CHORALE LYRICA CHORISTER REGISTRATION FORM Chorister Name: _____________________________ Date (yy/mm/dd): ___________ GENERAL INFORMATION Mother’s Contact Information Father’s Contact Information Emergency Contact Information Name & relationship to chorister: SCHEDULING INFORMATION
Although we can not guarantee the dress rehearsals and concerts will not conflict with your other commitments, in order to help us plan, please provide the following information:
Please Indicate which of the following times your chorister could be available for a Dress Rehearsal for our annual Christmas and spring concerts: Fri. Evenings Sat. Mornings Sat. Afternoons Sat. Evenings CHORALE LYRICA CHORISTER MEDICAL INFORMATION & MEDICAL WAIVER Chorister Name: __________________________ Date (yy/mm/dd): _____________ GENERAL MEDICAL INFORMATON In order to help us look after your chorister during rehearsals and concerts, please complete the following Questions about your Chorister NoYesIf you checked ‘Yes’ then please supply all relevant details
Any allergies to food, medications (penicillin,
If Yes, does your chorister have this with them at all times?
If Yes, does your chorister have this with them at all times?
Anything else we should be aware of that may
affect participation or performance? (use back
Chorale Lyrica maintains a medical kit which contains bandaids and standard over-the-counter medications (listed below). It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to ensure that Chorale Lyrica is always provided with accurate and current information. Unless updated information is received, the information on this form will be considered current and accurate up to and including September 30th, 2014. Your privacy is extremely important to us. Chorale Lyrica’s privacy policy outlines the manner in which your personal information is collected and managed. I, _________________________________________________________ Printed Name of Parent/Legal Guardian of Chorister Named Above hereby give permission to the Chorale Lyrica Director, Manager and/or chaperones to administer the following medications when needed from the Choir’s Medical Kit:
Life Brand Anti-Nauseant (Dimenhydrinate) 50 mg
Benadryl Allergy Tablets (Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride) 12.5 mg
And, in the event that a medical emergency arises, I hereby give permission the Director, Manager and/or chaperones of Chorale Lyrica to act in the best medical interest of my son/daughter. I also acknowledge that any financial expenses incurred in the event of a medical emergency are my responsibility. ____________________________________________________ ___________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Date (yy/mm/dd)
CHORALE LYRICA CHORISTER CODE of CONDUCT Chorister Name: _________________________ Date (yy/mm/dd): ___________
Your chorister’s adherence to the standard of behaviour that Chorale Lyrica expects at rehearsals and performances is extremely important. Common courtesy to all, peers and adults alike, is required at all times. When rehearsing and performing, it is essential that choristers remember that all actions reflect on the name and reputation of the choir, the Directors, and each and every chorister. ‘Professional’, ‘musical excellence’, ‘organized’, ‘efficient’ and ‘effective’ are the reality of what we are and the reputation that we strive to leave behind. Choristers must remember that they are representing Chorale Lyrica at all times. Chorale Lyrica expects that you will:
maintain a positive attitude, act responsibly and courteously and be inclusive;
be respectful of all rehearsal and performance spaces;
be prompt and punctual at all times (i.e. if rehearsal begins at 2:00 p.m., that means you are sitting in your assigned seat and ready to sing at 2:00 p.m.)
have consistent attendance at rehearsals and notify the Choir Manager via email well in advance of all absences and conflicts with rehearsals and concerts;
notify the Choir Manager via email as soon as possible if you are ill and unable to attend a rehearsal or an event;
make every effort possible to learn music at home when you have missed a rehearsal;
follow guidance and instructions given by the Directors, Choir Manager, and all supervising adults;
follow and respect the staff and rules of all rehearsal and performance venues.
While we do not anticipate any difficulties, repeated cautions from the Director, Manager or chaperones about your behaviour could be cause for you to miss or be removed from scheduled activities at your/your parent’s expense. Chorale Lyrica will send regular communications via email and Facebook postings; all families must check regularly for updates and announcements. For all choristers:
I, _______________________________________________ agree to the above Code of Conduct. Printed name of Chorister
_________________________________________________ ___________________________ Signature of Chorister Date (yy/mm/dd)
And for parents:
I, ____________________________________________ agree to the above Code of Conduct. Printed name of Parent/Legal Guardian
_________________________________________________ ___________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian of choristers Date (yy/mm/dd)
CHORALE LYRICA CHORISTER MUSICAL BACKGROUND & PARENT INTERESTS Chorister Name: ___________________________ Date (yy/mm/dd): ___________ MUSICAL BACKGROUND
While former music/vocal training is not required, we are interested in your musical experience and background.
Additional choirs you currently
voice? Do you play other instruments; if
so, for how long? RCM or CC certificates for other
instruments? Theory? Certificates for RCM or
Volunteers will be needed throughout the year (duty parents are required for each rehearsal). Help will also be needed for setting up and tidying up.
If yes, please provide your name(s) here:
If yes, please include your name and date of certification here:
CHORALE LYRICA CHORISTER MEDIA RELEASE Chorister Name: _________________________ Date (yy/mm/dd): ___________ MEDIA CONSENT
Throughout the course of the year, there are times when Chorale Lyrica choristers may be photographed, videotaped, interviewed or recorded either directly or indirectly in the course of rehearsals, concerts, or other public events. Such images and recordings may be used by the event organizer and/or Chorale Lyrica for various purposes including publicity, education, and fundraising. Such uses may include, but are not limited to, replication of images in programs, production and distribution of CDs, and advertising in print and/or on-line media such as the choir’s Facebook page, website, YouTube site, etc. All such uses of voices and/or images will be in full accordance with Chorale Lyrica’s privacy policy. In recognition of the above, I agree that such recordings of the image and/or voice of the chorister identified above may be made by Chorale Lyrica or an agent of Chorale Lyrica or by organizations that the choir has partnered with for concerts and events and used in perpetuity for purposes that are consistent with the normal operations, functions and mandate of the choir and their partnered organizations, including, but not limited to, the specific uses outlined above. Note: Any personal uses by volunteers, choir members and non-members outside of the promotional uses outlined above are not monitored by, nor are they the responsibility of Chorale Lyrica.
Chorale Lyrica is always pleased to accept photographs and recordings of the members of the choir taken by parents, guardians, friends, and relatives of choristers. Such items may be used in newsletters, on websites, on Facebook pages, on posters for upcoming concerts, website audio and video galleries, etc. By signing below, you agree that any media provided by you or your family to the Director, or any representative of Chorale Lyrica will be considered to be an irrevocable gift with non-exclusive use to the choir for purposes in conjunction and agreement with the Media Consent noted above.
I agree to the above on behalf of: _______________________________________________ Print name of chorister
_________________________________________________ ___________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Date (yy/ mm/dd)
Hospital pharmacist involvement in postsurgical patient care improves outcomes, saves money Written by Lu-Ann Murdoch on September 24, 2013 for Canadian study evaluated clinical, economic outcomes after clinical pharmacist services were added to two general surgical wards. Pharmacist management of postsurgical patient drug therapy can improve clinical and
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