2013-14 iv antibiotic regimens for pre-operative surgical prophylaxis

(Note: All IV therapy unless otherwise stated) Continue no longer than 24 hours unless otherwise stated *** Surgical and anesthesiology teams should consult ID to discuss prophylaxis regimens not listed below, as well as for patients currently receiving antibiotics for active infection *** n.b. In the instance that a patient’s surgery is delayed after receiving the initial pre-op dose OR the patient has standing orders for antibiotics prior to the procedure, please call the pharmacy for dosing recommendations. Refer to PAH policy RE-DOSING OF IV ANTIBIOTICS DURING SURGICAL PROCEDURES PH-DG24 for patients undergoing prolonged procedures and/or who experience greater than 1500 cc of blood loss. If SEVERE beta-lactam allergy see definition
(Must be documented)
SEVERE beta-lactam allergy= evidence of anaphylaxis, urticaria, angioedema, swelling, shortness of breath, acute interstitial nephritis (AIN)
or acute kidney injury, history of pancytopenia or Steven’s Johnson Syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis that developed while on beta-lactam therapy Coronary bypass, valve surgery, thoracotomy, lobectomy, pneumonectomy, lung resection, VATS, Operations involving the mucous membranes and cefazolin 2 grams + metronidazole 500 mg deep tissues, clean-contaminated surgery All other clean head and neck procedures Otorhinolaryngology Sinus, nasal, otologic, pharyngeal surgery All procedures including CSF shunting, craniotomy, If pre-existing implanted orthopedic prosthesis present, spinal surgery, laminectomy, implantation of If pre-existing implanted orthopedic prosthesis present, i.e. TKA, THA use cefazolin + clindamycin 900 mg Orthopedic/Podiatry All procedures including insertion of prosthetic joints, open operations, ACL repair, foot and ankle Vascular All procedures including peripheral vascular surgery, abdominal aorta, carotid surgery, legs cefazolin 2 grams + metronidazole 500 mg Gastroduodenal procedures with or without entry If pre-existing implanted orthopedic prosthesis If pre-existing implanted orthopedic prosthesis present i.e. TKA, THA = use same regimen present i.e. TKA, THA = use same regimen cefazolin 2 grams + metronidazole 500 mg Biliary tract surgeries-- open or laproscopic cefazolin 2 grams + metronidazole 500 mg cefazolin 2 grams + metronidazole 500 mg vancomycin 1 gram + gentamicinA 5 mg/kg x ONCE Hernia repair with or without MESH
2013-14 IV Antibiotic Regimens for Pre-Operative Surgical Prophylaxis (Continued) If SEVERE beta-lactam allergy see definition
(Must be documented)
unless significant patient comorbidities unless significant patient comorbidities Tunneled central venous catheter placement cefazolin 1-2 grams; if greater than 100 kg OR BMI clindamycin 900 mg + gentamicinA 1.5 mg/kg cefazolin 1-2 grams; if greater than 100 kg OR BMI clindamycin 900 mg + gentamicinA 1.5 mg/kg Urogynecologic procedures including sling, cefazolin 1-2 grams; if greater than 100 kg OR BMI clindamycin 900 mg + gentamicinA 1.5 mg/kg cefazolin 2 grams + metronidazole 500 mg Clindamycin 900 mg + gentamicinA 1.5 mg/kg Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) or chromotubation in patients with history of PID or procedure doxycycline 100 mg pre-operatively THEN 200 mg doxycycline 100 mg pre-operatively THEN 200 mg cefazolin 2 grams q8h + metronidazole 500 mg clindamycin 900 mg + gentamicinA 5 mg/kg/DAY Inpatient
Lower tract instrumentation
If renal insufficiency; CrCl less than 45 ml/min use: Cystography, urodynamic study, or simple Outpatient
PO: cefuroxime 500 mg x 1 tab given 2 hours prior PO Option: TMP/SMX 1 DS tab x 1 hour prior to If sulfa allergy use ciprofloxacin 500 mg x 1 tab gentamicinA 5 mg/kg ONCE + clindamycin 900 mg If renal insufficiency; CrCl less than 45 ml/min use: Upper Tract Instrumentation
If the patient has renal insufficiency; CrCl less than gentamicinA 5 mg/kg ONCE + metronidazole 500 mg If renal insufficiency; CrCl less than 45 ml/min use: Open/ Laparoscopic Surgery
gentamicinA 5 mg/kg ONCE + metronidazole 500 mg If renal insufficiency; CrCl less than 45 ml/min use: cefazolin 2 grams + metronidazole 500 mg gentamicinA 5 mg/kg ONCE + metronidazole 500 mg If renal insufficiency; CrCl less than 45 ml/min use: • Urology procedures involving implanted prosthesis (i.e. penile prosthesis); including gentamicinA 5 mg/kg ONCE + vancomycin 1 gram gentamicinA 5 mg/kg ONCE + vancomycin 1 gram patient with pre-existing orthopedic prosthetics AGentamicin dosing-- Use ideal body weight (IBW); IBW= 45.5women (use 50 for men) + (2.3 x # inches greater than 60) OR
if BMI > 30 use adjusted body weight (AdjBW) = ActualBW - IBW (0.4) + Actual BW)

Revised February 2008, Reviewed December 2008, Revised August 2011, Revised October 2011, Revised August 2012, Revised
October 2012, Revised March 2013
\DrugLists\PreOp Abx Surg Prophylaxis PH-DG 03.13.docx

Source: https://www.shacqa.cc/library/PAHantibiotics.pdf

Kvh aktuell *pharma*kotherapie 1-2009: literaturliste

Dies ist eine PDF-Datei aus www.kvhessen.de. Die Urheberrechte liegen bei derKassenärztlichen Vereinigung Hessen. KVH aktuell Pharmakotherapie 1-2009: Literaturliste Die Literaturliste zur Ausgabe Nr. 1-2009 von KVH aktuell Pharmakotherapie stellen wir Ihnen hier zur Verfügung Zu "Antipsychotika bei Demenz: Zulassungsbehörden erweitern wegen höherem Sterberisiko die Warnhinweise"


Signs and Symptoms of Schizophrenia Delusions (talking with people who do not exist) Incoherence Lack of or inappropriate display of emotions Inability to concentrate Disorganized thinking or behavior Inability to read social cues Excessive fatigue Emotional withdrawal Extreme moodiness Odd behavior Schizophrenia usually appears during adolescence or ear

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