Michelle Schneider, BSN, RN, & Kathleen Murphy, PhD, MS
over the bridge of the nose along with a purplish rash
Juvenile dermatomyositis, pediatric, skin rash, muscle
over her eyelids that had been present for approxi-
mately 6 to 8 weeks. In addition, the child had a pruriticbumpy rash on her upper arms, elbows, knuckles, and
knees and an elongated purplish area on her right shin.
A mother reports that her daughter has a rash on her face,
The child’s mother stated, “The facial rash seems to
an itchy rash on her upper arms, hands, and right shin, as
worsen after she has been in the sun.” The mother
well as fecal incontinence and vomiting after large meals.
also reported that the child had several “bowel acci-dents” a day, that her stool is “liquid,” and that she “fre-
quently vomits after eating a large meal and then
A 7-year-old White girl presented with an erythematous
resumes eating 15 to 30 minutes later.”
rash located bilaterally on her cheeks and extending
The rash first developed after swimming for several
hours on a summer day. The erythematous facial rash
presented more on the right side than the left and
Andrea Kline Tilford, MS, RN, CPNP-PC/AC,
bilaterally on her eyelids. Sun exposure made the
rash worse. The rash was associated with pruritus. Top-
ical treatment with diphenhydramine and over-the-
counter hydrocortisone did not improve the rash. The
patient was seen multiple times by a pediatrician,who prescribed topical steroids for eczema. This
treatment was ineffective and the rash continued to
progress in severity, extending to the elbows, knees,
anterior aspect of both legs, and to the lateral and
medial malleolus. The rash became more erythematous
and scaly with excoriations as a result of itching. A der-
Michelle Schneider, Staff Registered Nurse, Graduate Student,University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston School of
Nursing, Houston, TX, and Staff Nurse, Labor and Delivery,
The child had a history of gastric reflux, eczema, reac-
Memorial Hermann HospitaleThe Woodlands, The Woodlands, TX.
tive airway disease, and leg-length discrepancy (her
Kathleen Murphy, Suzie Conway Professor of Nursing, Department
left leg is shorter than the right leg). She had no prior
of Integrative Nursing Care, School of Nursing, University of Texas
surgeries. All immunizations were current. Medications
Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX.
she was currently taking included Singulair, 4 mg daily,
Conflicts of interest: None to report.
and the following medications on an as-needed basis:
Correspondence: 135 Prairie Dawn Cir, The Woodlands, TX
Claritin, Sudafed, Nasonex nasal spray, Robitussin
DM, ibuprofen, topical diphenhydramine cream, and
J Pediatr Health Care. (2011) 25, 38-43.
topical hydrocortisone cream. The patient is on target
Copyright Ó 2011 by the National Association of PediatricNurse Practitioners. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights
The patient was born at 38.5 weeks gestation via
forceps-assisted vaginal delivery. The mother was
negative for group B streptococcus and had no known
dilation; Gottron’s papules on the proximal interpha-
langeal joints, knees, elbows, and first two metatarsalsbilaterally; cuticular overgrowth; and capillary ery-
thema. Moderate erythema and vasodilation was ob-
Significant family history includes a maternal grand-
served on the eyelids (heliotrope rash), and she had
mother with hypothyroidism, a maternal uncle with
a malar rash. Her pupils were equal, round, and reactive
psoriatic arthritis, a maternal cousin with type I diabetes
to light; the disks were sharp. A bilateral ankle exam
mellitus, and a maternal great uncle with lupus.
revealed limited range of motion. Her hamstringswere tight and she had a leg length discrepancy of
1 cm, with the right leg longer than the left; in addition,
The patient is an alert, cooperative young girl in no
her right shoulder was higher than her left shoulder. A
apparent distress. Her vital signs are as follows: oral tem-
neurologic examination was significant for neck flexor
perature, 36.5C (97.7F); heart rate, 105 beats per min-
strength, which was 3/5; in addition, upper proximal
ute; respiratory rate, 22 breaths per minute; and blood
muscle strength was 3/5 and lower muscle strength
pressure, 113/65 mm Hg. Her weight is 22.5 kg (42nd
was 3/5. She had a negative Gower’s sign and was
percentile) and her height is 119.3 cm (27th percentile).
able to sit up with her arms out, crossed, and behind
A skin examination revealed that the child had nail
her head. The remainder of her physical examination
fold erythema and nail bed telangiectasia; no palate
1. What differential diagnoses should be considered for this patient?2. What are some other possible clinical manifestations of juvenile dermatomyositis that this patient does not exhibit?3. What are the criteria for diagnosis of juvenile dermatomyositis?4. What initial diagnostic tests are you considering?5. What treatment plan and follow-up should be recommended?
1. What differential diagnoses should be considered
a greater clinical anti-inflammatory response. Topical
steroids and new nonsteroidal creams such as tacrolimus
Skin rash differential diagnoses include psoriasis, ec-
(Protopic) or pimecrolimus (Elidel) may be used as an
Based on the “classic rash” on the child’s hands,
the initial dermatology consultant gave the preliminary
The differential diagnoses for the gastrointestinal
diagnosis of juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM). A second
clinical manifestations (i.e., vomiting, diarrhea, and fecal
dermatological opinion was sought by the family. Lab-
incontinence) should include viral, bacterial, and para-
oratory tests for creatine kinase and aldolase were
ordered, and these levels were elevated. The second
dermatologist agreed with the preliminary diagnosis
of JDM and referred the patient to a pediatric rheuma-
tologist. Proximal muscle weakness and hoarseness
began to manifest, and the child was admitted to the
hospital. Several diagnostic tests were performed, in-
cluding a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of
the lower extremities and a muscle biopsy of the left
wel disease and celiac disease also should be ruled out
vastus lateralis; findings were consistent with JDM.
She received two pulses of intravenous methylpredni-
the muscle weakness include viral and bacterial infec-
solone and was discharged home with a prescription
tions, systemic lupus erythematosus, juvenile arthritis,
for oral prednisone, 40 mg every morning (approxi-
mately 1.5 mg/kg/day), hydroxychloroquine, 100 mg
2. What are some other possible clinical manifesta-
every morning, and Prevacid, 15 mg daily.
tions of juvenile dermatomyositis that this patient does
The JDM pruritic skin rash can resemble an allergic
skin reaction. However, the JDM rash generally is less re-
JDM is a rare, potentially life-threatening systemic
sponsive to topical steroid creams (when used alone)
vasculopathy of unknown origin that appears to be
than are allergic skin rashes. Systemic steroids result in
autoimmune in nature. It primarily affects the skin
and muscles but can affect the gastrointestinal tract,
climb stairs or get into and out of a car (
. Changes in the child’s voice quality, coughing,
very serious in nature, the prognosis is generally excel-
and dysphagia may be clinical manifestations described
lent. The use of early, aggressive corticosteroid therapy
by the parents. Muscular weakness can include the
has improved lifetime mortality rates from approxi-
esophagus, lower esophageal sphincter, and respiratory
mately 30% 40 years ago to less than 2% today
Approximately 30% of children with JDM will
clic course (permanent remission after 2 to 3 years of
have dystrophic calcification affecting pressure points,
treatment), others have a polycyclic course (remission
elbows, knees, digits, and buttocks. Calcification may
and exacerbation periods), and some have a chronic
or may not be a presenting symptom. It usually begins
1 to 3 years after the onset of symptoms. Ongoing, un-
The incidence of JDM in the United States is approxi-
treated inflammation may contribute to its development
mately 3 per 1 million children per year. The average age
at onset is 7 years, and girls are affected twice as often as
Lipodystrophy, a disorder of the adipose tissue in
which selective loss of body fat occurs, is a complication
exists, but studies suggest an environmental infectious
of JDM in approximately 10% to 40% of patients, and the
pathogen trigger, especially in children who report
presentation may be generalized, partial, and local. Lip-
a history of gastrointestinal or respiratory infection in
odystrophy presence predicts a chronic disease course
the previous 3 months (e.g., Coxsackie B virus or entero-
with concomitant calcinosis, muscle contractures, and
between ultraviolet sun exposure and initiation of symp-
3. What are the criteria for diagnosis of juvenile
toms; however, studies supporting this link have been in-
however, aggravate or exacerbate existing symptoms,
include the characteristic skin rash and three of
especially in sun-exposed areas of the body (
the following: symmetrical muscle weakness of the
upper and lower proximal muscles, increased levels of
photo-protective clothing is strongly recommended
serum muscle enzymes, and myopathic electromyogra-
phy or characteristic pathologic changes revealed by
JDM may be difficult to diagnose because of the var-
a muscle biopsy. This patient met three of the four criteria
iation in clinical presentation. Approximately 50% of
at time of preliminary diagnosis. She presented with the
children present with rash as their initial symptom
classic skin rash, proximal muscle weakness, and
and 25% present with weakness as their first symptom
elevated levels of serum muscle enzymes. An initial elec-
tromyography while she was hospitalized was inconclu-
tions may include a v-sign rash or “shawl” sign around
sive. A lower extremity MRI scan detected muscle
the neck that may appear only in the sun-exposed
inflammation in both thighs. A muscle biopsy subse-
area of the neck and may be photosensitive (
quently was performed on her left vastus lateralis muscle.
Findings from the muscle biopsy provided the fourth
Gottron’s papules, such as those observed in this
criteria necessary for a confirmatory diagnosis of JDM.
case, may appear as skin thickening or look like “alliga-
4. What initial diagnostic tests are you considering?
tor skin” over the metacarpal and phalangeal joints,
Blood tests to measure specific markers of muscle
knees, and elbows. The pruritic rash also may involve
inflammation should be ordered including creatine
kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, aldolase, aspartate
adult dermatomyositis population approximately 10%
to 20% of patients present with amyopathic (or skin
only) cases that eventually progress to myositis
count with differential and stool cultures would rule
out pathogenic agents responsible for vomiting and
bling effect of the skin) as a result of vasculitis may be
diarrhea. To rule out Celiac sprue or inflammatory
bowel disease, serologic testing or an intestinal biopsy
The inflammatory response is variable. Muscle weak-
ness that is mild may be easily overlooked, and inflamma-
Electromyography may demonstrate myopathy and
tion may be detectable only on an MRI scan
denervation. Because muscle inflammation may be
patchy, electromyography is not always diagnostic, as
response, muscle damage may occur, leading to weak-
was seen with this patient. MRI scans have become
ness and atrophy. If muscle weakness becomes pro-
more widely used and can be helpful in choosing the
found, the child often will compensate by using larger
correct muscle biopsy site. Muscle biopsy findings that
muscle groups to carry out daily activities. Weakness
are consistent with JDM are perifascicular atrophy, peri-
may only become apparent when the child can no longer
vascular inflammatory infiltrates, internal myonuclei,
methylprednisolone has a greater bioavailability than
does oral prednisone and may be more effective in pa-
Initial diagnostic tests included CK and aldolase,
tients who have vasculitis in their bowel, causing poor
which were elevated at 1422 units/L and 16 units/L,
respectively, and helped confirm a preliminary JDM
travenous methylprednisolone may be given once or in
diagnosis. After referral to a pediatric rheumatologist,
repeat doses with low-dose oral prednisone. Adverse
this child underwent several additional diagnostic tests;
reactions may include hypertension, stomach ulcera-
the abnormal findings are listed in the .
tion, anorexia, nausea, ecchymoses, adrenal suppres-
5. What treatment plan and follow-up should be
sion, hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, thrombophlebitis,
weight gain, muscle wasting, Cushingoid appearance,
Early JDM diagnosis and aggressive pharmacologic
and immunosuppression (i.e., delayed wound healing
corticosteroid treatment are key to favorable outcomes
and increased susceptibility to infection). Use of intra-
venous methylprednisolone with low-dose oral predni-
may never see a case of JDM in their careers, and because
sone may spare some of the untoward adverse effects
the presenting symptoms may vary, diagnosis can be
a challenge. As in this case, it is not uncommon for as
In addition to its steroid-sparing effects, early intro-
many as four to five practitioners to be consulted before
duction of methotrexate (once per week orally or subcu-
taneously) as an ancillary treatment may improve
more, some signs associated with a poor prognosis may
strength, reduce disease activity, and reduce the inci-
be subtle and therefore missed. The delayed diagnosis
often is accompanied by continued and increasing in-
administered to prevent folic acid deficiency anemia
resulting from adverse effects of methotrexate. Calcium
and vitamin D supplements are given prophylactically
for bone protection. Hydroxychloroquine, a relatively
safe antimalarial drug, may be used to treat the skin
rash. It is proposed that hydroxychloroquine has certain
mechanisms of action on specific immune cells that
activate JDM and that the administration of this drug di-
minishes symptomatology and is therefore steroid spar-
ing. Hydroxychloroquine adverse effects may include
loss of color vision, decreased field of vision, or damage
leagues (2008) state that a delay in the use of corticoste-
roid treatment “is one of the most important predictors of
Ophthalmologist visits are strongly recommended every
poor outcome and chronic illness course, including a de-
6 months for patients taking hydroxychloroquine.
crease in bone density and chronic skin disease.” Admin-
Cyclosporin may be added for its steroid-sparing ef-
istration of subcutaneous methotrexate and pulses of
fects as well, but an untoward adverse effect is hirsutism
intravenous methylprednisolone upon initiation of corti-
costeroid therapy may “shorten the course of the illness,
immunoglobulin has been used for refractory cases,
reduce calcinosis, reduce the likelihood of a flare later in
the course of the illness, and increase the chance of re-
systemic tacrolimus, azathioprine, mycophenolate mo-
of subcutaneous methotrexate also may reduce cortico-
fetil, Rituximab, and cyclophosphamide for severe and
steroid toxicity and result in less weight gain, better
Physiotherapy should be initiated early for muscle
strengthening and conditioning; it can be safely com-
Aggressive oral corticosteroid therapy given in
divided doses is the treatment mainstay. Treatment gen-
erally continues over a 2- to 3-year period and is gradu-
gist who is familiar with JDM should occur as soon as
ally tapered as clinical improvements are seen. The use
of steroid-sparing drugs such as methotrexate and oral
This child’s mild muscle weakness was not easily de-
hydroxychloroquine introduced early in the course of
tectable on initial examination. It is not uncommon for
treatment allows for a lower cumulative corticosteroid
the rash to present first with mild muscle weakness that
dose, less potential weight gain, and improvement in
may be missed by the untrained eye. Her mild muscle
growth velocity compared with treatment with cortico-
weakness progressed and ultimately was detected by
a pediatric rheumatologist. After a muscle biopsy pro-
Patients with JDM often have decreased absorption
vided a confirmatory diagnosis, two pulse doses of
because of gastrointestinal vasculopathy. Intravenous
intravenous methylprednisolone were administered.
TABLE. Diagnostic studies for juvenile dermatomyositis
Positive for articular inclusions, capillary loss,
perivascular chronic inflammatory changes,
Concurrent treatment with oral prednisone and oral hy-
levels and muscle strength. Active disease indicates
droxychloroquine was begun. Methotrexate adminis-
the need for continued aggressive treatment until all
tered subcutaneously once per week and a daily dose
clinical signs of disease activity are gone (
of oral folic acid were added approximately 6 weeks
later. Methotrexate doses were adjusted throughout
It is crucial for the primary care practitioner and
the course of treatment. The dosage of oral prednisone
various specialists to provide collaborative care. Having
was tapered over 6 months. A daily dose of Prevacid
one primary care practitioner be at the center of
and Zofran (as needed) were ordered to manage gastric
what may become a large circle of specialists is impor-
distress. To protect her bones, she began to take cal-
cium and vitamin D every day. Her muscle inflamma-
tion responded well to the initial doses of prednisone,
and she regained most of her muscle strength in
approximately 4 to 6 weeks. However, her skin rash
proved to be refractory, which is not an uncommon
occurrence; skin manifestations tend to improve more
slowly than muscle strength, and persistent skin inflam-
mation sometimes requires different therapies
Once she was weaned from prednisone and metho-
trexate, she experienced a skin flare (with no muscle in-
volvement) that consisted of pruritus, worsening of
Gottron’s papules, and periungual telangiectasias. Oral
mycophenolate mofetil was added to her regimen over
a 15-month period. After 4 months of taking mycophe-
nolate mofetil she continued to have skin inflammation,
of 2 to 3 years of treatment may be given, but because
and thus intravenous administration of immunoglobulin
each child’s symptoms present differently and each
was begun. She received 10 g every 4 weeks for 6
child responds differently to medication regimens, no
months, then every other month for a duration of 12
absolute parameters may be given. The family not
months. At the end of 12 months, she had no signs of
only will be trying to process the immediacy of the
active disease. Tapering of her remaining medications
needed treatment, but they also may be grieving the
continued without consequence, and she was declared
in remission 36 months after initiation of treatment.
The importance of taking medications regularly in
order to keep the disease at bay should be stressed. Teaching must also involve skills in caring for an immu-
nosuppressed child, such as frequent hand washing and
Children who have had ongoing undiagnosed illness
keeping the child away from others who are ill. Immu-
may not meet all the criteria for a diagnosis of JDM.
nosuppressive therapy requires serial laboratory work
Their muscle enzymes may normalize over time, mak-
to follow the patient’s progress and to ensure that the
ing muscle inflammatory markers alone a poor indicator
patient does not become too immunocompromised.
The family will need to be educated in this regard.
reason, it is imperative for the practitioner to unders-
Because the JDM rash can be photosensitive, regular
tand that a persistent skin rash indicates continued
use of sunscreen with a sun protective factor of at least 30
active disease even in the presence of normal enzyme
is recommended. The family also should be instructed
about the importance of wearing photo-protective
preceding juvenile dermatomyositis symptom onset. Rheuma-
clothing such as hats and long-sleeved shirts when
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GOATWORKS FILMS ET LES FILMS DE LA CROISADE PRÉSENTENTPhotos et dossier de presse téléchargeables surDepuis les tout-puissants milliardaires de Napa en Californie, en passant par les rivalités entre deux dynasties aristocratiques florentines, jusqu’aux batailles de trois générations d’une famille bourguignonne, qui résiste pour conserver ses quelques hectares de vigne, "