“Medical Wellness & Life Balance”
Client Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________
I am on the following medication: Birth Control_______________ Is there a Chance you are pregnant?
_____ If on CARBATROL, TRILEPTAL, or DEPAKOTE and female, what birth control method do you
Take HERBAL REMEDIES? Specify, ________________________________________________________________________
Vitamins? _______________________________________________________ ALLERGY SHOTS? ______________________
Do you have Mitral Valve Prolapse?_____________
LIST YOUR ALLERGIES: ___________________________________________________________
CURRENT MEDICATION you are taking (include meds you were taking on your last session here).
List each medication and daily dosage.
1. _______________________________! ________!
2. _______________________________ !__________
3. _______________________________! ________!
4. _______________________________! __________
5. _______________________________! ________!
6. _______________________________! __________
New Medication since your last session. Please include over the counter medication:
1. _______________________________! __________!
2. _______________________________! __________
3. _______________________________! __________4. _______________________________!
Other doctors, psychologists, coaches, or ministers you have seen since your last session:
***Positive Changes in Your Life Since Last Session: ____________________________________________________
***Challenges In Your Life Since Last Session: _________________________________________________________
***Things I would like to discuss and or evaluate with the doctor, nurse, coach, or minister today:
Return Date: _________________ Coach(es): _________________________________________ Date: _________________
Fitocomposti e dieta: quale efficacia nelle dislipidemie Lesi C., Valeriani L., Fabozzi M.T., Giaquinto E., D’Atri A., Zoni L. U.O.C. di Dietologia e Nutrizione Clinica ,P.O. Bellaria-Maggiore, AUSL di Bologna U.O.C. di Dietologia e Nutrizione Clinica, P.O. Bellaria-Maggiore , AUSL di Bologna Tel +390516478689 Fax+390516478727 E-mail [email protected] Riassunto . Le di
A few Indian pioneers have figured out how to do more with fewer resources—for more people. Included with this full-text Harvard Business Review article: Idea in Brief Affordability and sustainability are replacing premium pricing and abundance as inno-vation’s drivers, but few executives know how to cope with the shift. Companies must make their offerings accessible to a greater num