Saving lives. Fighting disease. Promoting healthy living.
Faced with a constantly evolving operating
products, issues and reputation. APCO Insight®,
environment, few industries are as intensely
our in-house opinion research and message
scrutinized by the public and policy-makers as
development team, conducts research among all
health care. Regulators are becoming more
stakeholder audiences, including difficult-to-reach
cautious, legislators are exercising more control
audiences such as policy-makers, business
and litigators are more aggressively targeting
demanding safer and higher quality health care,
Coaching spokespeople to face the media and
while increasing pressure to lower costs.
government audiences
APCO trains and coaches corporate executives
APCO Worldwide understands the complex public
and third-party allies to ensure they can effectively
policy, regulatory, political and reputational
deliver their key messages to the media,
challenges facing the health care industry. Our
legislators, special interest groups and the public.
senior talent provides strategic counsel, while our
global presence offers unparalleled reach to
Preparing executives for government hearings
policy-makers and stakeholders in every market.
and investigations
APCO’s team includes seasoned communication
APCO’s highly specialized team helps clients
professionals from every sector, former senior
prepare for and navigate their way through
executives from pharmaceutical companies,
challenging government and parliamentary
experienced health care administrators, medical
hearings and investigations. Our strategic
device experts, and senior government and
approach to anticipation, planning and preparation
is driven by those with hands-on experience in the
Our team takes an integrated approach to meeting
clients’ business, policy and communication
Developing thoughtful policy positions and
objectives. Working closely with colleagues who
specialize in grassroots and stakeholder outreach,
APCO Health’s policy experts help clients craft
crisis and litigation communication, issue
policy positions designed to foster an optimal
management, corporate responsibility, advocacy
operating environment that meets their business
and policy communication, government relations,
objectives. Our team helps clients develop
APCO Health policy development and corporate positioning,
strategic policy communication plans to educate
APCO Health leverages resources to help our
policy-makers, the public, the media and other
clients positively shape their operating
Designing creative marketing communication CAPABILITIES solutions
APCO’s creative group, StudioAPCO®, produces
Managing campaigns on high-profile health
award-winning multimedia toolkits; online
care issues
communication; Web site designs; media kits;
Our team helps clients reframe the debate on
marketing videos and advertising for the Internet,
high-profile and politically sensitive health care
radio, TV and print. StudioAPCO has extensive
issues. We also help avoid and manage crises,
experience designing creative campaigns for the
mobilize allies and educate national and local
media about complex scientific topics. Through
this work, APCO has strong relationships with
Generating positive, "on message" media
leading top-tier health and science journalists and
APCO’s media relations experts secure visibility in
major global, regional and national media outlets
Message development
on behalf of clients and their offerings. APCO
Our team works with clients to help them develop
prides itself in delivering "on message" coverage
and refine their messages in connection with
To find out how APCO makes a difference for our clients go to Creating high-impact stakeholder communication
candidates made chronic disease prevention and
disease management a core plank of their health care
Organizations in all areas of the health care industry
rely on APCO to design programs to communicate
with their stakeholders - physicians, nursing staff,
Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD): Singulair
employees, shareholders, retirees and others.
To change public perception of asthma medication in
Utilizing innovative technologies, APCO designs
Asia and help Singulair become a leading product in
engaging and visually effective internal
Asia, APCO designed a strategic communication
campaign to improve awareness and educate
consumers in Hong Kong about the benefits of
Building allies with patient and physician
preventative asthma medication. APCO negotiated
and secured a partnership agreement with a trusted
APCO’s ongoing relationships with opinion-leading
nongovernmental organization and planned and
physicians and patient advocacy groups allow us to
implemented an outreach education program that
create partnerships to assist in achieving business
raised the awareness of Singulair among the target
and public policy goals. APCO is known for initiating
audience through free doctor consultations. The
innovative, nontraditional alliances that build support
program was so successful that MSD commissioned
APCO to roll out the campaign in other areas of Hong
Planning launches for pharmaceutical therapeutics, biotechnology products, medical International Federation of Pharmaceutical devices and medical services Manufacturers’ Association (IFPMA)
APCO manages global, regional and national
Facing a legal battle in South Africa over generic
communication initiatives around new products. From
drugs and the upcoming WTO Ministerial Conference
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to the
in Doha, the IFPMA hired APCO. Our team helped
European Medicines Evaluation Agency to the UK’s
identify the most influential policy-makers who would
National Institute for Clinical Excellence, APCO’s
determine the outcome of the WTO negotiations,
team understands the regulatory environment, knows
communicate the IFPMA’s core arguments, and
the key players, and designs and implements plans
demonstrate that the IFPMA was ready and willing to
for communication and government relations to
help address the health care challenge facing
successfully launch medical products and services.
developing countries. APCO’s work led to a
successful defense of the intellectual property rights
Managing communication around drug or device
agreement at the WTO Ministerial Conference.
APCO has managed communication for some of the
Novartis Pharmaceuticals: Glivec
most complex health care litigation cases of the past
To avoid potential funding and access issues in the
decade in order to preserve the company’s reputation.
UK associated with the earlier-than-anticipated launch
APCO’s practitioners have served at the highest
of Glivec, a new treatment for leukemia, APCO
levels in the political, legal, corporate and regulatory
developed a high-level briefing program to build
personal relationships with a group of core UK
decision-makers. As a result, all patients were offered
access to the drug and no funding problems were
Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease
To foster greater awareness among policy-makers,
the media and politically active Americans that rising
rates of chronic diseases are driving increases in
health spending and harming affordability of care in
the United States, APCO helped create a diverse
national coalition of health care stakeholders. As a
result, more than 80 active national partners are
engaged and all of the leading 2008 presidential
Fax: +86.10.6505.5257 [email protected]
HOJA DE CONDICIONES Precio por persona en habiyación doble 2.050 € con autobús desde Plasencia o recorrido 2030 € sin autobú al aeropuerto Suplemento individual NUESTRO PRECIO INCLUYE: - Billete de avión de línea regular:Madrid-Tel. Aviv-Madrid. - Asistencia por nuestro personal en trámites de facturación y embarque. - Tasas de aeropuerto y carburante ( A REVIS
QUADRO DE AVALIAÇÃO E RESPONSABILIZAÇÃO - 2008Ministério: MOPTC - Ministério das Obras Públicas, Transportes e ComunicaçõesEntidade: InCI, IP - Instituto da Construção e do Imobiliário, I.P. Missão: O InCI, I.P. tem por missão regular e fiscalizar o sector da construção e do imobiliário, dinamizar, supervisionar e regulamentar as actividades desenvolvidas neste sector, produzir