Flamm cabs 2

Safety Cans serve several critical functions: handle gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene and • Safely contain hazardous liquids and control vapors to
reduce the risk of fire, protecting both personnel and facilities
Safety and Quality
• Offer compliance with federal OSHA regulations and state and
local fire codes
corrosion and humidity. In abusiveenvironments, the special paint • Improve efficiency with ease-of-use features to enhance
formulation with extra UVprotectant resists fading. Hardness pouring and filling operations
Virtually every place of business, and even homeowners, have occasion to use flammable or combustible liquids. Gasoline, chemicals, solvents, and a variety of other hazardous liquids are found in varying amounts and locations. Whereas these liquids are relatively commonplace, it is important to understand the dangers they present and the special storage and handling procedures required to ensure safe usage. Reviewing the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) helps determine liquid characteristics and recommended safety practices. Accidents and fire risks can be minimized by using proper safety equipment. NFPA is specific on what is required of a safety can in order for it to perform as expected under fire conditions. The basic purpose of a safety can is the control of Factory Mutual Research
flammable vapors, while providing a convenient means of carrying, dispensing, and storing up to five gallons of flammable liquid. and/or Underwriters
NFPA Code 30 1.6.40 and OSHA 1910.106(a)(29) define a safety can as, "A Laboratories. An exclusive
listed (approved) container, of not more than 5-gal (18.9-L) capacity, having a spring-closing lid and spout cover and so designed that it will safely relieve internal pressure when subjected to fire exposure." the container meets Justrite’s high performance standards.
A safety can is designed to specifically eliminate one or more of the elements SAFETY CONT
needed for a fire to start: heat, oxygen and/or fuel. These elements are the "legs" of a fire triangle. The fire triangle demonstrates the three basic elements that must be present simultaneously to support a fire.
top offer four thicknesses of steelfor extra "bumper guard" Effective control of any one of these elements with Justrite Safety Can eliminates the chance of fire. Complies with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.106 and
NFPA Code 30 requirements
Is Controlled by:
FM Approved, UL and ULC Listed
Accepted container under California Air
Resources Board (CARB) Title 13 of the
California Code of Regulations

Heat could be any ignition source which generates heat, such as mechanical sparks,static electricity, frayed wiring, a lit match or cigarette smoking, or a portable heater.
Heat is effectively controlled with a dual-density flame arrester and self-close, leak-tight lid. The presence of oxygen is obvious in the air we breathe. Fuel can be a combustibleor flammable liquid such as gasoline. These are controlled with a leaktight, gasketedlid to ensure outside heat sources and oxygen cannot get in (and the flammablevapors and fuel remain inside). In other words, when not being used, the lid on thecan automatically closes. The spring loaded, self-closing lid includes a gasket to helpkeep it airtight and leaktight. Each and every Justrite safety can is 100% testedunder pressure to guarantee leak-proof construction. Internal dual-density flame arrester within As an added measure of protection, safety cans offer positive pressure relief, meaning they automatically vent at between 3 and 5 psig. This is important to prevent rupture (or explosion) in the event of a fire.
against the potential for fire and bomb-like All Justrite safety cans undergo rigorous testing requirements by independent third party agencies and have received certification from Factory Mutual (FM Approved) and Underwriters Laboratories (UL and ULC Listed). Justrite offers an exclusive Ten- keeps liquids flowing freely for convenient Year Warranty on all safety cans. Let Justrite Safety Cans help you meet all your needs for flammable liquid dispensing and containment.
VICTORIA: (03) 9455 3255 • QUEENSLAND: (07) 3889 8844 • NSW: (02) 6040 3888
VICTORIA: (03) 9455 3255 • QUEENSLAND: (07) 3889 8844 • NSW: (02) 6040 3888
FREE CALL: 1800 444 022 • FREEFAX: 1800 444 024 • www.pbasafety.com.au
FREE CALL: 1800 444 022 • FREEFAX: 1800 444 024 • www.pbasafety.com.au

Source: http://www.cityshelving.com.au/_r20563/media/shop/attrib/downloadable_file/49/88.pdf

Consorzio per lo sviluppo industriale della

CONVENZIONE PER LA GESTIONE DELLA RETE FOGNARIA DI ACQUE NERE DELLA ZONA INDUSTRIALE DELL’AUSSACORNO Premesso che: Dall’ottobre 2000 e sino all’ottobre 2010 è rimasta in vigore ed ha esplicato effetti una convenzione tra il Consorzio per lo Sviluppo industriale della Zona del1’Aussa - Corno (ZIAC) ed il Consorzio Depurazione Acque Bassa Friulana poi Consorzi


ORDIN nr. 153 din 26 februarie 2003pentru aprobarea Normelor metodologice privind infiintarea, organizarea si functionarea cabinetelor medicaleEmitent : Ministerul Sanatatii si FamiliePublicat in : Monitorul nr.353 din data 23.05.2003_____________________________________Avand in vedere art. 15 din Legea nr. 629/2001 pentru aprobarea Ordonantei Guvernului nr. 124/1998 privind organizarea si funct

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