
The Mighty Kat’s favorite supplements

People ask me what supplements I use. Just because I’m natural doesn’t mean that I don’t
use supplements; in fact, supplementation is one of the five major keys to success in
managing body composition and basic health (the other four being diet, water, exercise,
I am a supplement geek. I love researching and experimenting with this evolving field,
and since the government’s fine scientists aren’t allowed to help me out, I have to be on
top of things. Here are my favorites. These regimens are designed for my body and my
goals only, so I post them here as a matter of interest and to help others with their own
ventures into this vast and mysterious world.
Multivitamin (Optimum)
Whey protein (Optimum) – basic protein supplement
Powdered egg whites – ditto
Hard red spring wheat – Incorporated into baking, it is an excellent source of complex
nutrition, including protein.
Wheat germ
B complex
Calcium – with magnesium and D
A – hydrates mucus membranes, namely eyes
Powdered barley – for green plant micronutrients
Niacin (AKA B-3) - Flushfree only!
Thistle – always a good idea to keep the liver pampered!

Bovine colostrum

Joint pain management
Fish oil – The most effective, undermarketed, natural anti-inflammatory around. 1500-
2000 mg daily. Inexpensive. Test yours by breaking open a gel cap, emptying oil into a
shotglass, and place it in the freezer. If after four hours it’s frozen solid, it is unsafe. If
mushy, it’s good. Test each batch.
Glucosamine chondroitin – A veritable miracle supplement - dosage must be high and
SAMe – good for mood elevation, too

Work out support
Endurox powdered drink mix – Incomparable. Also great for anyone with a grueling
physical job. Well worth the money. Any flavor but strawberry.

Fat loss & Energy
Redline Freeze and Burn
Tonalin CLA – high doses
Physllium husk fiber (Metamucil) – we’re not talking diarrhea. Fiber is extremely
important to basic health and aids in weight management.
Lecithin – preferably liquid
Carnitine – mild effects
Green tea (caffeine) – don’t forget: teas are supplements

Muscle building
BCAA – branched chain amino acids
Potassium – little-known studies link this to hypertrophy (see the book Sliced)
ZMA & GABA – also help you sleep
MSM – great for hair, too
Muscle Milk – PB & chocolate – mmm!

Prevention of muscle loss
Glutamine – high, consistent dosages
Zinc – healing
Contest training
I increase all dosages and bring in all fat loss supplements
Nitro (AKA arginine) - I like the Redline liquid product, but honestly the results are mild
for me. It’s expensive.
Papaya/pineapple – digestive enzymes help me get the most out of my limited food, and
they’re very inexpensive.
Coral calcium – It is outrageous to pillage coral populations for calcium, and as a lawsuit
confirmed, there is no evidence there is any advantage over other forms of calcium.
Shark oil – Wrong on so many levels.
Liver pills – Went out with the ‘70s. Not only do they do nothing, the tests were
unscientific and cruel.
E – Toxic if too high, plus no evidence supplementing it helps anything
CoQ10 – According to info published in Fitness Professional magazine, actually breaks
muscle down.
ATP – There is no evidence the body can use added ATP (cited in NASM training
HTP – Does nothing for me
Tribulus & DHEA – These are two approved, natural testosterone enhancers, but ladies,
tread lightly. They are potent, and you can end up with a mustache and an attitude that’ll
keep or make you single in no time.
Creatine – Okay, I don’t really avoid it, but wanted to get your attention. I’ve tried many types, dosages and techniques of application over the years, and the only effect I can verify is flatulence.

Source: http://mightykat.net/Kat%20favorite%20supplements.pdf


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