignoring such correlations, one avoids having to estimatemany parameters, and obtains a method which generally performs better when the number of samplesis small. Golub’s weighted voting method and the Compound Covariate Predictor of Radmacheret al. are similar to diagonal linear discriminant analysis and tend to perform well when thenumber of samples is small. They compute the weights based on the univariate prediction strength ofindividual genes and ignore correlations among the genes.
Support vector machines are very popular in the machine learning literature. Although they sound very exotic, linear kernel support vector machines do class prediction using a predictor of the form ofequation . The weights are determined by optimizing a mis-classification rate criterion with R. Simon / Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology 22 (2009) 271–282 a penalty for large weights which tends to prevent over-fitting . Although there are more complexforms of support vector machines, they appear to be inferior to linear kernel SVM’s for class predictionwith large numbers of genes .
In the study of Dudoit et al. the simplest methods, diagonal linear discriminant analysis, and nearest neighbor classification, performed as well or better than the more complex methods. Nearestneighbor classification is based on a set G of genes selected to be informative for discriminating theclasses and a distance function dðx; y Þ which measures the distance between the expression profiles xand y of two samples. The distance function utilizes only the genes in the selected set G. To classifya sample with expression profile y , compute dðx; y Þ for each sample x in the training set. The predictedclass of y is the class of the sample in the training set which is closest to y with regard to the distancefunction d. The distance function is usually either the standard Euclidean distance or one minus thecorrelation between the expression profiles x and y . A variant of nearest neighbor classification isnearest centroid classification in which the new expression profile y is compared to the meanexpression profile for the training samples of each class. Those mean expression profiles are calledcentroids. The shrunken centroid method of Tibshirani et al. is a popular and effective form of nearestcentroid classification which incorporates both automatic selection of the gene set G and adjustment ofclass specific centroids to account for the bias of gene selection Dudoit et al. also studied some more complex methods such as classification trees and aggregated classification trees. These methods did not appear to perform any better than the simpler methods.
Ben-Dor et al. also compared several methods on several public datasets and found that nearestneighbor classification generally performed as well or better than more complex methods.
The models described above are generally applied with the gene set G specified by identifying the genes that are differentially expressed among the classes when considered individually. For example, ifthere are two classes, one can compute a regularized t-test for each gene. The log-ratios or log-intensities are generally used as the basis of the statistical significance tests. The genes that aresignificantly differentially expressed at a specified significance level are selected for inclusion in theclass predictor. The stringency of the significance level used controls the number of genes that areincluded in the model. If one wants a class predictor based on a small number of genes, the thresholdsignificance level is made very small. Issues of multiple testing or false positives are not really relevant,however, because the objective is just to select features for inclusion in the model and the thresholdsignificance level is just a ‘‘tuning parameter’’. Some methods do not use p values at all but merelyselect the k most differentially expressed genes, and specify k arbitrarily or by optimizing using cross-validation.
Several authors have developed methods to identify optimal sets of genes which together provide good discrimination of the classes . Some of these kinds of algorithms are very computationallyintensive. Several independent evaluations have, however, indicated that the increased computationaleffort of these methods is not warranted At least three levels of validation should be distinguished. First is analytical validation of an assay for measuring the classifier. Analytical validation has traditionally meant that the assay accuratelymeasures what it claims to measure. This presumes, however, the existence of a gold standard way ofmeasuring the true value. For gene expression based predictive classifiers, there is usually no goldstandard. Whereas an RT-PCR assay might be accepted as a gold standard for measuring geneexpression of an RNA sample, this ignores questions of the representativeness of the RNA sample forthe target tissue prior to biopsy. For assays in which there is no gold standard, analytical validationgenerally means reproducibility and robustness. Sometimes robustness of the assay is distinguishedfrom robustness of tissue handling.
Careful development of an analytically validated assay is important for all later steps of validation.
Dobbin et al. reported that in order to ensure good inter-laboratory reproducibility in using theAffymetrix GeneChip system, a pilot study and development of a common protocol was necessary .
R. Simon / Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology 22 (2009) 271–282 In classifying the risk of recurrence for patients with node negative and estrogen receptor positivebreast cancer receiving Tamoxifen treatment, the investigators utilized DNA microarray gene expres-sion profiling to identify the informative genes, but then transferred to an RT-PCR platform based onprimers for use with paraffin embedded formalin fixed tissue. They performed detailed studies onsources of variation of the assay in order to assure reproducibility of results Most reports describing the development of a predictive classifier based on gene expression do not address analytical validation, they address clinical correlation sometimes referred to as clinical vali-dation. For predictive classifiers developed from microarray gene expression data, it is essential toseparate the cases used for developing the classifier from the cases used for evaluating the classifier.
With traditional regression modeling where the number of candidate variables is much less than thenumber of cases, separation of training and validation cases is often not practiced. Failure to observethis key separation principle with microarray based classifiers, however, results in enormous bias in theresulting estimate of predictive accuracy The most straightforward way of ensuring separation is the split-sample method of partitioning the set of samples into a training set and a test set. Rosenwald et al. used this approach successfully intheir international study of prognostic prediction for large B cell lymphoma. They used two thirds oftheir samples as a training set. Multiple kinds of predictors were studied on the training set. When thecollaborators of that study agreed on a single fully specified prediction model, they accessed the test setfor the first time. On the test set there was no adjustment of the model or fitting of parameters. Theymerely used the samples in the test set to evaluate the predictions of the model that was completelyspecified using only the training data.
The split-sample method is often used with so few samples in the test set, however, that the validation is almost meaningless. One can evaluate the adequacy of the size of the test set by computingthe statistical significance of the classification error rate on the test set or by computing a confidenceinterval for the test set error rate.
Michiels et al. suggested that multiple training-test partitions be used, rather than just one. The split sample approach is most useful, however, when one does not have a well defined algorithm fordeveloping the classifier. When there is a single training set-test set partition, one can performnumerous exploratory analyses on the training set and utilize biological information about the genes todevelop a classifier and then test that classifier on the test set. With multiple training-test partitionshowever, that type of flexible approach to model development cannot be used. If one has an algorithmfor classifier development, it is generally better to use one of the cross-validation or bootstrapresampling approaches to estimating error rate (see below) because the split sample approach does notprovide as efficient a use of the available data Cross-validation is an alternative to the split sample method of estimating prediction accuracy while preserving the key separation principle. With leave-one-out cross-validation, one omits one caseand develops a predictive classifier on the remaining cases n À 1. That classifier is used to classify theomitted case and one records whether the prediction was correct or not. Then a different case isomitted, the one omitted the first time is included, and a new classifier is developed from scratch onthe new training set of n-1 cases. That classifier is then used to classify the case omitted and onerecords whether the prediction was correct or not. This continues leaving each case out, one at a time,and the total number of mis-classifications determined. Molinaro et al. describe and evaluate manyvariants of cross-validation and bootstrap re-sampling for classification problems where the number ofcandidate predictors vastly exceeds the number of cases .
The cross-validated prediction error is an estimate of the prediction error associated with appli- cation of the algorithm for model building to the entire dataset. The model building process must berepeated from scratch for each loop of the cross-validation and so the process must be completelyalgorithmic. In particular, the gene selection must be repeated for each loop of the cross-validation.
Simon et al. showed that if you use the full dataset to select genes, and then cross-validate only thefitting of the prediction model for those genes, you obtain a highly biased estimate of predictionaccuracy. Their results underscore the importance of cross-validating all steps of predictor construction R. Simon / Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology 22 (2009) 271–282 in estimating the error rate. Failure to do this is one of the most common and most serious errors madein using cross-validation It can also be useful to compute the statistical significance of the cross-validated estimate of clas- sification error. This determines the probability of obtaining a cross-validated classification error assmall as actually achieved if there were no relationship between the expression data and class iden-tifiers. A flexible method for computing this statistical significance was described by Radmacher et al.
. This method of computing statistical significance of cross-validated error rate for a wide variety ofclassifier functions is implemented in the BRB-ArrayTools software .
The third level of validation of a predictive classifier is determining whether the classifier has medical utility. A classifier generally has medical utility only if it enables physicians to make better treatmentdecisions. Many classifiers are developed using a convenience sample of specimens not selected forpurposes of addressing a question of medical decision making. Consequently they often includea heterogeneous group of patients who have received a variety of treatments For example, manyprognostic factor studies in breast cancer include node negative and node positive ER negative and ERpositive patients, those who received cytotoxic chemotherapy and those who received Tamoxifen alone.
Showing that a new classifier is prognostic for such a mixed group generally has little apparent thera-peutic value and such classifiers are rarely used It doesn’t make the classifier therapeuticallyrelevant to show in a multivariate analysis that the new classifier is more statistically significant thanstandard prognostic variables. Unless the cases represent the participants of a carefully selected clinicaltrial, there may be an insurmountable gap between clinical correlation and medical utility.
Classifiers are sometimes described as either prognostic or predictive. Prognostic factors provide information about the prognosis of a group of untreated or homogeneously treated patients.
Predictive factors provide information about response or benefit from a specific treatment. Eitherkind of classifier derives medical utility, however, if it enables better treatment decisions. Forexample, OncotypeDx was developed as a prognostic classifier for patients with node negative,estrogen receptor positive breast cancer receiving Tamoxifen It’s medical utility is based onidentifying a subset of such patients whose long term disease-free survival is sufficiently good thatcytotoxic chemotherapy might not be warranted. OncotypeDx is currently being tested in a very largeprospective clinical trial. It can be more difficult to establish medical utility of a predictive classifier.
For example, several major studies have reported gene expression classifiers for outcome followingchemotherapy for diffuse large B cell lymphoma . Withholding a potentially curative therapyfrom a patient based on an imperfect test where no established alternative therapeutic options areavailable is, however, difficult.
Simon et al. have discussed prospective clinical trial designs for co-development of new drugs and companion diagnostics and these will not be reviewed here. Establishing the medical utilityof a classifier for use of an established treatment can be more difficult. Medical utility depends ona variety of factors including other treatments available, availability of more easily measured predictivefactors and practice standards . It may be more difficult to conduct prospective trials that involvewithholding widely used treatments.
In general, establishing medical utility requires demonstrating that a clinically meaningful measure of patient benefit is improved based on using the new classifier compared to not using the classifier.
The direct approach would involve randomizing patients to treatment determination based on practicestandards or based on the genomic classifier. The genomic classifier has clinical utility if treatmentoutcome is improved overall for the group randomized to classifier based treatment assignment. Thegenomic classifier also has clinical utility if outcome is the same for the two randomized groups but thepatients randomized to classifier determined treatment have reduced adverse events, inconvenienceor cost. This kind of prospective clinical trial design is very inefficient and rarely practical. It generallyrequires an enormous sample size because many or most patients in both randomization group receivethe same treatment An alternative design is to measure the classifier on all eligible patients and determine before randomization whether recommended treatment assignment would differ between conventional R. Simon / Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology 22 (2009) 271–282 medical guidelines and the classifier based strategy. Then, the only patients randomized are those forwhom the two strategies result in different treatment assignments. This approach entails the cost ofmeasuring the classifier on all patients, but results in a much smaller clinical trial than that describedabove. This is the approach used for the design of the MINDACT clinical trial to prospectively evaluatethe medical utility of a 70 gene expression signature for breast cancer By measuring the classifieron all eligible patients one can also compare practice standard treatment to classifier guided treatmentseparately for the patient subsets in which the assignments are discordant and that can improve theusefulness of the study. Nevertheless, such prospective randomized studies generally require very largenumbers of patients and may require long follow-up times until results are available.
In some cases it may be possible to utilize archived tumor samples from patients treated in a randomized clinical to reasonably simulate the analysis that would have been performed ina prospective trial. This is a viable strategy only when archived specimens are available for a largeproportion of the patients in an appropriately designed previously conducted randomized trial.
Concern about whether the patients for whom samples are available are representative of the whole isminimized when adequate archived specimens are available on almost all patients, but even forprospective randomized trials there is always concern about whether randomized patients arerepresentative of the entire population of patients. The retrospective strategy is not credible unless theplan for the retrospective analysis is completely specified in writing prior to performing assays on thearchived specimens. The classifier must be completely determined by data external to the clinical trialused for retrospective analysis Because retrospective classification of archived specimens will notaccurately reflect the challenges of tissue handling and assay performance encountered prospectivelyin a time frame that enables real-world treatment selection, it is important to separately establish theanalytical validity of the assay for use with archived tissue.
DNA microarrays provide great opportunity for discovery and development of predictive oncology but also great opportunity for developing false claims. The review of the literature of use of DNAmicroarrays in studies of cancer outcome by Dupuy and Simon indicated that about 50 percent ofstudies contained at least one major flaw in the analysis serious enough to raise questions about theclaims. Dupuy and Simon developed guidelines for the analysis of DNA microarray data in conjunctionwith outcomes of cancer patients, illustrated by a list of Do’s and Don’ts BRB-ArrayTools software isa resource for improving the analysis of microarray expression data that can be useful for bothbiomedical investigators and statisticians. There are currently about 9000 registered users of thissoftware in over 65 countries. It is freely available for non-commercial purposes from the NationalCancer Institute at .
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