International Journal of COPD
open access to scientific and medical research
Clinical pathway for acute exacerbations
of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: method
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal: International Journal of COPD28 June 2011Number of times this article has been viewed
Background: Randomized controlled trials, evidence-based medicine, clinical guidelines, and
total quality management are some of the approaches used to render science-based health care
services. The clinical pathway for hospitalized patients suffering from acute exacerbations of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) is poorly established, although a clinical pathway is an integral part of total quality management.
Kaikoukai Jousai hospital, Aichi, Japan;
Aim: To evaluate the outcomes of patients hospitalized with AECOPD in Japan, treated with
a clinical pathway following published guidelines. Methods: Prospective data were collected for patients with AECOPD admitted to a general
hospital over a 5-year period since 2003. The clinical pathway was designed to establish general
rules for the entire treatment protocol. The clinical pathway indicates which treatments and interventions should be performed, and when. In this study, health care providers were required to check the clinical pathway sheets to determine the next step of treatment. Results: This study analyzed 276 hospitalizations in 165 patients. The clinical pathway was interrupted and defined as a dropout in 45 cases (16.3%). Nine patients died during hospitalization (3.3%). Oxygen was administered in 232 hospitalizations (84.1%). Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) treatment was administered in 110 hospitalizations (39.9%). The rate of intubation in those cases where NPPV treatment had been administered was 8.2% (9 cases out of 110). The average length of stay (LOS) was 20.3 days, and the median value was 15 days. The LOS was longer than 30 days in 34 admissions (12.3%), mainly due to complications. Conclusion: AECOPD can be managed using a clinical pathway. This clinical pathway could fill the gap between guidelines and clinical practice. Keywords: COPD, AECOPD, mortality, pulmonary rehabilitation Background Acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) is one of the most common causes of acute hospital admission. These hospital admissions come with a high mortality rate and an extended impairment of the health status. Similar to diseases like pneumonia, acute myocardial infarction, and heart failure, AECOPD is common, has high morbidity, and is costly to society. However, unlike these other diseases, the underlying medical conditions responsible for AECOPD are generally
unknown. Clinical guidelines have been published and updated to standardize the
Kaikoukai Jousai hospital, 4-1 Kitahata,
management of AECOPD, with the aim of improving health care and safely reducing
costs.1 However, the UK National COPD Audit 2003 reported a wide variation in both
the length of stay (LOS) and mortality among hospitals in the UK.2 The contributing
factors remain unclear, although it appears that some of this variation can be attributed
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International Journal of COPD 2011:6 365–372
2011 Nishimura et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd. This is an Open Access article
which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, provided the original work is properly cited.
to patient factors. In 2006, Lindenauer and colleagues
health care mainly for the western part of the city of Kyoto.
reported that only two-thirds of patients with AECOPD
The clinical pathway was developed in November 2002, and
received the entire set of recommended care protocols in US
was implemented for the care of patients hospitalized with
hospitals,3 and that numerous participants received tests or
AECOPD. The clinical pathway was formalized by a multi-
treatments that were considered not beneficial. Mularski and
disciplinary study group made up of pulmonary specialists,
colleagues also concluded in 2006 that AECOPD patients in
staff nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists, emergency staff,
the US received only 60.4% of the recommended care.4
and dieticians. The clinical pathway indicates which treat-
Randomized controlled trials, evidence-based medicine,
ments and interventions should be performed, and when.
clinical guidelines, and total quality management are
In this study, the health care providers were required to check
considered to be important methods to provide more science-
the clinical pathway sheets to determine the next step of
based health care services. Integrated care pathways or clinical
treatment. The clinical pathway was approved by the clinical
pathways detail tasks, sequences, timescales, and disciplines,
pathway committee responsible for the medical governance
and contain a checklist of all necessary actions.5 It was
reported in 1998 that AECOPD should be included in the
The implemented clinical pathway for AECOPD consists
table of integrated care pathways in use in Britain.5 In other
of the following interventions: (1) frequent evaluations
words, clinical pathways may be guidelines or management
and laboratory testing, (2) pharmacological treatment,
rules within individual hospitals, and are part of a total
(3) instructions on the method of drug administration by a
quality management approach to care. They aim to facilitate
ward pharmacist, (4) respiratory management, (5) pulmonary
the introduction of clinical guidelines as well as systematic,
rehabilitation during the acute phase, (6) nutritional support,
continuing audits into clinical practice; thus, clinical pathways
and (7) early discharge planning. The core therapeutic
can provide a link between establishing clinical guidelines and
interventions included in the clinical pathway are summarized
practicing them. A clinical pathway is generally recommended
in Table 1. In addition, the plan for antibiotics administra-
in all common clinical settings, especially for scheduled
tion was adjusted based on the results of blood tests for
admissions such as elective surgery.
inflammatory markers, a sputum test, and signs of pneumonia
Few reports exist on the use of clinical pathways in the
at 4 and 8 days after beginning the treatment. Intravenous infu-
management of AECOPD. The lack of established clinical
sions of aminophylline and the administration of expectorants
pathways for AECOPD patients may be due to the difficulty
were not included in the clinical pathway. As a general rule,
associated with setting up a clinical pathway for acute or
when the patients were under respiratory management, such
severe illnesses and critical care medicine, and to concerns
as oxygen administration and noninvasive positive pressure
about treatment failure. In addition, the number of patients
ventilation (NPPV) treatment, arterial blood gas analysis
hospitalized with AECOPD is still relatively low in Japan,
was performed every morning and at 30–120 minutes after
although the prevalence of COPD in Japan has been reported
changing the oxygen dose or NPPV setting. To respond to
to be similar to that of Western countries, based on general
acute exacerbations of the patient’s condition, the nurses were
population studies.6 This low incidence might be another
instructed to change the applied concentration of oxygen as
reason for the lack of an organized effort to establish a clini-
follows: if a saturation of peripheral oxygen (SpO ) ,88%
continues for over 30 minutes, then increase the fraction
We hypothesized that AECOPD could be treated using a
of inspired oxygen (FiO ) one step at a time using the
clinical pathway, and that it could fill the gap between guide-
Ventimask®; if a SpO . 93% continues over 30 minutes,
lines and clinical practice. In the present study, we developed
then decrease the FiO one step at a time using the Ventimask.
a clinical pathway and applied it to treat patients hospital-
The initial setting for NPPV was an inspiratory positive
ized with AECOPD in a general hospital in Japan. We then
airway pressure (IPAP) of 8 cm H O, an expiratory positive
analyzed the results of 5 years of prospective observations
airway pressure (EPAP) of 4 cm H O, a backup respiratory
on AECOPD patients treated with this clinical pathway.
rate of 12 breaths per minute, and oxygen supplementation to maintain the oxygen concentration before NPPV therapy.
Materials and methods
Hypercapnia was managed by an increase in the IPAP from
2 to 4 cm H O after every arterial blood gas analysis. The
The present study was conducted at the Respiratory Division
final IPAP was 14–20 cm H O in most hypercapnic subjects.
of Kyoto-Katsura Hospital, a general hospital that provides
The nurses were responsible for changing the oxygen dose
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Clinical pathway for acute exacerbations of COPD
Table 1 Therapeutic interventions included in the clinical pathway
performed the pulmonary rehabilitation as early as possible
for the management of hospitalized patients with acute exacerbation
after the vital signs became stable. The Barthel index was
recorded prior to pulmonary rehabilitation,8 and the 6-minute
1. Frequency of the evaluations and testing:
walking test was performed as much as possible before and
• Blood tests, chest x-rays, and ABG analyses on the first, fourth,
after the pulmonary rehabilitation. Although there is no
• ABg analysis every morning if necessary
evidence for nutritional interventions to manage AECOPD,
• Pulmonary function tests after inhalation of 200 μg salbutamol
a high-calorie diet was provided for all subjects, with nutri-
using an MDI with a spacer on the day after completion of the oral
tional counseling as necessary. Early discharge was carefully
glucocorticosteroid course, or before discharge
planned in all cases. At the time of discharge, the patients
• high-dose, frequent inhalation of a bronchodilator under
were further educated by instructional videos.
supervision (introduce and change to in a few days)
Repeated inhalation of 0.5 mL salbutamol using a nebulizer
This study examined those patients who were hospitalized
Repeated inhalation of four puffs of salbutamol (400 μg) + four
puffs of oxitropium bromide (400 μg) using an MDI and a spacer
during the 5½-year period between January 2003 and June
2008, and who were treated according to the clinical pathway
• Oral administration of 0.5 mg/kg of prednisolone every morning for
for AECOPD. The inclusion criteria for this clinical pathway
were: (1) a clinical diagnosis of COPD, (2) a history of smok-
Antibiotics administration until the inflammatory markers disappear
(cefazolin or piperacillin 1– 2 g × 2 div)
ing (10 pack-years or greater), (3) a forced expiratory volume
• Starting inhaled corticosteroids as maintenance therapy after the
in one second to forced vital capacity ratio (FEV /FVC) , 0.7
completion of systemic corticosteroid administration
on or before the first day of the clinical pathway, (4) the
absence of previous inflammatory changes on chest radio-
• Oxygen administration at the lowest concentration possible to
maintain a PaO $ 60 mm hg (start with a Ventimask®)
graphs that influenced pulmonary function (for example,
• Start NPPV therapy if PaCO $ 45(–50) mm hg or if ph drops to
previous thoracoplasty or tubercular sequelae), and (5) the
below 7.35, regardless of the oxygen concentration
presence of aggravated symptoms of COPD compatible with
4. Pulmonary rehabilitation during the acute phase:
exacerbations. Since the confirmation of airflow limitation as
• Visit by a physical therapist and rehabilitation at an early stage5. Instructions on the methods of administration by a ward pharmacist
defined by a FEV /FVC , 0.7 was necessary for inclusion, the
• In the case of breathing difficulties, a single dose of salbutamol by
results of previous spirometric tests were obtained whenever
nebulizer, or 400 μg salbutamol and 400 μg oxitropium bromide by
possible. Spirometry was required for admission even if the
condition was severe, unless previous compatible spirometric
• When changing to therapy using an MDI and a spacer to
maintenance therapy including inhaled corticosteroids
results were available before admission.
• Inhalation techniques to be supervised by nurses following a
The exclusion criteria were: (1) intubation on the first day
of disease, (2) tracheotomy prior to the first day of disease,
(3) exacerbation due to pneumothorax, and (4) exacerbation
7. Provision of a high-calorie diet and nutrition counseling when necessary
due to cardiac failure alone. When continuous treatment with
Abbreviations: ABg, arterial blood gas; MDI, metered-dose inhaler; NPPV, noninvasive positive pressure ventilation; PaCO , pressure of carbon dioxide in
a clinical pathway became impossible due to progression
arterial blood; PaO , pressure of oxygen in arterial blood.
of the disease or complications, the case was defined as a dropout (variance).
during NPPV therapy as follows: if an SpO , 88% continues
It is well known that COPD patients suffer from the compli-
over 30 minutes, then increase the FiO by 5% or increase
cation of community-acquired pneumonia at a high frequency.
the oxygen supplementation by 0.5 L/min; if a SpO . 93%
It is believed that therapeutic management of AECOPD with
continues over 30 minutes, then decrease the FiO by 5% or
no clinical signs of pneumonia should be the same as that
lower the oxygen supplementation by 0.5 L/min.
for an exacerbation of COPD as a result of pneumonia.9 In
The use of pulmonary rehabilitation during the acute
addition, it would be under-treatment if those patients with
phase of AECOPD is still controversial. Evidence is accumu-
exacerbated COPD due to pneumonia were treated only for
lating for the effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation during
their pneumonia. Therefore, in the current clinical pathway,
the recovery phase of AECOPD.7 However, the optimal
we decided to widen the selection criteria in this regard, and
time to start pulmonary rehabilitation has not been clearly
included not only AECOPD patients due to respiratory infection,
established. In the present clinical pathway, a physiotherapist
but also patients with COPD complicated by pneumonia. submit your manuscript
In addition, we retrospectively examined as many hospital
from 70.6% to 94.5%). These patients were diagnosed with
records as possible during the study period, and collected
a reversible airflow limitation whose initial presentation was
information on COPD patients who were not included in
similar to AECOPD. We believe that these cases could not
be excluded initially due to the difficulty in distinguishing an asthma exacerbation from an AECOPD in some patients.
Thus, the remaining 276 hospitalizations of 165 patients
The present clinical pathway was applied to a total of 300
were analyzed in the present study. The results are summarized in
hospitalizations for 189 patients. Although we screened
Table 2. The average age of the patients, calculated with the total
the patients based on the exclusion criteria before the clinical
number of hospitalizations as the denominator, was 74.6 years.
pathway was initiated, we found 11 cases where the clinical
In 97 cases (35.1%), the patients were taken to the hospital by
pathway for AECOPD was inappropriately applied. The most
ambulance, and in 83 cases (30.0%), since the chest radiographs
frequent reason for an error in the initial screening was that
revealed infiltration compatible with pneumonia, they were
the patient was a never-smoker, and the attending physician
diagnosed with a pneumonic exacerbation of COPD.
applied the clinical pathway without confirming the smoking
Spirometry was performed in 248 out of 276 episodes
history. The second reason was that the spirometric results
after completing the treatment, and disease severity of COPD
were not available, and that the airflow limitation was not
was unknown in 28 hospitalizations (10.1%). According to
confirmed before the initiation of the clinical pathway. These
the GOLD (Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung
cases were excluded from our analysis.
Disease) criteria,1 there were 29 (10.5%), 81 (29.3%), 89
In addition, 13 subjects were excluded from further
(32.2%), and 49 (17.8%) episodes, respectively, of stage I,
analysis due to a disappearance of their airflow limitation.
II, III, and IV. The post-bronchodilator FEV was 0.99 L on
These patients successfully passed the initial screening, and an
average, and the FEV /FVC was 44.4%. The average LOS
airflow limitation was confirmed at the initiation of the clinical
was 20.3 days, and the median value was 15 days. The length
pathway. Nevertheless, the spirometry performed before
of stay was longer than 30 days in 34 admissions (12.3%),
discharge revealed that the FEV /FVC was over 0.7 (ranging
Table 2 Characteristics of a total of 276 episodes from 165 patients treated by the clinical pathway for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Arterial blood gas before beginning treatment with variable concentration of oxygena PaO Pulmonary function tests after treatmentb FeV Notes: an = 275; bn = 248; cn = 245; dn = 210; en = 210. Abbreviations: 6MWD, 6-minute walk distance; FeV , forced expiratory volume in one second; FVC, forced vital capacity; PaCO , pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial
blood; PaO , pressure of oxygen in arterial blood; SD, standard deviation. submit your manuscript |
Clinical pathway for acute exacerbations of COPD
The clinical pathway was completed in 231 out of 276
even though all other procedures scheduled in the clinical
hospitalizations (83.7%), but was interrupted and regarded
pathway were completed. The other reasons for the dropouts
as a dropout in 45 hospitalizations (16.3%), see Table 3.
were complications that appeared during the clinical pathway,
Nine patients (3.3%) died during hospitalization due to the
including pneumonia in five cases, pleural effusion in three
following reasons: two cases each of pneumothorax-related
cases, a pneumothorax in two cases. Nine cases that required
deaths, septic shock, and cerebral infarction; one case each
intubation and the use of a mechanical ventilator following
of nosocomial pneumonia, unconsciousness of unknown
unsuccessful NPPV treatment were also included in the
cause, and sudden death of unknown cause. One of the two
pneumothorax-related deaths occurred in a subject that had a
Oxygen was administered to 232 hospitalizations
bilateral pneumothorax that developed just after the introduc-
with a pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (PaO ) ,
tion of NPPV; he received subsequent mechanical ventilation
60 mm Hg (84.1%). NPPV treatment was administered in
with intubation, but the treatment was unsuccessful. In the
110 hospitalizations with a pressure of carbon dioxide in
second pneumothorax-related death, an autopsy revealed a
arterial blood (PaCO ) $45(–50) mm Hg or a pH , 7.35
collapse of the left lung in a patient who died unexpectedly on
(39.9%). Forty-four hospitalizations without respiratory
the third day after hospitalization. All of the fatal cases were
failure (15.9%) were treated without oxygen administration
due to complications after the initiation of the treatment, and
and without NPPV treatment, and 122 hospitalizations with a
were difficult to predict. Seven patients (2.5%) were trans-
PaO , 60 mm Hg but without a PaCO $ 45(–50) mm Hg or
ferred to other long-term care facilities; four had families
a pH , 7.35 (44.2%) were treated with oxygen administration
who refused their discharge to home, and the remaining three
but without NPPV treatment. There were only three dropouts
were transferred due to complications (intertrochanteric hip
(6.8%) among these 44 hospitalizations without oxygen
fracture, cerebral infarction, and interstitial pneumonia).
administration and without NPPV treatment. There were
In 29 out of 45 dropouts, the patients did not complete
13 cases (10.7%) of dropouts among the 122 hospitalizations
the clinical pathway but were discharged home from the
with oxygen administration but without NPPV treatment.
hospital after receiving various subsequent therapies. Among
On the other hand, there were 29 dropouts (26.4%) out of
the 29 dropouts who were discharged from the hospital, in
110 hospitalizations with oxygen administration and NPPV
nine hospitalizations, the reason for the dropout was only
treatment. Therefore, the clinical pathway completion rates
because the pulmonary rehabilitation was not performed,
were 93.2%, 89.3%, and 73.6%, respectively, for these
Table 3 Outcomes of COPD-related hospitalizations during the study period The clinical pathway applied n = 11
Disappearance of airflow limitation after discharge
Transferred to other long-term care facilities
Discharged to home from the hospital alive
Treatment with the clinical pathway completedn = 44
COPD-related hospitalizations outside the clinical pathway n = 25
Intubations on the first day of exacerbation
Tracheotomy prior to the first day of exacerbation
exacerbations due to cardiac failure alone
Prompt discharge because of very mild exacerbations
Abbreviations: AeCOPD, acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; NPPV, noninvasive positive pressure ventilation. submit your manuscript
hospitalization groups. The rate of intubation in those cases
among patients with stable COPD. A comprehensive
where NPPV treatment had been administered once was
approach, including the use of drugs known to reduce the
frequency of AECOPD episodes, is necessary.10 As the second
Pulmonary rehabilitation was administered in 262
step, if AECOPD does occur, then it is important to promptly
cases, and started on average 3.5 days (median 3 days)
change the therapeutic regimen, and, if necessary, facilitate
after admission. The Barthel index was recorded in 245
the patient’s access to medical services. Patient education
episodes, and the mean ± standard deviation index value was and self-management involving action plans and behavior 60.1 ± 31.3, ranging from 0 to 100. The six-minute walking modification are among the critical issues associated with the distance was 199 ± 533 and 268 ± 660 meters in 210 episodes
second step.11 Studies designed to include these approaches
before versus after pulmonary rehabilitation, respectively.
as a part of integrated care have resulted in favorable
We examined the hospital records and found a total of
outcomes.12,13 The third step for managing AECOPD is the
62 COPD-related hospitalizations that were not treated using
actual treatment itself. For mild symptoms of AECOPD,
the clinical pathway. Among these 62 episodes, we could
patients can be treated by unscheduled or emergency visits.
identify the reason why the clinical pathway was not applied
Patients suffering from moderate-to-severe symptoms of
in 25 AECOPD episodes. In the remaining 37 episodes, it
AECOPD need to be hospitalized, and our study was designed
was not clear from the medical records whether the COPD
to improve the quality of treatment at this final stage of the
was stable or not, and it was difficult to identify the reason
why the clinical pathway was not applied, even though these
Some clinicians may feel an aversion to the uniform
cases appeared to match the criteria for AECOPD.
treatment menu of a clinical pathway, especially because the severity of disease symptoms varies greatly among individual
patients. Indeed, it would be difficult to apply a clinical
Our analysis of AECOPD patients treated by a newly devel-
pathway for acute medical conditions that included critically
oped clinical pathway revealed two important findings. First,
ill cases. It is a reasonable concern that the uniform treatment
AECOPD can be effectively treated using a clinical pathway.
applied by the clinical pathway might result in a failure of
Since all of the participants received all of the interventions
treatment for such diseases as AECOPD, in which patients
listed in the clinical pathway, this pathway proved to be well
suffer from acute and severe conditions. The same treatment
tolerated and accepted, even in critically ill patients with
under the clinical pathway may be an over-treatment for some
AECOPD. The fact that we could apply all of the listed inter-
patients with mild disease or an under-treatment for some
ventions to all of the patients suggests that the quality of care
patients with severe symptoms. Furthermore, since AECOPD
provided in our hospital had improved compared with the
patients manifest qualitatively different clinical conditions,
level of care before the introduction of the clinical pathway.
it can be argued that the treatments should be tailored to the
Second, the rate of dropouts from the clinical pathway was
condition of each patient. Although these concerns are valid
relatively low (approximately 16%), and most of the dropouts
and important to consider, it is also important to provide a
were hypercapnic cases that required NPPV treatment. This
simple, practical, and easily applicable plan for those prac-
low dropout rate suggests that the clinical pathway was highly
titioners working at the forefront of medical services. We
adaptable to all patient conditions. The mortality rate during
believe that our study provided evidence suggesting that a
hospitalization was less than 5% in the present study, further
clinical pathway for AECOPD is both useful and practical.
supporting the contention that the clinical pathway was safe
One limitation of the present study is that it was not a
and did not impose any significantly adverse effects, even
randomized controlled trial which examined the impact of
on severely ill patients. Unfortunately, it was impossible
the clinical pathway as compared with AECOPD patients
to compare the present study with a control group treated
treated in other ways. In the UK National COPD Audit 2003,
without the clinical pathway, because the present study was
it was reported that the inpatient mortality rate was 7.4%,
and the mean LOS for discharged patients was 8.3 days
AECOPD represents an extremely severe event that can
(median 6 days).2 In the 2005 Scandinavian audit of COPD
occur at any point during the long course of COPD. AECOPD
hospitalizations, the overall in-hospital mortality was 3.7%,
can be lethal, and can impair a patient’s health-related quality
and the mean LOS was 8.6 days, although the LOS was
of life severely and permanently. Thus, the first important
longer than 10 days in 25% of the cases.14 In the US, Stein
step is to take measures to prevent AECOPD from occurring
and colleagues examined the Nationwide Inpatient Sample
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Clinical pathway for acute exacerbations of COPD
from the years 2000–2006 using five different algorithms
In some cases, we felt that the clinical pathway would be
and concluded that the in-hospital mortality was 2.0%–5.1%,
inappropriate due to frequent and recurrent exacerbations,
and the median LOS was 4 days in patients hospitalized for
and we intentionally avoided using it for the benefit of
AECOPD.15 Although the inpatient mortality in the Western
these specific patients. In addition, although our clinical
studies can be considered comparable to our study, the LOS
pathway was indicated for AECOPD inpatients, each
in the hospital, which is less than 10 days in most Western
physician may have used different criteria to determine who
countries, is clearly longer in Japan. The LOS for all patients
should be hospitalized. The absence of a uniform criterion
admitted to the Kyoto-Katsura Hospital during the period of
for hospitalization might have introduced a bias into the
our study was around 17 days, and this value is about the
outcomes of the clinical pathway in the present study.
same as the average LOS for general acute hospitalizations
Another limitation of the present study is that our limited
in Japan. Any possible additional cost may be attributed to
data precluded us from examining other indices often used
the longer stay in Japan. The reason for this difference can
in the literature, such as the re-admission rate, the rate of
be attributed to the different systems of health care delivery
relapses, treatment failure, and adverse effects. These param-
between the Western countries and Japan. The problem in
eters could be used to monitor the yearly performance of
Japan is that the number of hospitals per capita is very high,
each hospital, and to compare each hospital against national
but the number of staff per hospital bed is extremely low, and
standards. However, few studies have examined the cost of
thus the shortage of employees in medical facilities poses a
developing and implementing such an index, and how it may
more serious problem.16 However, in Japan, there have been
effectively change clinical practice to improve the outcomes
no reports on the therapeutic management of AECOPD,
of each hospital. The implementation of an inpatient clinical
and therefore there are no references to compare the results
pathway for hospitalized asthmatic children led to a decrease
in the LOS and a reduction in total cost, while improving
Some interventions, such as NPPV, have been shown
the quality of care.21,22 Similarly, a clinical pathway for
to be effective in selecting patients enrolled in clinical
AECOPD should be evaluated from various viewpoints by
trials. However, few studies are available on the use of
comparing a group treated by the clinical pathway against
NPPV as a routine standard medical protocol for patients
a control group. Such a comprehensive evaluation should
with respiratory failure outside of these controlled trials.
provide some basis to decide how a clinical pathway should
According to the report from Schettino and colleagues,17
be implemented for AECOPD. Another problem is that the
87 patients with AECOPD were treated by NPPV in 2001,
present study was limited by the small number of cases
and the rate of intubation associated with NPPV failure
of AECOPD included in the present series. However, this
was 24%.17 In our report, NPPV treatment was administered
is all the patients with AECOPD admitted to this hospital
in 97 hospitalizations (40%), and the rate of intubation in our
during the study period. Although it has been reported that
NPPV-treated cases was 8%. This favorable rate cannot be
prevalence of COPD is similar to Western countries by a
easily compared with the results reported by Schettino and
general population sample study,6 health care providers
colleagues, but evidence of the effectiveness of NPPV treat-
still feel that AECOPD is not so frequent. Since the COPD
ment to control hypercapnic AECOPD is gradually accumu-
stage before AECOPD may affect the clinical pathway, the
lating, and appears to be infiltrating clinical practice.
therapeutic interventions included in the clinical pathway
Ample evidence supports the effectiveness of pulmonary
could have been tailored to the disease severity of stable
rehabilitation for stable COPD, but it remains controversial
whether it should be applied during the acute phase
In conclusion, the rate of dropouts from the clinical path-
of AECOPD. Evidence is now accumulating for the
way for AECOPD was low, and most of the dropouts were
effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation during the recovery
hypercapnic cases that required NPPV treatment. Although
phase of AECOPD.7 However, the optimal time to start
there are many differences in health care delivery between
pulmonary rehabilitation has not been clearly established.18–20
Japan and Western countries, it is also important to recognize
In the current clinical pathway, we implemented pulmonary
that there are many issues remaining with regard to how clini-
rehabilitation during the acute phase, and started interventions
cal pathways should be applied. Nevertheless, the applica-
with a physiotherapist immediately after the vital signs, such
tion of evidence-based medicine and the establishment of a
as fever, became stable. More clinical trials are needed to
standard treatment protocol based on clinical guidelines will
determine when to start pulmonary rehabilitation.
certainly allow us to use the clinical pathway for AECOPD
submit your manuscript
as an effective strategy. We believe that the clinical pathway
9. Lieberman D, Lieberman D, Gelfer Y, et al. Pneumonic vs
for AECOPD can fill the gap between the guidelines and
nonpneumonic acute exacerbations of COPD. Chest. 2002;122(4): 1264–1270.
10. Calverley PM. Reducing the frequency and severity of exacerbations of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Proc Am Thorac Soc. 2004;1(2):
11. Bourbeau J, Nault D, Dang-Tan T. Self-management and behaviour
The study was conducted at the Kyoto-Katsura Hospital,
modification in COPD. Patient Educ Couns. 2004;52(3):271–277.
12. Lemmens KM, Nieboer AP, Huijsman R. A systematic review of
Kyoto, Japan, and partly funded by the NPO Medise in
integrated use of disease-management interventions in asthma and
COPD. Respir Med. 2009;103(5):670–691.
13. Wesseling G, Vrijhoef H. Acute exacerbations of COPD: recommenda-
tions for integrated care. Expert Rev Resp Med. 2008;2(4):489–494. Disclosure
14. Liaaen ED, Henriksen AH, Stenfors N. A Scandinavian audit of
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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15. Stein BD, Charbeneau JT, Lee TA, et al. Hospitalizations for acute
exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: how you count
1. Rabe KF, Hurd S, Anzueto A, et al. Global strategy for the diagnosis,
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GOLD executive summary. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2007;176(6):
17. Schettino G, Altobelli N, Kacmarek RM. Noninvasive positive-pressure
2. Price LC, Lowe D, Hosker HS, et al. UK National COPD Audit 2003:
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8. Mahoney FI, Barthel DW. Functional evaluation: the Barthel index. Md Pediatr Pulmonol. 2001;32(3):211–216. State Med J. 1965;14:61–65. International Journal of COPD Publish your work in this journal
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