
March 13, 2012
Village of Rapids City
Rock Island County, Illinois
This Regular Board meeting was called to order by President Rankin at 7:00 p.m.
All present joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL: Present – Corson, Hemm, Eggers, Dopler, and Lack.
Absent –Bird.
Also Present – President Rankin, Clerk Price, Ryan Bump, Attorney Fuller, Chief
Fuller, Chelsea Waterman with Metro Link, Don Carey, and Sarah Ford.

A quorum was established.
PRESIDENT RANKIN: Chelsea with Metro Link gave a presentation. Rankin
signed a letter of support for the grant with Metro Link. They are requesting a
grant for Northern Rock Island County for an Employee based transportation from
the Quad Cities to Exelon. Residents will be able to travel for a low fare also. This
will be a two year demonstration with a minivan operated by Project Now. This
should start in May. This grant is 50% funded by the state and 50% by the federal
government. We may have to do hold harmless agreements. Location for pick up
and drop off are still in the works. Chief Carey gave his fire report. The
department purchased a John Deere Gator with trailer which they secured a grant
for. Medic-kits are available. The fire department has been in contact with the
resident to do a house burn. They are currently looking for 5 acres of land to build
on also. The city received a letter from Exelon describing work as a result of the
earthquake in Japan. Rankin could give more information if anyone is interested.
The city received a commendation from the Illinois Dept. of Public Health for our
water. MSA sent a letter offering to help the city consider what they can do to help
with the new budget. We also received a letter from Rock Island County Zoning
that Chad Pregracke is rezoning from R-1 to Business District outside of Rapids

CONSENT “Omnibus” Agenda: Corson motioned/ Eggers seconded to approve
2/12 Regular Minutes, 3/12 Monthly Bills, 2/12 Treasurers Report, and 2/2/12
Committee of the Whole Meeting. All present voted yes. Motion carries.

POLICE REPORT - Chief Fuller: Report as presented. Chief would appreciate
haste in doing the burn of Michael Price’s house. There is a lot of activity at that

ATTORNEY - Fuller: Eggers motioned to enlist Kim Fuller to proceed with getting
the Michael Price house condemned by a court/Lack seconded. All present voted
yes. Motion carries. Greg, Ryan, and Kim are going to go talk with Mrs. Bowser
concerning the sewer issue.

BUILDING & ZONING – Hemm: one permit.
CEMETERY – Eggers: No report.
ELECTIONS – Rankin: No report.
FINANCE - Corson: Eggers motioned to sponsor the Great River Tug fest in the
amount of $100/Corson seconded. All present voted yes. Motion carries. The board
concurred to donate $50 to RHS Project Graduation. Corson motioned to accept the
contract with Office Machines Consultants/Hemm seconded. All present voted yes.
Motion carries. The board had a Committee of the Whole Meeting and the board is
enlisting the service of MSA to help prepare the grant application for the IKE
Planning Grant. Eggers motioned to pay the fee of $500 to MSA for preparing the
IKE Grant Application and to accept the Resolution of Support #1-2012/Corson
Seconded. All present voted yes. Motion carries. The board needs to set up a time
for the Committee of the Whole to discuss the 2012-2013 Operating Budget. Price
will check with Glenda to see when she is available and Rankin will email his new
work schedule to the office.

ORDINANCE & LICENSES – Eggers: Eggers requested the board keep their
ordinance books updated.

PARKS & RECREATION – Dopler: The maintenance department can start
demolition on the old park equipment on 4th Ave.

PERSONNEL – Corson: No report.
PLANNING – Bird: No report.
PUBLIC SAFETY – Bird: No report. Dopler is proceeding with the issue
concerning the fence around where Phoenix parks their equipment. She reported
they took down pillars along the property line, they leave machinery running with
no one in them, and occasionally the equipment comes over onto her property.
Eggers recommended Dopler erect a 6 foot fence. Greg will talk to Matt.

PUBLIC WORKS – Hemm: Ryan reported he received all the salt for the year. He
is ordering 60 ton for next year.

SEWER – Lack: No report.
WASTE MANAGEMENT – Dopler: Dopler said the garbage trucks are picking up
garbage before 7am. and they took her recycling can. Price will contact Allied and
talk to them. There was an issue with the garbage pickup this past month and the
issue has been resolved.

WATER – Lack: No report.
OLD BUSINESS: Hemm couldn’t get any takers from the school for IT help.
With nothing further to be discussed President Rankin adjourned this March 13,
2012-regular meeting at 8:05 p.m.

Village Clerk


Microsoft word - mus journals_ musicology & comp_ updated 20110427.doc

MUSICOLOGY AND COMPOSITION C: Journals that should not be categorized as refereed journals Musicology and Composition *(A/B/C) ACMR, Association for Chinese Music Research Reports Asian and Pacific Quarterly of Cultural and Social Affairs Asian Music: Journal of the Society for Asian Music Australasian Journal of American Studies Australian Slavonic and East European Studies Bach

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